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Everything posted by valldelxeno

  1. I love them. I wish I had taken a photo when I got stung by one. I didn't even know what it meant at the time, but I remember thinking that it looked like the tattooed scorpion was stinging my arsehole. I'd just come off PrEP at the time too
  2. I wish asking guys their VL were more normalised
  3. If I'm letting him fuck me, I'm letting him cum in me. For me it's not possible for someone to be in between allowed to fuck and allowed to breed. I'm not a take-any-loads-cumdump though, so I guess that's where the difference is. Although, if I were one, I can't imagine not wanting the cum...
  4. I think I was like, 15. I'd had plenty of orgasms by then though, just dry. Late puberty (sucks)
  5. No, thankfully not, although I do feel weirdly like the odd one out of gay guys. And I have a bit of survivor's guilt. I was once technically sexually assaulted but I don't count it because, firstly, it was about as minor as it can get and still technically count, and secondly, because I actually jack off to this memory every now and then...like it really didn't impact me at all. I was in a bad mood for all of about half an hour afterwards and then it turned into an erotic memory. Basically the guy had a really, really long dick and wouldn't stop fucking really hard and deep. It was too deep for me and was becoming painful so I tried to get him to stop. He told me he wouldn't stop until he came. So I tried to make him cum as quickly as possible, he came in maybe about 3 minutes. See I was like clenching and releasing on his dick, which he clearly liked, and afterwards he commented that until I did that my hole was a bit loose for him. That turned me on too because he wasn't lacking in girth either (although it was mainly long) So yeah, as far as borderline-sexual assault experiences go, not bad. There was blood afterwards though, I wasn't just being a wimp complaining that it was hurting.
  6. This sounds great! I have an excel spreadsheet that is a similar idea but this is much more user-friendly. If only it were available for Android
  7. Haha I could be persuaded if it meant paying less rent than I am now!
  8. Well, my point is that half the "discreet" guys I've got with having nothing discreet about them haha. And it's not a translation issue because a) the apps are available in Spanish and b) discreet in Spanish is discreto so not exactly hugely different. I totally recommend coming here though, the guys are hot and horny...and as for me, as a northern European, while I'm not great looking, I still manage to get laid by being "exotic" - I swear half the guys that have fucked me have done so just because they like my blue eyes haha
  9. That is what I would expect from someone who puts discreet on their profile. However, on the apps where it is available as a "tribe" option, I see loads of them marking themselves as discreet yet they show their face and everything. I'm half wondering if some of them are using it to mean that they tend towards NSA and therefore are "safe" for discreet guys to fuck, but I don't really know (hence the thread)
  10. Sharok is closer to what I'm after. Already knew about him, but he's great
  11. Thanks for the suggestion, and although I suppose he could be Arab, he certainly does not look it! Which kind of defeats the point in porn haha
  12. I saw in one of your posts it mentioned you were in Murcia - let me know if you ever stop by in Catalunya 😛

  13. For me fully naked or a harness. At a push, a jockstrap, but I find that they get in the way of my arsehole. I don't know if I just have weird anatomy or what.
  14. It's good to clarify those things. Again I just wouldn't do them - I hook up almost exclusively via apps and generally talk a bit about what we like in bed, if someone didn't want my cum in his arse I probably just wouldn't hook up with him to be honest. Not to mention that the pulling out method is really hit-or-miss - I say hit-or-miss because it's hard to say it's effective or ineffective, as it reduces the risk of transmission by about 50%. So like, wow, a whole 50%, but also only 50%... If anything, with a guy that wanted me to pull out when I came, I would explain to him that that's not really that effective...but without pressuring or anything. Just education
  15. This one's an interesting one. If more people understood it this way I would use it this way too. Because, sure, I talk about past hookups with other hookups and friends, but if someone lets me know that they are on the down low in some way - whether they just don't want people knowing about their fetishes, their sluttiness, or maybe they are married and/or closeted, well, I'm just not gonna talk about that person further down the line.
  16. I once made a little fisting video where in the background we had a song by Els Amics de les Arts. I'm not seriously suggesting this as fisting music though. It's definitely a...weird combination (For those of you that don't know, which will likely be almost all of you, Els Amics de les Arts is like a kind of folk-pop band)
  17. Title. I ask because I know people who have that they are discreet, but they are out of the closet to everyone and have a lot of "pluma" i.e. are a bit camp/stereotypical to boot. (The ones I'm thinking of in particular it actually suits them very well - no plumofobia!) But yeah just really struggling to see what is discreet about someone who is visibly gay and out to everyone...
  18. So recently I had my first ever date that came from real life and not an app (go me!) and the guy disclosed early on in the conversation by bringing up that recently it was HIV Awareness day, and saying a couple of things that indicated that he is positive (without actually saying it) I realise this only works in December but...at least it works like 1/12 of the time lol
  19. I don't think it can possibly be morally ok, it flies in the face of consent. As much as it turns me on, I am glad that I am able to keep that to just being something I watch in porn. In person I just refuse to mess around with condoms in the first place, so I'm never in a position where I *could* stealth someone even if I wanted to.
  20. Hey guys, Was just wondering if there are any Arab or Turkish porn stars, if hairy better. They are physically very much my type so it would be nice to see some in action in professional porn
  21. I was wondering if anyone could say who the guy in this video is? Apparently he has more videos, but I can't find any without a name/username. Looks to be amateur and so I presume that his other videos were on XTube before it died, hopefully with a name or username it's possible to find the rest floating around the internet somewhere. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/38297/one-armed-poz-top-breeds-chemed-lad/
  22. I have felt it once or twice when we've purposefully held still so I can feel his dick twitching and the cum splashing. But generally no, so I like a nice verbal cue about how I'm being filled with his DNA.
  23. I don't think I honestly evaluate the usernames that much. But I disagree on the aubergine: sometimes a functional emoji allows you to pack more meaning into an often character limited username. A biohazard emoji definitely has me interested immediately
  24. According to the gay erotic video index he seems to have been doing it on and off the whole time. I haven't seen any personally though. I do like his scenes for TIM though.
  25. That's nice to hear because sometimes I have the concern that a top just wants a hole. I mean, sometimes I'm happy to be just a hole, especially if I'm getting something out of it too, but a lot of the time I like there to be a certain baseline level of interest I feel like there's room for it to still be a casual hookup but be slightly less superficial than a pump and dump. In a way you've kind of hit the nail on the head saying about the names - I personally like to know names (honestly, partly just to keep score) but I wouldn't insist on it - but I've had casual hookups where we have chatted a bit but only got to names towards the end, and then never spoken again afterwards.
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