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  1. Years ago, I created an account on a Mastodon server called humblr.social. I posted some, followed some. Months later, when I went back to check it out again, it was nowhere to be found. The whole server just vanished without a trace. No warning, no word from admin, nothing. Because the server ceased to exist, you couldn't retrieve and migrate your account to a different server, in other words, all your content, posts, followers, and followings were gone too. Years later, I decided to give Mastodon a second try, but this time around, I chose a more established server with a sizable user base that is less likely to disappear overnight like humblr.social did. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own Mastodon server for the BZ community. While it's not free or as simple as starting a Discord or a Telegram group/channel, anyone can create their own Mastodon server. All you need is a domain name and a hosting provider with email capabilities.
  2. Best Cumdumps is far from usable. It feels like you have to jump through hoops and loops to get what you want - a major turnoff for first-time visitors. Overall, Best Cumdumps site design feels like a web-uploaded google doc pdf with some images embedded in random places. Not good. IMHO, Cumdump Network's biggest competitor will be Sniffies. As far as site design, map design, user interface and experience are concerned, they hit the nail on the head. As a self-proclaimed UI/UX Nazi, I give Sniffies a firm 9.5 out of 10. Moreover, they have complete freedom from Apple's and Google's draconian App Store rules thanks to Sniffies' well-developed mobile interface. And with the latest tech advancements in Safari and iOS 16, soon Sniffies will be able to send push notifications to your iPhone without the need for a proper app on the App Store. Plus, their business model seems to work considering the amount of traction it's been gaining lately (also thanks to the pandemic). I wouldn't be surprised if Drag Race pit crew's Scruff underwear was replaced with Sniffies' in the near future.
  3. He's a church minister now, of all things.
  4. Saw this profile on Sniffies, gave me an instant hard-on
  5. My statement is directly from SFAF.org Link: [think before following links] https://www.sfaf.org/wp-content/uploads/PrEP-211-study-info-flyer-ENGLISH-final.pdf When they say "closer to 24 hours," that doesn't mean to take exactly 24 hours before sex. It just means that it's probably better to take, say, 18 hours before sex rather than 4 hours before sex. Peak concentration probably happens somewhere between 12 and 24 hours.
  6. Correct, 2 pills at least 2 hours before sex. They say 2-24 hours before sex. Closer to 24 hours before sex is better.
  7. Shaving my hole makes me feel sluttier. So yeah.
  8. Picking your favorite dick is like picking your favorite M&M: they all look different but taste equally delicious.
  9. Please add me to groups. My telegram username is on my profile.
  10. Would love to join BB groups. Hard to find them unless invited.
  11. Does anyone know if it's safe to get COVID vaccine shortly after MPX vaccine?
  12. At least in NYC, it's getting easier to get MPx vaccine. They've even stopped enforcing the minimum 10-week wait between the doses. Also, anyone under 18 is now eligible, too.
  13. It was, up until about mid-July. But been displaying MAINTENANCE sign ever since.
  14. Found this on reddit. Clever and funny.
  15. Oh, and for those New Yorkers who haven't been able to get their second shot, you can make your second dose appointment TODAY at 4PM.
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