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Everything posted by SFCumdog

  1. I've found that the bigger they are, the better they know how to use it. So it rarely ends up being a painful situation. Little guys, on the other hand, often act like they have something to prove and will just brutalize your hole.
  2. I'm of two minds on this one. At 60 I now get more looks and more attention than I EVER got by guys my own age when I was young. It could just be that I carry myself differently today because I own who I am. On the other side of the coin, when I was 21 I was very experienced sexually, but not all that great socially. And in those days it was like the old men could smell your unease and would lecherously pounce on you uninvited and unwanted. They brought a lot of that ageism on themselves. But that was just my experience.
  3. Agree completely about a jockstrap. It was my gateway drug to gay sex. I still love them.
  4. You guys must lead sheltered lives if you think 5 people makes an orgy... that's barely group sex. A real orgy needs at least 8, and preferably more.
  5. SFCumdog

    On Endings

    I'm sorry you are going through this. I had a partner too who weaponized that "walking into a minefield line." In the end, it turned out that that statement said way more about him than it did about me. His range of emotions was so narrow that to him, anyone expressing a normal range of emotions seemed like someone extreme. So just because someone says something like that about you, doesn't necessarily mean its true. He could be the one with issues.
  6. You must have really worked their straight minds into a corner they couldn't get back out of.
  7. That just made me weak in the knees. Would sure love to feel that!
  8. I don't think that I ever had any reaction/symptoms that would have led me to believe that something had happened. But then I also didn't realize that it actually had happened until quite a few years later. But years after that, working backwards from what a very prominent doctor in the field told me as to how long I had likely had it based on my T Cell count at the time of diagnosis, there was no specific time that i could even recall of having been at all ill to the degree that many here describe. I have a pretty good idea who charged me up though. And I had a number of cases of "flu" or whatever years after the fact that sure felt like what people describe. But at the time I was fairly young.. about 22 when it would have happened, and very healthy. So maybe I fought much of it off with little effect. Who knows?
  9. I can't even remember where I read about this technique, but I hadn't regularly bottomed in years and when the opportunity arose to try it with a top of significant girth. I did. And it worked. When you are just about ready to take the guys cock, and it is just pushing into your hole, breath deeply from the bottom of your diaphragm which kind of sucks in your stomach. Its like it creates a direct connection to your ass and it will open up and literally suck that cock right on up and into you. All of that old pain upon entry... completely gone. It was like magic the way it worked. I was never quite sure if I could explain this technique properly, and couldn't find the original thing I had read, but just recently I read something where someone described opening up your third eye, and that sounded exactly like it. Practice that breathing technique. Once you get it right, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
  10. SFCumdog

    On Loneliness

    Sadly, the loneliest I have ever been, was in my long term relationship. It's not always caused by being alone.
  11. If you like younger guys, grow a beard. I don't know what it is about them but ever since I grew mine, the boys are like moths to a flame. And they are hot young guys who I never would never have been able to score with when I was their age. But with age also comes more confidence too, maybe that's part of it also.
  12. I once ran into a guy in the supermarket in San Francisco who had been a popular performer back in the Catalina Video Days. He hopped out of a beaten up old van driven by a guy who was considerably older than him. They both looked very worn down by the world, a bit shabby and unkempt, but I still would have know this performers face anywhere. I had unloaded to his image a great many times over the years. When we ran into each other inside the store I said "hey aren't you XXXX" and he replied "I am!" and then I told him how much I had loved his films. In spite of everything, he flashed me this great smile and said "Thank you for remembering. I appreciate that" and winked at me, and off they went.
  13. SFCumdog

    On relationships

    Start with pleasing your own self first, then worry about pleasing others. For example, if he wants soup, let him make it. That doesn't mean you have to be part of the process. Your time is valuable too, especially to you. It would be one thing if you came home and he had prepared it for you to then not eat it, but he hadn't. And if he's not mature enough to understand that, then maybe he's not the right one for you. You can just kindly say, "I'm not up to that tonight, but if you want to, go right ahead. I'll have something light right now and can have some tomorrow."
  14. I used to go to a party like that in Philly years ago. Was a once a month thing at a guy's house. It was loads of fun. There was always a revolving attendee list with everyone bringing new acquaintances.
  15. An older guy in high school just asked me to do it, and I did. Guess I was a born natural. To this day I'm still not sure why I just did it...
  16. Let him sit on it so that he can take it at his own pace to begin with. I think most virgins fear that the top will just slam it in them with no regard for how its gonna feel. If you want him to come back for more, than let him do his thing till he's used to it.
  17. Coming of age in the early 1980s, as I did, was a bit of a scary time. My hormones were raging, but there were other things to consider. I met my first real boyfriend shortly thereafter, and we were together a long time. He was only slightly older than me, but I looked up to him because he had gotten around quite a bit. And I was young and naive and just believed everything he told me about the way that gays lived their lives, especially as it related to sex. I had thought that gays met someone and settled down, and that was it. But he had other ideas and bent me to them. I was quickly introduced to the world of Bars, Bookstores, Bathhouses, and Group Sex, because "this is what gays do." With each new experience I quickly learned that sex did not equal intimacy. I could have said no, but I was too stupid to realize that I actually had a choice. And I loved the guy and didn't want to lose him. So I adapted. I'd be lying if I said I didn't come to love the excitement of it all. And once Pandora's Box is opened, there's no closing it, ever. I also learned that there is way more to sexuality than vanilla sex. I actively began trying all the flavors I could. So if you are getting that feeling of "samey" that you talk about, maybe you need to start expanding your horizons a bit more. You'll find out that there are all kinds of things out there that can get rid of the "samey-ness" for you and can help you find yourself again. Unfortunately in my case, I apparently got pozzed shortly after my bf introduced me to this world of his... and of course he didn't, which made for some drama later when I was diagnosed since we only played together when exploring. In later years he couldn't understand why vanilla sex with him just wasn't enough for me, like it was somehow my fault, and blamed me for wanting more (which was really rich). I kept growing, and he didn't, and then resented it. The other thing I have more recently found is that if your doctor puts you on any kind of mood enhancing drug, it can totally kill your interest in sex. Most people don't realize that. So can many other drugs. So make sure that that isn't the source of your dwindling feelings. Sometimes too you just need a break to recharge. It will all work out.
  18. Congrats man. You just didn't realize it, but you've always had it in you to do that. Sometimes it just takes the right situation to finally draw it out. The best tops are those who bottom since they really know what makes it feel good.
  19. Wasn't she a buzzkill. You should have told her she's not the morals police...
  20. That last sentence alone just about made me cum. I'd love to find you like that, ready to go
  21. Cut, but with a bit of skin that made it slide back and forth a bit
  22. Apart, so you can be raised up or down as needed
  23. And if you get bored, there was always the Red Barn on the opposite side of the highway slightly closer to the traffic circle. Been years since I was there, but both were definitely fun.
  24. Hope I can explain this correctly, but I had a long-term partner who advanced into being a heavy drinker. He would often go to bed earlier than I did (probably because he was soused) but he hid it well and I didn't always know that the slide had started. When I would walk into the bedroom and the door had been closed there would be this horribly disgusting and rotten distillery-like smell in the room that had been pouring out of his mouth while he slept. It made me sick to my stomach and always kind of made me panic because it usually foretold of worse things to come from him. To this day if I get a whiff of that same kind of smell off of someone, it kind of makes me want to turn and run, that's how badly it triggers me.
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