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Provincetown, Provincetown, Provincetown. I wouldn't live anywhere else.

Great sex, a small community that looks after each other, crazy fun in the summer, and lots of guys my age. Very little of the UB2 crap here (except during circuit week in the summer). Stunning beaches, lots to do outdoors (whether sport or sex), and a walkable place where you can get by easily without a car. My main mode of transport is a bicycle, even in the winter. It's immaculately clean, incredibly safe, and gay as can be.

This place has its share of small-town drama, but I enjoy sitting back and watching it unfold rather than getting all worked up about it. It has good health care and lots of support services for folks with HIV. And with ferry service and its own little airport, it's easy to get to Boston, NY or anywhere else for a break.

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my small town with a large college (40,000 students) sucks ass, full of hot college bois, but they want young dick (understandable), older guys (40+) want young dick and the older guys who don't want young dicik want the older guy to be picture perfect and have everything work. so if you're old, plain and can't get up then you are shit outta luck. :-/

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I live in St. Louis. Its a very conservative Catholic-based community.

I've seen photographs of the Cathedral in St. Louis, Toxiclover. Hope I get to see it in person some day. It is absolutely stunning. I've never seen such an amazingly all-encompassing installation of mosaics.

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I love New York. It suits me - felt like home within months of moving here 22 years ago. The opportunities are incredible here. When they say "if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere" that's not quite true - other places just don't have so many ways to succeed. Granted, a lot of it is timing and luck. For example, my bf and bought into the right building and the right neighborhood at the right time. When we sold our place 11 years later we made more off the sale than we had spent in maintenance and mortgage over that time - so we basically lived for free. And that set us up for the place we're now renovating that's an even better deal. Then again, New York can be a brutal place too - it's expensive and if you don't have your act together things can go wrong very quickly.

New York is also incredible at protecting gay people. Sexual orientation discrimination is dealt with pretty harshly here. Gay bashings are rare, but when they happen the police and DA are pretty good about charging it as a bias crime (at which point sentences get doubled). There's also a good safety net for poz guys who are poor.

Politically New York is very liberal and sane (with the exception of Staten Island). 85%+ voted against George W in both elections. We're so friendly to illegal immigrants that poz illegals can get public assistance (housing & medical care).

New York is also remarkably tolerant. Yes, with 8 million people, some bad things happen. But there are so many different groups that no one is the majority and people genuinely understand the importance of diversity. Doesn't mean they love all the other groups - but they understand that everyone should have the right to live in peace and pursue their dreams. And you rub shoulders with so many different types of people that people learn that it's the individual they have a problem with, not the group - at least they understand that better than they do in most places.

Sexually New York could be a little better - we could have good bathhouses, we could have sex in bars - but we don't have any of that. Yeah, some guys have a little sex at the Eagle, but then the monitor comes around and stops it. Still, there's enough guys in NYC that you can usually find someone to hookup with if when you're looking.

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There's not much to love about Oakland, but we have a great house for much less than a small apartment in San Francisco, and the city's only 20 minutes across the bridge by bus, subway or car. And, unlike S.F., we do have something approaching a summer here...

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There's not much to love about Oakland, but we have a great house for much less than a small apartment in San Francisco, and the city's only 20 minutes across the bridge by bus, subway or car. And, unlike S.F., we do have something approaching a summer here...

20 minutes away and you have a different summer? :P

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toronto canada here. decent baths with more public sex than most US baths i have been to and Higher percentage of uncut guys. very ethnically diverse. So if you like getting fucked by uncut men of colour in front of crowds in darkrooms (hey, I do!) it is a good scene.

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Boston is a great city for culture, architecture, history, restaurants, sports, it is fairly easy to get aorund.(and it is really easy to get to NYC for a weekend) but if you love the weather in LA you most likely will not like it here (I realy like having 4 seasons)... BUT.... the guys are know for being rude,,, there are not very many bars left (partly becasue you can go anywhere now,,,, and also becaue MH killed them all off) no sex clubs, (Providence has 2 but that is 45 min away,,,, but being from LA you may think that is close) and only one ABS,,, and that is kind of hard to get to,,,, but it does havea failry large bb community

I would be interested to hear from someone in Chicago.... (also great culture, architecture, etc) (arguably worse weather than Boston).... but being in the midwest,,,, friendlier guys?

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NO! Los Angeles is highly overrated. Cannot wait to be back in NYC where the real men and real pigs are. This city is a joke; especially what they try to pass off as a hardcore gay scene. NYC is fucking kickass; cant wait to get back.

Dido for San Francisco. NYC is the best. Can't wait to be back there full time. The gay scene may have been cool here in 1975 - not anymore.

Edited by YngBBTop
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