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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Reconnected with a guy at the local bookstore a week ago and we decided to hookup Wednesday. Hairy, younger Gypsy guy (they seem to like me for some reason...)Neither of us can host right now so we decided to hook up again at the bookstore. Now normally this bookstore is lame: bunch of dudes lingering around waiting for their perfect 10. I decided not to reward their snobbery with a show, so we crammed up in a booth and I proceeded to fuck his hairy, beefy ass raw. This after he previously said he doesn’t bottom. He was loud and I loved it. We took a break and right before store closed, we went at it again in the big TV room. This cute, neglected married daddy type joined us. With just us their now near closing, we went to work on the filthy floor on this hairy boy. Daddy had a huge dick, and when he finally came, he let out the deepest, most gutter growl I’ve ever heard. I’m sure they heard it downstairs in the store. I proceeded to fuck his load in, until another lookey-loo decided to come over. I decided I didn’t want to share my boy anymore (esp with a dude who wouldn’t do same if shoe was in other foot) so I zipped and we left, deciding to meet again next week we’re I will finish him off.
  2. Not a big felcher but one of the hottest times I’ve had was watching this hot as fuck hairy hipster looking dude at SF CumUnion taking loads. After he took about 9 or 10, I stuck my face right in his cummy ass and ate every bit. He love it and so did I. So hot
  3. I get turned down all the time because of my race. Sometimes rudely. That’s why I have no sympathy with turning down other folks, no matter how much of an ass hole I am. And I always remember who turns me down, so when they get old and/or fat I can rub in in haha. But shoutout to all the great men who gave me some ass!!!
  4. I think most are sophisticated enough to determine the difference between using BBC as a compliment during sex and a stereotype. If you are that dude who is just looking for black men to hook up with, but only dates white dudes, that’s racist. But if u enjoy the company of all men? Good for u. God knows their id enough racism in the gay community.
  5. I’m turned off by straight men actually. It’s like you want the ease of a straight life but the rewards of gay life. Plus most are too hard too hook up with, and just want their ego stroked because their wives won’t fuck them. I send them right on their way, back to their dirty snatches at home.
  6. The first ones in SF on folsom were hot. As time has went on, their seems to be more onlookers and guys just looking for that “one dude“ after the club. Too much chit chat, not enough breeding. I’ve really only been to one bad one tho, and that’s at the new spot in SF. Should have been called “I’m Saving It For Later Union” because no one was interested cumming.
  7. If your not interested in anything there, walk around, leave and come back. Always be polite. Turning ur nose up and acting “hotter than thou” can come back to bite u if u get that reputation. Also, be aware of your surroundings. Know the entrances, exits, and make sure a guy is their for that purpose.
  8. Met a local, favorite Cumdump downtown. As I was fucking, a cute kinda husky guy joined In. We tag teamed, spit roasted a bit, til other dude blasted a fat load in him. I decided to churn the load deeper, and could help but blow in him to. What made it hotter was the door was open/cracked the entire time at the cheap hotel. I know someone had to have heard us, but we didn’t care, and their wasn’t a damn thing the could do about it anyway. Deep inside, I actually hoped a woman walked by and heard us (I guess I’m an admitted woman hater lol) My last load was Monday. Hot daddy lawyer was hosting from out of town. I wasn’t really that horny but I decided to go forward anyway. Glad I did because he was fucking hot and we clicked with chemistry instantly. After he blew me for a for a few seconds I decided to fuck him. The curtains Were open and if you look hard enough you could see through the white curtain still covering the window I didn’t care and I proceeded to fuck him and blow a fat load in his nice very hairy ass. We chatted for a bit and decided we needed to do this again. When I left there was another guy standing outside by the pool staring at me with a dirty look. I’m pretty sure he was a homophobe and was deeply disturbed by what he thought may have happened but I didn’t care. It’s 2019, And if he doesn’t like two guys fucking that’s just too bad. This on top of finally fucking an ex porn star in town who the hairiest man I’ve ever seen. He’s still hot too. The other guy used a condom, but I said fuck than, an proceeded to shoot one the biggest loads I ever have into his warm, furry hole.
  9. This right here. Guys will message you, you respond back, and then they’ll wait a week before answering. I leave it open and if someone messages me cool. Seems to be the new theme online: guys would rather fall asleep with their dick in hand waiting for their “perfect 10” the actually hook up and see where it goes. I’ve just decided to pay them no mind and wish them the best.
  10. Their is a dude on BBRT who claims he takes loads, but everyone he messages me he’s asking if I want head and has nothing in his profile but dick pics. I blocked him eventually. I’m not interested in your dick or ur head unless we are after, and if you have nothing but dick pics, I see a bunch of excuses coming why u can’t fuck if we do meet
  11. It means no pull out. You didn’t “take a load” or get bred if dude pulls out
  12. In the past two months: 1.Blew my load in a furry as fuck Ex-porn star. Been chatting on and off with him for awhile online. There was another guy there who was using a condom, but I had no intention on that being on prep and blew a load in his hairy ass. Hot 2. Tag teamed a cumdump in a motel. Some other dude pulled out (weak) and I gladly fucked back in till I blew my load 3. Started fucking some really hot hairy nerdy guy who has been chatting with me online for years but we never hooked up. First time we hung around and chatted a little bit after. Then he got all weird and just wanted a pump and dump The next time he contacted me. So I gave him what he wanted. He wanted to chat a little bit after but I wasn’t into it. If you just want to fuck that’s fine. Hilarious when he was a whole lot cuter in his 30s he couldn’t find time to hook up. Now he’s older and wants to hook up frequently. Honestly if he still wasn’t that somewhat hot with a sweet furry ass I wouldn’t give him the time of day
  13. As a black guy, as much as I love a white faggot, you call me the N word will get ur as kicked. And I always ask permission before using the F word.
  14. Deleted my Grindr and Scruff due to a guy at work stalking and gossiping about profiles. Adam4Adam is in life support. Lastly is BBRTS. Have some luck, but I wish their was a way to rate people. We have a town full of guys with “cumdump” in their name, yet are racist, flakes or only looking for 10-10 guys.
  15. I thinks it hilarious how some gays hate Trump, but will turn right around and post “just looking for friends. NO FEMS, FATS OR BLACKS” in their online profiles.
  16. This. I’m at the point where I refuse to let some snatch control my sex life and happiness.
  17. I would say I’m 70% democrat, and I agree with them on most things except a few including: immigration/amnesty (unless they pay back taxes), abortion (unless the woman pays for it herself) and excessive govt assistance (if u pissed your life off that’s not my problem). I see myself as a black man first, so I don’t really care about gay issues because I find a lot are racist and don’t give a damn about any “minority” until it’s time to benefit their agenda. I’ve seen too many times guys screaming equality, only to go out to the club or online after and preach about the “preferences.”
  18. I would like to thank you all for your advice. It appears, has taken care of my little friend at work. He was denied his promotion by his management and does not look like he will ever be getting one. He was given one reason, but it is pretty much understood why he did not get it: because he is a serial gossiper and extremely messy. On the other hand I will never be coming out at work. I refuse to be judged and have to explain what goes on to my bedroom to a bunch of people with multiple baby daddies and baby mamas, bastard children, sexless/loveless relationships, cheaters , and sham marriages.
  19. Give me some good daddy butt any day. Less hang ups and Diva attitude.
  20. Travis Kelce (football player), Tony Romo, Charlie Cox.
  21. The ease in which blacks are hooked on drugs? I think white, Asian, Latin et al people do drugs and are on welfare too but okay. Lol Also, in America, whites sold blacks onto slavery. Anyway.....props to all the guys willing to have a decent convo about this dirty little secret in our community. I also think it’s curious how few Latin men it seems have something to say about this.
  22. Great history lesson. But history but not excuse stupidity to replace personal experiences: it only places them in context. And still doesn’t quite explain how what I observe in the gay community is WORSE than in overall society.
  23. I’m not sure if this is the right forum for this topic but here I go... Although I live in California, I am noticing a more “racist” attitude by Latin men toward blacks. Now I’m into all types, but I’d define say I’m shocked by this change. And before you say it’s my ego, I’ve discussed this with other friends and they’ve felt the same change in attitude. I have dozens of examples, but a few stick out: 1. At our local spa, we have the typical cluster of Latins who show up. They’ll wander around like the have no idea what’s going and will refuse to fool around with anyone but a white guy, no matter the looks. Same for our local cruising spot: they will wait if flat out leave if anyone black shows up. 2. Last three cumdumps I went to,Latin men pulled up shop as soon as I or another black showed up or the white guys left. 3. Their is a popular guy on xtube. He’s obviously a darker skinned, husky Latin guy but has hours and hours of tape posted with zero blacks (or Asians) which is both hilarious and boggles my mind at the same time. 4. I recently seen a hot as hell Mexican pass over several hot men of all types to give $20 to a homeless tweaker for what was suppose to be head. Well that was kind of a rant and I don’t know what it all means. No lie it’s starring to me look at this Trump situation different (another forum). But I was just curious to hear other guys experience or opinion on this.
  24. 2019 and it’s even worse now. All talk, no action. Only cruising spot in town is filled by guys holding out for that perfect 10 to show up. Funny thing is half these guys would be an afterthought in the Bay.
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