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Everything posted by tboyer

  1. I live in San Francisco, and yes, not only are the summers very different from the East Bay, but San Francisco has micro climates to the degree that there can be a 15 degree difference between the Ocean side, and the Bay side of San Francisco
  2. Thanks for the follow hot stuff 

    1. DWcountry


      My pleasure Sir! 

  3. It could have been a convenient excuse to break it off though I think I have seen a profile that states the person only fucks neg unmedicated ass. People fuck or not fuck for all sorts of reasons. All though I wouldn't turn someone down because they were on prep or undetectable I do find poz detectable very appealing. Of course none of this is rational, but sex isn't about what is rational
  4. Perhaps you can write about the fem boy pozzing a cute twink hitchhiker
  5. Thanks for the follow cutie 

    1. spermedhole


      You’re most welcome, sexy! 

  6. Brian needs to poz other young twinks now
  7. Thanks for the follow 

  8. Thanks for the follow 

  9. Thanks for the follow 

  10. Thanks for the follow 

    1. bottomguysea


      My pleasure, hsndsome man!

  11. I tried Truvada, (not as Prep) and it gave me very bad pounding headaches and high blood pressure. My doctor tried to convince me it was all in my head (pun intended ) Well...she is no longer my doctor and I went to another. It is amazing how bad some doctors can be
  12. You are a cutie
  13. I never had the fuck flue, but then again I was pozzed in either the late 70s or early 80s
  14. Twinkfoot, you might take comfort with the idea that because Prep was making you ill and yet you were still drawn to bareback sex (who can blame you) So you are now free to enjoy bareback sex with a different drug combination. I myself can't take Truvada which is used for Prep, so if I had to choose between not having bareback sex with strangers or being poz, I would pick being poz. I think you will find being poz a relief
  15. An early blood sample was tested, and I was pozzed no later than 82, I could have in the late 70's. When I go out cruising wearing a bio hazard tanktop I seem to get more "positives attention" , so yes I'm very upfront about being poz on my profiles. Perhaps it's because I live in San Francisco. At this point Twinkfoot, meds are contentiously improving and HIV won't prevent you from living a normal life span. I think you will find poz guys seem to be less inhibited in sex, and will probably have guys ask you to go off your meds so that you can poz them. Anyway I always thought you were very cute in your porn videos
  16. I also get debilitating headaches on Truvada to the point that I can't take it. Fortunately there are other HIV meds. My Doctor told me it wasn't the Truvada because debilitating headaches wasn't a known side effect. That person is no longer my doctor
  17. Hopefully Bryon will be able to poz a young 18 year old guy, perhaps a young dancer
  18. A couple of times I've had guys use my pictures, but that was years ago
  19. Happy Happy Birthday
  20. It would be a lucky guy to be bugged up by you
  21. You are right both of those guys are very cute and adorable, they seem to know each other because they have done a number of videos together, This is what they have to say about themselves "We are total amateurs at this, coming to pornhub from chaturbate since some of our videos are here why not give you better ones haha. We are Callum and Cole, Callums 24 and Coles 20. Twitter - CallumandCole94 "
  22. I think some of the guys on here would like to here the story on how you converted for love, it sounds beautiful
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