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Everything posted by backdoorjimmy

  1. I should probably visit an actual glory hole and find out what they're like. I've never seen one in real life so the idea I have in my head is all based on the porn I've watched. I've had a fantasy for years about cutting out a section of my backyard fence so I could back my ass up to it and let guys use it, but it's all in my head and it doesn't seem practical. Especially since I still live with my mom.
  2. Same here. I go through long phases where the craving to eat ass is the only thing that makes me horny. A good fuck can take the edge off, but the only thing that truly makes it better is feasting on a hot, delicious asshole.
  3. I know this is probably weird, but I've been wanting to spend a day and/or night eating anonymous ass. I've never manned a glory hole, but I've been thinking about trying it - except I'd want to exclusively devote myself to eating ass. Since I'm not experienced with glory holes and don't know anyone who is, I figured I'd ask if this is something tops and bottoms would be interested in. If I advertised a glory hole that was designed exclusively for men to give me their assholes to feast on, would it be appealing? Or is it a dumb idea that I should forget about?
  4. Given some of the crap she’s had to put up from me, my mom would likely need to walk around with holy water and a priest to get over it all. She’s been way more accepting and forgiving than I deserve, especially when I was younger and more reckless.
  5. Hot that you watched your mom taking it like that. I take after my mom in the "many partners" department too, but I've never actually seen her getting railed. Awkwardly, she's walked in on me when I wasn't expecting her to come home and probably needed eye bleach after seeing her sweet boy taking it in the ass. But truth be told, I'd be down to get laid side by side with her if the opportunity presented itself.
  6. It's all about the fuck for me. There's nothing better than the feeling of a man's hard dick running back and forth along the walls of my fuckhole. It's such a delicious feeling - I've been hooked on it from the very first time I got laid. The load is just a creamy bonus at the end of a satisfying lay.
  7. My partner and his roommates are black, so for the past couple years I've been fucked almost exclusively by POC. After my first night at their place I knew it was hopeless for me to deny my craving for them. During the start of the pandemic I made the decision to quarantine with them and that was the beginning of the end for me. I started 2020 in full slut mode but now I'm a 100% owned bitch and don't want it any other way. We're friends with another couple, both black, and the bottom of that couple has the littlest dick I've ever seen in my life. It's adorable because it gets rock hard and it's not even 3 inches. We make out and rim each other, and he's the most amazing cuddler ever and his hard line is just like mine - hands off the wiener. Also his asshole actually feels like it starts sweating when I slide my fingers inside. He's everything I aspire to be as a bottom.
  8. Once again you've expertly stated what I wanted to say but haven't been able to find the words to express - a bottom is a human being with agency. I keep reading posts from people on here, tops and bottoms, who say otherwise. And if that's how they feel, I won't bother arguing because I can't wrap my head around that mindset. But the bottom line (no pun intended) is that as a bottom, I decide who to open my legs for and whose load to take. For the record, I've never denied a load. But if I'm with a top and we agree beforehand that he won't cum in my ass, he better pull out before he cums. If he doesn't, I'm well within my rights to hold him accountable. Either with a prolonged shot of pepper spray to the eyes and nose or by reporting him to the police. If he doesn't have the restraint needed to pull out before he nuts inside me, he should tell me he's not interested before he puts his dick in my ass. Exactly. Apps like grindr and Scruff are swimming with bottoms like me who take loads. If one of us says no, move on to the next one. Don't be a dick about it. Yep - this constitutes "withdrawing consent" after the fact. It's like saying, "Now that I've sucked your dick and swallowed your load, I've changed my mind." It's a BS tactic and bottoms who do this deserve to be called out for being shitty people. On the other hand, if the top still manages to pull out and shoots his load all over the bottom's stomach or back, he's a hell of a top in my opinion.
  9. Exactly. My ass is my pussy, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
  10. I don't disagree with that at all, and my own laziness led to me neglecting to point that out. Sometimes I cringe when I see comments like that, but I also try to keep in mind that sometimes people are posting when they're at their horniest moments and once they've been satisfied they might not feel the same way. As a submissive bottom I'm probably guilty of perpetuating that mindset to a degree, but I try to avoid it when I can. As you say, there's a difference between a top who hurts a bottom unintentionally versus one who goes out of his way to harm his partner. There used to be a clip on Pornhub of a powertop who would fuck his partner into ecstasy, then punch him over and over again in the face before the clip ended. Some of the comments were vile and the clip itself made me panic for the bottom's safety. But I also know there are some guys out there who fetishize abuse. Agreed. Abuse is abuse, and it should be called out when it happens. My biggest issue is when I see people saying, "The 10 year age gap is creepy and the older man is a groomer/predator/creeper." I read a post on Reddit by someone who said his older (50's) neighbor groomed him when he was 19 by hooking up with him, even though the 19 year old was the one who initiated the hookup and kept going back for more. The amount of people calling the older man a predator was insane, and the entire time I was reading it I was internally screaming "There are real predators out there! An older man hooking up with a 19 year old isn't a predator, he's just some fucking guy!" There are better examples that I'm sure I'm missing but that's what I was alluding to. And for me it's a little more personal because I'm dating a 48 year old. If someone called him a predator or said he groomed me I'd laugh in their face, but it kinda hurts knowing that there are some people who would and probably do think so. Enjoy your cockdate! I'm waiting for my old man to get off work so we can get off together. 🙂
  11. Thank you for this excellent breakdown. So many people throw words like "predator" and "rape" around like it's nothing, and it minimizes actual rape and has the potential to undermine the menace of actual predators. On the other hand, consent is something that we all have the right to give and deny at our own pleasure. For any reason, or for no reason at all. As a bottom, I love it when men cum in my ass. But if I ever decide for some unknown reason that I don't want that to happen, the partner I'm with needs to either tell me to go fuck myself or respect my boundary.
  12. I definitely consider myself a pig for a lot of reasons, but mainly because there's a trashy part of sex that I live for. Piss in the mouth, ass in my mouth, stinky toes in my mouth, ripe armpits and lots of anonymous tongue in my mouth keep me horny. Years ago I went to a party where I was the only total bottom. At some point everyone else was done and their boners weren't coming back but I was still horny. So instead of backing down I just went around eating ass for the next hour. It was deliciously slutty and I knew it, but that why I was so into it. I made it a point to lick out every stink hole at the place and even tried to take mental notes on the differences is taste and aroma from one top's ass to the next. That was the first time someone called me a pig and I knew that's what I was and what I wanted to be. I go through long phases where I crave having a foot to lick or an arm pit to suck on, and there's never a time when I don't want to eat hot, ripe asshole or drink piss.
  13. I enjoy a longer lay, so when a top takes a long time to cum I'm in heaven the whole time. As a bottom I do what I can to make the fuck pleasurable for both of us. Whether that means squeezing with my butt muscles of changing positions so he can relax while I do all the work with my hips, the pleasure is always mine. So if it's a longer fuck, then it's my job to make sure I have a nice ride.
  14. I think sex would have to play a critical role in a healthy relationship, unless the love between the two partners is so deep that it goes beyond sex. I've only been in two committed relationships in my life, but sex was and is a huge part for me. There's something special about having the man I love inside me, smiling at me and sharing eye contact while my ass grips and squeezes his dick. It's like we're connected at the soul and almost like coming home. I don't really know any other way to explain it. Casual sex with random guys is fun, but the sex I have with my boyfriend makes everything that was wrong with my day better. Can you explain more about this? I'm having a hard time seeing how this relates to sex being an important part of relationships. It's kinda like saying, "I find that men who don't bring Krispy Kreme donuts to my place when we hookup have bad fashion taste or don't take good care of their cars." The two don't really have anything to do with each other.
  15. It didn't happen for me at a bath house, but my first official boyfriend and I met at a party where I was the only bottom and everyone used me. He kept smiling at me and kissed me a lot throughout the night, then walked me to my car and asked if I wanted to chill at his place the next day. We started seeing each other every day and before long he told me he was falling in love. I was too, and we ended up together for almost two years. The only reason we didn't last is he's a bottom by nature, too, and I'm a 100% bottom who can't top. We still see each other and hang out all the time but we've both moved on and found partners who make us happy. He'll always be special to me though because he was my first true love.
  16. Sitting in the car waiting for my bf to get off work. So many hot as fuck guys walking by and making my ass shiver. I definitely need to get laid as soon as we get home. 

  17. I make sure I eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies so things aren't as messy in my turd tunnel. I only douche once a week with a shower shot, but I might do a mid week cleanout if I think it's necessary. I wear a butt plug all day, but that's more about keeping the cum inside than it is to be prepared to take a dick. I can pretty much handle any size cock whether I've been plugged or not. As for lube, I usually finger vaseline in my ass because it makes having a plug there more comfortable, plus it soothes my pussy lips if they're red and irritated from too much friction or from dried cum when it leaks out.
  18. Same thing for me. There's a pattern of addiction in my family, on both sides, so I don't even play with poppers. A lot of people I grew up with have died of drug overdoses and two have committed suicide. My bf and his crew smoke weed throw back shots of liquor, and I don't judge them for it, but I'll never do it myself because it's not something I'm comfortable with.
  19. I don't know which one of these is worse - I'm not grossed out by the first story, just appalled by the arrogance of the guy. The second one made my head hurt. He didn't think you meant something you clearly put in the ad? WTF?
  20. Just out of curiosity, have you talked to your brother about what you're going through? If you're twins and you're close enough that you both felt sad about you moving away, there's a chance he knows and that it's just an unspoken truth that he sees. Do you think your relationship as brothers can survive a discussion about this issue? Your attraction's not going to disappear until you address it, and the best thing to do might be to acknowledge it with him. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't act on your feelings, but it sounds like he's the person you're closest to in life. If that's the case, he might be aware and also worried about you and unsure how to approach the topic. I would be sad if the person I cared about the most couldn't approach me with anything they needed me for, regardless of how uncomfortable it was. Also, you say you have a bf of 4 years and you thought it would help with this issue. I'm not attacking you, but it feels really unfair for your bf if one of the reasons you're with him was to help ease your romantic feelings for your brother. Again, if I'm mistaken I apologize. But it seems like your bf might end up hurting when this is all said and done.
  21. Ooh, I'll have to check it out. I don't live very far from there. Maybe like 10 or 15 minutes depending on Mercury Blvd traffic.
  22. Which park? I live in Hampton but if I cross the street I'm in East End Newport News. My bf lives in Newport News too. Just curious because I'm always looking for good cruising spots. Deer Park is the place everyone talks about but I've never hooked up there, and it's not on the James River.
  23. I got fucked by a dude with 3 inches but he knew how to use it and it was one of my best lays ever. He was so confident in himself and he took charge right away by kissing me and easing me down to the bed, then he picked my legs up and treated me to a great fuck. I was very satisfied when it was over, which was the opposite of what I was expecting. To be fair, he was up front about his size and I was in a super slutty mood so I decided to invite him over. Best decision ever.
  24. lol... he drove all the way after telling you to expect someone completely different. WTF was he expecting to happen?
  25. Honestly, I don't have a lot of turn offs when it comes to bodily functions. But puke it where I draw the line. I just can't.
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