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Everything posted by funpozbottom

  1. Without knowing how much the surcharge is and what drinks it's being added to, and what kind of register/inventory system is used, it's hard to say what's really going on. From a bar owner's stand point, there are a lot of things that might incur a surcharge such as up selling different brands and some cocktails might get a surcharge due to complexity. But, if the charges are sort of random, from only this one bartender, then there's a good chance the bartender is doing it to cover the fact that he's stealing. He might be giving away drinks to friends and then adding surcharges to people he thinks won't notice. His inventory would be screwed up but the money would work out so the boss might overlook it. The way around it would be to only order things he can't manipulate when you see him working.
  2. Drinking strong piss can be difficult at times. It can make it a little easier if you take some time to get used to the flavor by practicing with your own. At first, Just hold some in your mouth -- waiting 30 seconds to a minute before you swallow. Do it as often as you can. Catch the first part of your piss, and hold it in your mouth. Don't rinse your mouth out for a few minutes so you get used to the lingering flavors. Over time, as you get used to the taste, you can increase the amount you drink, all the way up to a full bladder. If you want to practice quantity, you can make a game of it by timing or making a rough count of how long you piss, then try to drink it in that same amount of time. You can practice drinking your own piss, however every guy will taste a little different and certain substances can be noticeable and even make piss almost undrinkable. Smokers and heavy coffee drinkers can have distinct tastes. Hot dogs, ham, and other pork products can add their flavors. For me, the absolute worst are artificial sweeteners and that Splenda/monkfruit shit. They pass through the body unchanged and gets concentrated in your piss. It makes me cringe just thinking about it. That's a flavor I'll never get used to.
  3. 'When eating a tossed salad, I always order the raunch dressing....' Raunch play gets you wet, messy, slick, slippery, or slimy. For most people, it means play that includes some body fluids or body waste (sweat, piss, shit, vomit, spit, snot), but some people also include stuff that might be labelled gunge or grunge like mud, oil, grease, excessive lube, and filthy, stained clothing and gear. Everyone has different definitions for things and lines often blur between categories.
  4. I'm not surprised by this, but I think the reason the microbiome changes after circumcision is simple to explain: For bacteria to flourish, they need food, water, proper temperature, and time for a colony to multiply. An uncircumcised penis offers a warm, moist, enclosed environment where bacteria can thrive. After circumcision, the head of the penis is dryer, cooler, more open and easier to clean or rub which could disrupt bacterial growth. It would be an interesting study if they compared the microbiome of various uncut individuals based on hygiene practices. How does the biome change between a piss and smeg covered cock v.s. one kept clean? Would applying an antibiotic ointment reduce the inflammation causing bacteria without disrupting helpful bacteria? If there are any researchers out there who are studying this, I'd like to volunteer to help collect data. I'm an excellent foreskin examiner and I'm willing to examine hundreds every day in the interest of science.
  5. If God made Trump, I think we can all agree that God was never a competent hair stylist.
  6. I don't have an enema fetish, but I do think that enemas and douching can be erotic. For me, I see douching as part of a 'ritual' to prepare for sex. Physically, it helps to clean out, relax, and open the passage that will be used. Mentally, the act of douching helps to put me in a more submissive frame of mind. I connect with my dirty side and acknowledge my needs and desires. I put myself through this somewhat degrading task solely to be used by someone I've never met. Douching, lubing, opening wider with dildos, all increase my desire for sex. Sex is, on a certain level, tension and release. Rubbing the penis stimulates the prostate to create tension until climax, then there is a release through orgasm. But that isn't the only way you can create tension. If you stimulate the prostate while holding a full bladder, there is an added amount of tension. The same is true with something in the rectum. Getting fucked, playing with toys, and filling with enemas all create different types of sensations that some people find pleasurable. Struggling to hold in an enema can provide a desperate tension until you lose control. That's followed by an almost orgasmic release. I've played with guys who are into diapers and other potty play. For guys who are into that, the use of enemas fits in well. But every guy is different in the type of sensations they are looking for. Some are purely looking for the physical stimulation. Others want the mental stimulation associated with role-play, desperation, and humiliation. Most people aren't into that stuff, but, whatever floats your boat. (Maybe a bad choice of words there at the end since we're talking about enemas, but, whatever.) All of that is different from what you do. You seem to take a more clinical view of your preparations. You might not find it particularly enjoyable, but it seems to be effective for you, and there's nothing wrong with a strictly utilitarian approach.
  7. Apparently, you've never been low income and had to shop at the dollar store. That said, there is a big difference between picking up an expired tube of tooth paste versus buying something that could potentially save your life -- like garlic powder. When protecting against vampires, you want to make sure that stuff is fresh. And having said that ... The issue of drug expiration dates is confusing because there are both use-by and sell-by dates. For most dry medications sold in original packaging, the drug "expiration" date on the bottle is actually a "sell by" date. Drugs can legally be sold up to and including that exp. date. Once opened, most medications are supposed to be used within one year. So, if you were looking for an actual "expiration," it would be one year after the date on the package, or one year after it is opened, whichever comes first. That raises the question of: What does "expiration" actually mean? The expiration date is a rough estimate of how long a medication is guaranteed to maintain at least 90% of its original potency. Since there are a lot of things that could effect a drug's potency, this isn't exact. And, since drug companies don't want to be sued for selling ineffective meds, the date picked is usually well before a drug actually loses potency. I read an article about a study done on a few bottles of old meds that had fallen behind a counter at a drug store and were found when the store was torn down. They were bottles that had been untouched for over 50 years. Even after that amount of time, they were all (if I remember correctly) over 70% potency, and would be at least somewhat effective. The point of that anecdote is that, if stored properly, it takes a long time for medications to lose potency. That brings up the question of how effective PrEP would be if it had a lower potency. There's no real way to tell. There are a lot of variables, like, how far past the use by / sell by dates, whether the bottle was opened, and how it was stored, but my personal opinion is that it would probably work fine if you took it daily. (I base that on studies showing that every other day and 2-1-1 and other on demand strategies are as effective as a daily dose strategy. However, you shouldn't base your health decisions on my opinion.) So, to round out my opinion, I'd say, toss any open bottles that have been sitting around for more than a year. Unopened meds should still be good but should be used up quickly. You could improve effectiveness by restarting the prescription and alternating lots. If all that's too much of a hassle to deal with, tell your friend to get a new prescription and consider donating any unopened packages of meds to a charity that sends them to areas in need.
  8. Likes and behavior frequently change over time. while you say you don't take cock orally or anally now, you may want to try them out in the future. If you are able to do the full course of HPV vaccines now, just do it and be done with it. While your focus may be on STI's, don't forget about getting a flu shot. If you are in close enough contact with someone to have sex, you're close enough to transmit / receive a cold, flu, CoVid, etc, Keep yourself healthy so you can fuck more. Herpes vacs are in trials now, so hopefully there will be something available for that within the next year or two.
  9. I heard that 37% of the Senate were outraged by the staffer's behavior, while the rest were outraged that they hadn't been invited. Lindsey Graham said that doing it in the hearing room was a dumb thing to do. "In the time I've been in the Senate," he said, "I've found loads of places that are more comfortable for ... intimate conversations ... than that dais." He then added that, in spite of their foolishness, he was willing to give any of the participants a "job". He said the ex-staffers should: "Come by my office anytime for an intimate conversation and tour of some of my favorite locations." That's all the jokes I've got. It's too bad they were just doing it for the thrill. With the access they had, they could have videoed the empty chamber and done a convincing job with it green screened as a backdrop. They probably would still be in trouble, but not for sullying the chamber floor.
  10. If I remember my herbal medicine class correctly, garlic has anti-microbial properties (anti-microbial means it has some effect at inhibiting bacterial, viral, and fungal growth). If you eat a lot of garlic, or take a garlic supplement, you may be less susceptible to certain infections. However, you have to eat a lot of it so that it is coming out of your pores and making your skin a hostile environment to harmful microbes. Garlic is best used as a preventive measure and is not very effective on it's own at curing an illness that has already occurred. Interactions between drugs and foods are not unusual. Many drugs have warnings not to take the medication with certain foods. On the other hand, garlic can sometimes enhance the effectiveness of treatments against some microbes by retarding their growth. In short, adding garlic to your diet may be helpful as part of a treatment regimen, but it's not going to cure you on its own.
  11. Yes, it's been a long slow process. Some people rebound quickly while others plateau out. But my progress has been a fairly steady two steps forward and one step back with a net gain of at most 50 a year. I've done a little better the past couple years -- I think the CoVid shots sort of did a jump start on my immune system to make it work a little harder. I'm in the mid-400's now. Next labs will tell if the gains are going to stay. For prophylaxis, they had me on Mepron (atovaquone) until my numbers were steady over 150. For anyone who doesn't know what Mepron is, it's a liquid suspension that is prescribed to help prevent pneumonia in AIDS patients. It's great stuff. It has the consistency, smell, and taste of banana yellow latex paint. I think the only difference between the two is that, if you applied both to a wall, the Mepron would give better coverage.
  12. The short answer is: I don't know. I was not testing regularly, so I don't know when I was infected. (I have a suspicion as to who/when I was infected, but can't verify.) Also, I never got the "fuck flu" -- or rather, if I did get it, it wasn't bad enough, or different enough from any other illness to warrant suspicion. When I was finally diagnosed, my CD4 count was under 20. Since the threshold for AIDS is a CD4 under 200, I'd probably been, unknowingly, in the classification for some time. The doctor said that, based on averages, I'd probably been infected about 10 years before -- and based on that, it kind of lines up with my suspect, so 10 years is probably a good rough estimate. While I don't know how long it took to reach AIDS status, I do know how long it is taking to return from AIDS to a normal CD4 count. It took about 5 years to creep above the 200 mark. Unfortunately, that only brought me above the AIDS threshold. It didn't mean I had a normal immune system. If I'm lucky, I'll reach 500 sometime next year. If I do, it will be over 10 years from diagnosis to regaining a relatively normal immune system -- assuming the meds continue to work, and they don't destroy my liver or kidneys first.
  13. Don't you hate it when reality breaks in on a perfectly good fantasy? But you don't have to give up on it entirely, just modify the parameters so that instead of cum as sole diet, you consume cum as a single meal replacement each day. For example, you could have a high fiber breakfast and nutritionally balanced dinner, and for lunch you can have as many mini "protein shakes" as you can swallow. That way, you can still maintain a part of the fantasy and have fun with your diet.
  14. I usually piss in the toilet, but when I'm horny and have time for a little play, I have pissed in sinks, the tub, an empty glass, vintage chamber pot, back patio, and actually, every room of my apartment. The two most frequent things I like to do are: In the living room, I'll straddle my "coffee" table and ride a dildo as I piss on the table. I also love to piss on myself in bed -- especially first thing in the morning.
  15. If I'm asked about condoms, I'll usually toss it back to him by saying: "your choice." If you're turned on by not knowing what he's going to do, tell him not to tell you in advance -- he can surprise you.
  16. Yes. I was considering going to the hospital, but just at that point, the fever broke, pain started to ease and swelling started to subside. At my follow up, they said it appeared to be healing as expected. But I agree -- don't want it spread around. It's not an STD but it can be transferred by close skin to skin contact. It used to be found primarily in hospitals, but now it's frequently found in community settings and can be picked up by handling something that someone else has touched, like, shopping cart handles, gym equipment, etc.
  17. As the saying goes: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I think what you may be experiencing (at least in part) is the fact that not everyone has the same desires, and some fantasies are more specific and can't be fulfilled by just any body. For example: a lot of guys like, or have fantasies about fisting, but personally, I have absolutely no interest in it. I don't want a fist in my ass, and don't want to slip my fist into someone else. You might be willing to do it, but it doesn't matter how willing you or any other guy is to do it, it's not something I'm going to want to try. Just because the opportunity is there, it doesn't mean someone will suddenly develop interests to take advantage of it. On the other hand, I love piss and certain other filthy kinks that I'm pretty sure would butt up against one of your hard limits. But then, I only want to do that kind of stuff with a particular type of guy. Give me a cute college twink and I'll think of lots of things to do with him, but someone my own age? I've already done that so it doesn't really turn me on so much. I guess I'm not as adventurous as I used be, but can't think of anything that I haven't already done that I really want to try.
  18. I've had a couple abscesses on my scalp this year. The most recent was on the back of my neck, just above the hairline. It quickly grew from the size of a pimple to the size of my palm in a just a couple days. Even after I started antibiotics, the infection continued to spread, causing severe pain and several days of fever. I still have a slight bump and some temporary hair loss to the effected area. Having dealt with an infection on the skin, I can see how a generalized Staph / MRSA infection could turn deadly.
  19. I was on there yesterday so yes, it's still active. If you haven't accessed it in a while, remember that it is a .org - not a .com. (That's tripped me up a few times.) Also note that they seem to have made a few changes. One is a new verification system that can take longer than usual to respond. Also the default now seems to be the mobile version but you can still access the traditional desktop version by clicking the "Legacy" version button.
  20. I was looking for the mike that @BootmanLA dropped but I'm not crawling under the table to grab it so I'll just say, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with sex work and I don't care what anyone else does 'in bed' or if it involves the exchange of ... compensation. As long as the parties involved are doing it willingly, I think they have the right to use their bodies however they want.
  21. For the first question, in general, no. I think everyone should be afforded a right to privacy and should not be outed for their sexuality. However, there are certain circumstances that might bring a person's sexuality into public view. Using the example of a politician or clergy, if that person was actively engaging in activities that they were "preaching" or legislating against, it would be valid to point out that person's hypocrisy and show how that deception is detrimental to others. In my opinion, this isn't necessarily outing as gay, but outing as a hypocrite. As for the second question of whether it's ever acceptable to pass as straight, I'd say, yes. There are situations where one's safety could be of a higher priority than a social agenda. Can you prove that? I mean, when you consider how humans have bartered for marriage through arranged connections and dowry payoffs that may only peripherally involve the couple that is to wed, it could be argued that a transaction between a sex worker and client is actually a more intimate encounter than many marriages consummated throughout history. I think your interpretation of Maslow's Hierarchy is slightly off. While our current society tends to conflate love and sex, Maslow intentionally separated the two. Sex is a primary physical need. Love is a secondary mental construct. You do not need to love to have sex, and you do not have to have sex to have love. We all have a limited number of things that we can focus on at one time. Primary needs need to be somewhat satisfied before you have the bandwidth to focus on higher needs. So the need for sex needs to be somewhat satisfied before you can turn your attention to things like love. For a guy, once he's cum, the need for sex is somewhat satisfied so he can think about things like: "I wonder what it would be like to do that with a person instead of my hand" ... "Yeah she's a good lay but do I actually love her" ... "I got enough from that trick to pay rent, maybe I can take some time to focus on finding some new friends..." Fulfilling a basic physical need doesn't create a "deficit" in higher needs, but rather, once a primary need is satisfied, you can turn your attention towards fulfilling higher needs that already exist. Fun fact: Maslow created a list of 15 characteristics of self-actualized individuals. Three that sort of relate to this thread are: Strong moral/ethical standards; Concerned for the welfare of humanity; Need for privacy.
  22. That looks like you had two toys touching and one started to melt into/onto the other. To prevent it in the future, store each toy separately so there is no contact between them. Easy way to separate them is to wrap them in a paper towel or individual paper bags. The best is to keep them in individual cloth bags if you can find or make them.
  23. Toy materials can be divided into two broad categories. Things like metal, glass, and pure silicon are non-porous. Pretty much anything else should be considered porous. This makes a difference in how well a toy can be cleaned. With non-porous materials, anything that comes in contact with it stays on the surface, so they are easy to wash off with soap and water. Non-porous toys can be sanitized by boiling or steeping in hot water for a few minutes. They can also be sanitized with bleach as long as you don't use too much. (You only need like a teaspoon to a half gallon of water to sanitize.) But unless you are sharing toys, simply washing in mild soap and water should be sufficient. Unfortunately, most toys are made from porous materials. Since the surface is not completely solid, lube and body fluids, etc, can slowly be absorbed into the toy's material. This is why it's recommended that toys are cleaned immediately after use to prevent any funky goo from infiltrating your toy. Toys should be washed using mild soap and water. If you want a deeper clean you could try steeping in hot water, however, depending on the material, you may risk melting your toy. Porous materials cannot be completely sanitized, so it's recommended that those materials are not shared. If toys are shared, they're supposed to be protected to prevent transfer of bacteria. (That's right, you might like it bare but your sex toys would prefer a condom. 😉 ) One more note about materials: Some sellers market toys as being "silicon" but aren't. Unless you are absolutely sure they are 100% silicon, then assume they are something else and treat them as porous materials. So, on to the issue of lingering smells. Non-porous materials shouldn't have any strong smells after being cleaned and any light odors should dissipate quickly. Porous materials can retain odors since whatever is causing the odor is infused into the toy material and can't be completely washed out. If you have a toy with an odor, I would not use bleach or apply scented oils. You could risk degrading the toy material, or, those chemicals could leach back out of the toy when it's in your ass. All you can do is try to prevent odors by making sure your hole is super squeaky clean before you play or cover the toy with a condom to prevent contact with odor causing substances. There are commercial toy cleaners, however I've never used one so I don't know how well they work or if they have any effect on odors. Long story, short, if the toy has an odor, either ignore it or buy a new toy.
  24. I love to play in bookstores and bathhouses, unfortunately, i don't live near any. I don't get play much on a regular basis but binge when I have the opportunity to travel.
  25. It seems a lot of guys on apps are looking for a fantasy and forget that the profile they contact belongs to a real person and not just a porn inspired sex bot. They expect everyone to be in exactly the same headspace they are and be ready to dive into that one scene they want to play out. Anytime someone brings up my poz status, I point out that I'm undetectable and can't really pass on the virus. They usually say they've been curious or turned on by the thought of sex with someone who's poz and then usually flake after that. (I dunno, maybe getting a lecture on U=U and the use of prep kind of turns them off.)
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