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About NHcumSlut

  • Birthday May 30

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Love being dominated, used, verbal, humiliation, tied, blindfolded, bred, infected, bareback porn.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    Love kink and taboo. Just ask.
  • Porn Experience
    Would love to be videoed.
  • Looking For
    Alpha and aggressive men.

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  1. Extremely hotttt i experienced something very very similar when I lived in San Diego
  2. Hey there… another older guy sub bottom slut here who loves being restrained and slammed repeatedly without ever really coming down for a nice long session. Can no longer geT any favors around here. I’m dying for someone to take charge of me once again. Been too long.
  3. Are we allowed to talk about any [banned word] stuff we’re into or would like to try??
  4. San Diego parties flying on both T and G, Pride Week, bathhouse weekends. Dallas’s Oaklawn anonymous sex. Living in Plano and all those real Daddies pushing their little toddlers on bicycles coming back to actually ring your doorbell and invite themselves in…. TRUE btw!!!
  5. I have traveled all over this country and have lived in different areas. Each place has provided me with different experiences based on where it was. Best place was California… OMG you never really needed to look for sex or partying… it found you. I lived in the Laguna area for three years and San Diego for four years. I have the best memories living in both places. I also lived in Dallas, Texas for six years. That place was packed with new experiences… from group pool parties to inviting anonymous guys gang banging me while I was tied up in a sling. Not long after I moved there I quickly began to believe there were no straight men there. But the most unexpected experiences were the two times I lived in NYC… and man they didn’t disappoint. It would nothing for me to be at the Roundup on a Sunday afternoon minding my own business drinking my beer and some bear pulling me onto his lap pulling the back of my jeans down and then him sliding his cock up my ass like he was offering me a place to sit cuz the place was so packed with people. The sex was different depending on where I was living. And the different types of guys in these different areas of the country contributed to my memories being so varied… most of it was wild and a good deal of it was even wilder. Does anyone out there feel the same way? That the different areas of the country lean toward different experiences from each other? I’d love to hear from you… and maybe it’ll prompt me to continue on and share with everyone the different things I remember.
  6. I was 8 years old… it was my best friend’s father. He was in his mid 30s. Lasted for three years until they moved away.
  7. Gender Male Location New Hampshire… 03045 Interests: Love being dominated, used, verbal, humiliation, tied, blindfolded, bred, infected, bareback porn. HIV Status: Poz, On Meds Role: Bottom Single, live alone, can host and LOVE to parTy. Would love getting videoed without my say and have it all uploaded everywhere online. HOT!!!! Would love meet other guys who like to PnP… prefer getting slammed and being totally uninhibited. Very few limits. Totally open-minded.. One on one, threesomes and groups all okay. Can get into any kink or [banned word]. Just ask. Please feel free to email me at grpqtt@yahoo.com or text me @ 603-486-8684. Hope to hear from you!! gary
  8. Can anyone help me find a Top in New Hampshire from this siTe? I’m located in the southern area of the state. Anything to help sTeer me in the right direcTion or offer any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
  9. Can anyone help me find a Top from this siTe? I’m located in the southern area of the state. Anything to sTeer me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!!

  10. I wanna meet verspoztop from Boston.
  11. Happy belated birthday and Congratulations!!!

  12. Thank you btmboy3in

    and I love your titties and clit

  13. Hi can anyone tell me in however way you can what topics or subjects or references are not permitted on this site? Thanks
  14. How [banned word] are we allowed to be in this site?

    1. NHcumSlut


      Okay since the word I used was banned... How about if I ask what subjects are not permitted.

  15. I was thinking of you today... My bf wanted my pozcum over his chocopudding.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NHcumSlut


      lol… you turn me on for sure!!

    3. NHcumSlut


      Could you please let me know the names of your stories so I can read them?  Thank you!

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      "we have to talk", "the writer and his fan", "keyboard warrior". They're in bugchasing fiction forum. 

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