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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Coast, Northerly
  • Interests
    First and foremost : love hearing and feeling a guy gagging on cock. Nothing better. Choking/throttling; whipping, slapping, I just basically love submissive masochists. You can gear up (leather, rubber, harnesses etc) it doesn't matter to me. What I want is to use and abuse for my pleasure.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Working. Saving. Not going out near as much as I used to. I will drink, but don't smoke (tobacco, that is...where I'm at, pot is legal!). I've grown into BDSM late in life and REALLY want to make up for lost time! The Dom/Sadist in me is entirely sexual, and I'm happy to play with just about any level.
  • Porn Experience
    none at all
  • Looking For
    Submissive/masochist, total bottom, able to take abuse (from mild to hard). Lean and lanky is a favorite. Smooth to moderate body hair (unless you'll submit to being shaved smooth!).

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  1. Fuck. Yeah. You total slut.
  2. Wait. Malls still exist???
  3. Nobody should be pointing to anything (or almost anything) that is being done inside the US. Yes, the military industrial complex is out of control spending when we spend 25 times as much on it as the combined military spending of our top 25 allies. Oil subsidies shouldn't exist, price caps should. But what is relevant to the humans on our border literally dying for the chance of a better life are the conditions of the countries south of us. Until those countries are either coaxed or forced (I don't mean military force) into moving into better sustainability and better investment in their people, all the aid we send them won't do a thing - because it hasn't yet. Now, our policies towards the countries these people are fleeing from are something to point at. And those are largely shaped by corporate influence. And that corporate influence came from our meddling, usurpation and out right treachery in those countries.
  4. Ultimately, the mask ISN'T about anyone other than who is wearing the mask. The mask allows freedom by way of debauchery. It is a passport to any act, no borders. Those wearing them invite what others will project onto them. From there, who knows? A mask is an invitation, beckoning to anyone by way of anonymity, for freedom to indulge anything yet to have been experienced. Who knows what a dominant top might do? Bottom? Who knows what the timid might indulge? An act so depraved as to draw general condemnation except for those who openly embrace it? To quote an old phrase made new again: "To boldly go where no man has gone before". If a mask allows you such freedom - wear it.
  5. We're animals. And I don't mean that in a pejorative sense. Animals - indeed, all living things - are physically implanted with not only the means, but a basic need to reproduce. And for some of us, that means fucking. And with an animal so cerebral as a human, need to breed is transformed by desire. How and what that desire is shaped into is as individual as the person it sits within. Bring in culture, and desire is shaped, enlarged, confined...any number of constraints or indulgences are put into the mix. The metric by which any individual is perceived also works with, without, for and even against that perception. All this and more is where our spectrum for sexual arousal is shaped. And yes, that spectrum slides to a place as individual as each person. I personally wish I was pansexual, I think it'd be amazing. But, I fall at or near the 100% gay/male side. I can easily recognize beauty irrespective of the gender (assumed by me, or then one they might identify as). Which means I have a (for lack of a better term) theoretical idea of their desirability. That said, nothing for me has changed since 3rd grade: girls are still "icky".😝
  6. Oh please, whore. You do what your made to wherever somebody shoves your face.🐷
  7. "Some exposure fetishist idiot from Asia has twice uploaded content and then filed a DMCA with the host. That's NOT OK. It could harm the site and if you do it you'll be banned permanently."...is what I saw; I guess it was just poor wording. I equated 'host' with the site, not the person who posted.
  8. I'm aware of what DMCA is. That said, why would filing a DMCA get the person who filed it banned? Isn't DMCA about protecting the rights to a video? And if the person reporting it says it is (essentially) "stolen", the person they are reporting on should be banned, right? Or am I missing something? Are you saying the site runners consider such a report bad for them and are discouraging any who might report it by a threat of banishment? Even if the report is made in good faith? This doesn't make sense to me.
  9. Some of the old adult video stores here in PDX could get pretty trashed. But later there was a space that shared a building with The Eagle here. This was some time ago. It was not a bath house, it was only there for one thing and that was anon sex. I knew the guy that ran it, and there were days that would go by and he wouldn't bother cleaning anything. I remember one weekend when I went the group room floor was literally sticky in some parts like movie theaters can get, and some of the other spots were still not completely dry and were gooey. It was just a simple maze, with a bank of glory booths, a single sling area that was wide open, one "bed booth" that had a window you could darken or make transparent, and that group room which was just a padded table just below waist high and room enough for people to stand around it but not much more. The funk I walked into in that place sometimes was almost too much.
  10. Thought that was a bathhouse? Do you mean to say that place is that gross, or that place is that debauched/gross?
  11. Maybe I watch too much porn, I don't know. But what the hell is it with amateur porn and the damn smoke alarm battery alert going on in them so often? 

  12. Nother disappointing hook up. If you're more concerned about how your hair is going to look after, then basically there is almost no fun to be had for me. Saying you love getting throat fucked and then are totally unwilling to have your hair used and messed up a bit is just way too stuck up.

    So, uneventful BJ and see ya. Oh well.

  13. You must be in rut. You've been here quite a bit today. Getting some loads lined up, I hope?

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