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Everything posted by backdoorjimmy

  1. I had a guy tell me my ass felt like an oven while he was spunking. The way he whispered that in my ear while his dick jerked inside me gave me chills and I never forgot it.
  2. There's another thread about this on BZ where @tallslenderguy explains what happened -
  3. Thanks! Mine came on Saturday and I can’t get enough of it. I think my bf is getting jealous lol. It’s the biggest dildo I’ve ever used and I’m working hard to get as much of it up my butt as possible.
  4. I've always suspected that I'm somewhere on the spectrum. I have a lot of sensory issues but never got treated for them. I also miss a lot of social cues and can't really read people's body language. If someone tells me something, I get a sudden realization and can look for the signals moving forward. But unless I see a hardon or someone licking their lips and smiling at me, I have no way of knowing they're attracted to me unless they say so.
  5. Same here. I only have anal orgasms so I can get to a place where my ass is satisfied for a while, but it never lasts long. I'm usually craving more cock within an hour and start to get cranky if I have to wait too long. Especially if I'm at work and don't even have the option to set something up until my shift ends.
  6. Hmm... I guess I should pay closer attention and see if I can tell who's been laid and who hasn't. I asked my bf about it and he said that he can see the difference in how my hips move after we have sex. When I'm horny my ass sort of swings from side to side. When I've been laid properly it kinda sways slowly instead. As for the tip I usually do $5 over on a $20 haircut, which hopefully isn't too cheap.
  7. I had an afternoon appointment to get my hair cut today so I took the day off work. My bf came to my place during his lunch break and we had sex, then he went back to work and I went to my salon appointment. My hairdresser has been like a big brother to me for years so we pretty much have no boundaries. When I showed up he had me wash my hands, then he sat me in the chair and the first thing he said was, "I can tell someone just got lucky." I asked how he knew that and he pretty much said it's obvious from the way I was walking and from the color of my complexion. I asked him to clarify and he said he can tell whenever someone's been having sex just from certain cues. It blew my mind because I didn't know that was a thing, and honestly I've never been able to look at someone and know that they'd been laid. Is this really something other people can tell or could it just be that he knows me well enough to see the change in me? Are there certain things to look for that I haven't been paying attention to?
  8. Holy crap, your doctor sounds like a nightmare! I had the same doctor from the time I was 11 until I was 19, then I had to change doctors. I came out to my doctor when I was 13 and the first thing he did was sit me down with my mom and tell me that if I ever felt judged or mistreated by anyone on his staff, let him know and he'd take care of it. He wasn't exactly excited when he found out I was also sexually active, but his first responsibility was to my care. I'm sorry that your doctor is being so bigoted. She's putting a stain on her own reputation - if she can't help herself from being a homophobe and a bigot, then she shouldn't be treating patients at all. How can she make good decisions about your health if she can't see past your sexual orientation. Making you refill your PrEP every 30 days instead of every 90 days is such BS. You have a right to feel comfortable talking to your doctor about your healthcare decisions and concerns. If she's making you feel uncomfortable, then you should find a doctor that doesn't make you feel that way.
  9. It's happened before. The most recent time was just a couple weeks ago when my boyfriend was fucking me on my hands and knees. He pulled out so I could get on my back and I was trying to be sexy so I crawled around with my ass in the air like a cat. He had a beer on the nightstand and when I swung my foot around, it knocked the beer off and sent it flying. When I went to pick it up before it all poured out onto the carpet, I hit the lamp with my elbow and it fell over too. We shrugged it off and I got on my back so we could finish and I couldn't keep a straight face. We both burst out laughing a few times until we could finally get it together long enough for him to finish. The other time was a couple years ago when my mom called me while I was getting railed by this cute guy. It was an important call so I had to take it. I told him to stay inside and I'd make it quick. So while he was resting inside me I had this serious talk with my mom about e-filing my taxes before the deadline. When I ended the call I tossed my phone to the side and we both cracked up, then he got back to work.
  10. I think it depends on the bottom. I don't cum and never have any desire to. My only sexual organs are my ass and my throat. That's it. But that's just me. The idea that every bottom should just deny themselves the pleasure they're craving is complete and total BS. If someone wants to jack off while they're getting fucked, that's their decision. If a top doesn't like that, they're free to pass on fucking that bottom and move on to the next one.
  11. One of my hottest hookups ever was when I was going to college. Ihopped on grindr between classes and had an hour to try to get laid. Sadly, there were a bunch of other bottoms trying to score and no tops biting. With about 10 minutes to go until the start of my next class, someone hit me up. He was really cute, so we sat in my car and madeout for like 5 minutes. I never got in his pants but the tongue was so strong in my mouth that it made my head spin. When it was over I went to class and felt strangely satisfied.
  12. A bubble butt to attract tops with. My ass is fair at best, and that's only because I do yoga to keep it somewhat plump Unending stamina so I could fuck all day and all night without needing a break to rub out the cramps in my legs or put more lube in my ass The ability to stop the aging process in the people I love the most so I can be with my partner forever
  13. It all depends on my mood. If I'm feeling sluttier than usual, I might be satisfied with a 60 second pump and dump. But if I'm in heat and need a good lay to calm me down, longer is better. My bf and I usually fuck for about 30 minutes to an hour. Anything longer than that starts to get uncomfortable because my legs or midsection cramp up. If you add in the foreplay of me sucking him/me eating his ass/him eating my ass, it could be much longer than an hour. But for actual intercourse, 30 minutes to under an hour is best.
  14. Thanks, I'm checking it out right now and everything looks incredible. I'm probably going to fill up my shopping cart with way too many toys, but oh well. I want to try it all.
  15. That looks like it would feel incredible against the walls of my asshole. Where do I get one?
  16. I hooked up with a guy who begged me to sit on his face so he could be "smothered" while he ate me out. I told him to use his hands and guide my ass where he wanted it and he agreed. As soon as my ass came to rest on his mouth he panicked so I got up and he was pissed because he had a claustrophobic attack. He lost his erection so I made sure he was okay, then I left. Later he texted me to say I ruined the hookup and called me the three letter F word, then he immediately blocked me.
  17. I've never really stopped to think about it, but I'd have to say yes. I need to have intercourse at least 3-4 times a day or I'll go crazy. I get really emotional when I haven't had enough sex and I've been told I start snapping at people around me. I also start doing things that I normally wouldn't do, like having sex in riskier places or not caring if my mother knows I'm getting fucked in my room. I've even thought about quitting my job so I could have more sex, but my more rational side prevailed and I didn't take it that far. But I'd be lying if said I wasn't seriously considering it and wondering how I could alter my lifestyle to afford being unemployed so I could host tops all day, everyday.
  18. A few things popped into my head when I read your post: Is it possible that you're having a reaction to the lube you're using? When I know I'm going to be dicked down by more guys than normal, I lube up with vaseline. It's messy but it's what works best for me. How are you prepping for long sessions with multiple tops? Try getting yourself ready with a dildo. Just slide it in and casually work it in your ass off and on in the hours leading up to your hookup. Do you warm up to it by getting laid a few days in a row? Sometimes it helps to condition the ass by getting fucked by one or two guys every day for a few days. That way it's not overkill when you're hosting a group of tops. Do you wear a plug for a day or two to open yourself up? If not, definitely do this. It's fun and it'll keep your sphincter from tightening up between lays.
  19. I've hooked up with other bottoms before and one of two things happen: They top me We eat each other's asses, kiss and use dildos on each other. I used to think that I could be a top for the right bottom, but that ship sailed the first time I got with another bottom and neither one of us wanted to top. My dick was soft like it always is, and I realized that I didn't even want him to touch it with his hands. So yeah, I'm a 100% bottom and my dick means nothing to me. I like it that way.
  20. Like @FelchingPisser said, wear your plugs. Keep them in as much as you can. Wear them around the house and if you feel comfortable, at work or while you're out doing other non-sex stuff. And like @Close2MyBro said, use Vaseline. I like using it as lube for sex because I can enjoy longer sessions without drying up, but it's also nice for the afterglow when your hole is winking and recovering. You can also put it on your taint and seam to keep them from feeling raw and irritated after long sessions of sex, especially if you've had multiple loads pumped into your ass and they run out while you're getting laid.
  21. I chose 16-20 because I don't want to exaggerate the number. It might have been more but I know it was at least that many. A couple months ago my bf and his room mates had a party at their place and I stayed in the room on my hands and knees in the dark while anonymous breeders came through, used my ass, then left. I got mounted for the first time just before 7pm and it was almost constant until a little after 1 in the morning. There were a few breaks here and there but they were short breaks. When it was over my pussy was throbbing and my taint was raw from all the friction and the cum that was running down and dripping onto the bed.
  22. Fingering and dildos. I also have a couple rimming butt plugs that I like to wear but I can't really wear them to work or out in public because they're too loud. I have a pretty big dildo and butt plug collection going back 9 years. Lately I've been addicted to riding my huge glass wand. It's only 9 inches long but it's thick and the glans and veins feel sinful inside me. I've had it for years and sometimes it's all I can think about and sometimes I forget I have it and focus on other toys. I also have a couple Bad Dragon dildos that were a gift for my 18th birthday. But if I'm honest, I don't care much for them because they're not firm enough.
  23. Usually 3 times a day. I have a routine at work when I go on my AM break where I go to the men's room and finger myself in the stall. On lunch I go to my car and use the eraser side of an unsharpened pencil to rub one out. Then when I get home I take my dildo for a ride to hold me over until my bf gets home. Sometimes I ride my dildo before I leave for work if I'm in a really slutty mood but if I've had a good lay that morning I won't need to.
  24. I got fucked and rimmed over 3 hours ago and my adrenaline is still pumping like crazy. It wasn't the longest lay or the deepest ass eating I've ever had, but it was so intense that I can't calm down.

    1. skinster


      That's the way to have it and the afteraction to enjoy.

  25. Face down with my thighs spread and my ass sticking up is one of my favorite ways to get laid. But the best position for me is when I'm on my back, taking it while my top holds my legs in place like he's lifting a wheelbarrow. I can feel that added pressure against my prostate and it sends waves of pleasure through my whole body. 🏳️‍🌈❤️👬
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