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Everything posted by funpozbottom

  1. I tried poppers once but strong smells like that just give me a headache which kills the mood so I don't use them. I've tried some other drugs over the years but didn't really like the effects (of most) so I don't use drugs, either. Same with alcohol -- I'll have a drink occasionally with dinner for the flavor of the drink and probably won't drink the whole thing. I don't know how "rare" it is for a bottom to not use substances, but I can say you are not the only one. I can also say that you shouldn't feel judged or pressured to use something when you don't want to. There's nothing wrong with being sober and aware of your situation and surroundings. especially in anonymous situations, your safety and security are more important.
  2. I may not be highly educated but I was educated while high -- does that count? But seriously .... Most of my encounters are anonymous so I don't know anyone's background. Plus, I've got a couple degrees myself: someone's social status or educational level doesn't impress me and educated people can still be very foolish. When it comes to sex, the only thing that impresses me is the way a top uses and fills my ass. That said, if you find that guys with a higher level of education are kinkier, it's possible that people who are driven to achieve those levels are more creative, experimental, and explorative in all aspects of their lives. This could lead them to be more expressive of their sexual desires.
  3. I had a fuck buddy for a few years -- until he graduated college and moved away. Back then I was a top and he was a horny little slut bottom. Other than going out to dinner once, our relationship was entirely sexual. And that, we never planned. It was just that, if we happened to see each other out at a club, there was a 90% chance that we were going to end up fucking. I saw him one last time after graduation -- he came back to town for homecoming one year. He came up to me at the bar to say hi. He was with someone but still asked me if I still lived in the same place. Later that night there was a knock on my door. We had a little fun before he went back to his friend's house with a load of my cum in his ass. So my definition of a fuck bud is a steady sex partner who is relaxed, drama free, and makes sex fun.
  4. I don't think it's limited to gay guys. Everyone is constantly inundated with fantasy depictions of the human body and relationships. So called "influencers" tell you what you need and "stylists" tell you how to fake yourself so you can get it. And then the apps make it easy to sit at home and scroll through thumbnails trying to cherry pick the profiles to read -- which doesn't really work since no one on an app is likely to have a cherry left to pick. Which leads me to say that, I forget the point I was trying to make, but I got a pretty good rant in.
  5. I've wished I had a longer tongue -- not as long as that pic, but long enough to penetrate a hole instead of just lapping around the rim.
  6. When I was diagnosed with hiv and referred to an infectious disease specialist, there were several I could choose from, but my GP said; "It doesn't matter to me who you see for care -- it's your body and your health that's important. Go to whoever you are most comfortable with. " So yeah, I'll say the same thing that everyone else has said: you might want to find a new doctor that you are more comfortable with. As for moving on from your current doctor, if you think she is a good doctor overall and are really interested in her reputation, at your next appointment you could tell her that you think you might be more comfortable discussing sexual health with someone else and ask for recommendations. If she really doesn't like your lifestyle, she may be happy send you on to someone else.
  7. I dunno ... I'd probably text myself to see if I was interested, then maybe move on to sexting .... get myself hot and horny ... set up a meet then at the last minute, ghost myself in favor of some rando on a sex app. Sometime later, I'd reach out to apologize and try to set something up again, but it would never be the same when I'm with myself. I mean -- that's how it's done, these days, isn't it? But yeah, I always wished I had a kinky twin: always wanted to be able to suck and fuck myself, and visa versa.
  8. What people get wrong about Nature/ Nurture is that it is never Nature OR Nurture ; it is always Nature AND Nurture. Nature provides a genetic potential, or natural inclination towards a particular trait or behavior. The environment determines how well that potential is fulfilled and how you feel about yourself while doing it. If we're talking about sex, there is a genetic imperative for men to release sperm and nature also determines a range of sexual attractions. The environment will determine with whom, where, and when you can have sex. Repressive societies may limit preferred sexual contacts while more liberal societies may allow for more expressive and more satisfying encounters -- not only in terms of quantity and quality of sex but also in enhancing self esteem. So to answer the question, I was born a slut and try every day to overcome societal restrains and fulfill my potential.
  9. Oh magic genie, I ask for these things: 1. I wish that I couldn't contract or pass on any illness through any sex act. or by ingesting piss or other body wastes. 2. I wish I could have sex with anyone, anywhere, anytime I wanted. 3. I wish I had the stamina and drive I had in my teens. 4. A fourth wish is tricky because if you are only supposed to have 3 and try to ask for 4, you release the genie and become enslaved within the bottle yourself. But, I think there's a loophole that could get you unlimited wishes -- if you work it right. I've never read anything that says you can't use the magic and ask for wishes after you are released from the bottle. so, imagine this: you get your 3 wishes, ask a fourth and trade places with the genie, who then asks his wishes, then a fourth and trades back for your turn. So I might have to back up and make my 3rd wish that this scenario will work, then the 4th wish would be to be paired with a horny slut who also wants unlimited wishes.
  10. I laugh frequently during sex. There are times when things are just funny like when I'm with someone who wants to try out a new position and things don't quite line up as expected. There are times when I'm just happy, relaxed, and playful, and get sort of giggly. And there are times when my orgasm is intense and triggers a massive dose of endorphins that sets off uncontrollable laughter as it rolls through my body. I've confused partners at times by laughing during sex. I think their first thought is that I'm laughing at them, but once I explain it's an endorphin rush from really good sex, they usually relax a little more and get a little more playful.
  11. It isn't something that you can put a definite number on, or something that someone else can impose upon you. You are "too old" only when you yourself decide that you've had enough. Until then, as long as you are having fun, you're not too old for the lifestyle. And, my opinion, anyone who disagrees is too closed-minded for the lifestyle.
  12. I'm not an expert on it but the scent a plant gives off depends on the type of pollinator it attracts to distribute its pollen, or visa versa. Some plants smell sweet, some musky, and a few smell like garbage. Some of the musky ones are pretty close to smelling like cum. The Bradford Pear is one that many people have a love/hate relationship with because it's pretty but smells and can be invasive. The Chestnut and (I think) Larch smell sort of cummy. There's a boxwood used for hedging that some people think smells like cum, but I think it smells more like young-teen-using-too-much-body-spray. Mushrooms and toadstools can be very musky. The only houseplant that I can think of that tends toward musk is the snake plant. They don't flower often inside, however the ones I have outside send up stalks of little white flowers that are mildly musky. I'm sure there are more. It would be fun to create a garden filled with erotic statues and plants that smell like semen.
  13. My Switch from Atripla to Biktarvy was completely uneventful. I do sort of miss the dreams I had on Atripla -- I'd literally wake up laughing at the stuff my mind came up with -- which would put me in a good mood for the day, but otherwise, I've had no side effects from changing.
  14. Piss is my number one fetish so yes the smell of piss is definitely a turn on. I love when a guy opens his pants and the smell of stale piss wafts up to nose. It makes me want to bury my face in his crotch.
  15. Yes, sometimes it can seem like you're lying, however in the situations you describe, sex isn't about honesty, it's more about role play. You are providing a type of fantasy situation that (hopefully) the top will enjoy in exchange for a load of cum. Some guys who are small are self-conscious about their size -- that's one of the reasons they do anonymous hook ups. Offering up a relaxed sigh or muffled moan may help ease some tension a small top may be feeling and help him enjoy the fuck more, which ultimately may get you a bigger load. so, don't think of it as lying, just think of it as an opportunity to practice your pornstar acting skills.
  16. Does sex matter without the load? To which I reply: Does cake matter without the frosting? I like cake. There are sooo many different types of cakes. Some are really good all on their own, like brownies for instance. A good brownie can be rich and fulfilling all by itself. (Yes, you could argue whether brownies are really cake, however I've been craving them so I'm sticking with my opinion.) On the other hand, some cakes simply aren't complete until the frosting has been slathered over the top and sides, and through the middle. While both frosted and un-frosted cake can be good, the situation in which they are served can influence your expectations and satisfaction with the outcome. If, for example, Ms. Manners invites you to tea and serves a Bundt cake, you probably won't be surprised that it is not frosted. (There may be some sugar glaze but that barely counts as precum and definitely doesn't count as frosting.) Compare that to a birthday cake. At a birthday, you'll probably expect a piece of cake topped with icing, and a few random bits of wax from the candles, and, if you don't get it and somehow end up with a bare-bones piece of sponge, you'll probably be disappointed. In that situation, you can only do two things: first, try to drop your expectations and just enjoy the party, and second, make sure the next party is hosted by someone who knows how to bake. I have to say that the worst cake I ever had was when I thought I was going to be served a nice big frosted piece but just at the last moment this guy pulled it back, scooped the icing off and drizzled it on the floor beside me. "Why -- oh why -- would you do that," I cried inside. It was the type of situation that makes you want to get down on all fours and and lick the frosting from the floor. On the other hand the best cake I've had was at a buffet where guys were going around sampling different types of cake. I was enjoying a nice piece of a bare brownie but suddenly a can of whipped cream appeared. It was, to use a phrase, "The icing on the cake."
  17. I haven't seen anything that suggests autism is a risk factor for HIV, however there are studies that are suggesting the reverse: Autism isn't a psychological disorder but is instead a symptom of an immunological imbalance that may have viral origins. Here is a link to one such study: [think before following links] https://www.oatext.com/the-cause-of-autism-and-chronic-disease-from-misunderstanding-to-treatment-recovery-and-prevention.php#Article That said, autistic behaviors could lead to more risk taking which could lead to a higher rate of HIV. (And if the relationship I mentioned above is true, it could develop a feedback loop where a virus causes an imbalance that leads to behaviors that make someone more susceptible to future viral infections.) If you know of studies or statistics showing that type of correlation, or show percentages of people with both HIV and autism, I'd be interested in seeing them.
  18. When I was a little boy, I loved going camping and being able to pee outside -- especially at night. I couldn't see the stream of piss or where it was landing, and sometimes it would land so softly on the grass that there would be no sound. With no visual references, I felt disembodied; feeling only a cool breeze on my exposed penis and the sensation of urine passing from my bladder. I found the experience oddly arousing. Most people have a dominant sense through which they perceive the world and validate their experiences. If you place yourself in a situation where your dominant sense is muted, it allows you to focus on information gathered by your other senses and thereby gain new perspectives on your situation/surroundings. Actors sometimes use this in sensory awareness training so they can more fully use all their senses in crafting a performance, and, it's something you can experience with almost anything (as long as it wouldn't cause a hazardous situation). So, for a sighted person, doing simple things like peeing in the dark or eating a meal blindfolded removes the distractions of sight and allows you to focus on what your other senses are telling you. If you can't see, one of your other senses will be dominant, so temporarily muting that sense might give you an idea of what I'm talking about. And, you may have noticed a similar effect when a dominant sound is shut off allowing the background noises to emerge. This occurred in some places that had lock-downs during the pandemic. The absence of traffic and industrial noise allowed people hear natural sounds that have become hidden by constant sound pollution. Anyway, back to sex. If you are a sighted person having sex in the dark, you reduce the distracting visual information which lets you focus on other aspects of the scene such as creating a hyper-awareness of the sensations of penetration, fullness, and other pleasures of the experience. If you do not have sight, it's understandable that you might be "baffled" by the draw since the experience of a darkroom is something that you would probably think of as "normal".
  19. I'd tell myself three things: Trust your instincts. Don't listen to haters and bullies. Long term they will mean nothing and have no impact in your life. I'd also tell my younger self what my interest are now and suggest focusing some attention on those topics to avoid the aimless wandering search for inspiration. I never got any kind of 'sex talk' so I kind of figured it out on my own. I'd do myself the favor of explaining and showing a few things to make the process less awkward. And I'd let myself know when prep would be available to plan ahead.
  20. After having my gallbladder removed, I had problems eating certain foods. Two things I found helpful were an acidophilus supplement, and a digestive enzymes supplement. Acidophilus helps to balance the ratio of bacteria in the digestive system. Digestive enzymes help break down various fats, dairy, proteins, etc so they are digested properly. There are different brands around and should be easy to Google to see if there's something you think might help you and find what is available in your area. Also be sure you are eating enough fiber -- fiber helps to bind things together and regulate water content in the intestines. If you have frequent diarrhea, that redness around your hole could be caused by contact with digestive acids. The condition is commonly known as diaper rash and can be aggravated by sweat from doing things like being on your bike for 2 hours. It's sort of common for cyclists and other athletes with sweaty butts. If you think that may be the problem, just be sure to wash your hole (not just wipe, but use soap and water) after every bowel movement for a few days to see if it clears up. If you don't see improvement, check with your doctor for other recommendations.
  21. It may be a lie for some people but if you wanted an indicator to put in your profile or a way to "gently" turn someone down, you could say you have a "latex allergy". If you're asked about non-latex condoms you can say they affect you too. Personally, I've found that latex burns my ass and won't use them. I can use non-latex if I want. I'm also allergic to supposedly hypo-allergenic silicon lubes which sucks since they were my favorites. Anyway, allergies to the materials used in condoms do exist and it's not something you'll be asked to prove to be believed.
  22. When I put my mouth on a cock my favorite things to taste are cum, stale piss, and ass slime. (I can get into tongue cleaning a dirty cock 😈) As for commercial lubes, I haven't found any that are good long lasting lubes and also good flavor-wise. Artificial flavors taste ... artificial. Also, flavored lubes tend to have a lot of glycerin to add sweetness. Unfortunately glycerin tends to dry quickly and get sticky/gluey instead of slippery. As mentioned by others, Swiss Navy has one lube with clove oil so that's one option if you like clove. Coconut oil is another option but oils do go bad so it could make that cock smell and taste like rancid french fries. (I know that from experience with a brand new, unopened jar -- yuck). Another option is, instead of looking for a flavored lube, try flavoring your ass. After you have cleaned out, insert a small amount of something like a banana puree, for example. It will be safe, easy, low cost (or free if you already have a banana in the house), and won't interfere with your regular lube -- probably won't be noticed at all except you'll notice the flavor when you lick the dick after a fuck. You don't need to fill your ass with it (unless you want to). If you have one of those "lube shooters" it would be easy to insert and less than an ounce would do. Try it, see if you like it, and if it works you can use your imagination on what to use to make your own flavors. You can also experiment with inserting chucks of banana and letting the top mash it up inside you. This adds a a little mental aspect to it because you know your hole is clean ... but not empty. You can have fun with that too.
  23. This is difficult to answer because I like them both, however I think I'd give a slight edge to piss because I drank it long before I swallowed cum. As a curious young boy, I had no hesitation tasting piss and I liked it from the first sip. On the other hand, it took a while for me to work up to tasting cum; partly because once I'd shoot I'd start to loose interest, and also I thought it had a weird texture which put me off. But once I did taste it, I quickly decided I liked it and by the time I was taking loads from other guys (and not just licking up my own) I was an avid cum and piss junky. So as I said, I give a slight edge to piss. I also wonder which I'd prefer if they were available in equal quantities. If cum loads were as big as piss loads would I be able to chug it all or find it overwhelming? It would be interesting to find out strictly from a scientific stand point, of course. I'd definitely chug a glass full of each for science because science is cool.
  24. A profile may show someone's intentions, however, just like someone on a "strict diet" who's offered a piece of cake, sometimes it's too hard to resist. 🍰
  25. Condom manufacturers like to say it feels the same as bare, but we all know it's different. Most guys experience a decrease in tactile sensation with a condom, and for some that means it's more difficult to maintain an erection. But for guys who are quick cummers, a condom can help to prolong the fuck. I hadn't thought about it before but yeah -- a guy who cums quick might insist on a condom at first to make it a longer fuck or to cover any embarrassment they feel from premature ejaculation. Maybe these guys need split condoms so they can fuck longer and still cum deep inside. 😈
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