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  • Gender
  • Location
    near Manchester, UK
  • Interests
    Bareback fucking (obviously), fisting, bugchasing and giftgiving. Also psychology, psychoanalysis, the sciences generally.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Number one priority is now a decent viral load because I am getting frustrated with being neg for so long. Other than that my only real criteria are to be hairy and to find me attractive lol

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  1. Tbh it seems like very few gays are actually pro condom. Is it all just an attempt to appease the straights?
  2. The one time that happened I was the fool insisting on it. Long story short, he didn't vocalise an orgasm but sent me to the bathroom to find the mysterious disappearing condom. It was split along most of it (and this guy had an average sized dick and wasn't rough either) and there was a lot of thick creamy fluid. I commented this to him because the lube was one of those awful thin clear water based ones. In the past i have had a couple of neg tops insist but i think in the future I'd just challenge them to fuck me bare and if they are truly neg nothing will happen, due to me still being neg and other STIs generally being symptomatic if they are likely to spread bottom to top. If they are poz then neither of us requires protection anyway
  3. Can anyone ID the guy in this video? There used to be another one on ThisVid too, iirc with him pushing loads out, but it seems to have vanished 😞 Cute guy with biohazard tattoo around his arsehole
  4. Mine was about 7 inches, maybe 7 and a half, and also very thick. I seem to get pretty lucky with the cocks I get shoved into me - I'm usualy not overly fussy about size, yet about 75% of the ones I've had were *significantly* above what I assume to be the population average (and about half of that 75% I would classify as porno dicks). What's more is that very early on in my sex life I had a year-long period of getting regular porno dick (two of them between them covering the year) and a 3rd one (chronologically before the two frequently reoccurring ones though) was the thickest I have ever seen, in real life or in porn. I adapted remarkably quickly - although I had already ben shoving cucumbers and God knows what else up there - but yeah, if I were't an atheist I would have taken it as a sign that my destiny was to take massive dicks like a champ. And to be honest, with one of these three - the one I got closest to actualy dating - he fucked pretty aggresively, was a very compulsive popper user which just made him speed up even more, and what I think basicaly ended up happening was that with other guys he would speed up and speed up but be asked to fuck a bit less roughly before he quite managed to get to where he wanted to. But with me I think he would reach that point but due to inertia keep getting faster and rougher and everything until he would kinda collapse and stick a fist in. He didn't even like fisting but would end up fisting me on about 50% of occasions (without me even asking for it) so he probably felt like he needed to make my arse sore and worn out (which I approve of - there's nothing lik feeling where you've been railed two days afterwards)
  5. I basically want to be able to quantify my sexuality as this would allow me to compare different people's sexual worlds in mixed company without having to even hint at "my idea of a good time is getting multiple guys' HVL loads punch-fisted into me until my arsehole turns inside out and still feels weird for at least 2 days afterwards" because cishet young ladies will not experience that as an explanation but as an emetic agent most likely But all the quizzes I come across are either way too narrow in scope (e.g. focusing on traditional BDSM), are not anywhere near kinky enough (one had as a question if you find masturbation acceptable) and then there's the ones that go waaaaay too deep on the involvement of romantic love in sex (lol what even is that!? I thought it was just something Hollywood invented) Oh, and also, so much bizarre focus on role play. I really dislike role play basicaly because it isn't real, but actually getting raped was a mixed experience with a very important unnamable but positively-valanced factor. Like I wouldn't have been amused if it was repeated soon after but if he took me by surprise like 3 months later I would probably end up having to focus hard on some aspect of it I really did not like in order to make me try and fail to escape. If I didn't do that it would just end up being surprise sex with retroactive consent (hopefully this is the right subforum, as the point isn't to actually discus the harder stuff in any amount of detail)
  6. My faves that are more to the taste of the guys that frequent this forum would be Drew Sebastian, Rafael Carreras, and Lito Cruz. But there's also some which are maybe not even typical of my taste but that I find insanely attractive: Fostter Riviera, Koldo Goran, and Tommy Dreams. Honestly I think these three are somehow winning extra point by fucking in a way that is essentially mechanical but doesn't feel mechanical (to observe - I wish I was referring to feeling in my arse though) Also honourable mentions for Tyler Roberts (RIP 😞), Harold Lopez, Rodolfo, Peto Coast and Gino Zanetti
  7. I know this nurse pretty well and I'm fairly certain it wasn't a comfort issue. I am kind of wondering where the assumption came from though.
  8. Basically I'm going to rehab which entails tests for stuff like tuberculosis. When filling the forms out, my nurse put that I was HIV negative and then just checked with me afterwards. I find this disappointing to say the least. On the other hand I once had a hookup assume I was poz and react to me saying I was neg with total disbelief - that was much more flattering...
  9. I'm not expert by any means so maybe I'm just misunderstanding your explanation, but based on what you're saying I would be under the impression that PrEP was a vaccine - albeit one that has to be taken repeatedly - if I didn't know otherwise. My understanding was that PrEP hangs out in your bloodstream and in other tissues such as the rectum, where it is ready to prevent virus replication, while the immune system deals with it somehow. But I wasn't aware of any interaction as such between PrEP and cells, as it just consists of reverse transcriptase inhibitors
  10. According to the GEVI, he's only done the one scene with Enrique Sparks for Slut Machine, but I would really like to see more...
  11. Wouldn't this be more to do with how long *before* sex you need to be on it though? If we're talking about 7 to 28 days after sex, presumably the virus has found its way through the rectal/penile tissues and is in the bloodstream by that point
  12. I don't think PrEP for more or less time is to do with likelihood of catching it or not, but to do with effective viral load. As I understand it, viral load in acute infection is proportional to the viral load of the person who gave it to them. Following this logic, more copies of the virus get into a bottom's bloodstream than into a top's bloodstream (which would explain why tops are more likely to clear the system of the virus entirely) and so generally speaking a top will need less of the medication to ensure a system clear of HIV compared to a bottom
  13. I wouldn't say I'm 100% past it but I'm most of the way there. It's my penis size. The girth is fine, but it's only like 4.75''. But I feel better about it because I balance it out with my loose hole. So in a club I might be a bit embarrassed about my dick if I'm just standing around, if I'm already in the sling and I've got a fist up there, I'm happy to have the attention of others
  14. You've misunderstood, I'm talking about the opposite problem 😛 when I get with a really well hung top I want photos to help me remember just how big it was! But they always seem to take pictures that make it look smaller than it is
  15. There's a video where John Thomas takes three up the arse. Needless to say you must need to be as much of a power bottom as he is for this to even have a chance of working. And it's definitely more something that one might do just to say they have done it rather than for any enjoyment. I imagine that for DP to be enjoyable - I know a top who really likes it so he must be able to get it to work fairly reliably - you probably want both dicks to be long but potentially not too thick (although his is thick too) and it probably helps if the bottom is quite skinny, with not a lot in the way of buttcheeks? Again, this would be this guy's type, which might explain it
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