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Everything posted by DaWhore

  1. I mostly use the finger on tough cases that simply refuse or are unable to freaking come. Unless they ask for it.
  2. Level 3, my whole sexual life
  3. Intense post. I won’t restate the obvious, you need to have a good open talk with a professional. If the first person doesn't match you, be slutty and seek another one. I’d like to share some of my story, hoping it will help you a little. Before the pandemic, I was on cloud nine. Everything was good, saved enough money for a decent transition. Then everything went to shit, everything. A few years later, partly transitioned, broke, jobless, homeless, and nurturing ways to end it all, until...I changed my mind and decided to ask for help, and get the fuck back up. I spent 69 days (really) in a doorless cubicle of a homeless shelter, sleeping on the most uncomfortable camp bed ever, always carrying my valuables in a backpack, praying that nobody would steal what you could not carry. It was a very humbling, a cold shower, and a brutal slap to the face. I lived among real addiction and biohazard tattoos, the reality is far from what we read in the stories. I used all the help provided and got back up. I’m still wobbly but I'm standing. I’m currently in low-cost housing (god I love my door), and I've restarted my transition. Money is still an issue, but that will change once I've enough tits to start my new line of work. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but maybe tomorrow. Take care baby 👶
  4. I’d like to read it.
  5. It would be such a waste of lotsa work if not published... You could also write a new chapter one and call the story your own, title and all.
  6. I've sucked a micro dick... tbh, I felt sorry for the owner and wanted to rock his world... I was like licking and sucking a big clit.
  7. You can't run away from your fans lol... More?...
  8. Too bad nothing else was written following this short story.
  9. How did I miss this? Loved it.
  10. That's like a nice intro to a movie.
  11. As a self claimed denial master/mistress of what I am, took me over a century to accept my thing... You're a cheater.... That's what gets you off. Your wife takes loads, you lick them out of her. She probably would not blink twice at finally seeing her partner for who/what he really is. But if she knows, it wouldn't be cheating...
  12. I love the envy angle, wanting what his BF got. Also opens leaves the door wide open to some "Lost" flashbacks. Keep writing, I'll keep reading.
  13. I'd love to see more of handsome tall Latino, with a nice build, mischievous smile, and bright hazel eyes and his new cumdumpster, please?
  14. Probably, would be nice to see her being fucked in the middle of a gay orgy celebrating Neil's membership. To find out that she's been getting POZ cock for a while....
  15. Loved it. Jake has to meet the gang now, only fitting... Can't wait..
  16. Me too. When I saw it back at the top, I was hoping it was a new chapter 😞
  17. My brain is a clear winner... I once read "The brain is the largest sex organ", I could not agree more. You should see what goes on in there, if I could only sell tickets.
  18. Logged on to chill after work and behold, a new chapter, goodie.
  19. Once in a blue moon, not the squirting part, it's more like glowing warmth in your lower belly. I remember blurting out "I felt it" the first time, amazed. What you do feel constantly is the slip and slide feeling between your ass cheek when you're walking after the fact, that just feels lovely.
  20. First time I make it to the end.
  21. I detected a few mistakes... Another try at a "growing" story. There are multiple parts. Rest is perfect.
  22. More sliding por favor 🙂
  23. Magic eight ball says "Outcome looks doubtful"
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