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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. The tender age of 11 in the basement of a neighbor's house. A 14 year old was babysitting there; he was on the junior high school wrestling team so he was muscled. Better yet, he had a very big (and very nice) dick. That experience was all it took -- there were several guys in the neighborhood who were my age or slightly older. No prize for guessing that until I left for college at the age of 18, everyone's dick in the neighborhood had been sucked a kazillion times. The wrestler, by the way, turned out to be very heterosexual; when I last asked a mutual friend about him, the wrestler had 4 kids. Sigh....

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  2. On 10/5/2017 at 10:30 AM, freshxtop5 said:

    I want to be put up in a sling and get fucked and bred all day by a bunch of older daddies. Hopefully some of them in leather and have PA! Even continue after I have fallen asleep 

    No... all day and all night, because I know just one load in your hole wouldn't be enough for me (and I'd bet that sentiment would be shared by everyone using you). I have an idea the line for your ass would be far longer than any line waiting for a new _Ph___....

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  3. Of the many eye-popping experiences I've had in bathhouses, the most unusual (for me) was the instance when a guy, before beginning to suck my dick, put a condom on it. No prize for guessing that this particular encounter quickly ended -- as soon as I recovered from the shock, lifted his head off my dick, and politely pushed him out of the room.

  4. On 9/30/2017 at 4:53 AM, cumcruzer69 said:

    Damn I love this hot story. I'm 20 plus years clean and sober, never PNP'd before and now I'm on BBRT trying to make a connection with a party top. I'm ready to really make it happen!

    Don't underestimate the power of literature to move us. But never did I imagine that I'd be saying that in the context of a website devoted to bareback sex, etc. <shakes head in mild disbelief>

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  5. 15 minutes ago, bjbottom said:

      I automatically find myself smelling, licking, sucking on and tongue cleaning the armpits of men I am with after rimming their asses, sucking on their nutsacs, and draining their cocks.     Some guys, especially those who are ticklish do not enjoy it, but others really force my face into their pits after I get started.   Are there others that get turned on by hairy, sweaty, armpits?

    Hell, I don't wait to be "forced" to bury my face in a guy's armpit... I'm practically climbing up his arm to get to his armpit. And you're right about ticklish guys -- occasionally a real bummer, but not much to do about that.

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  6. On 8/4/2014 at 7:12 AM, mdestry said:

    Not bad for a Sunday evening, I though, but by the time I got home, I was ready for more. So it was Craigslist all night....the last one just left. Nearly 7 AM, so its time to get up and get dressed for work!

    I had Sunday nights like that when I was working. I would pray for Monday to busy as hell -- I was okay if I kept moving. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Cutebttmguy said:

    Sorry guys that this is slowly trickling in. This is a true account of my first time, and I’m typing it from memory. I’m glad to see that so many of you are enjoying it. I have wanted to share this with you all for so long, but until now couldn’t find the courage. More to come soon! 

    Going back over one's past isn't easy at the best of times, especially when you're writing for an audience like the one you've found here. You're doing great. Just don't abandon the series in mid-fuck as so many other stories get abandoned. That will really piss off all of us.... ?

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  8. I'm seriously addicted to black dick. In fact, I hardly show any interest in white guys who hit me up online -- somehow, in some deep corner of my psyche, sex with a white guy is less satisfying than sex with a black guy. Fortunately, I have a FB right now who's black and who likes to party. I feel as if I've won the lottery.

  9. For whatever it's worth, I'm with you guys (Bear4Breeding and Pozpig) on this. It's the old "when push comes to shove" principle in operation -- expressing a fantasy is far more comfortable (and less threatening) than engaging in the act. But, assuming we're talking about online meeting sites, it does strike me that the distance between saying you're "into anything" and actually "doing anything" depends on the online site. If I read a profile on Recon, I'm pretty sure that the guy does what he says he's into. If I read a profile on Manhunt, I figure that regardless of his listed interests, the guy is pretty vanilla -- if he swallows your load, that's likely to be pretty far on the fringe for him. And then there's the bewilderment that can be caused by someone having profiles on multiple sites, for example, profiles on A4A and BBRT. A BBRT profile might well say things that the guy would never in a zillion years put in his A4A profile (because his friends might see it on A4A). This is why I gave up looking for consistency in profiles. On the other hand, my thinking about this just may be a sign that I have too much free time. (And yes, I know that I've made sweeping generalizations about human behavior.)

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  10. 16 hours ago, expdbijock35 said:

    so fucking hot man.....I would love to read more of the story....I never got fucked by my boss but I have been fucked very similar by my lawyer.....he gave me T&G and then made me beg for him to fuck my ass with his big fat juicy Latino cock

    Ok, let's have all the jokes about being screwed by your lawyer, but this time was different because [fill in the blank].

    (And having practiced law at a time when writing was done with quill pens, I've likely heard most of the jokes....)

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