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Everything posted by Vancrawman

  1. They’d have to find another hole to fuck. I haven’t had a condom on me or in me for over 20 years!
  2. ~Thanks for all your kind words, men, I'm glad so many of you liked Chapter I. Here now is Chapter II: The Ten: Chapter II by @Vancrawman **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way** Chapter II: First Quarry I woke up that morning still super excited and with my cock straining for attention, my mutual recharge fuckfest with Keith did nothing to dampen my horniness. I had heard that once infected, the virus demands to replicate so you get super horned up all the time, but still I resolved to hold off until I got my bio tat later that day at Eric’s studio. I checked my phone and saw several text messages. Apparently, my late night tweet announcing my level-up to POZ status was making the rounds of poz twitter and got back to several of my friends who knew of my quest: “Hey, buddy, great job, congrats! You gonna spread it around now?” “OMG, welcome to the Class of 2022, brother! Go forth and propagate!” “Super excited for you, man! It’s what you wanted and you went out and got it – and had a lot of fun along the way! So PROUD of you!” I also checked twitter and there were a lot of DMs from supposed chasers, but most of them I knew from previous interactions to be kind of flaky. Let’s see, I thought, if my change in status would get some of them to commit. Finally, another text came through – it was from a young twitter bud Caleb who was also on the chase for the upgrade to poz. We sexted back and forth a few times over the years. His profile says he’s 22 and from his pics, he’s got a great ass that has been after toxic loads for a year with no positive result: “I will fly over to you from Miami to get that toxic seed of yours, brother, just say when!” I sent some thank you texts and to Caleb, I got especially hot thinking about bugging up his sweet hole: “You make your plans, boy, and I’ll be glad to get you into the brotherhood if I can. I’m pretty toxic right now, so get on that plane!” Finally, I got out of bed, and got on with my day, not thinking more about Caleb’s text. Chasers make a lot of plans they never go through with…I know, I was a chaser myself. On this day, I planned on only working a half-day and it was all I could do to concentrate even a little on work, but eventually the time came to stop work and get marked as the toxic breeder I now was. I settled into Eric’s chair for the tattoo I had been dreaming of for years, but which I didn’t want to get until it really meant what it represented: A biohazard symbol, stylized a bit with some curves at the end of the tendrils and some shading and coloring in it, and a little blood red drop in the middle – marking me as a poz man ready to share the gift. Eric had greeted me with a warm kiss and long hug. “Congrats, brother!” How do you feel about the upgrade to poz?” “I’m so happy to finally get there, Eric, and you were a big part of breaking down that initial resistance, mate! When I came in here on that hot August day two years ago, and you were stripped down to the waist with that beautiful scorpion pointing downward to your sweet poz stick, it really help me decide to begin the chase! So you’re a big part of why I’m here today, my friend, even if it wasn’t your strain that got me over the line!” “Hey, not for lack of trying, buddy, but now we can recharge each other!” “Looking forward to that, stud” I said, “grabbing my cock in my pants which was by then fully hard. But first, mark me, man, I need to get branded now as a poz gifter!” “Let me get comfortable,” and with that, Eric strips off his shirt to reveal his well-tattooed chest with the beautiful Scorpion pointing down to his thick cock bulging in his jeans. Next to it was “XX,” meaning he was well ahead of me on this particular pozzing path. Ever since I consulted him about tattoo design two years ago, Eric has been telling me about The Ten, as they called themselves, I was desperate to poz up and join their special brotherhood. Each member must be poz-toxic and they each pledge to convert at least 10 willing chasers. Therefore, each X represents 10 guys he’s pozzed. Every time they get 10 confirmed hits, they get another X inked next to their biohazard or scorpion tat. When I first met Eric, he had only one X to mark his progress. “Eric, every time I look at that tat and the XX, I get so fucking turned on!” What must it feel like to have knocked up 20 guys?” I’m so fucking jealous and pissed that I started this so late!” “Hey man, don’t be that way, everyone gets there in their own time. I spent years on meds after I got pozzed, and even then I was so afraid of it I barely had any sex for years, until I got finally realized my destiny. We chasers and gifters all take different paths to the same place…what matters is that we get there.” “And that’s only 20 that I know about! And by the way, I’m nearer to my third X so soon there’ll be an addition right here, “ he says, pointing to an empty spot next to the two XXs. Got a couple of chasers I’ve been exclusively bugging up from the last month waiting on their fuck flu and for positive results, and then I’ll hit 30 if they come out right!” “Now sit back and relax and let’s get this tat on you to mark you for the poz predator you are!” As he worked on the biohazard tattoo now forming on my abdominals, we reminisced about how Eric bred me several times aiming to poz me, and although it ultimately wasn’t his strain that infected me, Eric and I sure had a good time trying; he pozbred me a few times, and when Eric went out of town for awhile, he recommended the hot nurse Keith to try and infect me. I gave him exclusive pozzing rights to my hole and Keith started his gifting sessions, and after some hot fucks over several weeks, some toothbrushing, and lots of toxic Keith seed, I knew it had finally happened 3 weeks later when the fuck flu hit – hard. Coming out of my reverie, I looked down at the progress and I was stunned to see so much of it filled in already, I was only barely aware of the needle inking me, marking me for life as a member of the poz club. He was about 90% done with the tat now…I had been there for 3 hours without realizing how the time was flying. “How was your fuck flu, brother?” Eric inquired. “It was rough for a few days but I was so excited and turned on by it, I knew it was finally happening, I couldn’t stop jerking off. Keith toothbrushed me hard then threw some powerful pozfucks into my hole, so I was so happy and relieved when the fuck flu hit. It’s our Rite of Passage!” “Fuck yeah,” Eric agreed. “Last night, after I left the doctor’s office, I saw some little twink of about 20 years old in the parking lot and all I wanted was to pin him down breed him with my bugs! Every guy I see is a target, my first quarry to join the poz brotherhood. I ended up with Keith doing some mutual recharging, after we had some champagne to toast my upgrade.” “You definitely see the world and the men in it in a different light, my friend,” Eric was finishing up, wiping the bloody area on my abs that now marked me for life and covering it with some moisturizer and clingy plastic film. He took a drop of my blood with his index finger and brought it up to my mouth to taste, then deeply kissed me. “OK, you know the drill with new tats, Randy,” keep it clean and dry and I can touch it up in a couple of weeks. Now get over here and breed my hole with that fresh poz seed!” With that, Eric pulled down his pants, bent over the tattoo chair and exposed his hot hairy hole to me. I knelt down to taste the passage before breeding it,and found some cum in there already. “Yeah, stopped off at the glory holes for a couple of loads this morning. Don’t know if they were toxic or not. I bred a couple holes, too, gave them both a little gift! – they don’t ask, I don’t tell!” At that, I stood up and plunged my hard poz weapon right into Eric’s bugged-up hole. “Yeah, fuck that fresh HIV into my fuckin hole, stud,” Eric encouraged. From all the poz chat while he was branding me as a POZ gifter with his needle, and now fucking Eric’s sweet pre-loaded hole, it didn’t take long for another load of fresh poz seed to burst forth down Eric’s passage. “Recharge me with that poison, stud!” he egged me on as I made my toxic deposit up my friend’s hole. All I could think was how my toxic cum was infiltrating his system, charging him up with my fresh strain, mixing with the bugs already in him to create a new, ever so different version of itself. We stayed like that for a few minutes, making sure every dirty drop of poz was delivered into Eric’s gaping manhole. Finally, we had collected ourselves and got dressed, Eric popped in a small Lucite buttplug to ensure absorption of the prize. It was then that Eric proposed a first victim for my new gifts. “Hey, Randy, I’ve got a guy coming in a few minutes for a tat, he wants just a simple Celtic thing, not any poz tattoo – at least not yet. I think he’d be perfect for conversion, I know from following his twitter that poz turns him on, but I don’t know for sure if he’s a real chaser or if he’s on PrEP…I was gonna try to knock him up but I’ll let you have this one if you want to wait around now for him, take a look at him, and let me know, I can introduce him to you.” And with that perfect timing, the potential first neg hole to get my infectious gift walked through the front door. “Hey, Eric,” he waved over to the tattoo artist. “Justin, meet my buddy Randy…He just got this new tat,” Eric replied, pointing to the wrapped up, but still visible, biohazard tattoo on my stomach. “Wow, I love it! Does that mean what I think it means?” Justin peered inquisitively at my new ink with its blood red center droplet. “Damn right. You want it? It could change your life” “Fuck yeah, I want it, man!” Justin brushed his hand gently over the biohazard. “You on PrEP? Cuz I don’t want to waste the gift if your PrEPPED up,” I cautioned. Justin, who looks about 25, sandy hair and a tight little body in his tank top and shorts, just looks up at me and says “Nope, I stopped PrEP about a month ago, I’m ready to accept my fate. Just tell me when and where, stud, I’ll take what you’ve got.” And with that, my first poz-gifting session was set up for the next night. I stopped at the drugstore on the way home and bought some new toothbrushes.
  3. **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way** THE TEN by @Vancrawman Chapter 1: Results The doctor looked up from the papers showing my lab results. He had a serious look on his face as he started reading them, at first all the usual tests – cholesterol levels, Vitamin D levels, and on and on, until he came to the one at which he paused – his index finger marking the spot on the page that he was slowly working up to explaining. “I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Randy, but your HIV test is positive,” he finally uttered these words in a sympathetic voice, searching with his eyes for a reaction from me. “OK,” I remarked, that's not totally a surprise, I figured it was bound to happen sooner or later,” was my response, which, while technically true, also totally ignored the fact that I had actively chased the bug for well over a year. (But I wasn't going to tell him that – would he understand bug chasers, anyway?) He was a young, gay doctor who was recommended to me after the older guy had retired. I knew he had grown up way after the sad days of HIV and as he began recounting all the ways for us to manage the infection, I was already forming an alternate plan in my mind – actually, it had always been part of the plan and now the first stage – my pozzing – was accomplished! There was no way I was going to tell him about ‘The Ten.’ Inside, I was so thrilled at this news, but I didn't want to disappoint this young doctor by telling him I wasn't going to be taking his meds – at least not for some time. So, I listened politely, nodding now and then, adding an “OK,” or a “Yes, I see” to the conversation. So, we'll start you right away on Maxalifam, which will lower your viral load down to undetectable levels. I’ll send the Rx to your pharmacy now,” he said, tapping into the laptop to send the medication request. “What is my viral load now, based on the blood test?,” I asked him, anticipating the level of my detectability, and wondering for a split-second if he detected worry or excitement in the way I formed the question. “Well, Randy, post-infection, viral load spikes. Yours right now is of 1.4 million, which means you should refrain from any condomless sex since you're very detectable and could pass on the virus to others, f they’re not on PrEP. But since, as you told me, you forgot your PrEP a few times, and as you know, condoms aren't foolproof, you might want to think about avoiding all sexual encounters until the meds do their thing.” He went on for about 10 more minutes, explaining some finer points of the medication regimen, but my mind was spinning inside: I was detectable, and what’s more, that was a high viral load! I crossed my legs to try to hide the burgeoning hardon under the flimsy paper examination gown, and I struggled again to pay attention to the earnest young doctor. “Any more questions?,” he asked. “I'm here for you at every step of the way. My nurse Keith is also available either by text or through the web portal, for any questions. ‘Oh yeah,” I replied, “I have spoken with Keith before, he’s a great guy.” “He sure is, Randy, and he and I are here for you with whatever you need. I’ll send Keith in now to coordinate your follow-up appointments and next lab tests.” As he went to leave, this young doctor turned back and reassured me “Don’t worry, Randy, we know what we’re dealing with and we’ll have you undetectable soon.” “Thanks, Doc, I’m looking forward to that,” I lied. “Oh, and I’m going to leave you with some brochures and information about the meds and the strategies to avoid passing on the virus to others,” handing over to me several pamphlets, “We will get you through this, Randy.” And with that he was out of the room. I spent the next few minutes trying to curtail my rigid newly-poz cock as it demanded attention. My mind was reeling, I was so excited. First things first, I texted my tattoo artist to tell him the good news. “Hey Eric, I’m coming in for the biohazard tat we spoke about, because guess what?! I finally qualify for it!” “CONGRATS!! , good going, brother! Do you know who did the deed?” 🍾 “Oh yeah, I sure do, and I can’t wait to tell him! He’s gonna be so proud!” With that, the door to the exam room started opening, Keith was turned away from me, wrapping up a conversation with a passing co-worker, so I finished up my text convo with Eric: “In fact, I’m gonna give him the good news right now!” “Great, man, I got time tomorrow afternoon for you to come in for the biohazard tat, and when you do, maybe you can recharge my hole with those fresh bugs, brother!” Your libido’s gonna go through the roof, man, now that you’re no longer shooting blanks!” “Be my honor to recharge you, stud!” I snap a quick pic of my cock and send it over to Eric. “Talk later” Opening the door, Keith, my doctor’s handsome nurse stepped into the room, grinning a broad smile. His lab coat was unbuttoned to reveal a big trouser bulge – he shut the door behind him and leaned into me for a deep passionate kiss. I felt his beard on my face and his burly arms wrapped around me. “I’m so happy you’ve got my strain inside you now, Randy” he whispered in my ear as his hands went straight down between my legs. “We’re connected now in such a natural, honest way!” “I knew those last few fucks and toothbrushings you did to me, Keith, would do the trick!” I’m just so happy and fucking excited thinking about passing on your strain! “Hey, it’s your strain now, too, brother! And now begins your next phase -- Yeah, man you gotta collect your 10 trophies now! I won’t be one of them since I gave it to you, but can you come by later and recharge me with that beautiful high viral load?” “Damn right, my friend, I’ve been waiting for the time I can recharge your hole and return the favor! But what am I gonna do with this now,” I remarked, pointing down to my rigid cock that Keith had so helpfully released from the inadequate covering of the paper gown. It was standing straight up at attention, opaque drops of pre-cum beading up on the head besides my 0g P.A. ring. “I gotta do this fast,” Keith cautioned, and then dropped to his knees and swallowed me whole, and began sucking. I didn’t try to hold out for very long as I was so fired up, and Keith was at work as well. “Let me take that first poz load of yours, Randy!” Toxic poz cum tastes so good! Give me a free sample of the recharge you’re gonna drill into my hole tonight! With that, I exploded into Keith’s mouth with a hot load of newly-toxic cum, and he swallowed it all down. “Mmmm, poz cum is so good! Nothing else like it!,” he exclaims after resurfacing off my cock. He brings his lips up to mine and I taste the poison seed I just created in my infected balls. As he reassembles himself, and I go to get dressed, buttoning up my pants against my still hard tool, Keith says to me “I have to get back to work, Randy, but come by my place at 8:00 tonight for that mutual recharge! Then we can talk about the plans for your Gifting Season. “Oh, you mean, ‘The Ten,” right? Yeah, I’ve already got a few in mind for conversion. We can go over it tonight.” “And Randy,” Keith says as lifts his shirt to reveal his furry hard midsection, you were my tenth, so I gotta get to Eric so he can add the “X” to this,” pointing to the biohazard tattoo just above his hot poz cock. With that, he makes a follow-up appointment for me then departs with a wicked smile. I gather my things to leave, and as I walk out of the building to the parking lot, I pass a young guy going in and instantly feel him checking me out, feeling a bit like a hunter looking at his prey, I think to myself how I’d love to infect him with my DNA and get me 10% of the way to my own Roman Numeral X next to the biohazard ink I’m getting tomorrow - Like Keith said, it is MY strain now. On the way to my car, I pass a trash can. I stop to look at the brochures the young doctor gave me, then throw them in the trash. ~TO BE CONTINUED~
  4. LOL, one way or another, he'll find out soon enough !
  5. Yep, I had 2 gay cousins and i fucked with them both - not at the same time. I was their cousin, but they weren't cousins of each other...One was from my mom's side and the other from my dad's side of the family. But they met at a bar one night and they fucked each other as well. So yeah it was a family affair, I guess you could say... They're both gone now, one to a car accident and the other to AIDS. Great guys, both of them, with hot cocks, too!
  6. i'm not POZ (hopefully that will change sooner or later) but stealthing with a tampered condom is always wrong, of course. the new law would criminalize that as it should - although yeah, i agree life imprisonment is too much - but would appear not to criminalize lying about one's status, which is considered by many to be a form of stealthing as well. personally, i never ask anyone their status so they never need lie.
  7. Nobody’s ever said to me “pull out,” but I still make it clear ahead of the fuck, “if I’m fucking you, I’m breeding you.”
  8. It has to be RAW, no exceptions, whether I'm the top or the bottom.
  9. i love mine, have had them in for years. Remember, too, that if you don't like them, you can always take them out.
  10. I’ve seen them kneeling by the urinals waiting for guys to piss in their mouths. Some guys would, some wouldn’t. Even saw once in awhile a piss drinker kneeling there with one of those strap-on funnel toys so as not to miss a drop.
  11. Pozzing Season starts tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      it's not like apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

      - sorry, maybe just computer geeks understand this ☣

    3. Vancrawman


      it's definitely leveling-up!

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      fuck yes, it's a major upgrade! 

  12. he was way ahead of his time. is there even any condom porn left? Titan was the last holdout and they went out of business 3 years ago.
  13. i feel the same way, like now while I'm neg, I don't have the standing to get a bio tat, but as soon as i get pozzed, i will do so. Making it unambiguous that people know what they're getting - well, most people will know.
  14. at first, i found it frustrating, that's true. but now i see the value of it - it encourages participation and communication. and you advance pretty fast if you participate.
  15. It’s the “pull of poz” for me, it’s just too strong. I’m just starting out my chase, but I can’t wait ‘til i turn my loads of negative blanks into poz ammunition!
  16. Nobody I know uses them - nobody at the bathhouse, either, even though I see bowls of condoms for the taking, nobody does. Raw fucking is a beautiful thing and RAW IS LAW!
  17. Steamworks in Berkeley, CA, circa 2010, spent 12 hours in a glory hole booth, sucked on 30 cocks, swallowed loads from 22 of them!
  18. I love hotel cumdumps! You get in that hole, breed it full of cum, then get out for the next man to use….Sometimes, I’ll drop my load off in the cumdump, then go out for a nice lunch or a walk in the park, thinking about how good it felt gets me going again, then return to breed the dump again!
  19. I haven’t had a condom on me or in me in over 20 years…no going back once you ditch them.
  20. HorseMarket in San Francisco did a "filmed event" with some pornstars but also a lot of regular guys who agreed to be filmed. It's not exactly what the real thing is like, this is much brighter to accommodate filming, for example, but it's a great idea of what these events are like for those who haven't been. You can watch the trailer or purcahse a download of the event here: [think before following links] https://horsemarketsf.com/horsemarketvideopresale/
  21. Yeah, Ryan’s cum-filled cunt feels so good, it’s almost indescribable I’m not surprised probably 50% of BZ has bred it !
  22. WOW, Drew is a hot and sexy beast of a man! Did you know he's also an accomplished chef with his own catering company? Truly a man of many talents!
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