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Everything posted by nastybottom

  1. That's a very dangerous line of thinking, and it's also the reason the 1st amendment was put into place, to protect against the government suppressing our right to speak out. Controversial, edgy, even offensive or bigoted speech is the type that needs protection. Loving, inclusive, healthy, government-approved speech doesn't get suppressed. One could argue this site is dangerous and puts gay lives at risk, and thus should be shut down by the government. After all, it promotes the spread of disease and the use of dangerous drugs, doesn't it? It's kind of funny to me that you're ranting about Nazis and fascist behavior, while advocating the same types of policies that dictators love: lock up anyone who says unapproved (as defined by the state) things, and disarm the public. Under a different administration, in a different political climate, you could be accused of bigotry and hatred against right-leaning people as well as Christians. Do you think it would be just to lock you up for a long sentence? Fortunately, we're all still free (for now) to rant and get out our frustrations via speech. Guns are everywhere? Not where and when they're needed, in soft targets where plenty of people are gathered. By the way, who stopped the shooter at Pulse? Men with guns.
  2. Yeah, I never bought those low numbers either. If you could get honest answers from everyone who was secretly attracted to someone of the same sex, fantasized about and masturbated to them, and those who actually had sexual contact with someone of the same sex but still called themselves "straight", the number would be WAY higher than single digits.
  3. Satanism and barebacking have the common link of hedonism and the taboo, defying society's norms and rules. As PozSlime touched upon, there's also a link between metal culture, which is rife with satanic imagery and content, and the leather scene.
  4. Ha! I don't remember starting this thread.
  5. These guys are fucking crazy. You have every right to be pissed off about them wasting your time.
  6. I'm another ass-loving bottom. Especially when they have a nice pair of balls dangling, like that 1st photo.
  7. Without HIV, all of us would be getting much more action. Without any STDs? We'd be swimming in all the cock and ass.
  8. I love that dirty, taboo aspect, which is why I prefer anon hookups with little to no conversation.
  9. I agree that you've got to move. No sense in standing on the shore, complaining about no nibbles...go to where the fish are.
  10. You've got to learn to shut off the negative thoughts that are racing in your mind when you're on your way to a hookup. It's natural to be a little nervous, but not if it's stopping you from doing what you want to do. The trick is, once you've arranged to meet and are on your way to his place, to recognize when those thoughts are arising and push them out of your mind. Don't think about them, just shut them out. Work, family? Nope, bye-bye. It takes practice to do this, but it works. Once you have his cock in your mouth and hands, then you are good to go.
  11. Given the frustrating number of big-dicked bottoms out there, I question the connection between cock size and role. I just saw a young guy with a big uncut cock on CL, and he was a bottom. There ought to be a gay law against that.
  12. ^ Do you the NoScript add-on? I have the same issue until I allow "ajax.googleapis.com". If not, try checking to make sure your Flash plugin is activated.
  13. They recently changed their positions, after spending the majority of their lives being against gay marriage. Were they hateful bigots before? I doubt many of their gay supporters would accuse them of that. BTW, when are Obama and Hillary going to protest and boycott Saudi Arabia, a country that arrests and even executes its gay citizens? Not to mention how they treat their women. Some civil rights champions...
  14. You realize there are gay Republicans, right? Ever heard of Log Cabin Republicans? There are also Republican allies like Ted Olson, who is one of the attorneys that got Prop 8 overturned. Before you give a pass to Democrats, you should review these videos:
  15. ^ Yep, this guy was a regular (or, I wanted him to be). Like you said, I didn't want to give the dirty details about why I couldn't meet right away. And yes, I want to make it easy and be ready as much as I can, but it's not possible without some arrangements being made. Set days/times, or an advanced e-mail saying "I want to fuck tonight" would be perfect. Unfortunately, I think he was turned off by my not being at his beck and call. He didn't get back to me until a few days later, and only after he had made a CL ad earlier in the day. It seemed like he was telling me to "fuck off", and only using me as a back-up when he couldn't find anyone else.
  16. LOL @ "dude!". Hope he comes back for more.
  17. ^ bearbandit: Just wanted to say thanks for all your valuable contributions to this board. You're always helpful and informative, and it's appreciated.
  18. Exactly. I could even deal with a 2-hour warning.
  19. What is it with tops who message you out of the blue and expect you to run over and take care of them immediately? Do they not understand that it takes some preparation in order to be fucked? We bottoms can't just pull down our pants and be ready at the drop of a hat...at least, it won't be very pleasant if we do. I just had to give the brush off to a guy like this, and I'm pissed off and depressed over it. He gives no notice at all, then doesn't get back to you if you try to work with him, and is out looking for other ass while he leaves you hanging. What a thoughtless asshole!
  20. Aging as a bottom is worse, no question. There are always young bottoms looking for daddies. Plus, the top/bottom dynamic serves an older top. If he has a big cock, he's golden. As a bottom, it seems no one will even answer your ad if you're older. I still look pretty good, so I put my hottest photo up and manage to get some takers. What's funny is, even older men are picky about getting younger guys. I can't count the number of ads I've seen where a guy in his forties specifies someone under 40. I think there's also a mindset that older bottoms are more likely to have STDs, or something. They've been fucking for years, so you'll probably pick something up if you fuck them.
  21. ^ Don't waste time! Get out there and do it. Many of us waited too long because of fear and lost prime fucking years because of it. Don't make that mistake.
  22. Topping would be my thing if I had a loose hole, sloppy with cum, available after I was done. It'd have to be a take-all-loads type, that's happy with a smaller cock that shoots fast. That's never the case though.(3). I go home and jerk off/fuck myself with a dildo and watch the load drip out.
  23. Got a load last night from a young 20-something I met off CL. He was a "only play safe" guy, but it didn't take much convincing to get him to go bare. He had a THICK 7-incher...wasn't easy taking it at first. I think he liked it, 'cause he came after 2-3 minutes. Hopefully we have a new member of our team.
  24. They must be super-fucking-hot to be making those demands.
  25. Hmm. That seems to confirm my feeling (or wishful thinking) that this is overblown. What's your opinion, TSG? Do you know anyone who has gotten stubborn gonorrhea? I've had the regular type a couple of times, and it was very unpleasant. I had put toilet paper in my underwear to absorb all the greenish discharge that was dripping out of my cock. LOL! Being like that for an extended period of time would be unbearable.
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