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Everything posted by BBArchangel

  1. Really hot! I just hope it continues.
  2. I’ll wait for the Donald Trump Fleshlight ( For micro-penises Only) to give the increasingly few right-wing friends I have. Or as -dare I say it? - gag gifts.
  3. So, my extended birthday went great. within about an 18 hour. I took two big booty bumps and or reasonably sized slams. The first two were .3 I really don’t know the size of the second. I got spit roasted twice. And fucked probably ten times more. I think I earned my slut-card. Go, me!

  4. Steve Reeves. While a teen I paid to have that poster professionally framed. I still have it, although no longer hanging on the wall.
  5. So, question for the group mind — what’s the etiquette here. Do I give my dealer a Christmas present?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ejaculaTe


      A Christmas present for your dealer? Sure. Once upon a time when milkmen delivered milk to one's home, it wasn't unusual to give the milkman cash at Christmas time. Mailmen also received cash at Christmas (Postal Service regulations now prohibit accepting cash). Looking at the results of the Google search I did, the rule of thumb is whatever you'd pay the person (for example, massage therapist, barber, pool cleaner) in the ordinary course of business. Hope this helps and a hearty "get well"....

    3. ScorpionFF


      @BBArchangel, RE; ''I also injured my hand,'' .... Was that during the Fisting? Hahaha. Pleased you had a great time, and here is to lots of fun during your 10 days of celebration. You might need to make it 11! 😉 

    4. BBArchangel


      DirtyFckr —  no, presents in  February isn’t really a Missouri tradition, but as anyone around here will tell you, no matter the time of year I’m a very gift-giving person!

  6. On my knees between his legs with him propped up against the headboard so we can see each other.
  7. I have a birthday cummng up. Sure hope someone gives me a party like this!
  8. A fine ending for Eric. I wonder if he wasn't out hunting dick the very next day.
  9. Great opening. Wish there was more.
  10. Some attractive jocks on that page, but damn, unless it was all leather I’s never pay that kind of prices
  11. Revenge is a dick best served poz.
  12. I'm beginning to think there should be a way at the top of each story to label it as "finished" or "unfinished."
  13. strange .... but fun!
  14. I hope the author comes back to this soon.
  15. Hot story. I love the eager ones.
  16. Cuffs and a gag. Hot! I love any story that begins with bondage.
  17. There is a longer version of this clip. Ed Hunter is incredibly hot.
  18. Really enjoying this story and hope it continues. So many avenues to explore yet. Tim Johnson just disappears without explanation. Why?
  19. Morning, night? That depends on the quality of the Tina!
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