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Everything posted by pghpigbtm

  1. lt is well worth the wait c-l-b. You write really well and you are developing a story line which does more than just get my dick hard, it keeps me wanting to know what comes next. so although i do get off reading your installments, that is a nice little bonus. it is the story that keeps me coming back.
  2. fucking hot installment GymGuy - i really like the way the action can be nasty kinky and raunchy at one moment and slow, erotic and passionate at another. you pull off both moods really well. please keep it coming!
  3. There's more to this, i can tell! Hope the next part is coming soon!
  4. yep - keeps getting better and better!
  5. hot video. but one question - why is this posted here?
  6. i second that opinion. more than hot - layered with emotion, posing real life landmark questions with moral and ethical ambiguity and answering them bravely without judgement or implied superiority; this story had more texture and dimension to it setting it apart from the other stories in this thread.
  7. You're not gonna leave us hanging, are you fyl? Your fans want more! This story is too good to leave like this!
  8. Fascinating....the twists in these installments were both unexpected and thought provoking. This story is unlike any other I've read on this site. Is there more to come? I can see the last installment as an ending intentionally leaving questions unanswered and "The Decision" unresolved. I can also see the last installment as being just the prelude to the real heart of the story. This is a remarkable story either way. Well done.
  9. no question, as time has passed, the writing on this site has gotten better and better. this story is just one example. don't get me wrong there are plenty of really hot stories that go back a ways, but in general i really do think the overall quality of communication and story telling has (and continues to) improved significantly. i'm looking forward to the next installment of this story for sure!
  10. sounds like he has given it a lot of thought and knows exactly what he wants.
  11. i've lost track of how many times i've read this one, and how many loads i've blown while reading it. no doubt there will be many more.
  12. so when i first saw the title to this story, before i started reading, the words immediately brought to mind a body modification that would aid in keeping bobby a boy, and i wondered..... regardless, this was another fucking hot installment and i look forward to the next.
  13. you did not disappoint BabyBobby - another great installment! and while i am really looking forward to the bathhouse chapter, i'm hoping you continue the story further and we get to read of the full transformation of the boy into a forever boy.
  14. chapter 6 was a perfect, slow paced (still incredibly hot) prelude to what we all know is coming next.....fuck! can't wait for chapter 7!
  15. i'll throw my voice in with the chorus - i really like the start to this story. it feels different somehow from many of the stories posted on here (which are fucking hot in their own right) and i'm looking forward to seeing how this develops.
  16. so glad you plulled this diary out hungreole! you're encounters are fucking hot! can't wait to read the next entry.
  17. so glad you have returned Red and that you have picked up where you left off. Can't wait to see how the parTy unfolds.
  18. well i am hopeful you will be posting more of those diary entries soon hungreole - if this first entry is any indication you have have some hot and piggy stories that need telling!
  19. when i was in Amsterdam, many of the bars had dark rooms that were truly dark like you describe MMM and i was in pig heaven! now, when i'm going to a bar or club or bathhouse with a "darkroom" that may not be truly dark, i simply take a blindfold with me. i'll search out a sling, fuck bench, mattress or other suitable place where i can assume an appropriate position and i put on the blindfold and get in place. it's not a perfect solution to the problem because it can't create those group effects you talked about like group loss of inhibition and almost mob-like group action driven by shared instinct. but what it does ensure for me is that i cannot see the cocks (or men) i'm servicing, and i have also found that the blindfold causes many men to lower their inhibitions and let them fuck harder and be more physical, be more aggressive or dominant, be more verbal, be nastier in their verbal performance, etc. i guess they figure they can really let loose and "do what they want" since i wont be able to identify them once the act is over. so in answer to the original question of the posting, yes. yes yes yes yes yes!
  20. you hit a homerun with part 1, can't wait to see how you're gonna top that in part 2!
  21. in equal parts genius and insane, in truth both inspired and entirely warped, in equal measure celebration of self and self loathing, in every way beautiful and pure while undeniably ugly and evil. you have captured the authentic contradiction grappled with by every cock-hungry, cumdump faggot pig out there, and you have done so brilliantly.
  22. loved the perspective the story is told from. fucking hot!
  23. don't apologize for being a non-native speaker my friend - you write really well and you tell a fucking hot story! thanks.
  24. love the way this story is unfolding in non-linear pieces. You're a great story teller Logan, can't wait for the next installment.
  25. every installment gets more twisted, nasty and degenerate. i fucking love it! thanks for one of the hottest stories on this site rawrawraw76 - keep it cumming.
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