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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. On 5/14/2018 at 3:01 PM, jayBB92 said:

    In about a month, a friend is hosting a gangbang with me as the bottom. So incredibly excited to get loaded up at an event where my hole is the main attraction but still thought it'd be worth asking the question on here: does anybody have any tips I should bear in mind for before or during the event??

    Look in the "Sex with 'Enhancements'" forum at the topic "Anon cum dumps and security" (started Dec. 16, 2017). There are lots of tips, suggestions, ideas, etc. in that topic that seem applicable to what you have in mind. Good luck and have fun...

  2. I'll mention this because it seems to get little attention -- there is a risk of kidney damage, including kidney failure, from tenofovir, one of the constituent drugs of Truvada. My other half went on Truvada in early August 2012; he went into the hospital in mid-September 2012 with kidney failure and was in the hospital for 3 weeks. I agree that Truvada is useful for lots of guys, but learn the signs of kidney failure.

  3. 2 hours ago, PartyFFPig said:

    I love the suggestions about trying it out at the baths first. 

    If you're nervous about personal safety and making sure you're unharmed at the end of the night, having a buddy along can put  you at ease.  If you're at home, he could be in the living room while you're being fucked in the bedroom.  He could be in an adjoining hotel room with the communicating doors open between the two spaces.  Near enough to help if there's trouble, but out of the way and giving you and your anon top privacy to have a good time.  Especially if you're doing this in your own home, having someone else there is good to make sure your guests don't walk away with your stuff...

    Whatever way you wind up doing it, I hope you have an awesome time!

    There's a pretty good discussion of safety and security issues in the "Sex with "Enhancements'" forum; the topic is "Anon cum dumps and security," started on Dec. 16, 2017.

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  4. The term “fuck buddy” was coined for a reason as was “friend with benefits.” I discovered the difference between these two terms and “partner” in an odd way. My partner and I had an open relationship. I met a flight attendant (Michael) at a party thrown by a mutual friend. Michael and I hit it off from the start, and reasonably soon afterwards, we began spending weekends together. We had a lot of common interests; the sex could be amazingly hot (he lived 6 blocks from one of the bathhouses in the city — after screwing each other silly, we’d go to the baths for more insanely hot sex); he was fun to be with; and for reasons I won’t bore you with, he made me feel alive.

    My partner and I were together 29 years (he died in November 2016). Out of all of the guys I knew, Michael was the only one for whom I even thought of leaving my partner. But when the vet called me one November afternoon in 2007 to tell me that my golden retriever — who had been my constant companion for a couple of years — had cancer, I didn’t call Michael to tell him or turn to him for solace. Instead, I called my partner (who was out of town at the time) and told him that Skipper had class 4 mast cell cancer. That was the moment I knew I wasn’t leaving my partner. I stopped seeing Michael shortly thereafter.

    The point of the anecdote, I suppose, is to illustrate this question: if you learned that your 9 year old dog, whom you had adopted from the SPCA when she was 11 weeks old, maybe had 6 months to live, who would you call? If you can look yourself in the mirror and say “the guy who’s riding [my] ass,” then it’s time to start divorce proceedings. Until then, you’re with your wife. (To finish out the anecdote, Skipper died in September 2009. The day of Skipper’s death, my partner and I went to the SPCA and adopted a 5 month old female pit bull-mastiff mix.)

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  5. On 2/23/2018 at 8:19 AM, BBBoyfromTN said:

    I run into so many very picky demanding bottoms. There's a list of things they want and don't want and I usually wind up moving on because all I wanna do is get my load off. The bottom shouldn't make it difficult for the top.

    I call guys like this "directors" -- from the way the guy talks and acts, you'd think he was Cecil B. DeMille directing The Ten Commandments.

  6. 17 hours ago, FelchingPisser said:

    And my shot was one mega dose...

    The usual pre-loaded syringe contains 4 cc of the particular type of penicillin; that's less than a teaspoon (5 cc). The needle itself was nothing. But you'd never think that 4 cc going into one of your ass cheeks could hurt so much (that's why I recall how much the syringe contained). It felt as if the nurse had whacked me with a hammer. And I had the "pleasure" of a 3 week course of treatment, one of these syringes each week.

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  7. 50 minutes ago, shoreboy said:

    Honestly, I think you can thank @drscorpio for that. I got to rethink the story and, with some off-line discussion with @Fistcumslut, it gave me a chance to see how to bring this thing in for a landing. Porn is like gum, it does lose its flavor after awhile, so it’s good to know when to wrap it up. Couple more to go, but if you’ve liked it so far I think you’ll like the destination. Even if it’s a little painful getting there. ;-)

    An author's editor is always his best friend (professionally speaking, of course). 

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  8. I was sucking dick at the age of 11: a lot of kids, roughly my age, lived in the neighborhood. I had the biggest crush on a 14 year old who was on the junior high school wrestling team. He was all muscle and had a great 7 inch dick that I sucked more times than I can remember. Whew.... And the two guys I hung out with the most, 2 brothers -- one was my age and the other was about 2 years younger -- deposited plenty of jizz in my horny teenage throat.

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  9. Everything that ErosWired said is absolutely spot on. Some additional observations: Don't assume that one top knows a number of other tops whom he is willing to contact. It's not as if there's a national registry of tops. In terms of telling your target audience about the event, A4A and BBRT might be your best bet though there are surely guys here who will swear by Craigslist. But with A4A and BBRT, it strikes me that you're reasonably sure that you're reaching the guys you want. And figure that only about ¼ of the guys who say they will appear actually do so. My last thought: discuss with the bottom beforehand what his limits are and what he expects you to do if a guy doesn't understand "No."

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  10. I see that staying home and talking to my dog is a pretty good choice after all. But I also admit to changing my mind, especially if it's to meet in a day or two instead of in an hour -- in mitigation, I always tell the other guy that I can't make it (and hopefully, far enough in advance of the planned encounter so he can make other arrangements). And though I can't find the reference I'm thinking of, introverted folks would seem to be more likely to make a date and then cancel. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Insidemenow said:

    Posted to Craigslist and got a text from a couple. When I got there their house was next to z busy road and while it had a good number of bushes and trees beside the road it wouldn't have take much to look over into the lighted yard and see what was going on. 

    Who in blazes was going to stop? People barely pay attention to the road and their driving, instead looking at their cellphone or car radio or the cd player; a naked man in the front yard, seen in the blink of an eye, will hardly make any impression on drivers. Passengers might have a better chance of noticing, but if your 8 year old says "Mom, there's a naked man over there," Mom is already 150 feet past the house and isn't inclined to believe her little darling. Your playmates had it figured out perfectly, in my opinion -- hide in plain view.

  12. On 8/25/2017 at 3:37 PM, backpackguy said:

    Gono in my ass. Fuck bud gave me gono after an afternoon of hot fucking...he picked it up from a bottom slut at Cumunion a few days before. Fuck, that ass shot hurt...but not as bad as the ass shot I got earlier this year when I was diagnosed with Syph.... Yup, I'm a slut...

    You wouldnt think that 4 cc (or 5 -- can't precisely recall at the moment) (which is a teaspoonful) of penicillin could hurt so much. I swore the nurse was pushing a marble into my ass.

  13. I'm going to make the assumption that your doctor used a banding procedure in the office on the hemorrhoids. At the risk of telling the world more about my ass than most sensible people want to know, I waited six weeks after the last banding. If you actually had surgery (OUCH..!!), you need to talk to your doctor. And even if you don't feel comfortable having that conversation with your doctor, you need to have that conversation -- for chrissake, you're not dealing with a hangnail.

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