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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Being black, and if they are into black, not being a thug. Although I have learned that time, a little extra weight and/or status tend to make people a little more open to racists. I’ve have several daddies I was totally into but wouldn’t give me, or any other black guy, the time of day. 15 years later (and some 40 lbs later) I delight in turning them down.
  2. 100% real honest about my experience with racism in the gay community-1. I get more racist remarks/attitudes from Latin and Asian men then I do from white guys. 2. I find that most of the white guys who are racist are usually middle of the road guys. Average to below average looks, job, bodies and personality. The guys who are truly “hot,” I’ve never felt that much racism in them. Maybe it’s a security self assurance. 3. I find that as a black guy, I have to just through more hoops or answer a series of questions a white guy prob wouldn’t have to. All that said, shout out to all the men gave me some ass!
  3. Got on prep and bred first ass a few months ago. Kinda white trashy dude on A4A invited me over while his BF was out of town and step kids were in another room sleep. Said he just wanted to give head. Kept playing with his ass and he eventually laid flat on his belly and spread his ass. Started fucking and within a few minted squirted my first load into a guys ass, no pullout.
  4. I find that most men online would rather 1. talk about hooking up but never doing it or 2. fall asleep with dick in hand waiting for something hotter. In the age of PREP we should be fucking.
  5. I’m a 39 year old black tip in California. Just stared prep a few months ago because I got tired of just watching and reading about all the fun. Although I live in a good sized city in CA, it’s like living in a conservative mid western town (I.e. impossible to get laid sometimes). But the City is close!
  6. Nothing says turnoff like big fluffy straight boxer guy.
  7. Will take any load...white guys only. Or married/straight guy looking for loads
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