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clean cut

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About clean cut

  • Birthday 11/01/1955

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  1. My first time was a New Years Eve in the early 80s at the Mineshaft. I had been at a party on UWS with my bf. He was drunk literally under the table and I was bored. I was sitting there wondering what trouble I cd get up to when I suddenly thanked my hosts and asked whether bf cd stay to sleep it off. I walked the 20 blocks to my apt making plans. I had been to Mineshaft once before, had got my bf to take me, but was really checking the place out. I was particularly interested in the tub room downstairs. All that fall I had been meditating on Rex drawings, and that night I was just drunk enough to think I shd try out the facilities. This sounds cavalier. In fact I was nervous but turned on and somehow feeling more forward than usual. In my mid-20s, I was very boyish looking: blond, light beard, shy, inhibited, seeming much younger than I was. I hated it, but cdn't seem to get past it. That night it occurred to me I might turn all this to my advantage. Back at the apartment I changed into a pair of worn jeans, an old Exeter baseball jersey, and "borrowed" my roommate's Princeton baseball cap. I looked like a preppy twit, but reckoned this wd get me through the door. I had no problem getting in, and made my way straight downstairs. The facilities were busy so I got a bear and waited. The moment the north tub was vacated I drunkenly got in, fully clothed. I remember there was piss standing in the bottom of the tub, a little cold as it soaked into my pants, but I didn't have long to wait to warm up. As I said, I was normally very retiring, and still am, but any exhibitionistic fantasies I have were in full play that night. Over the next few hours I felt like the belle of the ball. I got more piss that night than I wd get for years to come: I was wallowing in it, drinking it, spitting it. Not knowing what I was doing I tried to do it all. After that evening, my subsequent experiences -- and I reservedly sought them out -- were a let down. Not good to peak early. Didn't find the right metier again until I discovered the Adams St parties in LA. The sun came up on New Years morning. It was snowing on Washington St. The part I hadn't planned out was being drenched and having to catch a cab back uptown. Or having to ring the doorman to get back into my building. I got over it.
  2. Not my first experience, but one night was drinking piss greedily in that very back toilet, and about 5 min later got sick af. Practically passed out on a bench for about a hour. Turned out Pisser, as I learnt from mutual friends, had been doing a lot of mushrooms, of which I was the unprepared beneficiary. Good times for a Thursday night in 1988.
  3. Envious but don't know I wd have been able to say yes.
  4. Eroswired's comment is obtuse. Of course tops are just as slutty as bottoms. Just scratch one. Pimping out a top turns the ideologically correct tables and is perfectly understandable as a subversion of the scheme, to get all academic about it. A good top is as radical as reality itself and not likely to object to how he gets what he wants. And as piggy.
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