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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. No, Mitch McConnell put us in this position when he decided that ratifying a proposed candidate from our black president was too much to bear in his last year in office, but when Orange Geesus posed his in his last weeks, that was fast tracked.
  2. I always swallow...
  3. What does it matter. Of the two candidates one is looking to benefit us the voters, the other is looking to benefit himself. How is race even relevant to this particular election?
  4. A good start. Working on seven years of grief seems a higher priority than a guy who doesn't give a crap about your own sobriety. That's a long time to hang onto grief; but addict personalities tend to get caught on a thing; be it meth, alcohol or personal tragedy; and stay stuck there. I wish you well my brother.
  5. @BootmanLA Oh man my friend. Did you dip into my supply of curmudgeon pills???? 🙂
  6. Can Trump toss Vance aside???
  7. Certainly is true that at end the responsibility belongs to the OP. But the former friend who is trying to bring him back into the life isn't a friend either...
  8. You captured my thinking about Mayor Pete well. While he has the skills to be president and I believe eventually will be, SOS would be a proper next step. And Kelly adds an essential balance to the ticket. Astronauts are historically vote getters.
  9. Dump him. He isn't going to do YOU any good.
  10. Really more clarification than correction @hntnhole. The important part was her stupid claim that she could see Russia (as if seeing a land mass somehow added to her understanding). I remember kitchen as the watchword at the time seemed to be "kitchen table politics". 🙂
  11. I believe she saw Russia from her kitchen.... But yeah...
  12. I agree the Presidential nominee officially chooses their running mate. I find it hard to believe though that McCain actually chose Palin...
  13. Let's see how she actually does. There are just too many other variables between now and 2028; so no point in speculation at this point. Yes indeed if she does a good job, if we're not at war, if we haven't had another pandemic, etc.... Yeah she might go for a second term. She is clearly a thoughtful person; I have no concerns. Obviously there will be politics, because us humans are just too fukken stupid to not go there. We're hiring her to do a job, not to become queen. I hope she wins, not only for our own sakes; but it's been way too long not having a female president; and a person of color shouldn't be our WHY they should be president; but I am damn glad we have already and that our leadership continues to reflect our under represented part of our society.
  14. Indeed and I feel for the MAGA faithful as, much like the followers of any cult, they are being lead astray. I hope for the best for them as they find their way out of that cult when it inevitably ends.
  15. Of course, we are under a different playbook today. Dems most likely will have Harris paired with someone; undoubtedly a younger ticket. My hope is they choose the most vote getting combination. Hopefully if we can break the cult hold on the Republican party we can return to some better political balance - which makes for a more satisfying life for MOST. There is absolutely no way we are going to satisfy everyone, and certainly compromise is essential to get most of what we desire. So the contest now between a younger team who makes way fewer gaffs vs an old guy who rambles and seeks to be dictator like the guys he most admires.
  16. Yes one can spin it that way. But that distorts his objective even in that case.
  17. It certainly is forever for me...
  18. There is, finally, a real opportunity. It used to be that the candidates were not set UNTIL their respective party conventions. Not a year before any elections. For a lot of good reasons, Harris as President makes sense. And while I thought I would have liked Biden to endorse both a P and VP candidate when he stepped out (which I have always thought would happen), truly having the Convention actually argue this; and come of it with a VP pick is getting us BACK to democratic election process. There are a lot of great choices. And this passes the torch to the next generation, as we should.... I was glad the R's waited until (pretty much) the convention to pick a VP; the party didn't pick the VP, Trump did and the party just said (essentially) "yes master lord and savior".
  19. Holy fuck, as long as that look on his face as him about to fuck me now that I came on his face - we can work on names another day....
  20. I used to think that about Donny boy. His TV show I believe explains why there is a vacuum in space. 🙂 His false claims about Obama got so old I figured all would take him for the moron he is. And yet, here we are!
  21. Risk vs Risk; as is always the case, but the downside is worse this time of 'getting it wrong'. In a sane world I would dig more deeply into each candidate as I really don't give a rip about what party they are in, but I do care about who they are; how they go about making choices (as they are going to be doing that on my behalf). The ruined GOP has abandoned sanity altogether for a world of utter fantasy. The challenge for the Dems is to appeal to the most they can. Even then we know the Orange Geesus is going to claim he won. Facts have no bearing on that party. I am uncertain how we as a people should act beyond voting. I would love to think we'll run a relatively normal democracy. But I could easily it being the beginning of a new US Civil war.
  22. @BarebackedBear I believe we'll see a change. I obviously don't know it; but if I were Joe and reviewed not only the debate, but many interviews since, he has experienced the double time aging that all presidents (well save for 45) experience. He is pretty aware I believe. It is so important that when he steps out of the race it is turning the keys over to another pair. Kamala is a good choice and quite logical. Had Joe died in office, she would be President. This would have been a stupid week for him to pull out, or even indicate he might. The more he continues to say "I'm staying in" the more time he gives his party to evaluate options of the most likely to succeed in election pairing. One thing I started this week. I stopped listening to any news. I think my blood pressure dropped. 🙂 I'll catch up without having to endure David Muir's obsession with breaking news that isn't breaking at all.
  23. Would not surprise me @BootmanLA
  24. I can relate. I have a flat on Zillow for rent. I get people wanting to rent when their net income is LESS than what I am renting the place for. Or they are looking because their landlord booted their ass out for non payment; and think I will even bother to discuss a lease. Or they say one thing and I get a true credit report only to find their actual income is a fraction of their stated income and debt up the wazzoo.. Seriously I don't even understand why they bother except to give me practice in declining their request for a walk through. OR I take some time to create a profile on Scruff. I actually answer the questions many ask. I date my posts so they know I didn't write my diatribe six years ago.... But every damned day I get some dunderhead who clearly is incapable of reading with understanding ask me inane questions I've answered including context. OR I have a car on the market right now and assholes want to work around my agreement with the posting site and mail me a check (which is damned near certain to be fraudulent). Always with come cock and ball story about some stupid family matter that requires us to work around the stated sales structure on the site.... As @viking8x6 now firmly believes, I take regular curmudgeon pills (it would seem). Rant accepted and understood @AirmaxUK
  25. Yes indeed if Joe dies suddenly we have a Veep. But if he drops out of the race we have an election to get through, and we will need Harris plus a running mate. To drop out not having seen to that would be stupid, and very unlike Biden we've experienced for so many decades.
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