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becoming a bb bottom behind bars


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“Step up to the blue line and look at the camera,” I shuffled forward and tried my hardest to form an expression that conveyed innocence and remorse all at once. Blinded for a moment by the flash, I wondered how I’d gone from drinking with my friends at our favorite dive bar near campus, to barefoot and high as a kite, awaiting processing of my arrest. When the cop pulled me over less than a block from the rundown off-campus housing where I’d gone with my friends Nick and Drew to pick up some party supplies for the gang this weekend, we were smart enough to quickly swallow anything we had on us. Sadly I had no idea that my roommate had left his bag under the back seat, and that it contained a half-empty prescription for a serious pain killer. Chances are the officers were disappointed that’s all they found since I suspect they were staking out the guy who we bought from. Normally, they’d have probably confiscated the bottle, and written me a ticket and released us. Unfortunately, these particular officers are assigned to the smallest branch of the state police force, charged with the safety of my tiny college town, and its population of under 20,000 people, meaning they were hungry for a bust. I explained that my roommate would happily claim the pills if they’d call him, but instead they cuffed me, and booked me for possession of a controlled substance, fulfilling their nightly quota.

“Turn and face the red x on the wall,” the young Hispanic clerk barked, before blinding me again. My vision faded back while I was led to the cells by the massively tall Italian cop who’d pulled me over. We passed his partner, a shorter lean white ginger, as he dragged Nick into the processing area behind me. His charge was even flimsier than mine, as they found an empty baggy and trimmed drinking straw in his coat pocket, but it was enough to hold him overnight, so he was stuck here too. Drew had lucked out, swallowing his share, baggie and all, meaning they had nothing to hold him on. Hopefully he was able to find my roommate and drive my car back to the dorms before it all kicked in. My share of the loot was a small bag of tina, and a cap of something Andre, the dealer, had referred to only as “G.” I felt the G almost as soon as I was put in the back of the squad car, praying I could hold it together until the Tina kicked in and balanced it out. I had never done either before that moment, but had fucked a few girls who’d been on them and knew their effects well enough to know some of what to expect. It must have taken awhile for the tina to digest because I started to feel the kick right as Officer Tutelli opened another door and introduced me to the fluorescent glow of the holding cells.

“Lets step in here kid, watch your toes” Tutelli, or “Tut” as he’d told me to call him was actually pretty nice considering I was being charged with a felony. I marveled at how easy he swung me down onto a bench in the middle of this small cinder block and pexi-glass pen. “Sorry to have to do this but you need to strip naked so I can check you for weapons and substances.”

The thought of Tut’s fingers and eyes inspecting my naked body wasn’t nearly as upsetting as it might have been if I’d been sober. Imagining his strong tan hands sliding up between my legs and down into my ass crack was actually turning me on as I got down to my undershirt and briefs. Suddenly it hit me that he’d be able to see if I was hard, but glancing down I was relieved to see I wasn’t even close. In fact I seemed smaller than usual and the pumping lust I felt seemed more concentrated in my asshole.

“Stand up and come here.” I walked to his chair, my cock only inches from his face, though still separated by my thin briefs. It never crossed my mind that he should put on gloves or have another officer present, all I could think of was how nice his fingertips felt as he spread out my fingers and toes. He slid them from my ankles to just below my balls before making me lift my arms so he could stroke them down my biceps, through my pit hair, and around the trails of chest fuzz on my pecs and abs.

“I need you to be honest with me now about something. It’s so I know where to place you for your protection in regards to any other inmates. I need you to tell me if you are sexually attracted to men.” His voice was so low I could feel it vibrate in my stomach as he peeled my hands from my crotch and slid the front of my briefs below my balls. I shook my head no. “I think you are lying. I am not asking you if you have a boyfriend or take it up the ass. I just need you to be honest and admit that you have tried it before and might be inclined to try more.”

I’d experimented a few times with dudes at that point, twice in MFM threesomes with my ex-girlfriend, and a few times with a TA from my micro-econ class. He was nothing much, just an average late-20’s grad student, but I’d sensed he was into me when we broke into groups and discussed minority economic values. My group was covering homosexuals, and he was extremely willing to offer his help with lists of fetish gear, sex toys and products that were created and marketed solely for gay men. That same weekend I bumped into him at a party hosted in a large house split into 4 or 5 apartments. He fed me drinks all night and then asked if I would like to see some examples of gay-market products. It turned out he lived right below the party and was very happy to show me some porn and try on a leather jock and harness for me. I sucked him off a few minutes later and he returned the favor. After avoiding him for a few weeks, I ran into him again at a bar and we’d ended up sucking each other off regularly a few days a week since then. Last weekend, I’d even managed to get my cock in his ass for 10 seconds before I shot all over his hole. I apologized and he reassured me that maybe I was meant for the other end. I laughed at the thought, sure I would never let anyone or anything pierce my virgin hole. Suddenly, as my briefs dropped to my ankles and Tut spun me around, I was having doubts about remaining a virgin back there. I quietly told him he was right.

“I thought so. I need you to bend over, spread your ass cheeks and cough.” I did as he said, part of me disappointed that he didn’t need more. He asked me to cough again, and simultaneously I felt something wet hit right above my hole on my cheeks. I tried to turn around and stand straight but Tut was now on his feet and was able to keep me still with one well-placed hand.

“It’s KY, gotta be thorough,” was all he said before I felt one of his thick fingers pushing the liquid against my hole until it broke through, impaling me up to his second knuckle. “Nothing there…yet. You really are new to men.” He pulled his finger out with a plop and told me to stand against the wall. Looking down I couldn’t believe it when I saw that I was finally semi-hard, but only because of his finger in my hole. I waited there while he searched my clothes and put them in a bag, informing me I’d have to wear a jumpsuit instead of my jeans, since they had a bunch of zippers and buttons that could be used as weapons. He stepped out of the booth and grabbed a dark green jumpsuit and a pair of boat shoes, all imprinted with the name of the county jail. He set them on the bench, but gave me a look when I reached for them that told me not to get dressed yet, before calling in his partner, who I learned was named O’Malley.

“This one is ready to be processed, bring in the other.” Nick was brought in and I turned bright red trying to cover my junk as he openly stared. I was humiliated knowing he was seeing me so vulnerable until he too was asked to strip. O’Malley was much more business-like with Nick than Tut had been with me, using gloves and remaining standing the entire time. When the time came for his privates to be searched, O’Malley asked Nick to lower his boxers to his knees. I almost asked why he got to keep his boxers when I was forced to wait naked, but I forgot all about it when Nick’s hard 8 inch monster uncut cock sprang from his boxers and thwacked against his tight abs. O’Malley quickly and calmly lifted Nick’s balls before asking him to bend over and cough which he did. I glanced around the room to see where the KY was for Nick’s fingering, when I realized there wasn’t any in the room. My eye caught the smirk on Tut’s face as he licked his finger before turning to the next page in the booking report.

“For your safety, we encourage you to volunteer any information about your sexual orientation, religious beliefs, gang affiliations or medical history. This better helps us place you away from possible cell mates who might take offense or react violently to such information. Any thing you wish to volunteer at this time?” My heart sank at the idea that Tut had called out my bi tendencies so easily.

“Nah, I’m good.” Nick said, absent mindedly pulling his hard cock away from his abs, leaving a string of pre-cum between his piss slit and the light blonde treasure trail from his 6 pack to his sparse, slightly darker pubes. “Don’t mind my bone, I had plans to take care of it with my girl tonight before this happened, but I guess it’ll have to wait.”

“it better wait son,” Tut warned. “Lots of guys come in here hopped up on shit and go from straight to ‘a hole is a hole’ once they are stuck in a cell over night. Just remember the guys in with you are gang members who would kill you for lookin at them wrong. Now get dressed before I make you go in there naked.”

We both dressed, me in the jumpsuit, my t-shirt, briefs and the boat shoes, and Nick in his own shorts, wife-beater, boxers and a similar pair of well-worn slip-on boat shows. Somehow he managed to pull up his boxers and shorts last and my eyes never left Nick’s raging hard on until it finally disappeared under them, as O’Malley and Tut chatted in the corner.

At that point, Tut took over our placement, cuffed us again and walked us back into the main cell area, stopping to uncuff and assign Nick to a floor-to-ceiling pexiglass cell that looked to be about 15 x 15, with benches along each side and padded mats stacked opposite a toilet and water fountain on the back wall. Nick seemed nervous when he looked at the two drunks sharing his cell, but I was relieved that all the talk of gang-members was just to scare us. I tried not to verbally groan at the thought of us being separated when Tut made it clear I wasn’t going to be in this cell. Instead he had me follow him down a long hall to a newer portion of the jail which connected to the long-term cells, which housed the rare local criminal charged with up to 90 days. Luckily they each had their own cells on the next level up, so right now I was the only resident of a cell twice the size of the one Nick was in. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this cell had benches not just along the walls, but a row in the middle as well. Plus the toilet and drinking fountain were tucked behind a small partition, giving me at least a little privacy. Tut told me he had to finish my paperwork, but in about 30 minutes most of the staff would be going home, leaving him as the only person on duty for this area. As he walked away I stared intently at his tight blue slacks, hoping to see a sign that his cock might be hard in them.

I picked a spot half way down the back wall of benches and found that I could only be seen from the chest up. This encouraged me to reach back into my jumpsuit and fondle my cock and balls. I still didn’t seem to be able to get hard, so I decided to see if I could jumpstart my dick with a little finger play around my hole. I hit the can quickly to be sure my ass was clean, and was surprised at how easily my soapy finger bottomed out in my tiny hole. My cock started to throb to hardness while I worked the finger in and out, imagining my girlfriend’s tits, but accidently including Nick’s hard cock or Tut’s open shirt revealing his thick mat of black chest hair and O’Malley’s shirt sleeves stretching across his broad shoulders and biceps, before sinking down into the small waist of his pants. I looked towards the entrance to be sure I was alone and realized, from this seat, I could see all the way out the windows opposite the cell, and into the windows of the older part of the building, including the officer’s booth and the room where we’d be stripped searched.

By the time I’d gotten to full mast, I had two fingers in my ass and a third knocking at the door. Just in time, Tut stood up from the officer’s station computer, and walked out. I tried standing a little taller to catch a glimpse of where he went, but there was no need. Less than a minute passed before Tut and the Hispanic clerk led two young men into the strip room. Both around my age or maybe a few years older, one was white, as tall as Tut, covered in tats and shredded. His 6 pack had a 6 pack. The other was a black guy, a few inches shorter, but probably still taller than my 6 feet, with a couple tattoos. He wasn’t as ripped but had way more muscle mass. He probably could have ripped me in half like a phone book. My cock was twitching in anticipation as they disrobed. I would guess most men would probably be too short for me to see much other than belly buttons and up, but these two were just tall enough that as each pulled out his dicks, I could see all of Whitey’s Dick, including the snake tattoo running the length, and all but the very low-hanging head of the black guy. I moaned outloud and worked the third finger in. A ding signaled an elevator door opening from the corridor past my cell that led to the upper levels. Scrambling to pull up my discarded briefs and jumpsuit, I accidentally caught my foot in the ads of the briefs, ripping it open an out an inch right where the rear fabric meets the fly. I barely got them to my knees, and sat back on the john as a chubby latino guard rounded the corner and did a head count of 1, me, and radioed it to the guard station. I don’t know a lot of Spanish, but I did manage to get him referring to me as the ‘maricon’ with la pingita Bonita, Aka the fag with the pretty little prick. Shamed, I remembered myself, and pulled on my clothing. Drugs might have made me horny and clouded my judgment, but I wasn’t going to go queer just because my hole felt hungry. I just managed to get my jump suit back on when the two thugs, now redressed, rounded the corner.

“Hey Charlie, you’ve got roommates now. This is Derrick and Dante, in to sleep off their buzz, but I think they can do it better with you than in the tank. They will keep you company while you enjoy the view.” Tut directed them inside the cell and flashed another knowing smirk. He must have seen me watching the step search. This guy should be a detective. Before Tut had even finished locking the door, Derrick and Dante proceeded to shed their shirts and saggy shorts leaving Derrick in a wife beater and boxers, and Dante in just his boxer briefs, which did nothing to hide his black anaconda from my indiscreet eyes.

“tut was right, you are one of the brotherhood, ain’tcha?” Derrick was opening groping his tattooed cock through his ratty boxers as he wondered over and sat right next to me.

“what? Brotherhood? I dunno what you…” I trailed off when Dante joined in the fun but massaging his growing lump.

“its cool son. Tut told us you like Dick sometimes. Don’t mean you a faggot, just means you need a bro to reload yo tank wit baby batter.” Dante revealed the head of his uncut black monster from the leg of his undies as he finished explaining my urges, which only furthered my belief that this had to be a dream.

“I’m not, I mean, I don’t do that shit man. That officer, tut, he is fucking with me is all. I got a girl on campus and I’m just high right now.” It took me a moment to realize I was still watching them jerk while I clung desperately to my hetero life.

“I feel dat Charlie. My first time tryin Tina, I was pounding this sweet teenage cunt for 10 hours straight before she passed out. Hitchin my way home, this queen ol white faggot agrees to trade me a ride if he can swallow this shit,” Dante took this opportunity to extract his full 9 inches of uncut mahogany. “so I pounded his throat and pussy for another 4 hours. Now I get all my crystal free from ol fairies like dat, and I get to bust a nut on they face too.”

“looks like this preppy asshole is still getting used to partyin with cousin Tina, Dante. Yo chuckie, how long you been partyin?” Derrick lowered his boxers and pulled out a thin 7 inch cut woody with the snake now fully exposed. His cock was not as big as Dante’s, but his balls were gigantic, and somehow he’d managed to keep his prince albert even though I’m sure that should have been confiscated during his search.

“what time is it? 2ish? About 4 hours.” I couldn’t help it, I unzipped my jumpsuit and slid it to my waist.

“nah bro, not how long this trip, how long since you first partied ever?” Derrick took the opportunity to reach over and pull my shirt up, uncovering my 4 pack and decent pecks, all covered in downy chestnut hair. He began to stroke my nips and run his tattooed fingers through the fuzz.

“about 4 hours. Hypothetically if I was high, which I would never be, especially in jail, then hypothetically I might have had to swallow some Tina and g. But if anyone is listening or if either of you is working for the police, again, this is all hypothetical.” Dante chuckled at my paranoia, and came over to my other side.

“Damn Charlie man, it’s your first party and you are spending it like this? That’s not cool dawg. Dante, you think you can talk T into a visit upstairs?” Derrick said, scooting closer so his arm was around my shoulder. Dante nodded and reached down into my jumpsuit, firmly grasping my ass before winking at me and walking to the Plexiglas door and pressing a small button. It dawned on me that the button would call Tut or whoever else was on duty, and I asked if we should get decent. Both guys laughed at me.

“what’s up D? Ah, I see you are warming up the rookie I lined up for you, you guys can’t think I still owe you more?” Tut had unbuttoned his top three buttons on his uniform shirt and had obviously been working his cock, which I could finally make out in his blue slacks. I was extremely confused when he mentioned owing Dante and Derrick, since they were locked up and yet I was beginning to learn that nothing was what I expected here.

“nah pig, you done fine by me, but dis boy is in on his first party ride and you know dat shit ain’t right. You think he needs a trip up top? Seems fair since you was da reason he took it in da first place.” Dante must have convinced Tut, because he immediately opened the cell and told me to pull up my jumpsuit but keep it unzipped. He cuffed me and led me back into the hall, radioing O’Malley as he firmly directed me to the elevator I’d heard buzz before.

Part two

Moments later I found myself inside the jails main surveillance room, a dark windowless room with a few dozen screens making up one wall and a few desks with individual viewing stations spread through it. On the elevator ride up I’d assumed we were going to a private cell on the 2nd or third floors for privacy. Tut showed me on the screens in front of him that the only places where the cameras couldn’t see consisted of the back row of my holding cell, one corner of the guards’ station and this very room. That was why he brought me up here to do what he had planned. My mouth was watering at the thought he might let me suck on the still mysterious bulge in his trousers, but no such luck. Imagine my total surprise when he whipped out an odd looking pipe and a small bag of crystals identical to those I’d swallowed earlier, except 4 times as many.

“if I’d known you were a virgin with this too, I’d have snuck you up here as soon as I got this stuff from Dante.” He said, while demonstrating how to light the pipe. I’d only smoked pot a few times, so this was entirely foreign to me, which is why I thought he was kissing me when he pulled me close to shotgun the smoke into my mouth. I got the drift when the cloud was blown in my face and caught the last of it before Tut really did pull me in for an urgent kiss.

Removing my cuffs, and handing me the pipe, tut explained once more how to light it. I thought I was doing well until he saw my exhale, and demanded I get a hit ‘like a man.’ So he held it and lit it for me, and that inhalation was so big I almost passed out. We passed the pipe a few more times before I really started to feel it, at which point I forgot to be straight, and reached for Tut’s bulge.

“hold on Charlie boy, I’ll get it out for you to play, if you’ll lose the suit and let me see that bubble butt again.” He didn’t have to ask me twice. I was stripped to my briefs before he’d undone a single button on his fly, allowing me to take over and rip it open. Onside he wore a jockstrap which was stretched to capacity with the biggest Dick I’d ever seen. 9 inches at least and as big around as my fist, this meat was perfect. I worked the tight foreskin down over his head a few times, eliciting a moan. He followed my groping with some of his own, stretching a hand behind me and pressing it between my cheeks in search of my hole. When he realized the fresh rip allowed him to get his fingers inside me, he almost took me right there on the floor of the dark room.

Instead he bent me over a desk and tore the briefs further so he could eat my hairy butt. I thought it was a weird idea until I felt it happening and finally understood that I was destined to be a bottom bitch after that moment. Once his tongue had me loosened, Tut whipped out the crystals once more and inserted a couple directly into the spit-sloppy sphincter.

“once those melt, you’ll be ready for me to pluck that cherry. In the meantime, we gotta get you back downstairs before Derrick and Dante flip out over me taking their toy.” Tut rebuked his pants and I stepped back into the jumpsuit. Some quick thinking before we left inspired him to take some scissors and slice the rear end of my jump suit, so he could have three fingers working my rosebud all the way back to the cell. Once we checked that we’d gotten everything, I looked up once more at the monitors and caught Nick balls deep in the throat of some young twinky looking drunk in his cell. Hopefully he’d have enough left over to give me a shot at it too.

As soon as the door to the cell shut, Dante and Derrick could tell I was spun to a new level. Before either one could say one more word to convince me to try sucking their dicks, I was already on my knees behind the middle bench, working my first ever black cock into my throat.

“aw fuck yeah faggot, suck that Dick.” The Tina had dried out my throat, otherwise I was damn near positive I could have had him all the way to the short and curlies. I only pulled off somi could try the snake on my other side. Somehow I’d expected I’d choke on the ring dangling from Derrick’s Dick head, but it seemed just as easy as Dante’s. Meanwhile, Dante discovered the easy access panel on my butt and began working his fingers inside me.

“puck Derrick, this cunt has been prepped wit a booty bump I think. I bet I could get his cherry.” Dante began to work his cock through the cloth barriers towards his fingers, when O’Malley’s voice stopped him.

“you do that and Tut will break it off. He claimed this one as soon as he saw him outside Andre’s. Besides, you guys need to cool it. Hector is on his way down for his last headcheck before we dim the lights for the night.” Both guys hurried to dive back into their street clothes while I wobbled to the bench. Sure enough O’Malley had just turned the corner towards the old building when we heard the elevator ding and Hector appeared from the other direction.

“unos, dos, tres in cell b,” he read into his radio. “time for bed chicas.”

He laughed at his own joke before hitting the switch which shut down all but a third of the overhead light fixtures. Once we were clear, my thug cellmates took off everything and began tag-teaming my throat.

“damn bro, he’s already got me close.” Derrick said right before we heard the cell door unlock.

“Good, let him get you off, but just pull out before he swallows it. I want you to shoot on his hole so I don’t ruin him on his first go around.” I didn’t need to look to know that the voice belonged to Tut, or that the following clomps and rustles were from his clothing hitting the floor.

“fuck Tut, I been waiting years to see you seed some ass, get that ramrod over here and make dis bitch scream. Is O’Malley coming too?” Dante moved out of my sight, leaving only Derrick and his sweaty, rippling tattooed muscles. I heard Tut begin to explain when O’Malley would be joining us, only to be interrupted by the announcement that Derrick was gonna shoot. Quicker than a speeding sperm load, Derrick whipped me around and bent me over the bench. I jumped when he managed to rip the jumper and briefs even further, and got his piercing and most of his dick head inside me. He might have gone further, but not with a hole as tight as mine and how close he was.

“FUUUUUUUUCCCKKK BITCH HERE IT CUUUUUUUMS!” I felt very little actual response in my hole considering how long his grunts and thrusts continued. It was almost a full two minutes before his soft head slid back out. I reached back to feel if there was any difference and was rewarded with a slimy, sloppy open butthole. Tut and Dante wasted no time in getting me on my back on the center bench, with Tut between my legs and Dante straddling my head.

Tut’s cock must have grown another half inch to an inch since I’d seen it before, but there was no chance to double check since Tut slammed most of it inside me on his first thrust. In spite of the rimming, fingering and booty bump, I was still a virgin teenager, and I screamed bloody murder until Dante’s cock shut me up.

Once Tut managed to slide it all the way in, it took no time at all to work his way up from slowly working a few inches at a time, to pounding me balls deep like a jack rabbit. Somewhere in my drugged haze I heard Tut welcome O’Malley and another guy in to watch ‘some bitch’ (me) get his v-card punched. O’Malley responded with something funny about my hole definitely ‘getting punched,’ but I couldn’t really see or hear anything with Dante’s legs around my head. I never wanted either of them to stop, but Tut had other plans, pushing Dante away so he could lean in close over me and look me in the eye when he informed me he was seeding my hole. The sound he created as he dumped a gallon of jizz up my guts, was somewhere between a cry and a roar. Unlike Derrick’s deposit, I didn’t need to reach down to be sure Tut was cumming inside me, each pulse of sperm caused his cock to expand and contract against my prostate. I reached for my aching, stiff rod, but Tut told me no. I tried to lock my legs around his neck to keep him inside me, but Tut easily overpowered me, and told Dante to resume fucking my face while he got the next dude to tuck my sweet creamy hole. I had no idea who else was now in the room, since my vision was blocked by Dante’s massive meat in my face or by Tut’s hulking hairy chest.

I decided I could care less who the next Dick in me was once it lined up with my hole and sank in. I wondered if this cock belonged to O’Malley since it was almost as big as Tut’s and his was the only one I hadn’t seen. My anticipation was short lived when Dante dismounted to keep from cumming too soon. Looking up I immediately recognized the blond thin body that was violating my raw buns as belonging to “Nick!”

His closed eyes popped open when I cried out his name, and his first response was to pull out. Just in the ‘nic’ of time ;) I managed to grasp his hips and pull him back in, insisting he continue pounding me.

“holy shit Charlie. They told me you were upstairs. They said there was a cumdump in here for me to seed and I was so fucking horny bro, I swear I had no idea it was you. I didn’t even see you until” I leaned forward and pulled his tee shirt until he was close enough that I could make him shut up by shoving my tongue in his mouth. That was too much for poor Nicky, and 30 seconds later I took his load right along side Tut’s and Derrick’s. He barely caught his breath when Dante tossed him off my ass and took over. I yelled out something about discussing it later before being force fed O’Malley’s red-framed 7 inch cut slab.

Before the next shift came in at 6am, I managed to take 11 loads. I swallowed one each from O’Malley and Dante, and was bred by two from nick, two from Tut, two from Derrick, and one from Dante, O’Malley and some random inmate from upstairs who bred me doggy style. My first time bottoming and I never even saw one of the men who bred me. Once the morning shift arrived, I was processed and released on bond. Nick and I were awkward for the next few weeks until we had to appear in court. The night before we were set to go in, we got together to verify we had all the necessary paperwork. He was in my room for less than five minutes before he had my legs over my head and began working his Dick in my tight hole. Thank goodness my roommate was gone that night, because Nick stayed over and continued breeding me until we left for court.

It turns out the evidence was filed incorrectly, and we both got off Scott free. Officer Tutelli was kind enough to come inform us in person at the court house. He also informed us that we could get picked up for drunk and disorderly whenever we felt like coming back for seconds. We took him up on that offer then and there. What followed was three days of gang-bangs and drugs that finally settled it. I plead guilty on all counts of being born a bottom bitch boy

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