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Everything posted by pghpigbtm

  1. strangely moving and romantic! still shot a load while reading it tho. ;-)
  2. thanks for the feedback and responses guys. i truly am working on part 4 and hope to get it posted soon!
  3. damn! i just blew a huge load to this story. don't know how i missed it when it was originally posted, but props to ffoz for finding the story and putting it back on the top of the queue. hot hot hot!
  4. part 3 made for a fucking hot teaser. can't wait for part 4!
  5. definitely off to a great start. curious to see how the title will become evident as the story unfolds.
  6. sickhog, your descriptions of the transformations are amazing, i can picture every detail in my mind. keep on writing brother - i am enjoying every word! OINK!
  7. definitely want more sickhog! really enjoy your stories of transformation.
  8. fucking amazing! can't wait for part 2.
  9. i was raised as one of jehovah's witnesses. anyone else get to experience that twilight-zone-esque upbringing (pvt message me, let's talk)? can't even begin to describe that weirdness - it would take me weeks to get it all down, and more posts here than any of you want to read. i can say this (and if it strikes a chord with any of you, again, pvt me and let's talk): i was 10 or 11 when i first questioned the odd exchange described in Genesis Chapter 3 vs. 1-7 and the outcome, particularly the exceedingly strange words and actions attributed to "God" in vs. 22 and 23. i never got an answer that made any sense (at least within the convoluted logic of their teachings) but my "questioning" (and those bible versus - they form the kernel of my personal belief system to this day) began a long and convoluted personal journey of spiritual discovery that has left me a deeply spiritual person but not a religious one.
  10. it's hard to pick just one LOL! 1. not too long after our 1 year anniversary my partner and i were invited to a new years eve party by another couple we had befriended 2 weeks earlier at yet another couple's chistmas party. When we got to the party, one of the men offered us a tour of the house - beautiful, authentically restored 100 year old brownstone. As the tour was coming to a close, he grinned and said "one more part of the house to show you!" and led us to the basement. the couple had an elaborate play space set up complete with sling, fuck bench, completely dark spaces and a "maze" area constructed with hanging plastic sheets. i had never been to a private play party before and my cock immediately started getting hard. within an hour i was in the sling being fucked bare by one-after-another of the party guests. like a kid in a candy store i let my appetites run amok and my partner got seriously freaked out by his first encounter with the true pig that resides within the seemingly upstanding, pillar-of-the-community, straight laced exterior that is his partner. 2. An old friend/fuck bud who had moved out of the area more than 5 years earlier e-mailed me that he was coming into town on business and wanted to know if i wanted to meet for a drink after work one afternoon during his visit. i responded that that would be great and in a quick exchange of e-mails we set a date and time to meet in the lobby bar of the hotel where he would be staying (one of the highest end hotels in the city center). As we caught up over drinks it became apparent that the sexual energy was still quite strong between us. As we finished our drinks, we agreed to go back to his room for a quickie just for old times sake. As we were leaving the bar my buddy mentioned that he needed to take a piss and was going to use the lobby bathroom. i realized i needed to piss as well and so i followed him in. there was no one in the bathroom and as we were standing side by side pissing, my friend commented that it would be really hot to just grab me right then and there, pin me to a wall and fuck me. Thinking he was just voicing a fantasy (i was no stranger to public restroom sex, but i generally only frequented bathrooms that were well known to be cruisy - this one was not. and mainly fooled around in stalls where there was a least a bit of privacy) i chuckled and agreed. This was right at the point that i was finishing at the urinal and shaking my cock off so i wasn't really paying attention to my buddy who startled me by coming up behind me, wrapping one powerful arm around me as he yanked my pants down with his other hand. then hands shifted. one of his large strong hands was firmly planted over my mouth while the other planted his cock head (well slicked - apparently he had been lubing up at the urinal) at my hole and in one powerful thrust he buried his 7 1/2" cock balls deep in my hole. I let out a muffled scream and he pressed against my back, leaned his head in toward mine and told me to "shut the fuck up faggot or you are going to attract attention you don't want." a bottle of poppers had magically appeared in the hand he had covering my mouth and he urged me to take it and to take some hits. After taking 3 or 4 long deep draws from the poppers my buddy took the bottle from me and told me to jack myself off as he fucked me. he told me he wasn't going to cum in me until i shot my load, and the longer it took me, the more time there was for us to get caught. my cock was rock hard but i was also terrified of getting caught and i wasn't sure that i was going to be able to cum at all. but then the poppers hit, and all my fears vanished in the fog of intense horny desire that took me over. whispering, i begged him to fuck me and i grabbed my cock and started pumping. my buddy gave in to my begging and fucked me mercilessly holding me firmly against the wall. In less than 10 minutes i stroked myself to orgasm, spraying a huge load against the tiled wall of the bathroom. my friend quickly following with a load of his own deposited deep inside my gut. When my buddy pulled out, i clenched my ass to make sure his cum stayed where it belonged and i quickly bent over and sucked his cock clean. Once i had cleaned the residual cum and ass juices from his cock, my bud told me to get dressed fast so we could get up to his room as quickly as possible to continue the action there. just as we finished tucking in, buttoning up and fastening belts we heard the outer door to the bathroom open. We quickly made our way to the exit as a suited business man entered. back in the lobby another man was making his way to the bathroom and i grinned to myself knowing that inside the bathroom my freshly spattered load against the wall was adding a distinct twist to the restroom decor as the sharp smell of cum perfumed the air. both of the new restroom occupants would know exactly what had just happened in that restroom - they were just minutes too late to witness it with their own eyes.
  11. I'm with ya 100% bndbtm... Maybe what is needed in the Forums is a personal fantasy folder. But neither this post nor the previous post/thread "my ultimate fantasy" really belong in the fiction section.
  12. I do have a question Ravenholm.... it wasn't clear to me how planning a send off for his best friend led to the main character being in the position he found himself in in the main story. Can you explain further?
  13. Truvada is in fact two drugs (tenofovir plus emtricitabine) and it was my understanding that because of some of the issues with Truvada, Isentress (raltegravir - who comes up with these names, and who in the world thought that "isentress" was somehow more appealing as the commercial name of the drug than raltegravir???) is now the darling of the PrEP world because it is better tolerated than Truvada and because it accumulates better and persists longer in the genital tract than either of the drugs in Truvada. I was on a regimen of both of these drugs for three years and never had a single side effect from them. In addition, the combination knocked my VL to undetectable in less than 3 months. As has been pointed out several times now, side effects and effectiveness can vary significantly from person to person.
  14. i don't want to speak out of turn or sound like i'm speaking for the author, but i *think* the story is done - it was meant to end this way. that is part of what makes this such a good story. the reader gets to fill in the missing details, and extend the story how ever he wants - the only limits are the reader's imagination. i think this was intentional on Davy's part. Davy has done this same sort of thing with other stories he has posted and in my opinion this is a big part of the reason why Davy is one of the best story writers currently posting to the site.
  15. extremesex and BNSkin without question. totally loved the sleazyness on BNSkin and made many hot connections on that site.
  16. actually, a considerable percentage of the population has a sensitivity to latex. for most it is mild, for some it is a life threatening allergy. like some many have described here, when i am being fucked by a guy wearing a condom it quickly begins to feel like the condom is made of sand-paper. and the raw abraided feeling can last for 24, 48 even 72 hours. so also like so many others i now have a strict no condom policy.
  17. meh.....doesn't do much for me
  18. Davy, you are one of the best story tellers on here - always excited to see a new post from you on here. this one is nearly perfect in its construction and the really dark reality just hinted at at the end of the story.
  19. fucking awesome story. i really hope part 4 is coming soon!
  20. how is it that this story was posted 2 and 1/2 years ago, and only has one comment - from yesterday?!?!? that was a fucking hot story - can't believe other readers didn't leave a response. I'm just glad jankoslave had the patience to hunt this story down and post a comment bringing it back to the top of the queue.
  21. fuck man! i've blown more loads to this story than any other on here. can't wait for the next chapter!
  22. fuck - can't wait for the next chapter. the first installment was fucking hot!
  23. Ok, i agree - PozBearz' story was great, i can totally get how strong and special the bond could be between pozzer and pozzed. But did anyone else find the ending advice strangely reminiscent of the judeo/christian "save yourself for marriage" (or in its less preachy form, "until you are doing it with someone you really love") credo? It just struck me as odd. Playing safe as the new abstinence, and intentional pozziing between committed couples the new gay marriage..... Weird
  24. Hey guys, I posted this a while back in the "Sex with enhancements" folder, but a lot of guys have asked me about my experience being pozzed, and I try to refer them to this posting but always have trouble finding it. So I am posting the account here. With just a few minor changes "to protect the innocent" LOL this is how it happened. * * * * I guess it is time for me to tell the account of how I was pozzed. It was 1997, I was 31 and I had been chatting with a guy named Stan from San Francisco on-line (anyone remember IRC?) at the time chatting on-line was a strictly text based affair – though with some trouble you could ftp a guy’s pic. At 42 Stan was older than was I, but I’ve then always been attracted to older men, and Stan was really good looking with cropped salt-and-pepper hair and dark beard, hairy – just the way I like them! Anyway, in our chats the question of bare fucking had come up and I admitted that I fucked bare from time to time because I thought it was really hot, but that I was really selective about the guys with whom I did so, that I got to know them first, etc. He replied that he was the same way. After we had been talking for a few months I found out that I was going to be able to attend a conference in San Francisco for work and I excitedly let Stan know that I would be visiting his home town. He generously offered to let me stay with him, and I accepted. The conference was going to run from Wednesday until Saturday around noon and he said that Saturday afternoon he would show me around the Castro (where he lived) and we could hit some of the bars that night. Sounded good to me! I even arranged to take a personal day and fly back on Monday so that Stan and I could go out on Saturday night and not worry about me needing to get up early on Sunday for a flight. The conference came around and was actually one of the better conferences I’ve attended - I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Stan was a great host – helping me figure the public transportation system, and giving me a key so I could let myself in and out of his place. We even fooled around Thursday night. Nothing major, but it ended in a hot 69 and we blew loads down each other’s throats. On Saturday, true to his word, Stan showed me around the Castro and even took me out to dinner. When we got back to his place we went into the living room and Stan informed me that he had invited a few buddies over for a couple beers – then he said we would all hit the bars together. Once again, sounded good to me. Shortly after that the door bell rang and Stan let in this really hot looking guy who was probably around my age, but easily 6’3” and #215, also bearded with really hot green eyes. After introductions (I honestly don’t remember his name), Stan told us to get to know each other in the living room while he went and got drinks, going into the kitchen and was in there a while. I was having a good time talking with this new guy, so I wasn’t really paying attention. I remember hearing Stan talking on the phone, but I didn’t try to eavesdrop or anything – I was engaged with a guy I was hoping was going to fuck me later that night. Little did I know. Stan came back a while later with three beers and handed me one. He handed one to the other guy and then lifted his beer up and toasted to me and my visit. We all drank. I was looking to get a little loose, so I took several gulps fast before lowering my beer, and a couple more good swigs shortly thereafter. And that is when I began to feel it – a feeling that felt like I was getting really drunk. But I had only had half a beer! Sure, I gulped it down, but I knew myself. I didn’t get drunk that quickly. Turns out of course that Stan had drugged my beer and had been planning to do this all along. He hadn’t invited a few buddies over, he had invited 16 guys over. I came to learn that Stan was well known for his bareback parties – where frequently there was a "guest of honor" whom he lured in through the internet. This night I was that victim - errrrrr - guest. It didn’t take long before I was in a serious (but very pleasant) fog – Stan knew what he was doing in terms of dosing. I heard the doorbell ring and a couple more guys arrived. As he was answering the door, Stan called out to the other guy in the room, “Take him down to the basement. I’ll be down in a minute.” The guy lead me to a door and I compliantly went with him. My coordination was bad and I was really stumbling so the guy had me swing my arm around his shoulder and lean against him as we made our way to the back of the condo to a door. He lead me down some stairs and into a play area that Stan had not before shown me. There were a couple of slings, a platform with a queen-sized mattress on it covered in a black plastic sheet, and several other spaces with cushions and benches and stools where guys could pair or group off and enjoy each other. The guy I was with suggested I get undressed and try out one of the slings. I had no problem with that - seemed like exactly what I wanted to do! It took a little help from him to get my clothes off – my coordination was completely shot by the drug, but after a few minutes I was naked and he helped me into the sling. I heard the basement door open and shut and Stan was coming down the stairs. “Get him ready” he said and the other guy went over to a table and got what looked like a ribbon and a handi-wipe packet. The ribbon turned out to be a rubber tourniquet and the handi-wipe packet an alcohol pad. Next thing I knew the guy had my arm pinned under his arm and the tourniquet was wrapped around my bicep. Stan had a small syringe and he expertly found a vein and quickly injected me. I had never so much as even seen Tina before, much less slammed! When the other guy pulled the tourniquet off I felt the flash and rush, my heart racing, for a moment I thought I couldn’t breathe and then I was hit with the cough. Several coughs. I was sure I couldn't breath. There was a moment of panic but it was vague and removed - I guess because of the drug I had been given earlier. And then, dear god, the horniest feeling I had ever had rushed over me. I just started saying "Oh fuck me, oh fuck me, oh fuck me!" over and over again, and the feeling of need to have a cock in my hole was overwhelming. Stan, with a wicked smile on his face said, “Oh yeah, I think he is ready." As he put a little lube on my hole and on his cock he told the other guy to go ahead and open the door for the other party goers. My friend the bear climbed the stairs as Stan pushed his cock into my hole. While Stan was fucking me I watched man after man enter the basement. They all got naked, lots of them undressing themselves while keeping their eyes on the action taking place in the sling. Several guys egged Stan on and commented on the hot piece of ass he had found for this week's party. I have no idea how long Stan fucked me. I know several other guys fed me their cocks while he was fucking me, and I sucked them all gladly. Eventually Stan blew his load in my ass, pulled out and walked over to my head, saying "Suck me clean." I eagerly complied. As soon as his cock was planted in my mouth Stan asked to the crowd of guys "Who's next?" Another man quickly took up position at my hole and pushed in. I got fucked all right. From about 8:00 p.m. Saturday until about the same time on Sunday, all 16 guys invited to the party fucked me at some point. (At least so Stan told me when I chatted with him on-line a few days later when I was home – for me the night was mostly a blur.) While I don't remember much of what happened, I do remember a black man wish a huge cock taking his turn and screaming out in pain as he shoved his entire cock into me in a single violent thrust. But as much as it hurt, as soon as the screamed had exited my throat, I was begging him to fuck me. I loved that hurt! Another highlight was being double penetrated by two really beautiful muscle studs. Again, it hurt like hell, but this time I didn't scream I just begged for them to wreck my ass and flll it with their cum. In that on-line conversation I had with Stan days later (holy hell was the flight home torture - five hours in coach with an ass sore and still oozing blood from the abuse it had taken) he informed me that all of the guys who had been at the party were poz, several of them had full blown AIDS. Of course I was freaked out – but strangely not in a bad way. I know I probably should have been angry with Stan, but I wasn’t. I never did get the fuck flu, but at my regular four-month testing interval (about three months after the conference), I tested poz. I was online that very day sharing the new with Stan who congratulated me and welcomed me to the brotherhood. Strange thing – the greatest impact the experience had on me in terms of my behavior is that it actually scared me away from Tina for another 12 years! The intense rush I got that night was the most amazing thing I had ever felt. Way too fucking good to be natural. It was literally so good it scared the hell out of me. Even now that I am a regular partier - I still rarely slam. I can count on one hand the number of times I have done it since, and each time I do, I get a little uneasy - nothing should feel that good....it just isn't natural. Why do I have the feeling that I'll be doing slam #6 real soon?
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