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Everything posted by NEDenver

  1. I maintain that Lawrence will go first. It will allow red states to round up gay people and pass out felonies. That will destroy lives far better than just removing marriage, and the cruelty is the point. Also, once you declare being gay a felony, it’s easy to argue that states shouldn’t have to provide marriage benefits to criminals. The other big difference between before Lawrence and eventual after overturning Lawrence is the state knows all the people who have been living openly and Republicans want their opponents even (especially) the Log Cabin uh, types, to suffer.
  2. It was the 30s and 40s. My Republican cousins say it today. My one non-Republican cousin and I don’t. Conservatives learn odd history lessons.
  3. People hated Trump and voted against Trump and would even vote for Joe Biden to get rid of the Trump lies and scandals and undermining American interests and policies that hurt Americans in favor of corporations. That’s why he lost. Republicans gleefully killing themselves with Covid probably didn’t help. Maybe, now that Boris Johnson has resigned from the same problems: lies, scandals, undermining British citizens in favor of corporations, more lies, more scandals, and the by-election reversals in Wakefield and Tiverton and Honiton, maybe you can understand how people would elect anyone at all who isn’t the leader.
  4. I’ve been on Truvada for 17 years, so there’s no guarantee of resistance. I’m really good at compliance, though. Might miss one dose a year.
  5. The medicine keeps him below the detection limit. If he stops taking the medicine, he will eventually go above the detection limit.
  6. No, and the Hippocratic oath doesn’t have any legal standing in the US. There are also the cases we’re going to have of women carrying non viable fetuses to term where the life of the woman is at risk (not “mother” because there’s really no child) because carrying to term and giving birth is always risky for the woman, and may damage the woman’s reproductive organs so that future children are either impossible or not advised. So, like it or not, we’ve entered a period where 5 or 6 ideologues are ready to hand down rulings ignoring medicine, science, and just treating people well in favor of their religiously motivated biases. And honestly, the people who think Crowder makes good arguments and Ben Shapiro is intellectual already won. The 2024 election results will be tossed in favor of Republicans. I’m really thinking Washington State may be safer than Colorado right now.
  7. Crowder? Really? That 3 lonely brain cells in a smooth gelatin sack twit is carrying your argument? Dude. You’ve *got* to be able to do better.
  8. I’d say the difference between you and me is that as a veteran, I’ve been through mental conditioning and came out of it, which gives perspective on when it’s happening. You’re either not a veteran, and my mental conditioning says nothing you say matters, or you are and haven’t broken back out. If that seems self-congratulatory, it probably is. I earned my veteran status and you’re welcome for my service. Conservatives bleating about CNN being fake news and assorted projection and whataboutism is a sign of intellectual inadequacy.
  9. Please tell us what you mean by CRT, because it’s not actually CRT, but in your head, what hobgoblins have you named CRT?
  10. For the outsiders, then. For decades, the Republican Party has been anti-gay, anti-woman’s rights, and anti-black and brown people. Some of them will make noises that Democrats are the real racists because supporting social safety net programs that keep people alive makes POC more reliant on the largesse of government, but they’re alive. We also endure mewling about how Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats controlled the South in the civil war because they got basically nothing less than 160 years old. The source of the stupid is the media echo chamber on the right which insists that people on their side are only members of the tribe in good standing if they only accept each other and their accepted media outlets for all information. The result is steadily increasing radicalization of basic rank and file Republicans. For example, we went from no late term abortions, to first trimester only, to first trimester only for rape, incest, or life of the mother, to blastocysts are people, and if the mother dies so be it. We’re now in an Overton Window where saving the life of the woman in an ectopic pregnancy is illegal in places because morons in their echo chamber keep repeating that there’s a procedure to remove the cells that have attached themselves in the Fallopian tube to the uterus. So now they think that is a thing in the stupidest echo chamber in the dumbest of all possible timelines. And that bullshit radicalization is on every topic. They think Joe Biden is responsible for worldwide gas price increases because if it’s just capitalism being capitalism and they love capitalism like it’s the best dick on the planet pounding their ass until they bleed and can’t form a coherent thought because they can’t. And part of it isn’t their fault. The Republican Dichotomy still holds: All Republicans are stupid or evil and there’s a lot more dumb in the world than malice. So it looks like Democrats vs. Republicans, but it’s people trying to get to a better world, although too many Democrats are too slow, vs. people who are mindlessly dumb due to brainwashing from media consumption willing to destroy the world and themselves so some rich people can get more rich.
  11. No one in the gay community needs to sit around waiting for Texas to arrest them under their still sitting there sodomy laws so that Texas can run it back up to the SCOTUS. Fuck whether they're "trying to divide us". We're already divided into civilized states and Republican states. The easiest ways to fight back are a couple hundred thousand people moving into ND, SD, ID, MT, and WY in the next 60 days, registering to vote and voting out Republicans in November--especially the senators. But that's not going to happen, so you have to take care of yourself.
  12. No, but Roe ending was pretty obvious once Ginsberg died. Republicans keep talking about how much they hate gay marriage, and how much they resent losing sodomy laws. When someone tells you their life goals, believe them. I’m in a safe enough state, although we’re thinking of relocating to Washington State or Portland just to be a bit safer (and closer to Canada.) I think the treatment that the log cabin morons got first at CPAC and then in Texas last weekend should make it clear that the party doesn’t think they belong, and probably don’t have any rights. If I were in Texas I’d be deciding on whether you need an exit plan after November.
  13. As someone who does statistical stuff all the time, statistical significance is about more than just the sample size. The statement that something is statistically significant means that the results are unlikely to have happened from random chance. There is manipulation that is possible with any statistical analysis, and being wary of pharmaceutical companies is warranted, but also the gay community and particularly the HIV positive community were very critical of pharmaceutical companies being too slow to act, so it's a little hard to criticize both for not acting and for acting.
  14. What Bootman said. Every hiv med I’ve been on has had a form of Truvada (aka “PreP”, at least one common form of prep) as a component. If something is going to break through my meds, it would have broken through prep also, and been a much bigger problem for anyone, whether previously positive or not. The general medical advice is for hiv positive people to not bareback, but the general medical advice for hiv negative people is also to not bareback. PreP is designed to take care of that one piece of the risk, but it doesn’t protect against anything else.
  15. Personally, and obviously because I’m here, I’ll prefer raw, but the bottom can pass the condom to the top if he wants because he’s a fucking human being, too, with fucking agency. The top can decide he won’t put the condom on and either top or bottom can leave at any time for any reason, again because fucking human beings have fucking agency and consent is a goddamned thing. Stealthing is always wrong. Tops vice signaling that they’d stealth are always wrong, bottoms pretending they’re not making choices or pretending they’re not allowed choices in the dark are also vice signaling to the Tribe. But pull that shit with a human being, and any bad thing the law prescribes that happens to you is well-deserved. Jesus HMFC, I wish people would grow up some time.
  16. There’s a repeated political science type statement making the rounds. I can’t remember who first formulated it, but it goes like this: Conservatism everywhere has moved to the statement that there must be in groups who the law protects but does not bind, and out groups who the law binds but does not protect. Sort of a restatement is that Republican messaging has devolved to “No one gets to tell us what to do; we get to tell everyone else what to do.” And that appears to hold in the conservative governments both in the US and outside that I’ve observed, however limited it might be. We have a group of bullies, and groups they bully, and that’s what they consider the natural order. In fact, when they’re told they’re not allowed to bully a group they’ve deemed their right to bully, they immediately pull out the victim card and whine about how oppressed they are because LaFoo danced with a guy for 3 seconds at the end of Beauty and the Beast, or Turning Red had an Asian main character in a Disney movie, or Tim Allen didn’t play Buzz Lightyear in the new movie, or that trans person was allowed to hold a job an actual person could hold. To complicate things, there’s been a steady brainwashing campaign with right wing media, especially in the US for the past 30 years. Any non-orthodox information is immediately suspect; repetition of current orthodoxy identifies one as a member of The Tribe; and continually pushing more extreme wins further approval by The Tribe; new orthodoxies can be introduced as long as they punish out groups, so we’ve seen repeated targeting of Asian, trans, and gay people entering the mental conditioning. (I was active duty Navy and reserve Marine for training, and I still notice leftovers from the brainwashing/mental conditioning from that.) The right wing in the US willingly died of Covid to “own the libs,” and that’s not ending. In fact, that might be the only hope for the American Experiment. They may have died off too much to maintain majorities in gerrymandered House and state legislative districts. I’ll let Conservatives opine on what might return their parties to sanity. It appears in rare cases, people who value their own intellectual abilities, like David Weissman may be recovered one by one, but most conservative rank and file voters hate thought and devalue critical thinking. I don’t expect any of my 20ish siblings or cousins to be salvaged. They’re all busy congratulating each other on becoming more and more radicalized. I have shitty anecdotes for all of them, so now I try to just remember them when we were pre-teens and they were likable.
  17. If it's a hookup, I probably won't know. But I'm not going to engage in any form of relationship, even as casual as fuckbuddy with someone who is awful.
  18. The Hunter Biden laptop story isn't true, though. There's no actual laptop and no actual hard drive that was ever in the laptop. Instead there's a purported copy of the hard drive from Hunter Biden's laptop. There are also some purported emails that can be proven were at one point in Hunter Biden's email, but they're mostly spam. Then there's a whole bunch of crap that would be easily doctored. In right wing media sources that lie and manipulate their audiences, this is absolute proof, but those same media sources also keep lying about the election results. The country is in for a whole lot of shit when so many people are so easily manipulated. I don't even know if "manipulation" is the right word anymore. It's more that they only want fairytales that match their predetermined viewpoint. Anything that doesn't match it is thrown away as untrustworthy.
  19. Don’t worry. Everyone received your virtue signaling, too, so your tribe will give you social support.
  20. Hell, if I could give him my virus and no longer have it, I would.
  21. No. I’m not a nihilist. The doctor says take meds and get blood tests, so I do.
  22. I’m in DC for work. A hot younger Iranian guy into older bears hit me up on GROWLr. Damn is he hot, and he loves rimming as much as I do. After a long foreplay session, he started lubing up his thick duck and started forcing his way into my over tight ass. I had to lay on my side to get it in and loosen up enough for him to get in his rhythm. He shifted me up on my knees and dove in hard forcing me flat on my stomach and continued pounding and scraping by my prostate before blowing his load in a thirty second orgasm. I’m carrying his load back to the hotel now. Fucking needed this bad.
  23. I'm a non-smoker with mild sensitivity (I have pretty much chronic bronchitis and bad air like tobacco smoke gets my upper lungs all gummed up). I dated one guy for 2 years who was an occasional cigar smoker who didn't smoke the day before we were together, but it's difficult. I would say that it's almost definitely a deal-breaker. I would have dated a guy in my social circle, but he was a heavy smoker and I just couldn't do that to myself. But I'd get back with the occasional cigar smoker again if circumstances lined up (they won't, but, hey).
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