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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Hmmm, will Dan be joining Tom next time he visits Peter and Mark???
  2. It's my very favorite thing to do. I love how men's cocks respond to my tongue and throat; how they enjoy some ball pleasure and often some butt pleasure while I suck them. And I love not only the taste of cum, but knowing his seed is going into my stomach. My cock leaks the most when I am sucking a guy.
  3. Great story @finndude. Keep those chapters coming please.
  4. @finndude Man what a great story! Thank you!
  5. Hot damn, just coming into this now so just read from first to now. Fuck! Very hot story!
  6. Clearly that degree in journalism did not benefit you. The facts speak for themselves. My request sir is that you don't misquote me. Otherwise I really don't give a crap what you say.
  7. Just because you make truncating quotes to make them devoid of original meaning doesn't make it a productive practise. It distorts original meaning. In the instant case, he made it the opposite of my original intent. That said, I don't give a crap save that when I am misquoted, I am going to point that out. It isn't "naughty" @LeatherScorpionFF, it is just dumb.
  8. Then sir you are clueless about how context sets the stage for understanding.
  9. I would submit that there are plenty of records about which of us is buying porn and where. Registering to buy porn we essentially already do when we sign up for any website. Going to the Post Office seems like it would be redundant. Truly the forces are pretty clearly opposed to allowing OTHERS to view or own porn.
  10. Sir, if you choose to quote me, quote all of me. When you snip out the center part of a sentence and use that for your rant; you have failed to set context and thus taken us down some path attributing it as responding to what I said. Please don't do that again.
  11. It might be that as I never had more than classmate play as a kid I truly can't speak from experience. However, I was pretty hot for some neighbor dads growing up, just never found the opportunity. I can't imagine how I would have found it anything but a pleasure. I am blessed that I never grew up with any notion of sexual intimacy being bad, dirty, sinful.... None of that is in my experience either. When I started masturbating I just continued a happy little bator. I do recall wanting to take advantage of a couple gym coaches and my physics teacher. I imagine it would have been a great awakening rather than my slower more plodding patch to sluthood...
  12. I don't think we should be too quick to assume that @ReluctantSlut's winkers were no doubt just paying a compliment. He did well to message them and perhaps they'll be back. There are a number of guys here to only check into BreedingZone periodically. I don't characterize them as playing games. They saw something they liked in your profile, or for something you wrote.
  13. In retrospect I wish we had played when we met years ago pop. Yeah you were newly converted then, but I would have happily enjoyed your jizz in me....
  14. I agree ErosWired. It is stupid, but it is fine for people to make their own choice, and if they want to consider sex evil; I suppose that is consistent with their equally stupid "original sin" crap.
  15. 🙂 Good, I am glad you have a plan. I read all of @rawTOP message on that; and not surprised if you were already aligned with one of his potential remedies. I am too in case Wisconsin legislators jump on the legislative bandwagon.
  16. Both sides bring valid points for different reasons. Certainly we want to protect our children. However seem to have shifted way to far into the "It takes a village". Sex is villanized. And I think that is fine. If you don't care for something don't do it. But just because "you don't care for something" doesn't mean I do as well. Currently each political party lives at its wingtips. We're on a trajectory IMO towards representation of the majority should be met over all representation being for the minority. We've been here before and we'll be here again. Onus though is on us to work to stop legislating against an individuals right to think and make choices for themselves. It has been interesting to consider our social/political trajectory over the past few years. My hope is that we get to choose for ourselves what we consider our "line" to be.
  17. Not really being political. As least IMO @rawTOP isn't. I think only time and combined efforts of many will change so that we stop trying to enforce social decisions about other individuals domain over their own body and self.
  18. Thanks @rawTOP I am going to miss @BootmanLA as he often picks up fine detail on topics.
  19. Those side effects were in very few individuals who received the vaccines. For the majority of us there were no adverse side effects.
  20. rawTOP, If the choices are 1 or 2, it would make more sense to work on 1. It makes more sense to do the things in the next month that make the most business sense. When you're ready to beta test I would be happy to participate. Jim
  21. Wow, can I sue for copyright infringement? (no, I don't hold the copyright). MPOX has been my "shorthand" for monkeypox all along since we started the 2022 iteration. Here in Wisconsin we've no active (reported) infections. A good many people here took advantage of drive through MPOX vax clinics. We didn't even have to get out of the car. MPX always meant multiplex in my texting shorthand.
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