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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. And for those claiming this is all unfair censorship; it just isn't.  We don't own this site nor carry the liability as owner for social forces who would shut this site down in a heartbeat.  For well thought out reasons this site has locations for specific sorts of dialogue where one can be much more forthcoming.  Honestly if we don't care for these rules there are plenty of other venues for that.  

    • Upvote 2
  2. One thing I truly enjoy about BreedingZone is that rawTOP and our friendly moderators actively participate in our diverse discussions here.  There are sites where those managing the site seem to be non participants.  I'm finding owner/moderator participation makes the site a safer home.  

    Collectively we're pretty diverse which is reflected in posts.  True some tend to get into the weeds; rather than just nodding and acknowledging that not everyone believes as we ourselves believe on every topic.  But man I am so glad to be aware of our differences.  

    Socially, in the world outside of us here; it is truly concerning that some want to shut us down or prohibit participation here.  We are certainly not dictating how those who object to us live their lives.  What we do has no effect on them.  Sadly, human history is rife with this stuff.  

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  3. 6 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    I find the difference in physical sensation to be pretty substantial. Certainly enough that I'm willing to risk STIs for it. Bare is a fair bit better than latex condoms, which are in turn better than polyurethane condoms or "femidoms" (both of those are quite nasty). I haven't tried "lambskin" condoms, but since they don't protect from STIs, there seems little point for MSM apart from as a fetish.

    The psychological difference is also quite significant for some (certainly it is for me).

    @viking8x6!  Man it's scary how inside my head you seem to be.  And true, I do get the occasional STI.  I have one soon to be identified one now (I get results tomorrow).  Still, I will always prefer skin on skin.  Else it seems more like robot sex.  🙂 

  4. I don't approach sex play with a checklist.  But indeed kissing I truly enjoy.  Some guys aren't so good at it, and I'm always happy to move onto other things.  But in my sling with a guy inside me; sometimes the connection with kissing while being fucked is so damned delightful!

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  5. I'm always curious where our excellent author here will take a story.  He has been known to throw in a few twists and turns which I at least always enjoy.  But I could easily see the grandson filled with 8 viral loads before the night is out, with grandpa fucking him the rest of the night.  Might make a speedy conclusion; or perhaps @Jaygusher will have the summer wind down with a pozzing duo; or the grandson holds off going home and becomes a pozzer in the later chapters here....  


  6. Those pesky subscribed topics resulting in emails.  So annoying when one is wanting to leave.  🙂  

    If that's the annoyance, then within his own incoming email account he will manage those emails (unsubscribe or block).  I have to believe those who wanted to leave in past years ultimately.  Unless, sadly, they live a life where they've put no email controls in place and spend time deleting each one.  A life of <swipe left>.   🙂


  7. Considering that our internet universe here, for which BZ is a comparatively small part; contains many others who are unhappy that people like us even exist; a single global link we can open to find where every orgy is will expose those orgies to great personal risk in many parts of our globe.  

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    It's true that there are a lot of gay men in Greece - or at least, quite a few visit some of the major tourist areas.

    But this guy is describing small rural village life. Those kind of places are far less likely to be accepting of gay men; there's no guarantee it's dangerous, but there's also no guarantee it's safe, either. I think he has a much better feel for what his village will tolerate than those of us who live in more liberal countries.

    A country doesn't have to be a "dictator state" to be a dangerous place for gays - especially outside of big cities and tourist draws.

    @Marsian In your specific case, sometime when you order coffee why not just ask him to get ahold of you, perhaps text or email, to meet for coffee?  Let him select which coffee venue.  Then when 1on1 at a quiet table, gradually discover how you develop 1x1 as friends.  It can't go wrong.  Just don't open with "I need to fuck your ass!!!"   🙂   

    My attempt at restating @Philatanus point; but from a mostly rural perspective.  Invite him to a setting where the two of you can talk 1x1.  Whether it evolves to more candor about sex should be talked about privately (enough) between the two of you.  Outside of hookup apps, and gay bars, I believe few of us commonly jumps into conversations about sex.  We've lots to talk about and appreciate even when sex isn't something either of us is pushing.  What I caution against is developing a reputation that every conversation is about sex.  

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  9. 13 hours ago, FFun2BB said:

    @Jaygusher BRAVO on all accounts :

    You delivered an amazing story!!!! 

    You completed this amazing story !!!!

    ....which so many other authors fail to do ... they turn us on - and leave us hanging with rock hard cocks in hand ... while YOU BROUGHT US SOOOOOO MANY ORGASMS - Thank you for this .... 


    This story is definitely a MUST KEEP and belongs to the TOP STORIES HERE!!!! 

    Cannot wait what story will follow next!!!! 

    I'll absolutely second this!  You kept the suspense (differently) than your story last Fall.  A very nice pace.  I'm glad you took the opportunity to take some twists and turns.  It made it interesting, and of course excellent bate material.  

    Please keep on writing my friend.  Your talent is unfolding and is a delight to read.  

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