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  1. If you end up in London and craving some loads you'll have no shortage of men wanting to breed you i'm sure. ;)
  2. Is there any known issue with the site working on Google Chrome? As of late last week I could visit and view the site but any time I attempted to post a reply to a message it would save the message, but not post it. I tried to log out and back in but after that it just keeps looping at the log in screen, asking me to try to log in again. Same happened when I tried to reset password. Only way i'm currently able to log in, or post is via TOR, or Edge browsers. Have cleared cookies/cache and still cannot log in with Chrome. Noticed when I fill in username the text field goes almost white as if it's highlighted.
  3. I just had a recent test that bought back a positive result for Gono. Somewhat amusingly I know who I got this from, and it's the person who I recently hooked up with who was insistent on using condoms and 'playing it safe'. Considering the amount of raw fucking i've done since my last test it amused me when the 'super safe' guy messaged me to tell me he'd gotten a check up and had probably passed it on to me. Getting my treatment for it tomorrow then waiting that week so I can get back to breeding proper.
  4. Found out in 2016 as well just after moving countries and having no real friendship circle developed yet so being far from friends and family made it a bit more difficult and it definitely took a few weeks to process it. I was offered to go to a HIV counseling service that acted like a group therapy session. I kind of went in hoping to make some new friends who were going through the same thing but I realised that the group was more for people who were struggling with their diagnosis where I instead had become fairly quickly adjusted to the idea and didn't bother going back to finish the sessions. Five years on and it's just a part of me now.
  5. To be totally honest i'd rather you not waste your time pointing all 'so many different things' that I supposedly said are wrong. It's quite clear that you have a dedicated mindset and making sweeping generalisations (whether it be about Muslims, liberals, or the LGBT+ community). I'm not going to change your mind and you sure as hell aren't going to change mine either.
  6. At no point in my earlier post did I make any sort of proclamiation of possessing 'all-conquering genius' - your posts come across full of hositily when the worst word i've used was 'baffled'. Why do you assume all 'liberals' are advocating for Islamic laws to be introduced to their own countries? Speaking personally for myself I have no issue with the average every-day Muslim (or Jew, Catholic, Hindu or Sikh) emigrating to another country, provided that they abide by the rules and customs of their new country. I don't know anyone in the LGBT+ community who is advocating the introuction of Sharia law - it's fine to question and reject any religious idelogy that imposes restrictions on women, the gay community, or other minority groups. Your post reads as 'it doesn't matter if gays get killed in their own country, as long as I don't have these people in mine'. Not particularly sure why you call Scorpio an Imam simply for (assumedly temporarily) banning you, because as I read your messages you don't particlarly conduct yourself well, instead opting for a lot of anger, resentment, and seemingly xenophobic comments. Since this topic was really about Trump, can you please provide me with advancements that he, and his administration has made for the USA, or the global LGBT+ community? Given that you're in the UK, can you show me the advancement similar political views and parties are doing to support our communites here as well? I'm willing to be convinced if you can provide me the proof.
  7. Three yesterday, generally around twice per day depending on situation, sometimes more. That's just for solo play though.
  8. I enjoy both really, although I find myself generally gravitating towards more of Marvels characters than I do DC. I struggle to find enjoyment with characters like Aquaman, Superman or the Green Lanterns in the same way I struggled to identify with Captain America until the MCU won me over. Marvel definitely puts out the better live-action films, but DC has Marvel beat when it comes to animation. Both companies are well away from their comic hey-days and really need to strip back to telling good stories, not just perpetually working up to the next big crossover event.
  9. If it wasn't for liberally minded people you'd be in prison or a mental health facility for your homosexuality. While I can understand and would actively discourage anyone from blindly following a politician just because they're left wing, I equally get baffled by LGBT+ people who write and act like this, despite it being thanks to liberal ideas and movements that they're not incarcerated or tortured. How about popping by Russia, Sudan, Chechnya, Saudi Arabia etc and see how far you go sucking dick proudly and openly without it getting you into a world of trouble.
  10. Depends on how we've been fucking up until where i'm about to shoot. If we've been fucking hard I will probably make a few deep, hard thrusts as i'm shooting. If it's been a more intimate session it might be a bit more of a 'one final thrust' then being mostly still as my load begins it's journey up inside him.
  11. Depends on the app, things like Grindr I have my status listed, things like Tinder i'm not using currently since I never have much luck on them, much prefer getting to know someone online than being judged on some simple pictures and a basic profile wording. That said if I do go for a date and they're not already aware of my status I will usually disclose between first and second dates, if they suddenly lose interest/reject me then I know that their not mature enough to deal with. Don't think it's something that should wait till 2-3 months down the line but also like to get an idea of who is judging me on my status more than my personality/looks.
  12. Went on Sunday to visit a newish fuckbuddy of mine, nice hot piggy bottom. Fooling around on the bed and I can feel him rubbing his pre-cum covered cock against my hole, unexpected given he invited me over to breed him. Few minutes of making out more/rubbing his dick against me he ended up inside me and we had a intensely hot flip fuck, both of us loaded up with each others cum. Unexpected but very pleasing way to end the weekend.
  13. Oh yeah, i'm happy to block them it's just tiresome when they keep making new profiles and keep sending the same messages. I feel like if you are one of those people who are 9"+ only then maybe you should let the tops come to you instead of wasting everyone else's time and patience. Unless it's as you say and they're looking for the defeatist side of things.
  14. There's a twink on Grindr that messages me every couple of weeks. Hides his face but his profile is full of "nobody message me unless you're over 9 Inches" comments and wording, have told him repeatedly I don't meet his criteria and i'm not interested,, yet every couple of weeks he sends and message or a tap. Even blocking the profile doesn't work as he creates new ones. While I can certainly appreciate the lust for cock, I find it annoying when you get fussy size queens who are so rigid that they will only take a XL dick, but at the same time constantly message guys that don't meet their criteria.
  15. I only went there twice but both times felt like a waste of money. When I went there didn't seem to be anyone younger than 50 and the guys that were there just seemed to sit in the porn room jerking off as opposed to doing any fucking. Not to mention the 8pm closure time on the weekends is incredibly offputting
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