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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 23 hours ago, breedmedeeper said:

    Oh yeah. I started taking raw Cock from the beginning. Started getting fucked in 1976 or earlier, always bareback. The 80's arrived and the epidemic scare...I slowed down some, but only bare Cock went in my hole. I finally got pozzed...in 2006. I'm pretty lucky to have gotten through the 80's and 90's unscathed. Just about a month ago I got a recharge. That was awesome!

    ^^^ Pretty much this.... In between boyfriends, I hit the Philly baths frequently; and in an open relationship, I hit the baths and the various apps. In all of that time, I might have encountered a condom 4 or 5 times.

  2. 2 hours ago, Sunovabesh said:

    . . . . and a smack on the ass....... Though that last one may not really HEAL the bottom, it sure brings a tear of joy to my eyes. 

    And likely a tear of joy to the eyes of the bottom (or a few drops of pre-cum from his dick)....

  3. 2 hours ago, bbpigbtm said:

    I noticed as i am getting older , i’m more horned up. I have been a horn ball my whole life- ( men in my family are) all scorpion ! Lately tho i feel i been so horned up- and my junk been getting bigger( ball& hog) any one esle going threw this??!!!

    It's comforting to know I'm not the only one with a higher sex drive than I had in my 20s. (On-site investigations can be arranged....)

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  4. 1 hour ago, Seedthissub said:

    If any of you are following my posts I’m being bred by a black guy who is passing me around to his friends. Called me after work today and told me he has a friend who will be over within an hour. He instructed me to shut out all the lights and lay on my stomach because his friend wants to do me anon . I did as he said and waited probably two hours. I was getting pissed off cause I had things to do tonight  and this guy never showed up. I finally got the nerve to call my black master and asked him what was going on. He said his friend was out drinking but he told him he was coming over, and to wait. I went back to my room and just as I did I heard the door open and lock shut .. I went from pissed to nervous especially since the house was pitch black. He made his way to my room and I can see the cellphone light and he walked in and got behind me. 
    he shit the light and I could hear his pants fall . He didn’t waste any time pressing his big black cock up against my hole. He also didn’t waste anytime ramming it in. I squealed like the pig I was as he grunted out a big thick load into my ass in about 10 minutes.. heard him zip up and he left. 
    Ty Sir

    Just more proof -- as if anyone might need more proof -- that patience is a virtue. 

  5. @nep321  A few thoughts and in no particular order.... Age is important if you think it’s important; the mere number hardly means anything except to the IRS and the Social Security Administration. Moreover, Cupid tends to strike when no one expects the little bugger to be flying around, shooting arrows. As evidence of these propositions, I humbly offer my own experience: At the tender age of 61, I hooked up one Friday night with a 39 year old guy on A4A (“do you want to come over and frolic?”). Three weeks later, he had moved in; we’ve been together 18 months, and I can honestly say he’s good to me and good for me. The point, I suppose, is that you’ll get nowhere by fretting over something you can’t change. It’s awfully easy at this time of year to feel discouraged about the trajectory of your life. Don’t treat your age and build as character flaws; think of them as some of your strengths. If you compare yourself to others, you’ll invariably think that some people are doing “better” than you and others are doing “worse” than you.

    And at the risk of making broad generalizations, the vast majority of guys in my part of Florida don’t strike me as being Ivy League graduates making 6 figure salaries. The Great Recession took a huge chunk out of the then-existing middle class, and the insane housing market here hasn’t helped anyone’s standard of living. I’m hardly surprised that a lot of guys have roommates; if you’re only making $15 or $16/hour, you’re not making enough to afford a place on your own. Along similar lines, it’s insanely expensive to have a car, and folks of all ages here ride bicycles to get around. And while I can readily agree that guys who use drugs should be given a wide berth, I’m not ready to morally condemn anyone; it’s unlikely that the 700,000 people who have died from an overdose in the last 20 years were all intrinsically evil.

    You’re doing fine — even if you can’t see it. Take care of yourself, and remember that in 12 weeks or so, the weather will be awesome in Jacksonville (and in my corner of The Sunshine State).

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  6. 6 hours ago, ErosWired said:

     I confess I get something of a rush from imagining myself naked among such dressed men, but at the same time I don’t know if I could keep myself from wondering how he plans to get a cum stain out of that silk tie...

    One advantage of “business casual” is not having to worry about your silk tie.

  7. 4 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to, but if the site you mean is this one, you should understand that Breedingzone is not a hookup site, but a discussion forum. If you’re looking to hook up, you might try your luck at BBRTS . com.

    In all fairness to TopDad4Younger, he did post in the San Francisco area forum, looking for "young perverts or those who want to become perverted." There are several posts in reply to TD4Y's initial post. I'm ready to guess that the initial expressions of interest went no further, thus leading to TD4Y's burst of frustration in this thread. 

  8. ErosWired and NastyRigPig are pretty much spot on with their advice. I add a couple of my own observations.*

    First, an example of what NastyRigPig mentioned about a civil suit is the OJ Simpson case - though he was acquitted of the murders, the Goldman family sued him and obtained a money judgment against Simpson.

    Second, these civil actions have to be brought within a certain amount of time, the time being set by the relevant statute of limitations. Each state sets its own time limits, but the period is typically 2 to 3 years. My point here is that if you decide to do this, you need to get moving on it now, not next week. 

    Third, the type of civil action that’s been mentioned is typically a wrongful death action. That action almost always requires some legal relationship to the dead person: for example, a son can sue because of his father’s death. The various states have various rules about who can file a wrongful death action, but the nature of your relationship may mean you’re not the person who can bring the claim.

    Finally, litigation of this type can become very, very nasty. To say you could be dragged through the mud is an understatement. Everything about the two of you is fair game for the other side to explore in pre-trial proceedings (even if it isn’t introduced in any trial). 

    The only way for you to get real advice is to consult a lawyer. And I can tell you right now that not many attorneys will be interested in taking the case. It’s factually complicated and the odds of success are, in my admittedly detached view, pretty low (like less than 10%). I feel for you, and in a reasonably perfect world, there’d be something that you could do, but the law isn’t always about justice.

    Whatever you decide, good luck....


    *Not to brag on myself, but I practiced criminal law for nearly 30 years in one of the mid-Atlantic states. My comments are simply my observations based on my experience.


    • Upvote 3
  9. 2 hours ago, cougkdc99 said:

    Spent last night at hotel in Redmond, Washington....walked down to front desk at about 5 am b/c I had locked myself out after working out, hottie at front desk was definitely interested!  He said he had to keep front desk in eyesight, he walked out from behind desk, we went over to some chairs next to the front sliding door, he whipped out his Middle Eastern dick (uncut with plenty of cheese), he couldn't have been more than 20 years of age.  Monster dick 9.5 already half hard, I suck it down, working it with my throat.  Then he says he'll never be able to shoot without fucking, he pulls his 9.5 inches out of my throat jerks my workout shorts down, bends me over, rams all 9.5 inches upside me on the chairs by the front entrance for 15 minutes, till he busts a nut like no other, he pulls out and zips up, I start to stagger away.  Got in the elevator to go back to my room, a guy carrying towels in uniform gets on elevator, follows me to my room after some eye contact, and he comes in bends me over and rails me with another monster middle eastern dick, took him 30 mins to nut, all before 6 am!!!

    Who needs a complimentary continental breakfast after that...? 

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  10. 1 minute ago, ErosWired said:

    A flakiness of grindrs, maybe...

    “Flakiness” came to mind as I thought about this. But I wanted a word that, at least to my mind, gave a broader sense of how we mere mortals regard “The Grindr Experience.” (Hell if I know if I succeeded — I should know better than to engage in linguistic exercises on 3 hours of sleep.)

  11. On 11/17/2019 at 7:54 PM, MackyJay said:

    Fucking hell!  I just spent the last half hour writing the next part of this story, only to have my damn computer do it to me again.  It gave a twitch and everything I had just typed disappeared, erased completely.  This is driving me crazy as hell.  This makes about the 4th time that has happened and can find no answer as to why it does this.   UGH.  Next part was about a paragraph away from done.  Now have to try to remember, again, what I had just typed and start over again.  Dammit to hell.

    Taking a wild stab in the dark, it strikes me that your power supply is wonky, the motherboard needs attention, or the thing is overheating. It certainly isn’t going to improve with time.

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  12. 5 hours ago, BB4fking said:

    I slipped out of the session after 40 minutes to cruise the sauna and as if to prove my point to myself I came across and open door to a room with a slim and dark young guy positioned with his cute ass inviting strangers to fuck him which I did. No suggestion of condoms, no questioning of status, indeed no talking though quite a number of moans and grunts. Actually it was one of the best fucks I’d had in a long time as he had the cutest bubble but and a great asshole that seemed to envelope and squeeze my cock. Needless to say I deposited my load in him before quietly returning for the last few minutes of the gathering.

    Doing field research of course....

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  13. 37 minutes ago, hungry_hole said:

    You are free to make porn where black men are bottoms. Nobody is stopping you so there's no need to complain about it.

    Anticipating remarks along the lines of “it’s too complicated to make porn,” I’ll simply note that some guy in Jeffersonville, Indiana is making porn. His work might not win awards for cinematography, but he must be making some money — if only because of the tax rules about hobby activities.

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  14. It is possible to turn off the auto-correct function. For those in the world of Apple (iOS 13): Settings>General>Keyboards. Auto-correct, predictive word choice, and other typing choices can be set on that screen. 

    Misspelled words and odd choices of punctuation don't rattle me —except the use of “discrete” when the writer really wants to say “discreet.” (I gave up fighting that battle decades ago, but I look askance at profiles that contain the error.) Instead, my heart sinks when I’m looking at a block of text that has no punctuation and no paragraph breaks. On the other hand, I practiced law for nearly 30 years, and I was repeatedly flabbergasted by the poor writing skills displayed by other lawyers (including some in my office). Indeed, I often had to deal with documents so poorly written that I wondered how the writer made it out of college, let alone law school. If lawyers can’t write, I can’t be surprised — or distressed —  that many posts contain errors that would make my 8th grade English teacher reach for her smelling salts.

    So, yes, some of the writing here requires a bit of effort to understand. But there is plenty of writing on this site that is simply a joy to read (and not just the fiction sections), the writer having put time, effort, and thought into his work. If I have to wade through a story that never saw a paragraph break, I’ll take that as a small price to pay for being able to read the really good stuff.

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