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Everything posted by BugBoyEric

  1. Is anyone going to the Pighaus Breedfest in Miami Memorial day weekend? I'm signed up 🙂 but would like to be on someone's leash for the event.
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  2. Hi everyone, this Easter my hole is available for all you pervy doms.  I'll be staying with a Dom in Fort Lauderdale from Friday night until Sunday afternoon and he's letting me host 🙂  (He got his second covid shot).  Can't do groups, but just one on one.  Masks are best so no kissing, but I'll lick your pits, asshole, feet, drink your piss and you can piss and cum in my bussy.  Hmu for more info.  

    1. cumbottom4use


      Hot!  Hope you got a lot of cock, cum and piss in your slut bod!

  3. I Googled some more, cause I'm curious now. PBS had an article calling Miami the hot bed of HIV and the "epicenter" They said it's a lot to do with the party culture and tourism. People not getting tested and still having sex. I've hooked up already with a couple in Ft. Lauderdale, and with them it was almost a non-issue, they "checked my head space" first is all then we had fabulous sex! And when hooking up on BBRT, I'm totally upfront and haven't met with any backlash and it doesn't seem [banned word] with anyone. I was confused because I've talked to some on here that have been chasing for years and can't get it. I guess what MtnOtter says is true, It's local culture... For Orlando, maybe because people aren't traveling as much out of state, and guys from Orlando are coming down to South Florida?
  4. West Palm area here. I heard it's because of covid more people are going to the doctors when they feel flu like and get diagnosed with acute HIV. Normally they would ignore the symptons saying it was just a flu and go undiagnosed. But that only explains the general spike, not why it's on the rise in Orlando.
  5. Always, I'm a very "licky" boy 👅
  6. Toxic treasures!  I wanted to get a biohazard jock strap cause I saw some guys wearing them on twitter, but the sites that I found selling them were way over priced.  So I had a look at Walmart, and I didn't find any biohazard stras, I found a treasure trove of Biohazard stuff.  I've ordered the yellow t-shirt and will be picking off list as I can 🙂 

    I'm just waiting for the yellow biohazard dog collar to come back in stock with a matching leash that I'd gladly give over to a Poz handler!    My puppy color is Yellow btw 😉  

    Here's a list of biohaz stuff!  Be proud!  (toxic treasure list)

    👅Bug Boy!

  7. Hello everyone, My posts are limited here, so I'll talk about 2 things in this post. First, thank you for everyone who voted! It looks like BugBoyEric won! Which is pretty cool cause that's what BB meant when I created my profile here. I though bareback was assumed on this site when I used BBEric, so it's cool to be more open about it. Open legs, open hole and open mind 🙂 Next I had this really great hook up last night from a Poz detectable couple in Ft Lauderdale! I just signed up for BBRT and I'm loving it! I don't even use Squirt or Scruff anymore. The best part of the hook up was the connection and excitement. We literally talked for about 2 hours before we got down to business 🙂 They were completely cool and validating! They've helped subs convert before, so they've been there before! They were confident, passionate, and totally open about pervy sex in general. They even let me stay over and the next morning we had breakfast and more sex! Morning sex is the best!!!!!! One even joked when he was making breakfast and asked me if I wanted HIV with my pancakes. Now I think if I smell pancakes cooking I'll get hard lol. It was the most emotionally sexually charged (yes, I picked that word on purpose) night of my life and my hole has never been so sore. When I got home I literally crashed for 8 hours! Anyway, those are just my unorganized thoughts, I'm sure I forgot something, but just wanted to get this up! Licks for everyone! 👅 Bug Boy Eric P.S. eating ass while getting fucked is heavenly and having your ass eaten by razor stubled Daddies is even better. My hole is razor burned and I couldn't upload a pic in the message I put it as a feature pic.
  8. BugBoyEric

    New account names

    Thank you for all of the input!!!! Now it's getting harder, but it's not like it's locked in stone hehe
  9. BugBoyEric

    New account names

    Haha, excuses. We have the highest new cases of HIV in the country 🙂 and rates are rising during the crisis all over America. But this is a poll for name suggestions....
  10. BugBoyEric

    New account names

    Thanks, I kinda wanna help promote bug chasing.
  11. BugBoyEric

    New account names

    Hey guys, I chose BBEric thinking of BugBoy Eric, some guys are confusing it with bareback Eric... Which is ok but not what I want to portray, I'm a bug sub/slave. So let's see, I've got some suggestions, but totally open for better ones. If you have better ideas just add them to comments. It'll be for my twitter and bbrt names as well. Thanks guys! Love you all! 👅
  12. Thank you for following Sir,  you have a great Dick!!!!!! 👅

  13. Coming out on here is easy because it's so supportive of bug chasing. Coming out on twitter is harder so luckily @barebackrnb (on here) was kind enough to not only expose me to his followers, but to write a really sweet tweet! Thank you so much @barebackrnb, lot's of licks and love!!!!! Here's the tweet. My twitter is @yes2hiv Coming next I have my first date this Saturday with an HVL gifter 🙂 🙂
  14. BugBoyEric

    Coming out

    I have had a twitter account for a few months, just lurking on other bug chasers and gifters tweets to see what it's about. But to be a good puppy I'm trying to be more visible as a bug chaser, so I've started updating my profile 'facepic and stuff) there and will be trying to tweet pics and stuff regularly. Say hi, my twitter is @Yes2Hiv Eric on twitter Licks 👅 sub puppy eric
  15. Since today is the start of lent, I think following the pope's advice and not use birth control like condoms is a damn good idea lol.    Anyone wanna try and get me pregnant?, We'll be doing it for jesus lol! 

  16. Oh my nick here and bbrt, BBEric, means Bug Boy Eric. not Bareback Eric.   Bareback is normal sex, so I didn't think I'd have to say it lol..

  17. I got a BBRT profile finally 🙂  come say hi!  I'm bberic on there

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BugBoyEric


      Thanks everyone! You're all totally cool!  This site is so supportive!  I thought I was alone in wanting to be a pup for breeding!  💓

    3. Guygonebad


      Good bbrt profile!  There many Poz tops near yiu and in Orlando 

    4. manux32ccs


      You see how all alpha studs want to tirelessly fuck your ass? You are a horny bitch, full of lust, you only serve to be used by hungry tops who want to unload their cum

  18. Hi guys, I can't send messages yet, but don't be shy, I'm a playful little sub puppy looking to make "like minded" friends.  You can always hit me up on w1ckr, fuckboyeric, I don't bite, but I do lick 👅, a lot!

  19. Thanks for following Sir!  You are wicked sexy!!!!!

  20. I'm a total hair freak! I love a top with a huge bush, and rimming a really hairy Dom 🙂 I don't understand why some tops shave, to me even a guy with back hair is the height of masculinity.
  21. Yes, but not as much as I'd like 😞 and guys not on meds are being cautious. But if they're poz and tox, I'm there!
  22. hi Sirs, i'm a sub sex positive kinky puppy seriously seeking a collar with a strong strict Master/Handler/Daddy/Grandpa Would love to join a kinky raw family or kennel. i'm in Jupiter, but looking around all of FL atm, if you're looking for a regular fuck pup or even just a one off, i'm yours (raw only btw, lol prolly don't need to say that here) HMU on w1ckr, fuckboyeric. xxx sub eric
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  23. Hi guys, I'm Eric, a playful sub puppy fuckboy in Jupiter. Looking for strong tops and handlers to teach me and help me explore kink. I'm not at all ageist so don't worry if you're older (no upper age limit) I'm also a raw/yellow fuck puppy that loves rimming, heavy ass play, toys, gear, musky men, hairy men. I can't host but can travel a bit so hit me up. I'm also neg not on prep and poz friendly. I'm also very "licky", so if you like to be licked all over, pits, ass, feet I wanna be your boy Kisses eric w1ckr fuckboyeric
  24. Hey guys, I don't have any messages.  😞 so if you're looking for a playful fuckpuppy hmu on w1ckr fuckboyeric  

    1. scott0882


      You have an amazing ass to fuck and breed. I’m not the only one on here who wants to fill you up good. 

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