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    Fort Lauderdale
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    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. looking for poz cum in south florida also

    1. Mascwild


      We need to find someone to poz us both. Or a party. 

    2. Seedthissub


      Groups wanted. Poz parties palm beach county preferred . Mild to mild top pigs and aome bottoms wanted. pig play ok.

  2. Two things - I want to see real guys fucking, not models, perfect bods, dicks, and faces. Guys who are obviously going through the motions. And of course it needs to be BB.
  3. I’ve been dp’d 4 times and take a cock and dildo at the same time once. The latter didn’t do it for me. But taking two cocks, besides being physically pleasurable once you adjust, is SUCH a mental turn on! And they both came in me each time which was BIG bonus but would’ve still been hot if they hadn’t. That said it can be challenging to make work as mentioned above which is the only reason I haven’t done it more, but if you find two willing and patient participants go for it.
  4. Whatever position get the top off the most. Given the choice I like a long session with me in various positions, preferably the top just pushing me into the next position of his choosing.
  5. I do get frustrated and my profiles also say I’m looking to get fucked. And yet oral only guys not only hit me up but get pissy when I reiterate what I want. I also state BB only and get the same thing from guys who (say they) only fuck with condoms.
  6. Usually trunks. Like the way they hug my ass without being too restrictive.
  7. I would say I like the taste but love the fact I made him cum and that I’m being submissive in swallowing it. Also the whole act and feeling of ejaculation is a major turn on.
  8. As a bottom I refer to mine as my hole, but the top can call it whatever he wants because he’s the dominant one.
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