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About chasintilthend

  • Birthday August 11

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    Cincinnati OH
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
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  2. The sweating and his facial expressions are what gave it away for me. So hot on one hand but hope he's able to keep it in moderation.
  3. GREAT START! Hopefully there will be further chapters.
  4. This a good short video but, I'm sorry while I may be speculating) there's no way Dakota Payne isn't not working with "enhancements" [think before following links] https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/652110/fuck-that-hole/
  5. found this guy on t e l e and not only is the video hot as fuck due to his verbal but he looks so familar. anyone recognize him?
  6. WOW! What an incredible story. Probable one of the best ones I've read
  7. I was sick less than two weeks later. A good friend(RIP) helped me convert. Was NYE and we shared a point. That was 2015.
  8. Fuckin great long sketchy sex movie [think before following links] https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/1148611/tattooed-bros/
  9. NIce!
  10. This video was fuckin so hot. Anyone recognize them? They look like they could actually be brothers
  11. very hot solo scene that has made me cum time and time again [think before following links] https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/1200251/257/
  12. Great TIM I'm sure most have seen [think before following links] https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/625723/outlaws/
  13. Looking for a poz top for conversion. HMU on telegram @Bbsteveforpoz

  14. It's a long test lol. I'm in the middle of it now.
  15. I've lowered my standards in the past and what I didn't realize was that my self-worth, and confidence eventually took hits. The people I hung out with, the people I would approach really began to shift and I became complacent. Thankfully I took a moment and reminded myself that I am worth more and that I have a lot of great qualities, attributes and while I still won't turn down the kind an encounters I used to chase I've been rebuilding that confidence.
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