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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. Love them, my favorite. Sign of a pro
  2. I did it yesterday, attempted today and will do again this week.
  3. http://vod.rawtop.com/dispatcher/starDetail?locale=es&starId=23014&theaterId=54013&genreId=102 And he has plenty of other movies with a very minor studio, Grey Rose, some of those were bareback http://vod.wilywilly.com/dispatcher/studioDetail?locale=es&studioId=19258&theaterId=55035&genreId=102
  4. One thing: People do not get immune to antibiotics: bacteria do. Big difference. Other than that, agreed.
  5. That's true for me many times. And I am not that sign. Any statement vague enough will fit almost everybody.
  6. I had a black guy who was into extreme humiliation. I whipped whim and called "history lessons". He was very happy
  7. I'd say that you are not in the best position to judge that. BF #1 knows BF #2 is here. They all understand and are happy with the situation. Life is complicated and we do the best we can to be happy and make others happy.
  8. The ones from Jenray.com were good.
  9. I always make a point of asking. I would tell him, no matter how hot sex is.
  10. You can opt not to read the Backroom section of the forum. I can do the change right when you tell me to. We try to curb every reference of chasing and partying outside those forums, we enforce the rules we have. You might not like those people, but they are here, and they are out there, I like to know they are around, so I can remember that when dealing with guys that look a bit out there. Live and let live. Soon enough they will be gone due to their choices. There's plenty of people like that in the forums, and I am glad to know them and call them friends.
  11. That looks like "In the Flesh " You can buy it here: http://vod.rawtop.com/dispatcher/movieDetail?movieId=156091&theaterId=54013&genreId=102 If you like porn like this, please support the creators.
  12. You need to be very patient. My last relationship before my current one(s) lasted 3 months only, and I was single for close to 5 years, just fucking men, never establishing a relationship until I found the right pig. It can be hard, but definitely I believe that it's better being alone, but having lots of friends and sexual partners rather than being in a stiff relationship that drives your friends away and limits your choice of partners.
  13. I met Bf #1 in New Orleans, we lived together for several months, after I pozzed. He helped me to understand better my new situation, he had been poz for 16 years at that point. I met Bf # 2 in Denver. We never lived together, but we became very interested into each other and he is a nasty sex pig. Bf #1 visited from New Orleans and we had a good threesome. When I moved down here, he started coming for 3 weeks every time, this is his 3rd time in a year and a half, so I promoted him to Bf status. I'ts bliss while he's here, but I work and he's on vacation, so it's complex. He and # 1 are seeing other people, and I doubt I will ever move to Denver or New Orleans, but anybody else showing up in my life will have to deal with the fact that I already have two special men that every now and then show up. It won't be easy if I find a local man (doubtful, considering my taste), but feelings are fluid and emotions can be changed, so, I can wait.
  14. 26 guys so far, about 15 loads. Boyfriend # 2 is around, we went to a sex party, fucked him and two more bottoms.
  15. WaterGarden was a bit boring, but it had very pleasant infrastructure and it was nice to chill out and rest there.
  16. I love this post. Many guys have this problem, specially hairy masculine men, and that's the kind of pig I love to breed. So, I get quite a bit of grateful, extremely good looking bottoms wanting to please me. Woof!
  17. I ordered using Jenray.com, they arrived, and tomorrow I will let you know about the quality, I get them tomorrow. They are really cheap.
  18. Funny you say that. My first guy that wanted no condoms at all was in Toronto. I said no, as I was into safer sex then. This was 2006, 2 years before I got poz.
  19. Might have been meningitis. I doubt it was that flu strain, since we are in summer here, not as likely.
  20. Thanks a lot for your words and wisdom. That sure has made me think a lot. But he had a quick, mostly painless death, not a long, bed-ridden agony. So, he got most than most of us are going to get in the end. He was a loved friend, one of my first friends here.
  21. 38, 10 years poz
  22. A friend of mine died, very suddenly, over the weekend. On Thurs he was fucking, on Fri he went to the hospital, on Sat he died. I went to see him to the cemetery today. I was told that it was a respiratory arrest, maybe caused by pneumonia. AFAIK, he was taking his meds religiously and had been in therapy for years. Any clue what could have happened to him?
  23. Inn Leather is great, I love it. My boy always gets me a room there, and since I am a top, I end up getting plenty of ass.
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