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Everything posted by Sfmike64

  1. This is an 11-year-old story so I think that’s pretty unlikely…
  2. A group of gay pigs? An OINK.
  3. When do we get to see YOU in a sexy jock?
  4. Semen's flavor is affected by what you eat. So is piss.
  5. It's been a long time since I've been there (10 years or so) but Club Church is really fun.
  6. See that's the thing. It's all just a game. Keeping it in perspective is the key. Ya'll can't see me, but I'm quite short (5'7"). The other day this guy ran a stop sign and almost hit me. I flipped him off in my convertible (I had the top down) and he FOLLOWED ME to the dog park. Then he proceeded to call me faggot (first word out of his mouth of course). He was driving a stupid huge small dick pickup. Typical idiot male. Then he proceeded to insult my Fiat 500c (a fag car) and called me a short legged hobbit. Which is HILARIOUS. I do rather look like a hobbit, but I take that as a compliment. Hobbits are cool. Did any of this upset me? ROFL! Of course not! I've been out for 44 years and nothing a macho twit like that says can hurt me. Would it have hurt me at 16? Sure. But I'm an adult man now and some people are just insecure idiots. All that said.....if I was feeling subby and a hot man wanted to fuck me and called me a dirty fag, it would make my cock hard and I'd lube up my cunt. 😈
  7. You get Hep A from shit. That's one reason every toilet in a restaurant tells employees to wash their hands. So yeah, you can get it from rimming. While some people fetishize stinky holes, don't rim a hole that isn't clean. If someone isn't clean, take a shower with them if you can or don't rim their hole. I'm also lucky that I tolerate flagyl pretty well. But seriously if you have diarrhea for more than a day or two, GO TO THE DOCTOR or urgent care. They will take a stool sample and probably put you on antibiotics right away because the tests can take a few days (they have to culture the sample). If you have giardia or shigella your shit smells REALLY bad, like something died inside you (but something is actually growing inside you). [think before following links] https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/hepatitis/hepatitis_a/fact_sheet.htm
  8. Really? I have younger men hit on me all the time. So many guys have daddy issues. Learn to play the daddy role play game if you haven't already.
  9. You're not a prude, at all. Some people just don't get off on degradation. Others crave it. The trick is not to "yuck someone's yum."
  10. If this happens, be very careful. You do not want Giardia or (MUCH WORSE!) amoebas. I've had giardia several times...the first was when I was 18 and still living at home. God that sucked. My ex had amoebas which took forever to get diagnosed because the doctor was an asshole and wouldn't run the fucking test. Either one of these will involve heavy doses of antibiotics, usually flagyl which many people find as unpleasant as the infection. Hep A is AWFUL as well. Usually you get it from contaminated food. The sickest I've ever been in my life. Two weeks of not doing much but sleeping and drinking water. A great diet. 😝
  11. Do you still hook up with him?
  12. Chem jizz is not a thing. Crystal is processed by your liver and expelled in your urine. Semen is produced by your prostate (and sperm by your testes).
  13. My problem with most porn of all genres is that few people are having any fun. Most of the time they look like they're just waiting for it to end so they can get paid and leave. I get that it's an actual JOB but it's also acting. So you should look like you're enjoying yourself. This is why I like gay porn actor Joel Someone a lot. He's very sexy (VERY my type) and he always looks like he's having a good time. King Dwarf is also like that (and I do dig short men). And don't get me started with the women in straight porn who have nails that are so long they shouldn't be anywhere near a vagina, ass OR cock! (How DO those people wipe their ass?)
  14. People are really weird. Around 1996 I started getting weird bills in the mail and discovered that my downstairs neighbor (who had a VERY similar name to mine) using my SSN. You used to get health insurance notices that used your SSN as the record number (that's now illegal in the US). So he found my SSN and got credit using it. It was a nightmare. Took several years to sort out completely.
  15. This is the right way to let loads out of your cunt. To lube up the next guy who's breeding you. [think before following links] https://rabbitinthewild.bdsmlr.com/post/785805849
  16. A personal tour of your cunt?
  17. If you keep the loads in your cumdump then us tops who love cum can felch them out of your cunts. Damn, I just made my own cock hard.
  18. Weird, I use both of those browsers on a Mac and have never had a problem. Maybe you have an ad blocker or something that’s causing a problem?
  19. Bdsmlr has its quirks but works pretty well. I’m sfmike64 there too.
  20. When I was a baby gay in the early 80s I read something somewhere that said one is masturbation, two is love, three is a ménage, four never works and five is an orgy.
  21. That's a fair point. But no reason you can't proceed on all fronts. Use the apps but also go out. It's the same advice I'd give a vanilla person.
  22. I'm really verbal (and love using all kinds of slang for your hole). But I am occasionally too much for some bottoms. I can start spinning out a story and sometimes they ask me to tone it down. But others respond to it and we have a blast (thanks for J who I met in SF about 15 years ago who helped me discover my talent for verbal nasty). When I first played with trans guys, though, I made SURE to ask what to call their front hole. CUNT was the choice, both of them said pussy was verboten and I respected that. Other times I've run into both cis and trans guys who said "hey don't use word X." And I respect that and stop. There are SO many hot euphemisms for your ass that it's easy to pick and choose.
  23. Like learning how to date, the people who don't want to break you in with more aggressive sex are NOT PEOPLE YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH. Find someone who will be patient with you, respect your limits (even if they pretend you don't have any...EVERYONE has limits and should be explicit about them) and will discuss the scene with you BEFORE you play. Preferably in person. Be patient. You're not just looking for a fuck, you're looking to explore BDSM and that's more complicated. Set up a Recon (also Growlr since you're into bears/dads) profile and be explicit about what you've done and have not done and what turns you on and want to explore. A top that's worth your time (and responds to your looks and personality) will make time and respect you and your limits. Try to make friends who are into the scene even if you don't want to fuck them (or vice versa). Having a wingman/mentor can be a very useful thing. Good luck. That's a nice butt. Someone should be playing with it and telling you you're a dirty faggot. 🙂
  24. Maybe find someone who has a selection and play together. Then you can find toys that you like. I found that the inflatables were sometimes hard to manage (perhaps the ones I had where cheaper and thinner) so they folded up when you were trying to insert them. But once you got it in your hole you could play up and down with stretching your ass (remember those are muscles and respond to use) quickly and easily.
  25. Have you tried inflatable toys? I used to really enjoy those when I was bottoming a lot. That gives you a lot of options about how fast and far to stretch your hole.
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