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Hairypiglet last won the day on January 30 2020

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About Hairypiglet

  • Birthday 12/12/1984

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  • Interests
    Sex, obvi.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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  • Background
    Poz guy with a hot toxic boy I knocked up. Not interested in stealthing or gifting to strangers for the sake of gifting. It's a major life choice and I plan to remain intimate with anyone I gift. Therefore, you need to be local and ltr-poly-oriented if you want me to poz you.

    Always up for collecting and swapping strains with other toxic men.
  • Porn Experience
    Nothing official, was a prostitute by the name of Ryan Gafton in my early twenties and did appear in some home movies filmed at the SF Eagle and Carl's in Reno.

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  1. Drunk at my friends birthday party I got fucked by an exchange student who was invited there by my ex. My ex didn't seem too interested so I just took over. Haven't really spoken to either since.
  2. Love your profile wish you were dear by to play around with 

  3. I had a hook-up in Seattle years ago. Great date with beers and making out at the beach, being really risky at one of the family beaches. Later in my apt, it gets full-on sex, but he wants me to eat his hole to lube and open him. However, after I've sufficiently prepared his hole with my tongue he refuses to kiss me because I have his ass on my lips and he doesn't kiss guys who have eaten him. I'm like, so I'm about to put my dick in you and we can't kiss while I'm fucking you? BORING.
  4. I need this in my life.
  5. I have similar experience. Not to mention where my prostate is. A big dick doesn't milk it as well as a small one. Even average dicks, they hit it, but only as they pass by. Small dicks seem to really press on my prostate more constantly.
  6. Glazing would have meant admitting I had it. I made it in secret and fired it in my home oven while my dad and brother were at one of his soccer matches. I put condoms (stollen from my brother) on it to keep it clean. But eventually threw it away fearing being caught.
  7. I was always very artistic, even had special art classes at night. When I was 12 I made a clay mold of my own penis and fucked myself with it while sucking my own cock.
  8. Looks like a Horse Market setup. Probably Berlin or Prague?
  9. I apologize I have been on vacation myself and extremely busy with work. I want you to know, I will be preparing things as discussed. However, can I just tell you how intensely emotionthis was. The way it ends really concerns me because of Montelongos parents in juxtaposition to this beautiful moment, "'Gabriel, if we weren’t in the Army, would you be okay with us being together?” He suddenly asked, letting his buried hand stroke the big muscles of Gabriel’s chest. Why had that question come out?" You have created a multitude of important stories from these well-developed characters.
  10. I feel this so strongly. I don't like saying that I hate the world, but I have a hard time drawing a distinction right now. I am disgusted by so much of what is happening that I really do just feel I want to sequester myself and not deal with it. I really do just want to die because it seems to me our trajectory is just more suffering and despair that I don't want to be around for. I honestly told a bunch of family at a gathering that I just want to be spun out and loaded until I waste and die. Just maximize my enjoyment for the inevitable end.
  11. I've felt like this for much of the last year. I do still get horny sometimes just reading some of the stories here, but I have no intention of even jerking off. I do have to jerk off unfortunately because I have a knotted epididymis that gets sore if I don't cum for too long.
  12. Hey buddy..thanks for checking me out and nice to see your in DFW area also.....send me a txt purhaps we can swap some nut  214 994 9016.

  13. Seriously. I lived in Seattle for ten years and I can say there is a decent group of freaks there who enjoy many things, but for the most part I was always on the outside of a clique trying to get in. The PNW community is insufferably insular. I know one guy on here that I've chatted with whom I wish I had met before I left because his time at Z sounds wonderfully different from my time. I'm not ugly either. My pics are real. I spent a weekend in Portland, a whole night at the bath house and the only action I saw was a desperate old queen who just helped himself into my room literally one minute after I got there while I was still undressing. I went to the spa after that and soaked. Several guys joined me and left. I greeted them. They never said a word. Like, why come to a fucking bath house?
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