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Everything posted by YayForMe

  1. Every older man that i've fucked raw at hb library park and the bookstores on gg blvd have been very quite and came inside me without saying a warn :/ Isn't that normal for everyone else??
  2. Physically being with someone for a hot minute and sharing your life with a partner are really two separate things... Just because you hookup sometimes with random strangers shouldn't call into question your love for your partner... I'm into sharing and love when my partner hookup with other guys and tells me about it later... But before we discussed and started the lifestyle I trusted that they would respect me enough and be smart enough for me not to find out or get suspicious
  3. So I tend to stay away from bookstores and cruising places mostly because I always end up having multiple guys blowing there loads in my mouth within ten minutes of me arriving or if Im feel extra sexy and naughty, my cheeks, hole and thighs will be shaved, my hole thoroughly worked over, cleaned out and lubed up and I give it up to whoever asks because it turns me on how on edge, horny and lustful older guys are at the abs... I always let them slide in bare first and plan to tell them to pull out when they start getting a rhythm, but most of the time they'll get the rhythm and then twitch and thrust there seed inside me... Anyways the last time I played I sucked of a guy who come to my booth and afterwards a middle aged blonde dad kept peeking over the booth wall at me... So I pulled down my shorts, got on my knees and pointed my ass towards the door... Didn't take long before I hear him whispering what a slut I was and how bad he needs to cum... He slide inside slow and did 3 long reserved thrusts and then he blew his loads half I side and half outside leaving a mess running down my crack dripping down to my balls... Before I could really react this Mexican kid grabbed ahold of my hips and started aggressivly fucking me for about 30 seconds until he started gasping for air and spasming... I realize this was getting serious so I got up and pulled up my shorts and this older Asian guy gave me this look of disbelief and sadness that I'll never forget and it always bothered me thinking if I just committed a major sin or if any other bottoms experience the same when they close up shop? I'm kinda thinking if your getting fucked out where other men can see you it's probably best practice to let them have there fun as well?
  4. I became a bottom out of frustration and circumstance. How i suck, How I take cock and how I interact with horny men is a result of repeated bad topping experiences with bottoms. What turned me off from topping: 1. Hairy Masc Bottoms in my experience never clean themselves out correctly which leads to smells and a mess on my cock and balls. 2. Guys who are in a hurry to make me hard always are too rough and once Im hard they are asking me to cum repeatedly, HOW FUCKING ANNOYING!. 3. Bottoms or cocksuckers that are cum whores are seriously the most self centered people on the planet. The whole purpose of bottoming or sucking cock is to pleasure the other person not yourself... - There are the rare few cum whores who genuinely enjoy having sex with men and you will almost never hear them asking for you to cum or be in a hurry for the next load.. I lost my train of thought... I always take my time, Im gentle, I enjoy the process of getting a man hard and working them up to where my mouth and hands won't cut it anymore... Once they are inside me, I match there verbal queues and match how they are with my physically... If they aren't very touchy, never am I, if they have me on my back and start kissing me I kiss with them until they stop... Sometimes guys need to take a break while fucking so I'll reassure them that there is no rush and they don't need to worry about preforming or cumming for me... That it's there time right now and they can spend it with me however they want.... I find once a guy knows that he can take his time and get himself off however he wants with me they end up cumming with a few minutes....
  5. Wish I would of gone out cruising a lot more at HB library, Santiago Creek and The ABS's off Garden Grove Blvd.... Or started taking prep as soon as it came out, still neg.. I haven't bareback bottomed in over a decade 😞 I want to start taking Prep but I'm not sure if I want that on my medical record and have my wife see it. Also, I'm afraid I'm going to go back to how I was a decade ago where my entire life revolved around the routine where I was constantly exercising, eating right, Shaving my whole body every other day, using toys everyday, just for a few minutes of risky sex... I also think I'm going to be going to the abs's by my house every few days and will be coming home everytime full of guys seed. Anyways, The bushes at HB library were super overgrown at the time and alot of cruisers would hang out so you could get a guy's attention pretty easy, walk off the trail behind some cover pull my loose fitting boy shorts down, bend over and brace myself against a tree and wait... I can still remember the sounds of those guys footsteps as they walked up to me, unzipp, push themselves inside of my lubed up hole.mmm!, lol. I get a turned on now whenever I hear people walk through leaves and crunch sticks when I hiking, it's kinda hot. Everytime I told myself that I was going to let them enjoy themselves bare for a few minutes and then tell them to pull out... Every guy would breed me within a few minutes... So I never got to say anything... It felt so wrong to feel and to know another man came inside you, it's sucha [banned word] and unnatural feeling at first, like violating... Then after awhile I started to realize how important it was that that I let men have me if they wanted me to bend over, Everytime I went out cruising I would make sure that I made the experience for that stranger a good one eating right that week, douche, dildo myself for 30 minutes, douche again, dildo for 30, lube back up and head out... Then if I ran into a potential mate, I would make it simple for them and give them whatever they wanted from me, no issue or drama, just a young, smooth, hole for them to fuck and cum into, then go back home to their families and not have to shower, clean there dick off, or be even more stressed than before. It's a satisfying feeling to know that I was the reason another man had a great orgasm and made there lives better just for awhile...
  6. Not so fast! [think before following links] https://kesq.com/top-stories/2023/06/08/rancho-mirage-man-claims-husbands-drug-overdose-death-was-murder-seeks-answers/
  7. This makes me want to sign up for the gym right now...
  8. Perfection!
  9. I prefer a bottom dressed, smooth and fem... I can't get hard with a masc bottom, hairy or in a jock strap. Being a bottom to me is the ultimate fem position and if there is anything masc about them I cant get hard.
  10. After seeing your profile it's painfully obviously that you only just take pictures and don't actually take dick.
  11. I'm in garden Grove, ca.. I goto the abs on gg blvd and magnolia... The bookstore is separated into 3 sections... The middle room is the main store and the rooms on the left and right are the theaters. Each is has its own door so it's kinda cool there privacy so to say.. Anyways, I used to play in the theater rooms a few years ago and I'm not sure at what point this happened but I'm now that guy at the counter shooting the shit with the abs clerk while all the other [banned word] come in for theater tokens or erotic accessories... I usually go to the store for poppers or lingerie and end up spending an hour there talking to my guy... It's kinda cool, he pretty cool to as well... But now that I know him I don't have the nerve to go next door to the theater... He's been there for years so I'm pretty sure he's seen me at some point wait ass up in the stalls and has also seen me suck off several dozen guys.... I dunno, maybe this is a word of warning... Keep your enemy's close and keep the relationship with your local abs bookstore guy to just business... Now when I feel the need to be naughty and desire to satisfy horny men. I have to go-to this seeder bookstore down the street that has 0 privacy and everyone can see when your doing stuff in the booth... *. I'm rambling at this point .* I have had a fantasy that the abs guy that I'm friends with ends up introducing me to another guy who runs another abs and he needs a gloryhole tender and that I should give it a shot 🙂 hehe, wish that was an actual real thing...
  12. Right around 19-20 I started to really get into giving myself up to whoever want me.. I shaved constantly, I ate and worked out constantly and whenever I was home my hole was lubed up and had a dildo in it... Start back a few years I discovered the hb library by my house was cruisy.. I usually start out at the bathroom which is on a hill over looking the park so when someone heads inside anyone looking can see... Since I was young whenever I went in it would be too long before I heard footsteps... I would usually wait in the stall with it unlocked a guy would come in open the door apologize go-to a urinal and then come back right after with his cock out for me to suck... I did this alot one summer until one older Mexican guy reach down to my ass while I was sucking him and slide his finger in my already lubed hole and he made a hissing sound... He took his cock out of his made and told me to follow him... He took me through the park and we walked from the paved path onto the cut grass and into the bushes.. Once out of the clearing we walked through the overgrown bushes and trees for a few minutes until we arrived to a completely secluded area where the tree canopy covered everything. There was a tree in the middle that has a thick branch about waist high that I used to steady myself while I took of my shorts. I put some lube on his cock suck it some and turned around bent over and braced myself on the tree branch. I was going to tell him to pull out after a few minutes.. it felt odd have a guy hump me so aggressively, I remember my head bouncing and my cock and balls doing the same... Just when I was about to tell him to pull out he stopped and killed out... I asked him if he cummed and he said he did and then I asked him if he was clean and he told me not to worry about it and walked off.. I remember standing there feeling shocked and worried and also turned on at the same time.. after that I drove home and when I got to my room I jacked off while I used my dildo and used some of his cum for lube on my dick... I blew so hard... The happened alot there... I also just wanted to feel the cock for a few minutes and pull it out and suck the guy off but most of the times the guys would cum inside me without saying a word or wouldn't even ask.... Pic below is me now and thinking about letting guys slide in bare again... I'm not sure though now
  13. So I've been gearing up to start bottoming again after about 10 years in retirement... So I've been changing my diet, excerising, shaving everything except for my face and arms everything else I've been trying to keep smooth like a fem would do.. I've also been buying lingerie and see what makes me feel the sexiest... I've been topping and worshipping cock for years and the topping has been a big disappointment...it's really hard to find what turns me on so il just get going to be that since I can't find anyone... Anyways, in my eyes a bottom shouldn't ever be more masc than the top so obviously I totally prefer a femmy bottom so that's what I'm going to try to be exactly like that.. OK enough bullshit, I've been cleaning myself regularly and using toys to get myself back into shape so I can be receptive and accommodating as possible for the top... The other night I rediscovered the muscles that I used to use to massage cum out of all those older daddies cocks that would fuck me in the park bathrooms and bushes over by my house way back when I just turned 18.. The dildo I've been using was 7in with like a standard thickness probably like 3 inches.. So after some thought I went to a ABS by my house and bought some lingerie and a 9 in 4in thick dildo.. Holy Shit!! I totally get it now... In the shower I completely saturated my hole with lube and worked that wonderful piece inside me... Once I relaxed and started working it back and forth I kid you not I was just gone... Like outter space gone... What the hell man I've never experienced anything like that before holy fuck! I couldn't see anything and I was drooling, it put me in the moment so suddenly I almost forgot what that was like .. I totally get the whole BBC now.... Once I got that fucking dream maker going back and forth Inside my married non prep'd hole I wasn't going anywhere... Even when I took it out to reposition myself, my body naturally just waited ass up with my hole wide open waiting for it to come back inside me...
  14. There is a bookstore about 30 miles from me that has booth with GloryHoles... I have been holding on going there because Im afraid that I'd stay there all night.... I also 10-15 years ago I would let any random cock that I got hard slide into me bare... I would also let them do it and then plan on telling them to pull out if they were going to cum and before I could tell them they would already be thrusting deeper into me and breathing heavy... I made lots of older men at HB Library Park happy back then 🙂 Also, I'm not on prep and lately I've been remember the feeling I got when those men would unload inside of me and it's been turning me on a lot.... The last 10 times I've came Ive been thinking about being bent over with there aggressive hands on my hips while they thrust into me harder and faster, building up, grunting, until they do one final thrust and stop... zip up and leave quickly while im still bent over with there cum dripping out of my insides... ... So I don't want to go there and be tempted to back myself up to the hole because im afraid of catching stuff, especially after being on this forum awhile...
  15. This is obviously geared towards online hookups but some of this stuff can apply to random encounters.. - Also, my personality type is very much compersion driven so maybe cock sucking was something I was destined to do either way the stuff below works for me.. - If your going to his place be discrete, be respectful, showered, ask if you need to take your shoes off when you come in, etc... - Make sure the top knows that your not in a hurry. - Also you don't want him thinking that he has to perform or cum at any point.. - Just make sure he knows that and his job is to just sit back and relax and just focus on feeling good. - Once I start, I usually just use my mouth and kiss and rub my lips over the shaft on both sides until it gets hard... - Be gentle at first and gradually increases how you handle his balls and cock.. Less is more always 😄 - If your enjoying yourself and think "Wow this is perfect" say it out loud. Let him know that you are enjoying yourself if you are.. - Once things are moving forward nicely he'll probably tell you what is feeling good and then you can gauge how you want to start building him up and down from there. - Sometimes I like to build and build and when they say something like "Keep going like that and you're going to make me cum" I'll keep building and building.. and then stop and gently take my finger tips and grab at the base and lightly pull up on the shaft and tease the tip... - I do that a few times randomly and usually once he starts sounding flustered or starts calling me names because I'm being a "Jerk" - Depending on him and the situation I'll start building him back up again and once it gets around the pull back point I'll keep going and let him know that I'm going to keep going and not stop anymore... - Usually by then its just a matter of minutes and he starts to pop.. - I keep the same rhythm and depth unless he is thrusting like he wants to bury the load deep. - I will then position my mouth almost down at the base or at the half way point of his shaft and wait until they pop... - If they thrust my mouth will be right at the perfect point to make them feel like they are planting it deep. - Other wise after he pops i just hold my mouth there collecting his load and just kinda hang out until they come back down to earth... This is important... - When you get up, if he try to get up as well tell him to lay or sit back down and relax... - Excuse yourself to his bathroom... Wash up... Come back into the room get dressed... - Hopefully he'll still be laying there telling you how awesome it was... You say the same... - Once dressed... Walk yourself out... - If you drove make sure to text him that you are in your car now driving down the road, etc... - I also like to thank him for the fun time and that it was really awesome!! This process has gotten me about 8 regulars now, esh 😕 kinda makes me feel like a whore I guess... I dunno, I don't think im one because as much as I enjoy cum I'm not doing it for just that... I make people feel great and it gives me and them something to look forward too and that can't all be bad... Thanks,
  16. For me the world kinda stops once I have a cock in front of me. Some people call it sucking other people call it worshiping, I call it appreciation. There's nothing worse than a self centered cock sucker. I honestly can't stay hard once I realize the person on my dick isn't actually enjoying the process or turned on and is in a hurry to get to the ending... I'm not a cumball machine that you put quarters... I'm actually a person that requires you to be aware of how I'm responding to your touch... Most of the time when someone trys to suck me I'm thinking this : "Can you calm down please?" "Give my dick a minute to relax and get hard" "Holy fuck why are you trying to deep throat my dick right off the when it's still soft?" "Ouch that hurts actually" I'm not going to say cock sucking is an art but there is definitely a lot of finesse and skill involved in making the trip a really fun endeavor.
  17. I fucked jizzone about a year or two ago and later found the video on Xtube... I was shocked and turned on at the same time... I asked him to remove it and he did but it had been up for months at that point so I know people have my stupid ass barebacking a anon cumdump downloaded somewhere... Still turns me on thinking about it honestly..
  18. A cock worshipper is someone who enjoys the entire process of sucking a cock and the cum at the end is just a bonus. There's nothing hotter than a cock worshipper..They are also enjoying you enjoying yourself and all those little noises you don't usually make and sounds of disbelief as they slowly and sensually stroke, tease and suck is sucha turn on for them. Time stops for the cock worshipper as soon the process begins. They never rush they aren't trying to get you to cum. They are in tune to the person they are sucking and adjust their speed and technique when necessary. Finally and most important of all. After seed is spilled and swallowed and the cock is totally drained and satisfied. The man starts saying the most honest and nicest things to the cock worshipper ending in a exhausted unbelievable "Thank you" In reality what separates a cock sucker from a cock worshipper is that the cock worshipper will always say "Thank you" and be honestly grateful to be part of that wonderful moment.
  19. A cock worshipper is someone who enjoying the whole process and the cum at the end is just a bonus
  20. i realized today driving over to a guys house to suck his cock is that it's the only thing that I get excited about anymore..
  21. ive always wanted to work part time at a bookstore... I don't know where else to find cock that quickly.
  22. Romantics of Garden Grove Blvd and Harbor doesn't have a GH but the entire room is pretty much open to fool around.
  23. I've sucked 5 in the past 2 days 😞 I feel slutty...
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