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    breeding, corrupting, poz loads, WS, spun sex, point higher
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Looking For
    someone who dives in head first

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  1. When the weather warms up I would def be uup for a long weekend at Hillside.
  2. I could really use a camera guy. Specially if you're open minded and not squeamish.
  3. [think before following links] https://adonislounge.com/nyc/
  4. Yes. Many years ago I ran into him at a bathhouse. He was with his BF at the time who was a really cool guy who got off watching Dawson have sex with strangers. So Dawson and I flew into the stratosphere and spent a couple hours fucking each other. I remember eating his ass before fucked him and he was already pretty cummy. It waw real.y hot.
  5. SENTON HOTEL W. 27th Street
  6. Hot picture, fucker!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    1. bareversatileNLD


      Thanks, you are hot too 

  7. Same here. Nothing turned me on more than the secret initiation my neighbor pulled me into. I loved how hard and sweaty i got hearing him identify me as a deviant, faggot.
  8. Do you think it slowly unconsciously might bring them to cock worship?
  9. 3 guys. 2 i only found out after we fucked. 1 we planned a meeting in a park.
  10. yes. dirty. sleazy. charge by the hour. full of junkies and used rigs
  11. i want to join you and connect through my bag if rigs
  12. i only want raw twisted chemmed up unsafe breeding.
  13. CHAPTER FIVE I hadn't seen Manny in several years. Since he'd disappeared and left me waiting for him to pick me up at the airport at the start of what was supposed to be one of our weekends together. At first I'd tried for closure, calling and emailing him to find out what was wrong. But after 3 or 4 months of hearing nothing I decided I had to move on. My work sent me to a conference in San Diego and at the end of 5 days of mind-numbingly dull panels and workshops, I was ready to spend the last two days in town fucking my brains out. So I headed over to a bathouse a friend of mine had suggested, splurged for a room with a sling and started my weekend with a long soak in the whirlpool to unwind. I didn't have any drugs with me since I didn't know anyone in S.D. but I figured I could probably just see what I could find in a place where most of the guys were rumored to be tweaked out of their minds. My eyes were closed as i let my body sink down down down into the hot chlorinated bath until my entire head was submerged. I popped up, pushing the water from my eyes and hair and squinting to open them and look around. It was early on Friday evening. And the place was not crowded at all. But as my eyes came into focus, I noticed a beefy muscle daddy showering slowly and methodically directly in my line of vision. Turning around to soap up his crack, his pits, his foreskin, taking care to throughly cleanse and rinse almost every part of his body. After rinsing all the soap from every crack and crevice he turned to face me, a kind of dopey spaced out look on his face. He was almost smiling and he was staring at me and almost smiling. I felt my cock start to swell as I recognized that if he was looking at someone, I was the only person in the general vicinity of his gaze. I scooped some water from the tub and splashed it all over my face and head. It felt good to be so wet. Then I noticed one of his hands reaching behind him. It looked as though he might be fingering his hole or something. But the look on his face turned to one of deep concentration and exertion. What was he doing back there? Then his arm jerked fast out and down a few inches but stopped and I noticed his lips were parted and a long stream of drool was falling out of his mouth and down onto the shower floor. The hand stopped. But then more exertion followed and the arm jerked a few inches further away from his body only to stop dead again. When this happened a third time, I was finally able to make out the outline of a string of ben-wa balls connected with nylon which this daddy was coaxing from deep up inside his guts. Pop. Pop. Pop. And finally he pulled the string and the 5 huge metal balls up in front of his chest to be sure I saw what a good little pig he could be. And then he sniffed and licked and slurped the balls, savoring the flavor of his own pussy. It was clear to me then that this guy was definitely high on something. So I stood up, grabbing my towel and walked in his direction. I went right up to him. He looked like he had maybe forgotten how to walk cause he hadn't moved an inch from his spot. I caressed his cheek, pulled his toy up to my nose for a whiff and whispered "You look like you're in heaven." "Yeah?" "Yeah. I want what he's having," I added. And he kissed me and held his wrist up so I could read his room number. He needed help walking the halls and finding his way back to where he had come from. And I was more than happy to oblige. When we keyed into his room, I think he was not expecting what we found inside. A huge black football player lying on his back with a hot Latino pig bottom sliding up and down his raw greasy 13" fuck meat. It was a beautiful cock and a beautiful ass and not until I heard him moan did I recognize the bottom. "Manny?"
  14. i'm in nyc. dart pig. cum over and slam with me.
  15. are you kidding. thank you for fucking triggering me beyond belief.
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