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  • Gender
  • Location
    NW Arkansas
  • Interests
    no limits kink, perv, taboo, pnp, incest, gifting and collecting
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Looking For
    nasty intense sweaty play

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] https://www.tumblr.com/blog/pigluvr

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  1. hey fellow [banned word]!

  2. Thanks PigLuvr!

    I do luv what you are in to...............I'm thinking we need to do a little (or a lot) of live action sexual things....Mmmm, Mmmmm

  3. I wish PigLuvr lived closer to me or vise versa,  I know we'd have a great time with one another and with a little friend. 😈😈🐷🐷

  4. From one piggy to another....thanks for following, and have a real squealing good time!

    Assplay- 1.JPG

    1. ronnie4u


      Extremely HOT , Beautiful and Delicious - more - more - Please !   

  5. Every top should follow your most awesome example and way of thinking!

  6. Looking to hookup and get nasty...share/swap
  7. wish I was closer , would love to have you uses and fill me !  oink oink

    1. PigLuvr


      Thanks, I think we would have LOADS of fun!

    2. cumwhorebill


      yes i'm sure 


      I was in Hot Springs Arkansas in 2009 , met a DOM  that used me good  for a Cpl of Days , then passed me around . One of my fav things . 

  8. Thanks for the follow man..hope to catch up in wickr or qtox

  9. Thank you for the follow PigLuvr!

  10. Thanks for the follow, pigluvr!  Who doesn't love a pig?

  11. Thanks for the following!

  12. Hey ... thanks for the follow! xx;)

  13. Poz no meds is hot ? Fill me up with bugs please ??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Willing


      Both ends please ?? Poz cum only to live on?

    3. PigLuvr


      fuck yes, we would never stop 


    4. Willing


      Never ? I'll be back in a little bit master if you want to chat?   You make me so hot ?

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