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Everything posted by funpozbottom

  1. I am by no means an expert or even follow the subject closely, but, HIV does cross the blood-brain barrier in the early stages of infection and causes permanent changes in the brain. I suppose it's possible that in at least some people, changes to certain areas could increase libido and/or decrease risk aversion. More research into the type of changes the virus makes would have to be done in order to show more than a casual correlation. I only skimmed through the article, and while the results may be statistically significant, the means fell well within a standard deviation of each other. Therefore, (as they say in politics) I think the race is too close to call at this time.
  2. I don't recall ever thinking the cum in my ass smelled specifically like piss, however, I have noticed that cum from my hole will smell a little different than cum shot in my mouth. And I think it sort of makes sense that it would. Cum in your ass gets mixed with some of the lube and mucus you've got in there. I can imagine that combination could take on an aroma reminiscent of piss.
  3. I have to say, I hate acronyms. How do they save time if every time you come across one, you have to scramble to look up the definition? Hearing them on the news is equally annoying as the newscaster says the acronym and then immediately has to tell what it means. It's not beneficial if you continually need to say everything twice. Just say what you mean the first time and move on. Acronyms can also change in meaning as various people hear it, and make up their own definition because it's not clear what the "real" definition is supposed to be. And I think that is what is happening to BBC. The definition seems to be changing from a specific type of penis to meaning "black guys" or "cock of color" in general. Most things on the internet don't live up to hype - why should BBC be any different? With all the things it could stand for, for some reason this talk about BBC is making me crave Blue Berry Cake ...
  4. I think numbers might be skewed toward the post 2000 - and post 2010 in particular - partly because of the more recent push to be tested, to know your status, and U=U campaigns. More people are tested regularly which means infections may be diagnosed earlier.
  5. As a curious kid, I wondered what my cum tasted like. I was kind of hesitant to actually try it, but once I did, I found I really liked it and after that first lick, I'd eat every load. When I started to play with other guys. I was ready and willing to swallow their cum.
  6. I'm pretty sure crabs are considered merely a nuisance and are not hazardous since they don't carry or cause other illnesses. While they are annoying, they can be eliminated by shaving the effected area and/or using a lice killing shampoo. A pill would most likely be ineffective since you would have to ingest a pesticide and then exude it through your pores for it to come in contact with the lice. Meanwhile ... you'd have pesticides circulating through your body. The more targeted approach of using a lice killing shampoo only on the effected areas is probably considered safer. If you frequently encounter crabs, you could add use of that shampoo to your after sex shower as a precaution. You mentioned as a comparison the flea treatment for dogs. It's been years since I had a dog, however if I remember correctly, I used flea and tick shampoo as a preventative. There was a pill for heartworms that are transmitted by mosquitos. I think there are now pills that add the flea treatment to the heartworm pill. If you are using these kinds of treatments, (and you should prevent heartworms), you are putting pesticides into your pets every month, but in this case, it is seen as a better option as it prevents debilitating illness.
  7. Oh No! I got caught in the Way-Back Machine again!
  8. Personally, I don't think I'd mention it. Since you said the son "did absolutely nothing for you", I think telling the father about it would just stir up unnecessary baggage. On the other hand, I definitely would want the father to fuck me so I could compare the two. Hopefully dad is a better fuck that the son.
  9. It depends how many loads I expect to get. If I'm only getting one, the I want it in my ass. I can finger myself and lick them to get the taste. But, if I'm going to get multiple loads, getting the first in my mouth is best so I have that taste of cum in my mouth as I take the rest. Getting fucked while holding the taste of cum and/or piss in my mouth makes me feel like more of a slut.
  10. If you don't want to be treated as a buffet, I suggest turning off the "Free Salad Bar" sign, and putting down the basket of bread sticks. But seriously ... It is frustrating to invest the time to get your hole to the perfect stage of sloppy, only to have some jerk come along and wipe it all away. But I have to say, it's not just bottoms who do that. I had a top who was eating my ass while stroking to get himself hard ... until he took it too far and shot his load on the floor. Not only did he strip the lube from my hole, but I lost the load that should have been placed there. The saying goes, "there's no use crying over spilled milk", but situations like that are almost too much to bear.
  11. A top pulling out without so much as a grunt can leave me wondering: "Did you cum?" or "Do you want to change positions?" or "Do you need more lube?" or "Did you suddenly remember it's your mom's birthday and you have to rush home to finish her cake?" I can usually rule out that last one (except for the one guy in the chef uniform) but otherwise, some small sign that you came can help a bottom shift into "cooldown" mode without having to resort to asking, "Was it good for you?"
  12. As a bottom, the only time I feel there are too many bottoms is when there is that one guy at a venue who feel he has to suck every cock. It doesn't matter if someone is already sucking it, he'll maneuver his way closer and push the other guy out.
  13. If I saw someone tapping his foot my first thought would be: "I wonder what's on his playlist." On a certain level I find it hilarious that members of a sex forum either don't know or won't describe how understall sex is initiated, and instead site a 50 year old book based on a student dissertation written by a priest who tracked his 'research participants' via license plate numbers and police connections. Is that really the perfect study guide on the subject of tea room sex? Has nothing changed in the intervening half-century? If not, should I search e-bay for a polyester Neru jacket and platform shoes so I can cruise like it's 1973? For what it's worth, that book can be found in the Internet Archive so it is accessible for free. If anyone does read it though, please post any relevant info so the rest of us can learn the proper way to cruise.
  14. Before I started doing anal, I had recurring problems with hemorrhoids and fissures. I find it somewhat ironic that the condition seemed to improve after I started getting fucked. But anyway, over the years I tried a few different topicals to alleviate discomfort. I tried the obvious Preparation H, but also tried Butt Paste (diaper rash ointment), Lubriderm hand lotion, and my favorite, Blistex. (I figured if it feels good on chapped lips it would feel good on sore ass lips). I found that regardless of what was used, topical ointments do little to speed healing. All they do is apply a small amount of analgesic to temporarily alleviate some discomfort, and provide a bit of lubrication so bowel movements aren't as abrasive to your injured hole. I've never used Bonjela, but I doubt it would be any better than the other products I mentioned. If you happen to have some, it probably wouldn't hurt to apply, but I wouldn't go out of my way to pick some up. Besides topicals, you might do a quick evaluation of a few other things that might be beneficial. Check your diet to be sure you are getting the nutrient needed for faster healing. Also consider taking a little longer to stretch out and relax before a rough session so you are less likely to be bruised. There are some lubes with extracts added to help relax the sphincter and (supposedly) promote healing. I know that Pjur is made with Jojoba which is supposed to help with that.
  15. Considering the size of the Blue whale, it's penis isn't all that impressive. If a Blue can reach 100 feet, and has a penis optimized at 10 feet, and we shrunk him down to human proportions, his cock would be fairly average. On the other hand, if you want an ego boost you can always say (relatively speaking) that you cock is as big as a whale's. The Giant Squid though, is more of a shower. At human proportions, he'd be sporting between 11 - 12 inches. With eight arms and a foot long cock, a human-sized squid is the one for you ... if you're turned on by "tentacle sex". The winner in the size derby is definitely the barnacle with a penis 7 to 8 times it's body length. At human proportions, he'd have a cock over 40 feet long. That would certainly be great for anonymous sex -- you wouldn't have to be in the same room -- or even the same house! Personally, I don't think cock size is the most important thing. There are creatures that are far more erotic and kinkier in there mating. They're not in the ocean, but the hermaphroditic Leopard Slug comes to mind. Their penises can 2 or 3 times their body length and they get covered in slime as they twist and writhe and fuck each other. That stuff is definitely worthy of an Only Fans Channel.
  16. If I read the summary of the ruling correctly, the decision goes far beyond coverage of prep. The federal mandate to fully cover preventive services was found to be unconstitutional. That means things like cancer screenings would also be affected. The ruling doesn't mean preventive care would be dropped from coverage, however, insurance companies may start requiring co-pays on preventive services. This, of course, undermines the reason the mandate was put in place in the first place. Adding co-pays would make health screenings more expensive and potentially out of reach of some people even though they have insurance.
  17. Since it's April 1st, I think it's an appropriate time to discuss the “real” purpose of the gloryhole. With rapid industrialization in the 1800's, more and more people were flocking to the major cities. There, of course, needed to be places for people to relieve themselves, so comfort stations were erected throughout the city. They were commonly placed in back alleys and other out of the way locations. The problem with being stuck out of the way was that it made it difficult to hear the church bells that signaled the hour and so anyone inside could easy to lose track of time. If you didn't have a watch, you could be late for an important engagement! And, since it would be rude to call out and interrupt someone else as they were tending to their business, a more polite way of asking the time was introduced. Small holes, about the size of a pocket watch, were drilled through the partition walls. When looking at the right angle, it was possible to see the face of a watch when someone in the adjoining cubicle pulled one out and flashed it in your direction. Also, a signal consisting of a single finger sliding through the hole and pointing at the watch pocket was created as a polite way to ask to be shown their watch. Over time, the size and shape of gloryholes has changed. Newer gloryholes tend to be larger to accommodate those chunky “bling” watches, and some gloryholes are now elongated rectangular slits, obviously designed to match the size and shape of smartphones. Yes, we can thank industrialization and the incessant need to know the time for the introduction of the gloryhole. Although, now that I think about it, they could have been made for sex. I hadn't really considered it before, but I guess it's possible … While I think about it, I'll bid you all a Happy April Fools Day.
  18. It's been 10 years since this question was first posted. Might be interesting to see how current answers compare to those of a decade ago. Here are mine: 1. Are they expensive? I guess that's a relative question. If you are on the Forbes 500 wealthiest list, then paying the $4,000 a month retail cost would be peanuts for you. On the other hand, that amount could be twice a normal worker's take home pay. Personally, I think meds are expensive. 2. (for U.S. readers) Do you think "Obamacare" will reduce the cost of HIV treatment? The Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) was extremely helpful for me -- at least in the beginning. Insurance companies are now finding ways to shift more costs onto the consumer by doing things like reclassifying HIV meds as "Specialty" tier which lets them charge a higher co-pay. I turned 65 last year so I am now on Medicare and find it is worse than the ACA in terms of coverage. (FYI: if you have coverage through the ACA, you cannot keep it once you turn 65. You must cancel your ACA plan and join Medicare.) In my area, all drug plans have large deductibles which means my copay is over $1,000 a month for the first 2 months of the year. If you qualify, Ryan White will cover that copay, but going back to question one, Yes , meds are still expensive. 3. Are the side effects really that bad? Modern drugs are pretty good in terms of minimizing side effects. Liver and kidney functions are still closely monitored, but over all, side effects are usually minimal. (Side note: when I was on Atripla I had very vivid dreams and I really miss that now that I'm on Biktarvy. My Atripla dreams were hilarious.) 4. Is it true that meds, not HIV/AIDS itself, is what gives you "the look"? Are guys that are strict about taking their meds more likely to have "the look"? Yes, it was the early med that caused fat redistribution in some people. Newer meds are less likely to cause that, however it is a side effect that is still studied. 5. Did you have to experiment with a lot of different meds to find the one you like? Early on, my doctor tried to change my med to try to increase my CD4 count faster, but I didn't like it and went back to Atripla. A year or two ago I was switched to Biktarvy since it is less toxic to the kidneys. 6. Do you take a cocktail of meds each day, or one pill with various NRTIs in it? Calling it a "cocktail" makes it sound so delicious. But no, I take one pill, with 3 active ingredients, once a day. 7. How are the 1990s meds (AZT, etc.) different from what we have now? I was never on AZT so I have no personal experience to compare. From what I've read, I'd say the newer classes of drugs are better at suppressing the virus while being less toxic to the individual. 8. Let's say someone doesn't know that you're POZ and asks what all those pill bottles are for - do you lie or tell the truth? First of all, why are you letting people root through your medicine cabinet? Second, there's only on med bottle, and three, I'm not hiding my status, but seriously, stay out of my medicine cabinet. 9. Do you ever take a meds vacation to get your VL higher when you're going to poz up a NEG? This may have been a thing 30 - 40 years ago, but I think most people today actually want to take care of themselves and avoid creating more victims by passing along an incurable illness. It took me years to attain an undetectable status. I'm not going to intentionally fuck that up. 10. Will meds make me not as horny to recharge and keep spreading The Gift? If that's your idea of a gift, please stay away from my birthday party. 11. I take Xanax every day, and I know that I keep getting tolerant to it and have to take more and more. Does the same thing happen with meds? No. Unless there is a mutation in the virus that makes it resistant, your dose would stay the same. If the virus is resistant, you'd be switched to a different med.
  19. As far as I know, any rules of behavior or "rituals" used for getting into the head space are going to be determined by the "trainer" (if you are playing individually) or by the owner of the play space (if you are in a group). That means you'll need to find a trainer or a group and ask them how they work with pups. If you can't fine someone doing what you think you need, then you can create your own rituals and try to find a trainer to handle you in that way. If you already have some on line contacts, they're probably your best source for current info on clubs. I'll list two links that you may already be familiar with, but I'll list them in case anyone else is looking for the same type of info. First is: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://pupplay.de/en This site has a really good "Frequently Barked Questions" section and also links to clubs in Europe. Second is: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.pupplay.info/pup-community-map/ This in no longer being updated but still has valid links to facebook groups -- mostly in the USA One more source might be a furry convention. Most cons will have at least one panel devoted to pup play and talk about created a play space, and may include a "mosh pit" for puppies to play together.
  20. I missed a couple lines in my reply. I meant to mention again that that was a very brief overview and that there is a whole lot of overlap between those groups so the lines between them get kind of murky. But that doesn't really matter since you get to decide what you're into and what label you want to attach to it. Main takeaway is just to have fun creating a character and playing with it.
  21. Here is a brief overview of Pup play, Furries, and Otherkins. They tend to get lumped together but they are all pretty different. Pup play is an off-shoot of bdsm where you have a pet and owner dynamic. You don't need a fursona for pup play, but you can create one if it helps you get into a role. In pup play, the pup acts like, and is treated like, a pet by the owner. Gear for pup play can typically include leather or neoprene hoods, harnesses and collars. Butt plug or strap on tails might be used, and hand paws for pup play cover the hand to prevent use of the fingers. Furries are fans of antho animals. Most create their own characters but there isn't any "ritual" to creating a fursona. All you need to do is think about what kind of animals you like and what you might like to cos play as. Your fursona can be as simple or complex as you want. The minimum would be to decide on a species and a name for your character, but you can create a Ref sheet (basically following the process and developing the info used to create a cartoon character) and even create a back story for your origins. Also, you can "be" anything you want. You are not limited to existing animals so hybrids or mythological creatures are possible too. Some furries have even created their own alien species that are basically animal based cyborgs. Look up protogen if you want to see what they look like. Most furries are nerds. Things furries like include: art, anime, gaming, music, coffee, energy drinks, and cheese. Most furries do not have fursuits, and most furries who do have suits do not have sex in them. That said, furries get horny just like everyone else so .... OwO. There are some fursuits designed for sex that have "strategically placed holes" in them to make sex while suited possible. Suits designed for sex are called Murrsuits. You can find some murrsuiters on OnlyFans. There is also a site dedicated to murrsuits called murrtube.net Finally, therians and otherkins are groups that believe that they are not fully human. They may feel they have animal spirit guides, or feel that they have the souls of animals or some other mythic species but are trapped in human form. They may have rituals to contact their guides or the animal spirit they believe is their other half. While pup play and furries engage in fantasy play, therians and otherkins actually believe they are part animal. Personally, I'm a furry. I love the mascotting aspect of being in suit, and it has nothing to do with sex. That said, I also have a couple pup hoods and certainly don't mind getting fucked like a bitch.
  22. I have allergies that make it difficult for me to be around smokers, so someone smoking while we're having sex is out. That said, I don't mind a smoker being on the other side of a gloryhole, or outside where there is good ventilation. The exception to that is if they are smoking (what I assume is) cannabis oil. That stuff makes me nauseous and I can't handle being around it.
  23. I think it's the position and angle of the penis. Instead of sliding along the rectum it can end up jabbing the side. If a bottom is having trouble taking your cock, try a different position.
  24. The closest bathhouse to me is over 100 miles away, so it's rarely my destination. Instead, if I happen to be in that area for something, I'll stay at the bath over-night instead of getting a motel room. If I get fucked while I'm there, then great. If It's slow, I get a few hours of sleep. Either way, it's a win for me.
  25. Yes. I'm not into insects or other vermin being around, however being someplace grungy is mentally freeing. It loosens inhibitions so I feel I can do whatever the fuck I want. And, I assume anyone else in that place has a similar attitude.
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