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Everything posted by Bimarried001

  1. I don’t mind them asking me. When that happens I believe they just want o hear me beg for it. Me begging for it is a big turn on for both of us. But as long as I get the load I don’t care if he ask or just blow his load in me.
  2. I’m into smooth shaved men and women. I myself have my cock, balls and ass. Hell even my arm pit. Seeing my sex partner smooth shaved is a big turn on for me. I too does not turn down unshaven unshaven partners.
  3. Damn. Wasting that back cock but I understand.
  4. 1hornyjohn, are a bottom? You have such a big cock. Hope you use that cock.
  5. Yes. I’m a full bottom.
  6. I hear you. I did not chase it but I was taking raw cock before I knew about aids. It is very convenient being poz but if I had the option of taking prep back in the 80s I would’ve taken it. Now taking my meds I’m just as healthy as anyone else and still take loads.
  7. I think that’s what happened with me. I think I always had some freak in me but those experiences lead me to seek sex in public places and into group sex. Looking back now it’s a big turn on for me. When I saw my uncle as an adult we did not discuss what he did to me but I sure wanted to thank him for turning me into the cum slut that I am today.
  8. I was raped a few times. The first time was an older boy having his way with me when I was about 8. He did not force me but I sure did not know he was doing something wrong. Then at 10,11 my uncle use to rape me. I’m not sure if the first boy got it in my ass but my uncle sure did, and it hurt a lot. He would do it for about 2 years. And finally at about 14 or 15 2 men attacked me and raped me in an empty lot. Looking back I don’t have any regrets at this point. Not sure if I’d be living this lifestyle if I’d never been raped.
  9. When I’m in a group setting I’m thinking of getting the next load. Letting the next top get to enjoy feeling that first load. When I hook up one on one I’m thinking of getting home and being with my wife while I still have a nice load in me while she has no clue her husband is carrying another man’s load.
  10. It was a flashback for me reading this. I had an uncle that raped me when I was 11 or 12. I remember the pain I felt as his stiff cock penetrated me. I was not gay (at least I did not know i was) at the time. I had a Neighbor that use to rape me a couple of years before my uncle did, but I do not believe that he actually penetrated me since I never felt that pain I did with my uncle. I was 16 or 17 when I had my first voluntary gay sex experience.
  11. I have taken all kind of cocks. But the public places that I hung was more white cocks available. I took them all. If the cock is hard it’s for me.
  12. Interesting. I get rimmed but I don’t rim men. I have rimmed girls and shemales.
  13. I wish there was Prep before I got infected. I was not trying to get HIV. I I could’ve taken loads and stay negative I would’ve. But I did use my poz status as freedom to keep taking loads with no worries.
  14. Any raw tops in NY looking for feel free to contact me. I’m married so I cannot host and may not alway be available. 

  15. This is a risk that we all (those of us that fuck raw) take and we take knowingly. Some of us take more risks but all it takes is one time. Most of the loads I take are from random men at parties or X rated theaters. I understand and accept the risks. I can reduce the risk of contracting something by using condoms but that would take away from my pleasure so I take the risk.
  16. I have had 2 separate gang bangs of about 20 guys in a row. Granted both were in the early 80s but I still remember them as if it was yesterday. In recent years I’ve had as much as 7 at a time. For me after the first cock, the rest slid in with little effort. The first cock usually gets me opened up and his load acts as lube for the next. As long as they are all successive with no brake there is no pain from the other guys.
  17. I have never once thought about the effect of the load in me to the next guy fucking me. If we fuck raw we accept the chance of catching something.
  18. I did not go out looking to get infected but with my lifestyle it was unavoidable. What I did was make the most out of being poz. I learned to live with it and learned to make the most of it. I wish I could live the same lifestyle and be negative but that’s not the hand I was dealt.
  19. Interesting to read these. I’m not sure who pozzed me and when. When to the doctor for another bug and he insisted that I take the HIV test. I’ve been undetectable for some time now but I never felt any affect of the bug. I continued taking loads while on meds and eventually became undetectable. It’s possible that I pozzed multiple guys along the way, but I always went with the assumption that if they were fucking me raw they probably had it while fucking me.
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