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Everything posted by PigBoyDallas

  1. I was kind of surprised a few weeks back when we got a new neighbor renting the house next door as he is a younger white guy. I say surprised as out neighborhood is all Latino and usually white people wouldn't consider renting in our neighborhood. I've seen him out watering the lawn and discretely checked him out. He's mid 20s, blonde hair, pale, and kind of chubby with some ink. I haven't seen anyone else living there with him but I have seen guys coming and going which led me to believe he was hooking up with them as they'd be there for a while and then leave, although some would stay overnight. Always younger guys too, usually white but some Latino. I'd seen him walking the neighborhood and the trail near us, usually early mornings, but sometimes later in the evening too, often by the spot where guys cruise and he's hanging out smoking a cigarette. Nothing about him screams gay, but it strikes me he's probably playing with guys or open too it. I've said hi to him a few times and chatted a little bit, know his name is Jesse, and I've picked up some details, know that he moved here from Florida, just started as a flight attendant. The other night when I got home I saw him sitting out in his front yard at an old round concrete table smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer. I swung in and said hi and he motioned for me to come over and asked if I wanted a beer. I said I did and sat in on the plastic chairs. He was shirtless and his body was glistening with sweat and I wanted to take it all in. I was probably staring more than I should and I asked how his week was and he said he was glad to have a steady job as he'd worked in hospitality before and it was rough during Covid. He mentioned that his girlfriend was trying to get a job in Dallas still and that her current job was making it difficult for her to work remotely from Dallas. I chuckled a little inside as having a GF doesn't mean anything for some guys. If they have a need they don't care if its a guy or a girl who takes care of it and I'm guessing Jesse is that kind of guy. He asked me what I did and I told him. He asked if I lived with my parents and I admitted I did and that I couldn't afford to move out. He laughed at that and said he understood that all too well and that he was pretty broke trying to afford Dallas and the move and that his GF was helping out some. As we were talking his phone was pinging and he'd look at it, type a quick response and put the phone back down, and it seemed like was probably on an app for a hook up. Finally he asked me if it was cool to smoke weed in the front yard or if we should go inside or out back to do it. I said we should probably go inside or out back as I didn't want my parents to catch me smoking weed next door. Plus I was hoping taking it inside might open things up for more than smoking a joint. We went inside and it was barely cooler than outside and he apologized saying the window until had trouble keeping things cold in the house. The window until was in the bedroom and he said we should go in there as it was a good bit cooler there. Now things were moving the way I was hoping for. I was sweating pretty heavily and took my t-shirt off so it could dry off. He set it on the back of a chair by the AC so it would catch a breeze to dry out. He lit the joint and we sat on the bed next to each other, having a hit and passing it back and forth. I realized how close he was sitting next to me and that our arms were against each other. He hadn't turned on the lights but it was easy to see each other and I kind of liked it this way anyhow. "So no girlfriend?" Jesse asked out of the blue. I said no, I didn't really have free time to date, but didn't say I wasn't interested in girls. "Yet you have time to hang with me and get high" he said, laughing and bumping me to the side. I laughed at his joke and said yeah and he leaned in and kissed me, pulling me to him. It was wild and intense and I gave into it, kissing him back deeply and passionately. "You got time to hang and do more than kiss?" he asked playfully, and I said I did and he started kissing me again and I could feel his hand on my crotch, playing with my hardening cock. I pulled him closer to me and slowly we rolled onto my back, him on top of me, pulling his shorts down as he came down on top of me. I could feel his hard cock up against me and was secretly thrilled that I was right about my suspicions. He may have a GF but he plays both ways. He was still kissing me deeply as struggled to pull my shorts down and I did my part as well and soon we were grinding our cocks against each other. "So what do want" he asked me, leaving it open. I was honest and said I wanted him to fuck me and wanted to fuck him too. He said how hot that sounded and rolled to the side so he could more easily jack my cock and remarked on how nice it was. His was nice too, thicker than I expected and uncut with a piercing at the tip I could barely make out. We kissed and jerked each other for a bit and soon he said he was close and reached into his nightstand drawer and pulled out lube and condoms. My heart sank about the condoms and I said I was fine to start out raw and he could wrap when he got close to cumming. I could see his face light up at that and knew I wouldn't ask him to wrap. I was on my back and soon had my legs over his shoulders and could feel him lubing up my ass and his thick cock head straining my ass open. I'd been fucked earlier in the day so I knew I'd hardly be tight and soon he was balls deep in me, stroking and telling me how hot it was to fuck me raw, how much he loves cumming inside guys. I told him how hot his cock was and how bad I wanted his load in me, and it was clear neither of us wanted him to put a condom on. It was clear we both wanted him to cum inside me and he kept at it until his shot his load inside me, a spasming shudder I could feel as I begged him not to pull out and to stay inside me. I could see an evil smile spread across his face, taking delight in giving me what we both wanted. He'd been jerking my cock and now grabbed the bottle of lube and was quickly straddling my cock, lubing it up, his thick legs lowering his ass down on my now throbbing cock raw. I wasn't about to tell him I was close to cumming. I wanted to cum inside his ass. I didn't want him to make me wrap or pull out to cum. He was going to take my seed, willingly or not, and my guess was he wanted it, especially based on how he was riding my cock and begging for my load. I could only guess he did the same with the other guys who come by to play with him...playing the game of wanting to use condoms, but once things got raw and hot that went out the window and he took their loads and gave them his too. His face was wild with delight and wordless as I shot my load in him, him finally crying out "oh god" and "fuck yeah" as my seed burst inside him, him spinning around so he was on his back and me above him, begging me to keep fucking him and give him more, as I shifted his ankles above my shoulders and continued pounding his ass raw. Pulling almost all the way out and slamming back in balls deep as fast and as hard as I can. I didn't want him to have a moment to question the wisdom of taking me raw. He was now panting and pleading with me to cum in his ass again, begging me not to pull out and I gave him what he wanted. I got a little worried as he started crying softly saying how he had wanted to be fucked so badly and how badly he wanted my loads. I pulled him in closely and told him how good a fuck he was and any time he wanted me to breed him like that I would. I also kind of worried as he lives next door to my parents and I don't need a needy guy like him suffocating me and raising questions and suspicions with my parents. I told him how hot he was and how bad I wanted him to fuck me again, that I wanted to feel his dick in me and feel him cum inside me and soon enough he was fucking me, but not with the same wild gusto he did the first time. After he'd given me that second load we lay there on his bed under the fan and with the loud window unit blowing on us. I let up a new joint as he grabbed us two more beers and we lay together talking more about our lives. He said his GF knew about his playing with guys but not how much and how often he did it. I kind of smiled inside knowing that I was right and he was hooking up with other guys. Part of me wanted to share that I hook up a lot with other guys but I don't want to freak him out, especially after barebacking and him never even bothering to ask my status. He admitted he liked being here alone and exploring being with other guys and kind of didn't want that to end. I admitted that was why I didn't date, as I liked messing around with other guys without commitments, which got him to laugh. He admitted he was like that before he and his GF started dating. I smiled but said nothing, knowing he probably loved having other guys fuck him and probably couldn't get enough of them breeding him, pumping their seed balls deep in him. That he was no different than me, a pig who lives for taking as many loads as he can get. I looked at my cell for the time and figured I better get home in case my parents saw my truck parked out front and wondered where I was. Part of me wanted to shower, but part of me wanted to go to bed with Jesse's loads still inside me, smelling of his sweat and both our dried jizz and lube. I told him I needed to get going and thanked him for having fun. He asked for my contact info and without hesitating I gave it to him and smirked as I saw his phone lit up with messages he hadn't responded to. He'd chosen me over other guys he could have hooked up with. For all I know there were more guys wanting to come over and breed his dirty slutty ass. He walked me to the front door and we kissed again and I knew I'd be back for more. I know I'll be taking more of his loads and know he'll be taking more of mine. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and went to my room to down it and get ready for bed. a few minutes passed and I saw lights on a car pulling up in front of Jesse's house and parking, then going off. A guy got out and walked up to Jesse's door and went in. I had to chuckle to myself as it was more confirmation of how slutty he is and that apparently he can't get fucked enough. I can only hope I'm part of the rotating group of guys coming over to fill his needs.
  2. Well, you don't say what you got and you may have gotten exposed to more than one STI, so even if you think it's limited to your ass, you may have it in your mouth and cock too. There's a good likelihood that barebacking your mate is going to give him what you have even if you don't let him fuck you raw. It sucks getting an STI as it limits the fun you can have with him. And who knows, he may be OK with getting an STI or feel it's a small price to pay if it's hot. There's guys who want to get pozzed, so who knows...maybe it doesn't matter to him. Be honest with him about the situation and talk it out.
  3. It sounds like there's more going on with him than he's sharing, and you both need to be very open and honest with other about what you want. He could be the victim of sexual assault or perhaps has never had sex and is scared of it. If you've not seen him naked he may be ashamed of his genitalia on account of a deformity or previous teasing/humiliation. I've also know guys who had very huge cocks who were embarrassed about it because that's all guys seemed to ever want to talk about. But what you're describing isn't a normal relationship and he's using kindness to deflect the deeper truths from being revealed. Not all guys are sexual animals and that's OK and normal. But you are a sexual animal and that's normal too. But the differences in attitudes towards sex will ultimately but you in conflict. Sure, you could cheat on him without telling him, but that will end the relationship eventually. He may be fine with you have sex with other guys but you need to get his agreement to that before you go and do it. But I would be honest with him about how you feel about him and open the door for him to talk. Couples counseling would be a great idea too. But the big thing is to talk about it and be honest.
  4. You're welcome. I don't speak for all millennials, just myself (I guess I am one), but I'm glad we could help to free you from the things you were told to believe. We just don't buy into crap just because someone says so. We think for ourselves and make up our own minds. We don't accept things just because "that's how it's always been done". That's BS frankly and a weak excuse. No one should be laughed at or made fun of for wanting what they want sexually.
  5. I can't host so have to meet a guy at their place but usually it's "urgent fuck" for me as I'm cruising somewhere and I find those the hottest. Just doing it in a car, bathroom, bushes, shower, whatever. I do like "emergency fuck" a LOT too...done it in alley's where a car or person might come by, stairwells, parking garages. Truthfully if people happen on you fucking in public they're usually freaked out and move on quickly.
  6. One of the guys I play with regular invites me to join for this kind of thing. His parents have a lake house just east of Dallas and he invites guys over to join, go out on the boat to fuck, swim naked and fuck in the pool, and so on. He’s in college and the guys he invites are college age and younger, nobody uses condoms (that I’ve ever seen at least) and just barebacks, no questions. He doing a think this weekend and I’m going. Everyone piles into the boat, we find a secluded spot, anchor, strip off out bathing suits and get down to it. He has a canopy he puts up so the sun doesn’t burn everyone. You can jump in the water to cool off/clean up. Everyone gets what they want.
  7. I suck at reading what the top wants and tend to lie about how much I get fucked and how many loads I’ve taken, downplaying it a lot. Some tops want me to be like some virgin who rarely gets fucked and some want me to be a raging slut or to have loads in me. I’ve had some tops want me to get loaded before they’ll fuck me, so I’ll quickly line up a guy to load me or pick someone up at the gym for a quickie. if I top I really don’t care if they’ve been bred already or not, I just want to bust my load in them. Not sure why guys care so much one way or the other. The hole’s the goal.
  8. When I top I like for a guy to be verbal and moan but I don’t want them going too crazy with it and sometimes the stuff they’ll say is a turn off. I guess it depends on the guy really. When I bottom I do make noises but I deliberately try not to go to crazy with it. The key is don’t confuse porn with reality.
  9. I guess it really comes down to the individual really. I was scared AF about taking an undetectable load and read up on it and got over that phobia but it wasn’t easy. I still get a bit nervous to be honest. But guys who are undetectable tend to be very upfront and honest about their status and I can’t say that for most other guys who will say they’re neg just to end the questions or who lie and say they’re on Prep when they aren’t. In some respects it’s like undetectable guys get unfairly put in the penalty box for their status and their honest and that’s fucked up.
  10. It's hot AF in Dallas so I've given up cruising for guys oudoor and am doing more at the gym. It seems a lot of other guys have the same idea and with school out now the gym is full of guys looking, but problem is its too crowded for a lot of the action you get when things are slower. More often guys want to take it elsewhere, like to a car. I'm cool with that. And while the neighborhoods around us are gentrifying the gym I go to is still mostly Latinos, which is fine with me. And it seems like the guys at the gym are getting a bit more obvious too, hanging out naked, looking at porn on their phones or on hookup apps, loitering by the showers and the sauna. It makes it easier to hook up to be sure. I had barely stripped down this morning before I had a guy come next to me, his semihard cock at my eye level as he's playing with it looking at my face. Bold shit man. I looked around and it was clear so I started stroking him and looking up at him. Nice looking kid and a nice thick uncut cock. He nodded his head towards the showers and I knew the drill. I grabbed my towel, locked up my locker and followed him back to the showers. Three of the showers in the back were already going and I'm guessing had guys in them going at it, judging by the extra towels on the hook. That's always a giveaway. Sometimes you can hear the soft moaning over the running water. The guy I went back with turns on the water and stepped in, motioning for me to join. I don't even know his name. I hang my towel up and get in like I've done so many times before. He's good looking with an impressively long and thick cock and he asks me in Spanish how I want it. I tell him I want to get fucked and he tells me to get down and suck him, which I gladly do. I get him good and hard and can feel the tap on my shoulder meaning he's ready. I turn to face the tiled wall and can feel him slowly forcing his cock in me. Slowly he works all of it in me and starts slowly stroking, enjoying that he's covered my mouth so I don't cry out while he fucks me. I love how he's dominating me and slowly building to giving me what I want. I want to tell him how good he feels, how badly I want his cum, but know I can't say something and besides, he's covering my mouth. Like the good little slut I am I take his load and low how hard he shoots it inside me. He must have needed it bad but he's not done as he keeps stroking inside me. He knows the kind of guy I am and that I want him like this. He knows he can use me for his pleasure. He's stroking deeper, harder and more intensely now and we're probably making some noise but I don't care. I want guys walking by to know I'm being used and bred. I want them to know they can breed me like this too, that they can put their seed in me just like he is. He blasts his second load in me and starts slowing down, his breathing labored and he lets go of my mouth. I've been jerking my cock not knowing if he wants anything from me, but hoping he does. He sees what I'm doing and silently takes his place against the tiled wall, silently giving in to my needs. He'd come across as a cocky top, but at heart he's just as slutty as I am, giving up his ass for a total stranger to breed. And breed him I do. His ass gives way far easier than I expected and I'm pretty sure he gets fucked regularly like I do. Probably loves having strangers cum in his ass. I give him what he wants not even bothering to cover up his mouth so I can hear him whimper with desire. I slid out of him and rinsed off and he turned around to smile at me and joined in rinsing off. I always hate the awkwardness after this, having shared something so intimate but having nothing to say. We both got what we wanted but clearly it was just here, just now. Nothing more could or would come of it. He shut off the water and we toweled off. Stepping out of the shower I got a knowing glance from a guy hanging out by the showers who was wearing just a towel and clearly looking. The guy I was with continued on, but I walked over to the loitering guy, a skinny Latino guy in his late teens. For fun I stuck my hand inside his towel so I could stroke his cock. He didn't protest and it was obvious what he wanted. There wasn't much girth to his cock but I didn't care, I just wanted his load, but after the hung first guy I was guessing my ass would be pretty loose. But the kid probably didn't care. He just wanted to get his load off inside someone and I was that someone. We went back into the same shower I'd been in and turned the water on again. I liked that I didn't have to tell the kid I'd been fucked and fucked the other guy. Maybe he knew, maybe not. Maybe he didn't care. Maybe he liked that I could be had and used. He wasted no time in pushing me up against the wall and shoving his cock in me roughly. Clearly he knew I'd been fucked and wanted his turn. I was his bitch to use and he wasn't going to take it easy on me, pulling almost all the way out and slamming back in me balls deep with fast rabbit thrusts. He came and barely slowed down, but I could feel his breath change and him shudder, but he kept his pace up. I wanted to say how hot he was but found myself short on breath as he was pounding me so hard. It felt like I was pass out as it was so intense and I was jerking my cock and close to cumming myself. I could feel him shudder and knew he had cum inside me again and felt him slide out of me. Like the kid before he got up against the wall and I took my place behind him, struggling to get my cock in his ass, resorting to spit and wiping his cum from my ass to lube up my cock. Finally his ass gave way and I could slide inside him slowly as he let out low groans. Clearly he didn't get fucked much or hadn't been fucked in a while. It was hot this little stud was taking me with no questions, letting me violate his hot tight hole raw, knowing that I was going to pump my seed inside him. He's probably embarassed or ashamed for liking it this way. Letting strangers violate him and cum in his ass. He was moaning and whining softly as I worked his ass loose and started stroking in him more. But honestly he was so tight I knew I wasn't going to last long and had barely been at it long before I shot my load inside him. I pulled out as I was spent between him and the first guy and I'm guessing he felt disappointment, like he wanted more, silently pleading at me with sadness in his eyes. I rinsed off and he did too, the whole time looking at me like he wanted more but saying nothing. And maybe I'd misjudged him, thinking he wanted to fuck me, when really he might have wanted to be fucked more. Instead we were silent as we rinsed and toweled off. This time I headed back to the lockers, but he lingered by the showers. Clearly he hadn't gotten everything he'd wanted. Part of me wanted to linger and see if I could get more action, and indeed there now were some other guys I've played with before who were here now, walking around naked, showing off, giving other guys the idea they were available if someone was interested. If anything I only wanted to get bred now and didn't want to have reciprocate. But I didn't want to have to tell them I couldn't reciprocate or why. None of them would care I'd been fucked already but they might be wanting what I want too. By now I'd had a few messages from guys on the apps wanting to hook up and I was kind of over the gym. I dressed and started chatting with a few guys who only wanted to top me to see what I could make happen.
  11. Just got back from swapping loads with this hot 20 something white guy with the most amazing piercing blue eyes. He said he was new to town and hadn't been fucked in a while and was needing it bad. He hadn't even unboxed his stuff, was sweaty from the move, did it on his bare mattress on the floor. We were making out and getting down to it and he said he didn't have condoms and would it be cool to do it without. I said it was and he laughed as he said he was hoping I'd want to do it that way as he really wanted my loads. He had a nice defined body, fair amount of ink and a nice tight ass. Made a lot of noise taking me and was loudly begging for my load. Blasted my first one in him doing him doggy and he rolled over on his back to take the second load, his legs over my shoulders and me pounding his ass hard. Loved looking in those pretty eyes as I popped the second one in him. Straddled his cock and rode him to take his load and he shot a massive one inside me. He needed a breather after that and smoked a cigarette and had me suck him clean while he smoked. I gladly did it and then he fucked another load in me doggy style. After we finished he asked if I wanted to get a pizza or something to eat, but I said I needed to roll...didn't want it to get too clingy or needy but said I'd be up for hooking up again, and so we swapped digits. He said he didn't usually let guys cum inside him (sure...) and I fibbed and said I didn't but he was hot and I wanted it bad, to which he smiled. Left there not showering and not caring, with both his loads still inside me.
  12. In a public setting like getting picked up on the trail near me, at the gym, or in a bathroom, guys pretty never ask me if I've been fucked already. They just want to get their load off in me. They don't seem to mind if I do or don't have a load in me already. I used to get worried guys would be freaked out and would make sure I was clean and ready. Now I don't give a shit and leave their loads in me. As for topping, I don't care if they've already been bred or not. I just want to get off. If the little slut's already been bred I find it pretty hot I get to add mine. I'm more turned on a guy is taking me raw and letting me cum inside them.
  13. Deep. Want it to stay inside me.
  14. Are you fucking her raw or wrapping? if you're already wrapping then there's no cause for alarm. If you're barebacking her then you need to get on Prep right away if you're going to let guys bareback you. Either way you're playing with fire as you can get STDs taking raw loads that you can pass to her. And not taking raw loads isn't going to work either. You're already too far down that path. Getting barebacked feels too good to stop and if you're taking loads raw you're too far gone. I'm guessing she has no idea of what you're doing with guys and you probably don't want to tell her. I play with more than a few guys who are like you and I get it. I can't tell you what to do or what not to do, you have to do what you feel is best. But honestly the best thing to do is get on prep asap.
  15. I've used them before and they're available in the US too. I've had buds use them too as they're truly anonymous and you can do it in private with no one knowing. If you do get a positive result, try not to freak out as you're more likely to get a false positive than a false negative. If you get a positive result, then go to a clinic to get tested to be sure. I had a bud who got a positive result, and he went absolutely crazy, was messaging pretty much everyone he hooked up with regularly telling them to get tested. One of the guys he played with talked him through it and got him to go get tested at a clinic and sure enough, it turned out to be a false positive.
  16. My first time to a bathhouse was probably unique and not usual. I'd been curious about Club Dallas, the bathhouse in town, but was too scared to go as I didn't know what to expect or what it would be like. I'd been to Adult Book Stores by this point and had hooked up with guys at the non-gay spa I go to. I'd turned 18 and knew I could get into Club Dallas but was worried it would be mostly older guys and was worried about what might happen to me there. I'd been chatting with a guy named Eric who went to SMU and we both really wanted to hook up but neither of us could host and he was creeped out about doing it in my truck or in a public place. He suggested Club Dallas and admitted he had been before. I admitted I was curious but had never been. I was also kinda turned on that he admitted he'd been there before so I knew he was probably as slutty as I am. He explained what Club Dallas was like, what went on there, and offered to meet up with me first to get to know each other and then go there to fuck. He was pretty hot and wanted to bareback, so I agreed and met up with him beforehand. We met up and chatted a bit and went to the club and he showed me around it. We also got a room; not that you have to but it does give you some privacy to fuck. We went at it until we both were spent and he said he wanted to find other guys to get with and asked if I was good. I said I was and that I was going to find other guys to get with too. He said I could use the room so long as I was cool with him using it at the same time too. I said I was and went out to find another guy. I wasn't looking long and found a guy to hook up. As I headed back to the room I saw Eric chatting with a good looking redheaded guy in his 20s that had a huge cock. I smiled at Eric as I passed and went back to the room so the guy I picked up could pound me. And pound me he did, pumping two loads in me. Eric brought the redhead back with him as I was getting fucked and soon enough I could hear him begging for the redhead's cock and cum. When the guy fucking me finished he headed out and I went to go shower and get in the hot tub. There were a few guys in the hot tub including a guy in his 20s with a huge cock that let me stroke it. He was average looking with a fair amount of ink and after jerking him for a while he said I should take care of him. I told him I had a room and we went back there and he drilled the hell out of my ass, pumping two of his loads inside me and letting me pump one inside him. He fucked me so hard though I was kind of done. After he left I looked around for Eric but couldn't find him, so I presumed he was in another room getting fucked. I showered again, dressed, and left. In a sense Club Dallas was more fun than an ABS as it had a pool, hot tub, and was more like a spa, but most of the guys there weren't as young as I typically run into at the ABS, at the gym, or on the trail near my house, or for that matter at the non-gay spa I go to. I did keep in touch with Eric and we'd meet up at Club Dallas to fuck and I was kind of in awe that a guy as young and hot as him was so open about hooking up at bathhouses, but I guess it was safer and easier than the bathrooms on campus. I guess we all have our kinks when you get down to it. I've been a few times on my own, but kind of prefer to cruise the gym or take my chances at the non-gay spas.
  17. Most of it is non-verbal, like extended eye contact, a raised eyebrow, winks, smirks or smiles. Sometimes a guy says "hi" or something else. If I'm cruising I have my shirt off if outdoors or at the gym. Sometimes I freeball, rub my stomach, or fondle a nipple to see if it attracts attention. If I'm walking the trail and pass a hot guy I'll make eye contact and smile at him and ALWAYS turn around to see if he's doing them same. If he does then I know he's interested. I have a gay bud who's about my age who taught me a lot of this stuff. He's super hot and a nice buff body and he's really bold when he sees a hot guy...will giggle his junk suggestively, do a loud whistle, all kinds of crazy stuff to get attention. Oddly it works. He's got that confident cocky borderline arrogant attitude that guys love and go for. He's not at all shy and very forward. Needless to say he gets with a lot of guys out on the trail near me and at parks, the gym, and so on.
  18. Other way for me. I hate the chase, love the hookup. I'm always horny and always want sex. I hate the chit-chat before as it seems like it will never end, and guys ask really intrusive personal questions. Some guys seem to love the chase and drag it out and honestly, I lose interest and move on. That's why I prefer cruising at the gym or the trails near me. You know when guys are looking and there's not a lot of chit-chat, just right to fucking.
  19. I play with a few couples pretty regular. It has too be a good chill vibe or I leave. I don't like the jealousy/possessiveness thing that can happen and I've bailed when it gets like that. Most of the couples are situations where one of them bottoms but is more verse, which is where I come in. Usually I'm there to get fucked, but sometimes I do top the one who likes to bottom. Most of the couples I play with are younger guys (20s and 30s) who haven't been together long, aren't married, and just looking for fun. There's two couples I play with where they're both verse and fuck me and I fuck them...have even had a fourth guy join sometimes. With some of the couples one of the two really enjoys or gets off on seeing me fuck their partner and cum inside them. There can be some raunchy sex talk too calling me or the one half sluts and things like that. Some of the couples are somewhat open and so I'll fuck one of the two on the side...sometimes it isn't open and I wind up playing with them on the side which is hot too. I'm pretty chill and open sexually so I think couples find me non-threatening and fun to play with. I'm not clingy or needy or anything like that. One of the couples I play with recently had me over for a pool party with another 18 y/o kid they play with. Was a great time and we all took turns fucking each other...the kid even wound up fucking the one half who's the top...he hadn't bottomed since he first started with guys...was hot to see and hear him beg for the kid's load.
  20. Oh god no! If I'm trying to get with a guy, I don't want anything to cause them to say no to it. Guys get weirded out and ghost you if you give any hint that you're the slightest bit slutty (at least the guys I'm chatting with), so I don't give any idea of that. More to the point, it's not like I'm wanting to date or be monogamous...it's just "right here, right now". I don't know where they get off asking those kinds of questions anyhow, as I certainly don't ask that of the guys I get with. I view that as personal and I don't know why guys get all up into asking me those kinds of questions. Even with guys I hook up with regularly I don't share how much I fuck around and I don't ask them either. I've had some guys tell me their history and that's fine, but I'm not gonna open up on mine. Outside of here I've never really shared my sexual exploits as most guys just don't understand my needs or desires.
  21. I was 13 and started getting erections and was kind of freaking out as I wasn't sure if it was normal. I wasn't going to talk to my parents about it though. I had my first wet dream not long after and it truly freaked me out. I finally talked about it with my closest bud and he reassured me it was normal and it had happened to him too. There wasn't really sex ed at my school so this was how we learned things. He had already figured things out and offered to show me how to jerk off and so we went to his place after school one day and he jerked off while I watched, then I jerked off too. I was amazed at how good it felt but also how weird and strange. There was nothing sexual to it, it was just a bud sharing his knowledge and so I started jacking off on my own. I could figure out the fucking part and didn't ask him about it. I was really horny at that age and was jacking off all the time. I made sure to lock the door to the bathroom when I did it and would wait until my brother was asleep to do it as we shared the same room. I'd jack off in the bathroom at school too. Once I started driving I'd jack off in my truck and sometimes people would see me doing it. Most gave a disgusted look but a few times guys watched and were clearly enjoying it. And I learned I kind of like showing off and being watched.
  22. I feel like I never know a good or easy way to ask it and it feels awkward when I'm chatting with a guy trying to line something up, so I never ask. If I'm really into the guy I will risk it. If I'm at a park, ABS, trail, bathroom or whatever the same thing applies...I'm just not gonna ask. I know that's stupid and risky but I just want the sex. I know that guys lie too...I wasn't born yesterday. Guys will straight up lie and say they're neg or on Prep just so they can nutt in your ass...I get it. And maybe they are on Prep. A lot of guys are. It's about 50/50 now on whether guys ask my status or not and honestly, things move more quickly if they don't. Me? Not gonna ask.
  23. I started out with buds at 13 and pretty much stuck with buds/classmates/neighbor kids until I was about 15. I mostly played with guys around my own age, but no one older than 18 as I knew they'd be worried about sex with an underage kid as Texas is crazy strict about that. I enjoyed seeing some of the Anglo kids at the gym I went to naked and fantasized about hooking up with them and finally one of them hit on me and we did it. Was my first anon sex and first time with an Anglo. That got me hooked and soon I was hooking up with other Anglo guys at the gym and off Craigslist and apps. That turned into a mix of kids under 18 and some over. By 16 I was getting pretty adventurous and could drive and was getting into more, but mostly younger guys, mostly Latino but some Anglo. Some things never change...
  24. Was at spring break in Corpus Christi a couple years ago. Was picking up guys at the beach, taking loads in the bathrooms, wherever I could. I was on apps and just on fire that day, lots of guys looking and liking that I wanted bare. Took loads from six different guys at the beach, took two guys back to my motel room and had both drill me, and then went to a group thing that night that some guys were having. Took loads from eight guys there...probably 20+ loads total. Bred some of the guys too. Mostly Latino guys, but some Anglos too.
  25. It drives my mom crazy but I never wear underwear. I hate having my cock and balls confined and wanna be ready in case sex is gonna happen. With shorts it makes it easy for my cock to pop out so guys can have a look...easier to show it off and play with it too. Like having my cock bounce around, showing hard, its just sexier frankly.
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