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Everything posted by backdoorjimmy

  1. Exactly. I was sexually active at 14 but would have been terrified to have sex with someone in their 20's.
  2. My tastes have changed a lot over the years. When I first started having sex, I was a goofy kid who blushed at the sight of a cute guy, and I was really picky about who I'd have sex with. Sometimes I'd get in moods where I just wanted to be with a guy and didn't care what he looked like as long as his dick ended up in my hole. But sometime after I turned 20 I stopped being so picky and started paying closer attention to other traits, especially how dominant they were. To me there's nothing better than being surrounded by and filled up with the essence of a man. I love a man who takes total control. Whether we're fucking or we're chilling in bed and watching TV, I want him to assert himself and control everything. I want him to hog the remote and smack my butt and tell me to go get him another beer. When we go somewhere, I want him to drive and when we eat at a restaurant, I want him to order for me. When he kisses me, I want a mouthful of rough tongue while he holds my shoulders still. When he wants sex, I want him to pull my pants down and enter me at his own pace. Looks are great, but dominance is what drives me crazy.
  3. This just melted my heart. It's obvious that he cares deeply for you. I hope you and he can find a way to stay in each others' lives and be close, whether it's as a fatherly/mentor role in your life or as affectionate and caring soulmates.
  4. I had a prepaid Visa gift card that I was given at work and I wanted to support this site so I used it to sign up. Once my account was setup, I logged in and looked at some of the clips, then signed out and never went back. Nothing about it is believable to me and almost as soon as I finished the signup process I thought to myself, "I should have joined Sketchy Sex instead."
  5. Maybe he sees someone who needs a guiding hand and wants to give it to you. Or maybe there's something deeper. Either way, this really does seem like it's riding the line of an emotional affair. The best thing you can do here is protect your heart and enjoy the ride. As for his kids, it sounds like he's proud of them and wants to talk about them. He probably equates their happiness and their successes and challenges with the kind of dad he was to them growing up. And just because he doesn't have the same kind of relationship with them that he has with you doesn't mean they've failed him, or that he doesn't love them. As their dad, it would be unusual for him to carry on an emotional affair with them.
  6. Honestly, it sounds like you’re someone special to him. Whether or not your relationship remains platonic, you clearly hold a place in his heart. If you don’t want a gift for your birthday, maybe you can ask him to hang out instead. Go to a movie, go for a drive or just hang out and watch tv. Based on what you’ve written here, he’d probably love to spend some quality time with you.
  7. Not a slut shaming topic at all, at least not from my perspective. I was trying to explain the sensations I experience when I’m horny for sex and realized it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. I’ve been reading the different replies and gaining perspective on everyone else’s experiences, which is what I was hoping for when I made the post. If it comes across as slut shaming, I apologize because that’s not my intent.
  8. Not having sex doesn't mean there isn't an emotional affair, which is what it seems like this is. To be honest, it sounds like you're filling a hole in his life (no pun intended) and he's filling one in yours. And sometimes the flirty moments and innuendo between two guys can feel magical and when the sex finally happens (if it ever does), it's more intense. It sounds like he's trying to take things slowly. Maybe because he sees the potential for a relationship, or maybe because he's having an internal moral conflict about what he should do here. If I were you, I'd enjoy the attention and soak up as much of this as possible. I grew up without a dad and I craved this kind of affection. When I was 16 I sought out my dad's best friend and he took me under his wing to teach me how to be an adult while also heaping affection onto me. I found myself going back and forth, seeing him as a father figure and also being aroused all the time. At the end of the day, he turned out to be an important man in my life but not a lover, and that was okay because that was what I needed from him. Maybe that's what you need right now, too.
  9. Hot post. It’s too late to vote but if I could I would have picked eating ass and bottoming raw. I love sucking dick but to me there’s nothing better than having my ass stroked out while someone sits on my face. It’s practically soul cleaning.
  10. Greek and Dutch. My dad was full blooded Greek, born in California. My mom was born in the Netherlands, but came to the US in the 1980's with my grandparents. I like to joke that my Greek side shows in my dating preferences 🏳️‍🌈🇬🇷
  11. I was talking to someone I'm close to and the topic of anal sex came up. They asked me to explain how it feels to be horny for dick and where it comes from. At first I thought, "Well that's easy" and started talking about it, but then I realized that it wasn't as simple as I thought because it's different for different guys. Some people enjoying being a bottom because they crave the loads. Others get off on pleasing other men and having men use their asses for their own pleasure. Then there are guys like me who crave intercourse and get cranky if I haven't had a good lay because it feels good. I guess what I'm wondering is, do the bottoms who enjoy being cum dumps or being a hole for men to get off in also crave the intercourse? And if so, how would you describe the urge? For me, there's a strong tremble that I feel along the walls of my asshole and down my legs that can only be controlled by a hard dick stroking me out until I'm satisfied. When I get that way, I don't really think about the load or the top's orgasm, except for hoping that it won't happen prematurely. I'm interested in hearing about the arousal and sensations that other bottoms experience in their bodies when they're craving sex. Is it a physical sensation for you? Or is it purely mental? If it's physical, can you describe it? If it's mental, do you also feel physical pleasure from getting fucked? Or does your pleasure even matter to you?
  12. As a bottom it's almost never my place to bitch about a fuck. But if you accidentally knee the back of my thigh when you're trying to put it in, you've killed the mood. 😠

    1. ejaculaTe


      "Kill the mood" is a very polite way of expressing it, and it's far more restrained than I would be.

    2. backdoorjimmy


      @ejaculaTe Well to be fair, he's a virgin and a lot taller than me so some of it is my fault. I know he didn't mean to do it, but the point of his knee went right into my thigh and it felt like someone hit me with a hammer. He texted me later to apologize again which was sweet. I told him that next time we'll do it in the missionary position until he gets the hang of it.

  13. As someone who started in middle school, I only hooked up with guys around my age, except for one exception. The boy who took my virginity was a virgin, too, and so were the next 4 guys I hooked up with. So STD's weren't really a concern for me. When my mom discovered I was having sex, she made an appointment for me to see my pediatrician. Surprisingly, he kept things comfortable and asked me a few questions about my activities and my partners ages. Looking back, I realize it was to make sure I wasn't being intimate with an adult, which I was nowhere ready for at the time. After that, I was sent across the hall to get bloodwork done so I could get tested for STI's. After that I was tested every time. So to answer your question, if the kid is sick his parents or guardian will probably just take him to the doctor and they'll figure it out. Unless one of the parents is abusing him. Then his condition might go untreated until he tells the school nurse or another adult about his symptoms.
  14. How weird that this topic came back up. I was just thinking about how both spots I mentioned in my original reply are gone now - This was a Farm Fresh in the Towne Center shopping center in Hampton - The building is still empty 4 years after the store closed. This was an Exxon station just a few blocks from where I live. Sadly, it's gone now too. Here's what it looked like when I used to meet guys here to blow them and occasionally get fucked in the men's room if it felt safe. One time I met up with a guy and he ate me out, then he split before I could suck him off. It was such a rush. I was hoping to get back to meeting guys here once the pandemic ended, but it didn't survive. Oh well, I guess I need to find new places to swallow loads and get my ass fucked.
  15. One of my biggest fantasies was to be whored out and not know who was fucking me. I'd been passed around before, but never in a truly anonymous setting. Last year it finally happened for me - my boyfriend and his crew set up a gangbang for me in the dark. I stayed on my hands and knees in the bed and guys came in to use my ass, then dipped out. I didn't even get to suck them after they came. I got put on my back and fucked with my legs in the air a few times but didn't mind because being in the same position for so long was making my abdomen cramp up. If you do it, my only advice would be to do it with someone you trust and who cares about you. Some of the guys who used me were roughnecks who tossed me around a little. But there was a group of guys in the front room to keep an eye on things and make sure I wasn't in any real danger.
  16. Sure. Without being too graphic, avocado gives me messy poop. It’s harder to wipe and I usually have to do an extra clean out when I have it. Same with peanut butter, but not on the same level as avocado. I love both but they don’t make my sex life easy.
  17. My diet doesn’t really change from day to day because I always like to be ready for sex. But when I know I’m going to be fucked by more than a few tops I avoid certain things like Avocado and peanut butter. When I do that, I usually bulk up on my leafy greens and eat salmon or grilled chicken breast. Oatmeal is also good for clearing out the poop deck, but it’s not something I enjoy so I’ll usually just skip breakfast when I’m prepping for a train. The best greens for no mess are baby spinach, mustard greens and kale. Also, I make it a point to drink at least 10 glasses of water per day leading up to it, but more if I can.
  18. Hands free on the cock as long as that's what the top wants, but I love to cup and caress a warm set of balls so it's hard for me to keep my hands away. If the mood is right, I might also use my fingertips to massage the base of the dick when I know he's about to shoot, just to make it feel better for him.
  19. Such a considerate top. I'm sure his ass was on fire for some cock and he was grateful for the chance to cleanout at your place so he could have it serviced. How long does it take to get a bottom opened up for fisting? Is it something that he's already loose enough to do? Or do you have to warm him up little by little? I've been interested in it for as long as I've been having sex, but I can't wrap my head around the physics. I bet it feels amazing.
  20. He sounds like a lazy asshole.
  21. As a bottom, I feel like it's my responsibility to be clean when I show up for a fuck. But I think it's really sweet of you to have something for your bottoms to use when you host. For like $20, I bought a shower tool on Amazon and mounted it in less than 5 minutes. I never have to uninstall it because with the turn of a lever, it shuts off and on - [think before following links] https://imgur.com/a/0ijp7AW Gross - not because I'm averse to poop, but because it's rude to impose that on people who are there to have a good time. I hope the selfish bottom had to do a walk of shame back to his car. There's no excuse to show up dirty to a gangbang unless it's agreed upon up front.
  22. I usually do a major cleanout once a week, then a midweek cleanout if I think it's necessary. I take other steps like watching what I eat and keeping a regular bathroom schedule, but sometimes that's not enough. When it's not, I'll do another major cleanout. It's not good to douche too much, but I'd rather overdo it on the cleanout than skip a lay.
  23. It's always up to the guy who's letting me suck his dick, but I prefer to have my lips wrapped around the glans. It lets me feel it when his load erupts and I get to enjoy his orgasm with him. I love not knowing how it's going to happen - if his load will squirt hard against the roof of my mouth or if it'll just flood my whole mouth at once. I'm always grateful for the chance to suck dick and swallow a hot load.
  24. When you can’t pick an option because the smallest length is way more than you have 😐
  25. As someone who leans into the forbidden fetish, I fully agree with you. As the bottom, it's on me to make sure I'm clean back there because it's rude not to. I don't have the right to impose my kinks on other people, and even if I didn't have that fetish, it would be gross of me to assume it was no big deal. I douche once a week, but will do it more often if I need to. My poop schedule is regular and I stay away from foods that make things messy back there. If I didn't, I'd clean out way more often. Maybe. I think the polite thing to do is tell the top what's going on. I know a lot of people are poop shy and won't discuss it - to me, that's silly. We all do it, and when a guy has his dick in my ass, he's literally getting us both off in the place where it comes out. What is there to be shy about? But if a bottom doesn't want to tell his hookup or boyfriend or fwb that he's having an off day, he ought to cancel and make up something else. Wow, talk about being totally oblivious to the wants and needs of others. If he couldn't understand what was wrong here, he's either completely oblivious or literally thinks his shit doesn't stink. I used to hook up with a guy who hated to smell anything. Even the aroma of an opened up asshole was too much for him to handle, so I usually limited it to oral with him. I can't imagine what his reaction would be if someone met him with a full ass. Just rude. Nope, not at all. You're allowed to have preferences and boundaries, and it's up to the people who ask to hook up with you to respect them. It would be different if you wandered into a bar where everyone had brown handkerchiefs hanging out of their back pockets, but on a normal hookup it's perfectly reasonable for you to expect some bottom etiquette.
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