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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. This has been a really helpful thread. I got a hold of the old ARCW (now Vivint) here in Wisconsin in November 2021 and indeed, they figured they could help me get on a low cost PrEP. I had not een on PrEP since early 2016 when I went on Medicare and just could not afford a drug plan that provided Truvada (which is what was out at the time). I did all the intake and testing steps and when it finally came to prescription the PA decided Descovy would be a wiser choice for me given my medical history. When the pharmacy of that organization called me they said I could get it for $700 a month. I thanked the pharmacist but told them there was no way I could afford such a plan and to just forget the whole thing; thank you very much. We ended the call and I thought that was the end of it. Another pharmacist called me back a short while later and suggested perhaps Truvada could be less and offered that. I replied, sure no problem depending on how much. That ended that call. When I talked to them about Truvada cost I said if they could deliver for 20 or 30 a month that would not be a problem for me; but hundreds per month was not going to be workable no matter what. (to answer a question I know will be out there, in this area HIV meds are free. So if I did convert to poz my costs would be covered. I certainly didn't mind a premium to not get HIV in the first place.) About two hours after that they called back with a plan; Descovy for $0 copay. So I was pretty happy they found a way. My meds are mailed to me once a month and all I have to do is verify receipt in their system and it'll keep coming. I am grateful I went, and while there were a few hours of doubt that I would be able to get back on PrEP; I wasn't in a panic about it.
  2. Mine would definitely enjoy me telling him about it.
  3. Yes I can definitely imagine it. If he ever comes to Wisconsin I need him to visit my home dungeon.
  4. Thanks @fskn. Nice to have a friend here who is tapped into the information unfolding about HIV treatments and prevention. I am pretty happy with Descovy and will discuss a 2-1-1 plan with my clinic. That could be a terrific compromise and save the system some unnecessary expense.
  5. Perhaps the benefit of years, but I am content to be who I am in the body I have. My attractions are strongly towards male and male energy (and body parts). My throat and ass make perfectly fine places for a guy to sitck his cock; as long as it isn't wrapped. 😀
  6. .... And Santa Claus, the Easter Bunney, the Groundhog.... But we humans do seem to love our stories. 😃
  7. Yup, when blocking just removed those profile from my view, I use it. I'm not mad at them, it just saves both of us unnecessary grief. And it is mighty helpful to know that if the only thing a guy wants is a BBC; I can stop right there as for certain mine is not that. 😄
  8. @Luxie-006 I'll definitely keep that in mind when you're fucking me. 😀
  9. Man I sure hope so. I don't follow the logic of someone who has my cock in their ass and then decides cumming in there isn't for them. I am clear on that from the outset.
  10. I've seen and experienced that too. The foreskin will roll back on its own when its ready. Plenty of pleasure I can give with it rolled forward.
  11. I was in two relationships like that. Until I found out I was the only one being exclusive... Re: the OP. All of the prior posts here have done a stellar job of walking around the issue. I am hopeful the OP take away is to just choose to be truthful from the outset and let the chips fall where they may. One of the mottos I live by (Kimo's Rules if you want to google it) is "tell the truth, there is less to remember". If for some reason he wants to try to salvage something he might suggest they go and get tested together. Obviously Mr Top will get a rude awakening. The clinic will give both some education which, given the circumstances as they are now; is likely overdue for both.
  12. I don't think there is a standard. 🙂 For some every day is too much, for others not. You'll figure it out for yourself what your body tolerates.
  13. Then there are a host of us who were cut as infants (obviously not with our permission about a cosmetic procedure that was not medically necessary); who as adults made the effort to restore (to the extent possible) our foreskins.
  14. @BootmanLA Nice thoughtful response. to @NatureBoy. It didn't make any sense that HIV meds would be used for covid because otherwise Poz guys on meds would already be protected from covid, and that would definitely have made mainstream news. And that would have been great news for you. 🙂 Guess I'll go grab my bottle of bleach to quench my thirst. LOL I just got back on BZ this year after a several year hiatus. And I am so happy to read the posts of level headed informed brothers here. The quality I liked back then is still here. Jim
  15. Given what we've seen available for all sorts of what used to be uncurable disease, I would not be at all surprised to see an HIV vaccine at a point. I recall when HepC was uncurable. Now it is curable. Also, a whole lot of this is due in a large part to AIDS epidemic and the vase research since then as we have unpacked the human genome and come to a better understanding of how our bodies immune systems work. It makes hugely more sense to get on PrEP if one is neg along with HPV, Hep A/B vaccines, etc. If one chooses not to, I don't think one has much cause to whine about it if they get one of those. In just a short bit of use of our friend google; checking out the lifecycle of a virus makes for an interesting read. (and that read is NOT research - we need to put a pin in the notion that googling something as certain football stars do is "doing their research".) Scientists research.
  16. Yes. sources of factual data seem to be less valued in recent years. History is rife with similar times; and it saddens me we seem to have devolved to that. And I don't see a need to promote behaviors which are likely to result in greater social harm. Not intending to be argumentative. And so I hope this is not taken that way. When you write "if someone makes the "informed" choice to do just that, they should be permitted"; suggests that some entity beyond themselves are deciding what they are permitted to do. But we might be saying essentially the same thing. I would put it more like "help to lead them to facts which they might use to make more informed choices".
  17. Certainly see the value in PrEP and glad it is one of our options. But I also understand that individuals should have domain over their own bodies; and so if someone really wishes to progress to full on AIDS (and I confess I would not see myself doing that) I respect their body, their choice.
  18. I certainly don't argue with that. No load refused here. Any man who wants to unload in my hole is invited to do so.
  19. @fskn I really enjoy your posts! One thing I do like about Grindr is that while there seems to be a huge influx of women seeking men there; it is easy to block those profiles when I see them which takes them out of my "view" as it were when I am cruising Grindr. Man I agree with you, calling out race (whether context is "prefer" or "dislike" is still making it a determinant. And I fail to understand why that matters? I tend to take men "as they are". If we don't hit it off, that's OK. We don't have to jump in bed with everyone (fun though that sounds). 🙂 Jim
  20. A POV regarding PrEP perhaps worthy of contemplation.... PrEP is pretty much starting HIV meds in advance of infection. Yes, indeed, it has an extraordinary ability to prevent HIV from infecting us; and thus avoiding a lifetime of HIV meds (potentially), indeed there are some who choose to just let the disease run its course). With the majority of HIV poz guys on meds and undetectable, the infection rate has to be comparatively low (if one counts loads received to infections). I tend to be centrist on the topic. Then too years ago rawTOP brought up 23 and me to learn whether one is naturally resistant or essentially immune to HIV. As I am "resistant" perhaps the most logical choice it to take my chances. Being that this forum brings a lot of excellent discussion; I am curious how my BZ brothers view this?
  21. I think I've met my brothers here!!! love to cuddle, for awhile. Then like others the blast furnace kicks in. But, as fskn wrote, just change the contact points. One can cuddle and attenuate the heat too.
  22. Sounds like an excellent time! Congrats! He sounds like a terrific find. I am curious about the gatorade. What was in it other than gatorade?
  23. Simple question you can ask today and know the answer going into it...
  24. I think whether you relax is a choice you can make. Focus on your breathing, and the feelings of his touch starting with his first touch and continuing to when he finally slides his whole fist into you. Are you the sort of continue a dialogue while you play? FWIW, fingers crossed for you. Jim
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