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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. PozGingerPubes wrote:
    I Like the health insurance that I have, and don't want to be on their bad side, yet I am sure they are not going to be thrilled with my No meds, choice; I know my primary physician is pissed at me, for being Positive, when she thought I was prescribed Prep. 


    Three months of Genvoya has a list price of about $11,000 (at least according to Express Scripts - whether Express Scripts actually pays that price or gets a discount is something I don’t know). So the insurance company pays now by paying for meds or later when you develop various and sundry infections. 

  2. 1 hour ago, hungandmean said:

    You do NOT understand how fucking sick, and miserable, you can get with it. You could not imagine the things it will do to your body. You cannot fathom the fucked up diseases and illnesses you'll get. Doctors won't be able to help you either because its fucking 2020 and they aren't familiar with assisting patients with extremely high viral loads and low CD4 counts. 


    @hungandmean is absolutely spot on. If you were born after, say 1995, you're not very likely to know what the 1980s and 1990s were like for gay men whose t-cell counts were under 100. But you should thank God every friggin' day for giving you a chance that they never had. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, analluv27 said:

    I also recommend getting on Prep, I'm poz undetectable and being poz ranges from ok to being straight up a pain in the ass. Now if your into bug chasing that's cool but get your ducks in a row namely health and life insurance especially if your in the USA and if your lucky enough to have a prescription plan check what are the prices you'd have to pay.

    I'd be hard-pressed to say it any better. If the meds don't make you wish you were dead, dealing with the US health care system will drain you of any desire to live. Heath Robinson or Rube Goldberg couldn't have designed anything more convoluted and complicated.

  4. 16 hours ago, blackrobe said:

    Sure, I love the dark and hairy guys, oh you know I do, but I live for feeling my ancestor's DNA singing as it's pumped deep in my cunt. 

    why did I start thinking of Riverdance after reading that sentence? I probably need to get out of the house more.

    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, FaceLoad said:

    It's a perfectly reasonable definition, but why not just say "I get sucked" or "I fuck skull"?

    It’s the signaling value of the use of jargon or, less likely, slang. I’d be the first to admit, however, that that particular idea is unlikely to be going through the writer’s mind at that moment.

  6. On 8/31/2020 at 11:31 AM, RawPlug said:

    We’re also now in a world where we’re told snowflake millennials are offended by full stops.  When that is becoming the norm, is it any wonder some things get lost in translation? 

    Rules of punctuation are seen as imposing an artificial structure on the message, and that artificiality is rooted in the class and gender hierarchies in the society. For all I know, that linguistics viewpoint might be correct, but reading a block of text that had all of the periods and commas shaken out of it leaves me thinking that the writer needs to be shaken a bit (but not stirred).

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 7/13/2020 at 10:16 PM, Sfmike64 said:

    Garrett started to plow my ass relentlessly, while keeping up a steady stream of filthy talk. Telling me how he was going to get my number and come over to breed me every day after work from now on.

    I could use someone like Garrett....

  8. In a totally perfect world, Roommate agrees to leave without any fuss. But if he refuses to leave voluntarily, you have bought yourself a real big headache. Because Roommate pays you rent, the two of you have a landlord-tenant relationship, and that's true even if there is no written lease. If Roommate refuses to leave, you just can't put him and his belongings on the curb. Instead, you'll end up having to file an eviction action; if you think the atmosphere is tense now, just wait until a process server gives Roommate the eviction complaint. I hesitate to recommend that you talk to a lawyer because lawyers don't come cheap. But an improper eviction can expose you to substantial liability (like a few thousand dollars), and eviction actions are real technical, making it easy for regular folks in your position to screw up their case. I totally sympathize with your desire to see Roommate move out, but I also wanted to give you a perspective you may not have imagined.

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  9. On 7/28/2020 at 5:57 PM, BootmanLA said:

    Yeah - I give new guys (who may not have figured out how to post everything yet) a bit of slack, but if you're still saying "ask me" about every answer, it tells me your answers vary depending on what you think the other person wants to hear. Or that your answers, if honest, are the one(s) that would turn off the most people and you're hoping it won't come to that.

    I offer a couple of other possibilities — The guy might want to know if X has a profile on the site; he has no interest in hooking up so he doesn’t deal with the profile. The other possibility is that he was drunk, stoned, tweaked, whatever when he created the profile (or someone dared him to do it), but had no interest in hooking up (and still doesn’t). And these two possibilities aren’t mutually exclusive.

  10. On 3/18/2020 at 7:51 PM, norcalraw said:

    The only hassle with being poz, is dealing with getting prescriptions, it can get awkward. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel eyes on me at the counter getting meds...judging me for being a cumslut and getting infected. 

    Naw, they’re looking at you as a recurring source of revenue. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 5 hours ago, funpozbottom said:

    So yeah, I can sit and watch a movie of hot guys fucking and spend the whole two hours critiquing set design. Does that mean I'm gay?

    It means you've read too many home remodeling/renovation articles.... And I too make comments (snide or otherwise) about the set design (usually about the kitchen or the bathroom if the scene is filmed in either of those rooms).

  12. 10 hours ago, alteregomn said:

    I did.  The leave most of it to the imagination.  Lots of the porn stars are main stream.  Same sketchy sex filming techniques but now there's a "back story" where the bottom trades drugs for getting fucked.  Instead of the edits, someone blows thick white smoke (possibly from Ms T) into the action.   Hot to watch, but I dig the amateur stuff where you KNOW they're having fun with Ms. T.

    To my mind, the filming is even more frenetic than Sketchy Sex videos; one could almost think that the cameraman has been hitting the chemical enhancements and now can't stand still. There's the occasional cloud of smoke and the camera sometimes catches a guy holding a torch. If you're really paying attention, you can just about see someone in the background hitting a pipe.  A couple of the bottoms at the start of their particular videos look as if they've just been the recipient of a slam -- the guy has a "holy fuck" look in his face and eyes that, to me at least, says he's just slammed. (I admit that it just could be all pretend, but if that's the case, those two guys are amazing actors.)

    • Upvote 2
  13. 14 hours ago, TwinkFoot said:

    I have used Gun Oil (Silicone based) for as far back as I can remember, and refuse to use anything else, but the shit is so god damn expensive. Of course it doesn't wear out and that is the appeal of it. What do all of you use? Any lubes you recommend that are similar to Gun Oil but aren't nearly as expensive? 

    BF and I typically use Wet or Swiss Navy (silicone based, of course). An advantage to using Wet or Swiss Navy is that one of the national drugstore chains carries them and sells them at sensible prices.

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