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About Blacoe

  • Birthday 11/01/1990

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    Auckland, New Zealand
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  1. Your best bet is to go to a sexual health clinic. They'll be able to help you best with it (which may involve a small procedure to remove them). If you haven't already gotten the HPV vaccine it's also a good idea to get it. There's several strains of HPV out there, not just the wart ones, and some can lead to cancer and pre-cancerous lesions. There's some good evidence that taking the HPV vaccine even when you've already got it can help to give your immune system a boost and keep it at bay, and of course it'll protect you against other strains you may not already have.
  2. Can I ask what time of day is best to go to Bull Bar? I had someone once say it's more a place to go after a club, but when I'm looking for potent guys I'm not so sure if that holds true...
  3. I think this is a good lesson that once we're in that position we should accept all dicks and loads!
  4. Just got my last load. Ended up with shigella after a trip to Berlin, so despite no symptoms for 2 weeks I was waiting on my antibiotics to finish before having sex again (cause I am most definitely not into that bug). I've been going a bit stir crazy wanting fucked, especially cause I locked myself back in chastity last week to stop me pulling the skin off my dick from boredom wanking! Finally finished the antibiotics last night so hopped on the apps this morning. Found a dl discrete married guy who wanted to unload. I'd said yes before I even knew anything else! He said he'd be over in 10 minutes, and actually turned up at my door 8 minutes later cause he was so horny. Once I got him to the bedroom he pulled out an 8" dick almost as thick as a red bull can. I managed to get it into my mouth and milk it with my throat muscles, and after a few minutes he reached over and started feeling my hole up. I jumped on the bed ass up and he shoved his thick stick right inside in one motion. Thank god I'd been using my hole the past few weeks because he was really stretching me out in all the best ways. After 5 minutes of him fucking hard he kept saying "oh yeah" so I begged him to breed me, which made him shoot his load right inside me. It's not often that I actually feel a dick pulse as it breeds me but damn I felt his dick throbbing out his load. He unfortunately had to leave after that so no round 2, but a fantastic way to get back into the world of breeding! I might still be on the apps looking for more loads though 🤫
  5. Look but seldom find anything 😞
  6. Looking at the literature both emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil (the 2 component medications of PrEP) have the potential side effect/adverse reaction of causing blood disorders including low platelets. Not everyone would be expected to get these (and they're quite rare) but if you've noticed easier bruising then you should definitely go to your GP and get your blood tested.
  7. Now it's closer to the time is anyone heading to Liverpool for Eurovision? Got tickets and a hotel so I'm ready to go and have fun and sleaze!
  8. Exact same thing happened to me too. Mildly persistently elevated liver enzymes, fluctuted throughout the years. Already numerous negative tests to the hepatitidies. Once I lost weight and started going to the gym they've normalised!
  9. Is anybody travelling to Liverpool for Eurovision in May? Hoping to have some nice sleazy fun while I'm there...
  10. Oh you tease! Can't even hint at who the celebrities were?
  11. There have been a very small number of uterus transplantations done worldwide ever, and none implanted in a trans woman. Even then the transplant doesn't put in any ovaries so you don't ovulate, so you cannot get pregnant without implantation of already fertalised eggs. If you're going to write fiction at least try and make it good.
  12. Sucked a few guys at the urinal at Eagle Bar in Manchester while my mates were back at the table. That was a fun night.
  13. Had this exact experience recently at a cruise club. Tall skinny almost wasted looking guy with a massive dick jacking in a room by himself, got close and saw a scorpion tattoo on this right hip. Asked him about it and he told me it was because he was scorpio. Took his load and asked him again, and still insisted it was just a star sign think. Ah well!
  14. Has anyone found any more good poppers training videos? Particularly anybody found any poz popper videos?
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