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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. Wow...! The description of the action is plenty hot. But what, for me, elevates this story above the usual chem sex stories is the portrayal of the psychological journey that each of the protagonists takes. And that portrayal of the journey for the bottom was a rather uncanny -- and disconcerting -- parallel to periods of my life. I sure as hell don't read too many stories or essays anywhere that have that effect. As I said at the beginning of this post, "Wow...!"

  2. On 12/23/2014 at 10:45 AM, ProudPozPig said:

    Besides requiring tops to pull out before they cum, my disappointment with most porn is the boring close shots of cocks pushing in and out of asses, which go on ad infinitum.


    What makes watching sex between men hot for me is seeing their entire bodies while they fuck - especially their faces, which reveal more about lust, passion and the intense thrill of sex than just their anonymous body parts.

    Absolutely spot on.... I have little interest in being able to count the pubic hairs of the performers. And fuck scenes where all you see are disembodied dicks and asses are simply interchangeable -- the footage could just as easily be from the film shot 2 months ago. Thank God for the fast forward button....

  3. On 12/30/2016 at 6:03 PM, Poz2some said:

    It has been so damn long since I parTied, your story makes me miss it even more. I look forward to the day when I can be spun out of control by a parTying top, giving myself over for his and my pleasure. 

    Amen, broTher. I know that same feeling all too well....

  4. 17 hours ago, Berdell said:

    all I get is porn sites

    the explanation is likely that the original poster (whose last visit here was in August 2012) stopped holding the parties and didn't renew the lease on the RawManOrgy web domain. once that domain was available, then every porn company in the world snapped up that domain name. thus, type "RawManOrgy" into your favorite search engine and all you get are porn sites.

  5. This is what I envision is going through the mind of whichever black stud has slammed me and is now tearing up my hole. (Whether he's thinking like this is likely besides the point.) (As for spelling.... Well, if I had a dollar for every time I've seen the word "discrete" used in an online profile or in a CL ad when "discreet" was the correct word, I'd have collected enough money over the years to pay off my mortgage.)

  6. [faggot hole:] "And i can tell you that they all had pretty good endurance too.  Unlike some of the younger dudes who had been using me the past couple of beach weekends, Bob and his buddies took their time, worked my holes awesomely, and fucked for what seemed like hours before dropping truly impressive loads. "



    Experience counts every Time....

  7. I don't recall reading too many breath control scenes on here; maybe that's a bit outside our collective experience. And a near-fatal bout of pneumonia left me very anxious about not being able to breathe so I'm not immediately attracted to breath control scenes. But the scene at the end of this installment is about as sensual a description of breath control as you're likely to find. The plot line in this installment (and the entire story for that matter) is also credible and realistic unlike some stories in this forum which require us to totally suspend disbelief. (On the other hand, strange shit happens in America, and more of the seemingly incredible stories could be closer to the truth than any of us might want to acknowledge.) This story is just one of the best I've read here. Thanks for the time and effort in writing it. Now, all I need to do is find someone like Harrison...

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