seekingsomeaction Posted October 4, 2014 Report Posted October 4, 2014 Yes please, share more SOON!!!
tmhtd Posted October 4, 2014 Report Posted October 4, 2014 Fucking HOT story....cant wait to watch him being turned into a tina whore
MackyJay Posted October 27, 2014 Report Posted October 27, 2014 Love this story and it is way overdo for the next chapter.
RotzBBengel Posted November 15, 2014 Report Posted November 15, 2014 Fuck, I love your stories... Agree. Just as good as yours...
whorepig Posted December 14, 2014 Report Posted December 14, 2014 Now that is the kind of landlord to have, taking care of all your needs..........:-)
glen Posted February 1, 2015 Report Posted February 1, 2015 Fuckin hot story..looking to read chapter 2 and turning Derek on to Cock! 1
denVERScub Posted March 23, 2015 Author Report Posted March 23, 2015 Part 2I expected Derek to avoid me for awhile, maybe quit working in the office, perhaps even pack up and move out. After his disappearing act that night, nothing would have surprised me except for what happened. The next afternoon, only a few minutes after his usually scheduled shift was to begin, in walked Derek, apologizing for his tardiness, explaining that he got no sleep last night, barely made it to his classes and was so fucking horny after last night that he didn’t hear a single thing any of his professors had said. I laughed and explained that it was the tina that made him so wired and horny.“That shit is awesome!” He said as he stripped off his jacket and backpack. “Not to mention those fucking hot girls you had over. That was the most amazing night ever!”Not quite believing my ears, I asked him how he felt about everything that went down, and he surprised me again by repeating all of his favorite moments, conveniently leaving out anything involving me and him. So he’d decided to ignore that part eh? Well that was fine with me. Denial would keep him from admitting what I was doing to him until it was too late.By the next time I saw him, he’d had a couple days to cool off, and seemed more embarrassed by what had gone on. So much so that he almost begged out of using the office for his jerk session that weekend until I told him I’d sent the link to his paysite to Lana and Lois and they both wanted to watch. Reluctantly he agreed, but his performance that night was his hottest yet, possibly because of the videos I kept sending him of Lana’s face between Lois’ legs. He never knew I was behind the camera, assuming the girl were filming it all themselves. He kept trying to get them to agree to another bang session, but backed down when they insisted they’d only do it with more tina. While I could tell he was itching for more of the same fun, he resigned himself to jerking on his pay site a few more times that weekend and once during the week. My plan was too successful suddenly, as Derek made so much during his frustrated jerk sessions that he didn’t need to do any for almost a month, only popping back on after he got an email requesting a private show from Lana.When I (under Lana’s screenname) asked him when we could party again, he explained that he couldn’t risk his grades by getting high and missing any classes, especially with finals approaching. It was a conundrum for sure, until I realized that finals would be followed by summer break. The next day when Derek showed for work, I asked him what he had planned for the holidays, to which he shrugged and told me he usually spent most of the 10 weeks off as a counselor, helping high/middle schoolers improve their game. Telling him how much fun it sounded like, I asked him where he planned to live after he got back, and he laughed, and responed “well here, of course.”“Oh so you wanted to renew your lease?” I asked him, trying to sound unaware of his desire to stay in the apartment. He nodded yes, playing right into my hands. “Damn I wish you’d told me that a few months back. I wanted to do some refreshing of some of the apartments that will be unused for the summer, and I ordered the fixtures and carpet at stuff weeks ago and I got stuff for your apartment too. I should also mention that I was planning to raise the rent a few hundred a month, maybe even double it.”“Shit, pardon my french, but where will I find a place to stay this late in the game?” Derek’s voice got worried. “Everyone who is coming back for next year has already signed leases and tied down any place I could afford.”“I’m sorry Derek,” I lied. “Maybe if you get a good-enough paying summer job you can save up enough to live there again. How much does the camp pay?”“Almost nothing, just room, board and a little extra for our travel. Besides, I’d need a miracle to save up enough for tuition and double the rent.” Derek was frantic, almost in tears. “Please Mr. E, isn’t there some way I can stay in that apartment at the same rent? Or something I can do to work it down to where I can afford it.”“Well, I was going to hire a couple guys to help me with the cosmetic stuff,” I offered, hoping Derek couldn’t hear the smirk in my voice. “If you want, you could work for me this summer, painting the apartments, ripping old cabinets and carpeting, installing new lights in the hallways and bedrooms, etc. That way I only have to hire professionals for the plumbing, electrical stuff, but it’d mean missing out on your camp.”“Not a problem sir,” Derek jumped at the chance to save himself from returning to working 2 jobs on top of a full time class load. “But where will I stay while we rip up my place and they redo it?”“Well if it isn’t too odd for you, you are welcome to bunk in my second bedroom,” my voice almost gave me away as I explained my idea, but Derek didn’t catch on. “It wouldn’t be all summer, and once we were finished in your apartment, you’d be free to move back in there, with all new cabinets, bath fixtures and appliances. Between the discount I’d give you for helping out, the money you’ll make, and some extra cash from your online shows, you should have enough saved to stay there until you graduate and cover you tuition for at least a semester or two.”“Are you sure it isn’t too much of an imposition sir?” Derek asked, always so polite in spite of his obvious doubts about staying with me.“Not at all Derek,” I put my arm around him and led him down to my apartment to show him the room. “The other room is so far from mine that it’s practically a separate place. Besides I’d prefer giving you the money as opposed to some guy off the street.”After seeing how nice my second bedroom was, with its attached bath, walk-in closet and balcony over-looking the pool, Derek couldn’t help himself and agreed to move in the next Friday after his last final.The week flew by, with me busying myself with the instillation of cameras all over my apartment and “Lana” constantly emailing Derek to see if he’d be able to get together after finals before she went on vacation with her “parents.” In actuality Lana and Lois were booked by an older gentleman friend of mine to spend a few weeks on his yacht getting high and gang-banged the entire time. Still, I knew she’d be free for one last night of partying so I called her up as soon as Derek agreed to meet up with her that Friday after he finished moving in.From my laptop in my private office, I watched every hidden camera angle of Derek’s muscular body as he hauled his final loads into his temporary digs, before texting Lana to go ahead and give Derek some bad news. I watched the screen as he answered and got a disappointed look on his face at something she said.“Well isn’t there anywhere else we can do it?” He asked her, listening to her respond before talking again. “No we can’t do it here. I am staying with Mr. E while we remodel my place, and I’d feel bad asking him if I could have you over on my first night.” More listening. “No please don’t ask him, I—Lana I’m not sure he’d--- No, please, I- Hello? Lana?”My phone buzzed with a text from Lana, telling me he’d fallen for it and thought she was asking me if she could stop by and play at that very moment. I watched as he paced on camera and finally tossed himself on the bed. His phone buzzed a moment later and he seemed happy at the response. Jumping up, he unearthed a towel from his bags and stripped naked, making his way into the bathroom to shower. My cock stiffened knowing he had just seen a text from Lana explaining that I was cool with it, and Lois was actually planning to come by after her last final too, so they’d be welcome to join the two of us for some partying. Whether he was reluctant to party again or not, he certainly showed no sign of it while stroking his stiff, soapy meat in my shower, working his way to a nice big load.Derek walked out of the bathroom just as I knocked on his bedroom door and told him to come out and join me for a drink before the girls arrived. Moments later he appeared in my living room wearing a loose pair of board shorts and a tee shirt, and took a drink from my hand. He might have sipped on the strong drink if I hadn’t turned off the air, and shut the windows. Instead he gulped while pretending to ignore the porn I had playing on my huge flat screen. Taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch from me, I asked him if he’d gotten settled and we chatted for awhile before Derek’s phone buzzed, right on cue.“Lana says Lois’ car broke down on campus and she has to wait with her for the tow truck so their gonna be kinda late,” Derek read, swallowing the last of his drink. “guess it’s just us for awhile.”“No problem,” I said as I refilled Derek’s glass. “just means I don’t have to be so uncomfortable.”With that I unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it off, leaving me in only my own khaki shorts and sandals. Derek was sweating now and obviously considering joining me. I almost told him to join me, when he made up his mind, set down his glass and stood to remove his shirt. It was obvious all he was wearing now were the shorts, which rode low as he sat back down.“Fuck it is hot in here,” I said, trying to make him more comfortable about his choice. It worked, getting him to spread him legs and lean back a little. “Guess we should get this party started.”“Um, I’m good thanks.” Derek said as I pulled out my pipe and a baggie of tina.“You sure bro?” I continued loading the bowl, ignoring his protest. “You know Lana will want to smoke when she gets here and I’d hate for you to embarrass yourself like last time.”“What do you mean?” Derek said, taking another gulp from his glass.“Just thought you’d want to seem like you could handle yourself this time, and show Lana you weren’t a stick in the mud is all,” My round about way of saying he was boring her. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this but she told me after you left that she thought you were a virgin, or maybe even… never mind.”“What?” His eyes grew wide and he pulled at the cuff of his shorts. “Tell me what she said.”“She… she wondered if you were kinda…gay.” I spit it out like I was disgusted by the thought. “The way you freaked whenever we came in contact and wouldn’t smoke around me, she thought you might be insecure about your sexuality. It didn’t help that you couldn’t light the pipe without my help. Lois even mentioned something about it when they were leaving the next morning.”“I’m no virgin and I’m definitely not queer,” Derek almost shouted, finishing his second drink and refilling it himself. “I just never smoked before.”“Want me to show you how so you can hit it for real when they arrive?” Derek nodded the affirmative and I motioned for him to come back to the couch, patting the seat next to me. Only inches from his sweet-smelling sweaty torso, I got hard watching him light the torch, and slowly melt the crystals, while my eyes drifted down to the head of his cock peaking from his shorts, which had ridden up when he sat. Once the bowl clouded over, I told him to put the pipe to his lips and slowly inhale. He breathed in a medium size puff before coughing and almost dropping the bowl. I grabbed it from him and laughed, which only made him mad.“Just show me how you do it okay?” He barked, before catching himself. “I mean… please.”Lighting the torch I took a perfect giant hit and blew it towards the tv. Handing him the pipe I lit it for him this time and coached him on how hard to inhale and how long. That time the hit was bigger and he only coughed once. Taking the pipe again, I suggested he take a shotgun from me, and reminded him to act like it was nothing so the girls didn’t think he was freaked by another guy. The logic was backwards but he fell for it as I slowly pressed my lips to his and filled his lungs with crystal clouds. I encouraged him to do the same for me, and he thrilled me by pressing his lips harder to mine that time, not pulling away when it ended in a small kiss. Not wanting to press my luck, I said he was doing well and we smoked without shotgunning, so I could check how big his clouds were. We finished the first bowl quickly and I loaded another, bigger bowl immediately, subtly implying that he was lucky I felt generous that night.We were thoroughly tweaked when Lana and Lois arrived, and all our inhibitions were gone. We spent the next few hours taking turns smoking and tagging the girls, Derek purposefully making sure that each of them saw him hit the pipe and shot gun with me a few times. Before I knew it, both of us had cum in our respective ‘date’ and Derek was so hot he ran off to hop in the shower. While they were gone, I slipped Lois the bag I owed her for that night and the girls got dressed and left.“Where’d they go?” Derek lamented reappearing from his bathroom in nothing but a pair of briefs, his hard cock pushing out the waist band.“They needed to pack for their trips and told me to tell you they might stop back by in a couple hours on their way to the airport.” I handed him the pipe as he sat next to me and we smoked and watched porn. Pretty soon we were both jerking off, me in the open, him through the fly of his calvins.“What’s that around you dick?” Derek nodded to the cock ring and ball separator I had put on earlier. I showed him the apparatus and asked if he wanted to try one on. He smiled and said yes, but was stymied when I thrust my hard on towards him and told him to get it off me and put it on himself. He blushed and looked up at me like I was nuts until I got frustrated.“Jesus Derek it is a dick not a rocket launcher,” I said, grabbing his hand and placing it on the snaps at the base of the ring. “Fucking sack up and help me get it off already.”He jumped into action, pulling and twisting the device in attempt to release my meat from it, before finally taking my cock in one hand, and pulling it off with the other. Feeling his hand stroke my slick dick accidentally as he pulled it free, I almost covered him in a cum load right then, but I knew the liquor was all but gone from his system by then and he might tweak out if I didn’t plan this next part just right. Holding in my load, I sat back down and watched amused as he tried to figure out how to put the ring on his own manhood.“Damn you’re helpless,” I said as I reached out, pulled him to standing in front of me, and ripped down his undies. Taking the ring from his hand I manipulated his cock and balls into it with as many “inadvertent” strokes as I could get away with. His dick was leaking like mad and I was happy his eyes were glued shut so I could open my mouth and catch a big glob of his juice on my tongue right as it dripped off his head. Smacking his ass, I told him he was done and pushed him back into his seat. He sat stunned for a moment, while I complimented him on how good he looked in it.“Really?” He asked me, finally gaining enough control to take his cock again and play with it. “Doesn’t it look kinda…gay?”“No way bro, lots of guys wear them, just look at the tv,” I said, pointing out a few of the porn stars waiting to gang bang the girl on the screen. “Most straight porn stars wear rings and fancy undies and even use toys in their butts once in awhile. It’s only gay if you wish it was a dick up there.”We both laughed at that and returned to stroking. When I was sure Derek could see me doing it, I took some lube from the table, covered my middle finger in it and worked it up into my hole. A few minutes later I added another before saying ‘fuck it!’ and pulling out my bag from next to the couch and dumping out a couple small vibrating plugs on the table. Taking the smallest one, I lubed it up, turned it on and pushed it slowly into my hole, all while Derek sat staring at my performance.“Try one,” I encourage him while jerking my dick. “I saw when Lana stuck her finger in your ass before” as I had told her to “and I know that you came in her only a few minutes later, so I know you liked it. Just try one dude.”“No way man,” Derek demurred. “Most I have ever had up there is a finger, and even then only when some girl caught me off guard.”“well then try a finger when you’re prepared,” I said, handing him a bottle of lube laced with tina. “This stuff is warming lube to help relax you and I promise no one will ever know. Go ahead…unless you’re worried about liking it so much you turn into a fag.”We laughed and he snatched the lube, squeezing out twice what he needed onto his middle and pointer fingers. As if he was dared, he threw his legs back so I could see and pushed them into his hole until they were all the way in, smiling at me like nothing was wrong. Still I could tell the burning from the laced lube had him rethinking his decision, so I complimented him.“Damn man, you must have balls of steel to take two fingers your first time,” stroking his ego with my admiration stopped him from pulling them out. “I bet that burns like a bitch right now, but with your tolerance for pain you could probably take a third finger once the sting wears off in a minute.”Sure enough a few minutes later, once he’d readjusted so he was facing the tv again, I watched as he added a third finger to his whole. When that seemed alright, I saw him begin to thrust them in and out, and could tell that was counteracting the tina-dick he was fighting. When his eyes drifted to the plugs on the table, I excused myself to the bathroom for a piss and instead ran to the bedroom to watch on my laptop as he grabbed the smaller of the two plugs I’d left on the table and worked it into his hole. Pounding away at his ass and stroking his dick he was still too high to get off. I walked back in just as he removed the smaller plug and was sitting on the bigger one. This fat rubber dong was more penis shaped than the last two but still ambiguous enough to keep him from feeling gay. Right as he managed to sit all the way down, I announced my presence with an offer to load one last free bowl.“What do you mean ‘last free bowl?’” He inquired, pretending he was just sitting on the table, not giving away the fact that 6 inches of black rubber were now inside him, stretching out his sphincter.“This shit is expensive man,” I said before shot-gunning a hit into his mouth. “I can’t keep smoking you out without you paying for any of it now can I? I am happy to provide sometimes, but how will I make money at it if I give it all away.”“Make money…so you sell this stuff?” Derek’s eyes were focused on the pipe that I held just out of reach.“Is that a problem?” He shook his head no. “Good then you can buy some for the next bowl.”“How do I do that?” Derek said, his dick now totally soft.“Well do you have any cash right now?” I asked, pulling out my phone. “Cause I can call my supplier and get some but I’ll either need to get some cash from you or take it from my sales and deduct it from what I was gonna pay you this week.”“I have like 20 bucks, what will that get me?” Derek asked, his cock shriveled to almost nothing, but his ass still hungry for the plug.“Almost nothing,” I kept lying to get him where I needed him to be. “but I will pull some of what I was gonna pay you and we can figure that out later. In the mean time, have another drink and I’ll get my dude to stop over with some for you.”Within 30 mins, Derek was hard again and working the plug in his hole, unaware that I’d slipped from g and a crushed tab of Viagra into his glass. He was so into stroking his cock that he didn’t realize I had company until I walked in with Matt, one of the boys who sold for me.“This is Matt,” I introduced them while Derek tried futilely to cover his hard on. “He is my supplier. Here’s your money Matty.”I handed Matt a folded up stack of $100 bills that he’d handed to me only moments before when we met out in the hall. Matt knew I didn’t want Derek to know that I was the real head of the operation, so he agreed to pretend to be my supplier. He also didn’t mind checking out the straight boy on my couch. Matt may have looked straight at almost 6’5”, with ripped muscular arms and pecs, tanned skin and some gang tats on his body, but really he was a bottom through and through, who sold to half the thugs in the county and occasionally let them get some for free if they would breed him with their thick black dicks.“Thanks bro, here’s your goods.” He handed me a small bag. “You can have some more if you let me jack off your boy here.”“Sorry bro, he’s straight like me,” I said, motioning for Derek to sit down since he had almost bolted when Matt suggested taking him into hand. “But you can watch me jerk it for a little extra if you want.”“Sounds good man,” Matt said, following me down the hall to my room. Once we shut the door, I wasted no time spinning matt around, bending him over my dresser, whipping out my stiff cock and reaming his hole bare. I shot deep inside in a few minutes which made him shoot all over the wood.“So I thought you said you didn’t fuck the help?” Matt whispered while pulling his pants up. “This guy must have you going fucking nuts to make you go to all this trouble and break your own rule. I hope he plays hard to get cause I would love to have you fuck me like that all the time.”I laughed and we traded the money again and I handed him a much bigger bag of goods, actually worth the amount he was paying me. We walked back out past Derek, who tossed a throw pillow over his crotch as Matt left, and I thanked Matt at the door for the help. Returning to the room, Derek asked me if I really let Matt watch me jerk off for party goods and I told him yes, before tossing him the small bag of goodies I owed him.“If you want I can give him your number,” I said as Derek frantically tried to load a bowl. “He might give you some freebies if you let him watch you do a show online.”“Yeah right man, I make 300-400 a session doing one of those,” Derek said as he fumbled to hit the pipe.“That’s about what that baggy in your hands cost,” I said pointing to the $40 or 50 worth he held in his hands. “He’d probably front you a bag half that size for a simple jack off video.”Derek hit the pipe and we smoke in silence, with him stroking his meat and his mind pondering the idea of selling jerk off videos for drugs. Finally the combo of the plug, his strokes and the tina was getting to him and he shot all over his chest, up onto his neck and even hitting his cheek. As he collapsed back onto the couch and caught his breath, I asked again if I could give Matt his number, and he nodded yes.Part 3Over the next few days Derek and I worked side by side ripping up carpet, tearing out cabinets and removing old hollow core doors from the apartments. At night, we declined from partying for a day or two after both of us “ran out” of favors. But by Wednesday, Lana was sending Derek shots of her masturbating and sexy emails (per my instruction) and asked him to send some back of him smoking and jerking off. Coincidentally only a few minutes after Derek told lana he didn’t have the cash to buy any more tina, “Matt” texted him and asked if he’d consider jerking off in exchange for more. Watching the video stream from his room, I stroked my cock as Derek gave in and agreed, sending Matt (aka me on a burner phone) the link to a live site. Sneaking upstairs into the office, Derek was almost silent, not realizing I was aware of his actions the whole time. That night I watched and instructed Derek in every move of his hand and thrust of his fingers into his tight hole until he splashed cum all over himself. By the time he’d cleaned up and got back to the apartment, I was sitting in the living room with a fresh baggie from “Matt” for him.We stayed up all night that night, smoking and jerking, Derek sending photos of himself puffing and pounding his pud to Lana, who sent them right back to me. By the next morning we’d smoked it all and Derek had ridden the 6 inch plug to orgasm twice. This time it only took two days before Derek texted “Matt” and wanted to trade again. “Matt” suggested this time that he deliver the sack first and Derek make a home movie jerking off and playing with his ass, so Matt could watch it later. Derek agreed and while he went out for a swim, Matt must have stopped by because I was waiting in the living room with another sack of favors. This time we matched bowls, and I showed Derek how to use the video camera feature on my phone to make a video. Derek excused himself to his room this time and made a nasty video, riding his fingers and the 6 inch plug while wearing the cock ring, before shooting all over his bedspread.The next day I gave Derek his first payment, minus the 300 I supposedly paid for his first sack. He handed it right back and asked me to get him more favors and went out and found a girl at a bar, brought her back and had me film him while he fucked her all over the apartment and even took her down to the pool for a midnight ass fuck. After his newest sack ran out, she pretended to get a call and high-tailed it out the door.Broke, higher than fuck and hard, he texted “Matt” who told him this time if he wanted to get more favors, he’d have to get Mr. E to jerk off with him, and they’d have to stroke each other. I returned to the living room just as Derek read the text and got very upset. I asked him what was the matter.“He wants us to spank it together,” Derek said, blushing hard. “Otherwise he won’t give me anymore favors.”“I dunno Derek,” I feigned discomfort. “I don’t think I am down to do that without a chick here. Seems kinda gay.”“Yeah Mr. E, you’re right,” Derek responded. “Guess we can’t win them all.”Derek went back to room and tried for the next two hours to jerk off while watching old porn on his shitty computer but finally passed out still hard, never getting to cum. A few days passed and Derek kept texting and asking for more favors, asking if there was anything else he could do to get more, but “Matt” held firm. Finally after an especially rough day ripping out the old vanity in one of the bigger apartments, Derek received a text from Lana telling him she’d be back that weekend and wanted to get high and let him fuck her all weekend long. It took less than a minute for him to approach me and ask if I had any favors to share.“Nah sorry Derek,” I said, lying through my teeth while feeling the large bag of favors in my pockets.“Then will you front me my paycheck?” Derek asked hopefully. “I know I am not supposed to get another one from you for a few weeks but I really need to get more favors before Lana gets back in town.”“I wish I could Derek,” Lying again. “But until the next rent due date I am running low on funds, what with paying the contractor, plumber and electrician this week.”“Then please Mr. E, Sir,” He swallowed, gathering up his courage. “Please make the jerk off video with me. I know it seems kinda screwed up, pardon the language, but if you want you can just lay back and I’ll jerk you off and we can negotiate with Matt and get some favors for this weekend.”“I don’t think I can Derek,” I was already hard at the prospect. ”It’s too gay.”“It’s only gay if we like it,” Derek said, smiling. “Please Mr. E. I really, really need to smoke. Please.”“Alright Derek, I will do it for you. But you’d better make sure we get the stuff first and make sure Matt doesn’t want anything extra.”“Will do sir!” Derek ran back to his room and texted my burner. The deal was done. “Matt” would drop off some goodies while Derek worked out, and then he and I would make a jerk off video.A few hours later Derek returned from the work out room, sweaty and shirtless, his shorts hanging so low I could see the base of his cock as he dashed into his room to shower up. When he returned wearing tighty-whiteys and socks, I handed him a drink laced with a serious dose of ghb and Viagra, before pulling out the large bag of goodies and telling him I set up the camera in my bedroom so we’d be more comfortable. He reluctantly hopped onto the bed and his hands shook when I handed him the pipe, so I offered to light it for him.The glow of the torch hit his face and I could tell the ghb was taking effect, but there was something else I hadn’t expected. His eyes seemed full of fear, like he might run off before he was fully drugged. He opened his mouth to say something and I told him to inhale, just like the first night we got high together. As his lungs filled with smoke, I leaned in closer, until he started to exhale, and for the first time in weeks, he shotgunned the smoke into my mouth. This time I kissed him softly as the smoke passed to me. With the infusion of Tina in his system, the fear started to leave his eyes, and I handed him his cup and told him to finish it. Doing as he was told, I stood up and stripped off my tee shirt and shorts, my hard, dripping 8 inch cock springing out and hitting my tight fuzzy belly.“Finished,” He said, setting the cup on the bedside table. As he turned back towards me, I took advantage of his distracted mind and moved in so my cock brushed across his chest as I moved in to sit down. He flinched and tried to move away before realizing he was between my body and the wall on the bed and there was nowhere to go. I grabbed the remote and started the porn on my bedroom tv, and we both watched, our bodies stretched out with our shoulders and heads propped up on the pillows, as a lithe teen blonde took four men into bed and began sucking their cocks and fingering her pussy.Derek tried not to be too obvious as he fished out his hardening dick and stroked it, before remembering he was supposed to be jerking mine. He looked over at me in the darkened room and gingerly placed his fingers over my pulsing shaft. Mimicking his actions, but with more confidence, I too fingered his dick, but took it firm in my hand and began to stroke.“UUUUHNNN, fuck yes Mr. E.” Derek moaned, before stopping himself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”“It’s okay Derek,” I whispered in his ear, using my other hand to press take his fingers and close them around my cock. “Now we better get to business if we want more favors.”We stroked each other hard now, both of us working the other, while moaning and grunting. After a few minutes I told Derek that Matt offered us twice as much tina if one of us would suck the other one in the video.“Would you like me to suck you Derek?” my lips almost pressed to his ear as I said it. He didn’t respond but closed his eyes, the ghb was now totally in control of him. I took my hand away from his cock and reached over and picked up the pipe, pressing it to his mouth. Lighting it, he inhaled as soon as I whispered “go.” Eyes still closed, I waited until he finished inhaling, then rolled over on top of him and French kissed him, sucking the clouds from his lungs and into mine. With his arms pinned under my knees on either side of him, I sat up a little and took another hit and blew it back into him. This time when I pulled away, he sat up a little, chasing my lips as if he wanted more. I smiled the smile of a victorious man and sank down to his crotch level, releasing him from my body weight and asked again. “Would you like me to suck you Derek?”Without waiting for his answered I swallowed his cock almost to the base, eliciting a moan and causing both of his hands to grab my hair and try to force me deeper. I deep throated him for a few minutes while my hands snuck under the blanket and brought out the laced lube. He gasped as my thick middle digit pierced his hole and burrowed deep into him. Something resembling the words “my butt’s burning” escaped his mouth but I only added more fingers until three were inside him. Thicker than his own fingers, three of mine were easily as thick as the plug he was now used to, but the plug didn’t spread and stretch the hole like my fingers were. A whimper and some leg action to push away from me told me Derek was trying to make an escape and I chortled at how pitiful his attempt was due to his drugged state of mind. Still I wasn’t a total ass, so I ripped my fingers from his hole, bringing him to a small scream, before, climbing back up his chest, re-pinning his arms beneath my thighs and slapping my cock against his mouth. His glassy eyes opened wide and he tried to turn his head, but I’d have none of that.“Your turn, Derek.” I said, sliding my cock head between his lips. “Come on now, I am doing this because you asked me to, so take my dick in your mouth, and no teeth.”“GmHpphrrmm” came out around my dick, and I freed it for a second to hear his final thoughts on the matter. “Getuff me, youkint dothiz. I dunt wantuh sukeur dick.”“Look at me Derek, Look at me!” I took my dick away, swung my hand down and smacked him just hard enough to bring him to full attention for a moment. His eyes met mine as I smiled and leaned closer. “You asked me to make this video with you, you practically begged. You even offered to do all the work just so you could get a fix. So now you’re going to do what you need to do to earn your baggy and you can relax and accept it and maybe have an okay time or you can fight me and try to get away and end up torn open and used like an old paper bag. It is up to you, but make no mistake. You will take my cock in your mouth and suck my dick and anything else I tell you to do or I will kick your ass to the curb, cut off your supply of goodies, and send the video of you smoking, stroking and stuffing your slutty ass to the dean, your parents and all of your old teammates. You’ll be kicked out of school, disowned, shunned, and you’re still going to end up sucking dick, mine or some other dealer’s. Now open wide if we understand one another.”“Fuck you faggot.” Derek said, on the verge of tears. Slamming the lids shut, he swallowed hard and opened his mouth.I straightened up again and moved my dick onto his virgin tongue, forcing it back into his throat. He gagged at first but I explained that he’d need to breathe through his nose when he could as I pushed it further and cut off his air supply. Thrashing and bucking his eyes popped open but he avoided using his teeth and did his best to take what I gave him. When he began to get the hang of it I reached back, took a large crystal from the bedside table and speared it up into Derek’s boyhole, eliciting a squeal from around my dick. I plugged it up with the same plug he’d been so fond of only days before, and gave his shriveled tina dick and jiggle as I returned my attention to throat fucking the fight out of him for another 5 minutes or so. Sufficiently satisfied that he’d gotten me to full mast and provided enough snot and slobber, I withdrew all the way and climbed off of him.Curling up, he coughed and whimpered, scooting himself towards the head of the bed and mumbling something like wudyaduduma as he went.“What did I do to you?” He nodded and reached to remove the plug, but my hand was faster and I pinned his wrist and shook my head in disapproval. “You’ll want that where it is for now, trust me. As for what I did, I gave you exactly what you wanted, the high of your life. Your drink was spiked with ghb, aka the date rape drug, and you downed it so fast I am amazed you didn’t pass out. What you should be asking is what do I have planned for you. That one is much more interesting, but I think I should show you instead of telling you.”I grabbed Derek’s toned legs and twisted until he had no choice but to flip onto his stomach. Pulling him by the ankles, I worked him toward me until his knees were off the mattress, before separating them with my own legs and climbing up between his toned smooth thighs. Reaching out I plucked the butt plug from its home in one foul swoop. Bucking in protest, I caught sight of Derek’s face in the mirror in my headboard and knew that he’d finally figured out what was coming. His hands shot out in front of him, wildly grasping the bedspread in hopes of pulling himself to safety, but without any traction from his legs, he was out of luck. Inching closer, my hands reached out to where the lube had been concealed and retrieved a steady cam remote. With the press of a button the TV screen switched over to a live feed from all the many cameras hidden around the bedroom and I scrolled through them until I found the one I wanted: a hidden camera in the alarm clock, angled just right to see Derek’s face. Animal instinct and primal fear were evident in his face, suggesting he’d given up the urge to fight and was now relying on flight to save him. Setting down the remote and spreading his ass cheeks with one hand, I clasped the other to his neck, immobilizing his movement just slightly, and turning the look on his face into a look of defeat.“No.” was the last coherent word I made out from him that night, when my massive cock head slid up against his sphincter and pressed in. Derek lost his ability to process language when the pressure got higher and my butt cheeks clenched, drawing my dick forward until it burst into Derek’s virgin hole. Adrenaline and pain combined to make his body seize forward, but only until it bounced against the mattress and sprung back, causing my cock to go further. Taking his ensuing screech as an invitation, I sunk my staff all the way in until my body was pressed tight to his own. Sobs rocked his chest when I felt my cock pierce a third pulsing ring, so the boy who’d done nothing but respect and obey me from day one was in pain and I was causing it. It was clear to me that I had to pull myself off, beg his forgiveness and fix what I’d done, but all of that was forgotten when I started to pull out and his asshole grasped my helmet and squeezed enticingly. I sunk back deeper still into his hole, and he gasped, then sobbed again. With all my will power I managed to pull out almost half way before a different muscle gripped and wouldn’t let me out. Accordingly I slammed back in again, followed by a bigger gasp and quieter sobs. Finally I speedily reared back until I was almost free, this time his outer hole closing tight, locking my bulbous cockhead inside. Not one to argue with physiology I figured that whatever his mind had to tell itself about hating what was happening, his butt was not about to let it stop. Pumping slowly at first then faster, I worked myself up until I was truly fucking the former virgin beneath my roaring form. Glancing up I saw that Derek’s face was no longer contorted in pain as it had been upon my initial entry, but the tv now showed it to be conflicted, upset but intrigued.Scooting back until my feet touched the ground, while pulling his semi-conscious form along, I repositioned myself and spun him around until he was on his back, my cock never leaving his bowels. Sure enough, he was as hard as I was, maybe harder and pulsing along with no help from his or my hand. Arms limp above him and tear streaked head rolling from side to side I resumed my pounding, now faster and deeper with his legs over my forearms. He suddenly came to life and moved his arms to my chest to push me away. Beating against my hairy pecs with all the strength his drugged body could muster, he moaned and sucked in breath, until his eyes popped open, his abs tightened and his ass milked me like nothing I’d ever felt. Unable to speak, I shot my gaze deep into his and grunted to warn that he was about to receive my sperm. Almost as if he understood me, he nodded once, then his hands, which had been fighting me off, reached out and grabbed my hips and my neck, pulling me in deeper on each thrust. Before I could impregnate my straight victim, his neck arched, his chest puffed up and his untouched cock began to shoot all over both of us, soaking my furry chin, chest and abs, as well as his smooth lips, nose, adam’s apple, and down to his belly button. This was exactly what I had hoped for the first day we met, except for one final thing. Then suddenly it was complete. My uretha swelled and opened as I shot stream after stream of hot meth-laced semen so deep in his ass that it might still be there. Counting when I watched the video later, it looks from the outside like I shot at least 12 hard shots and another 15 or so medium sized spurts before my balls gave out and I collapsed onto Derek’s delirious body. When I came to a few minutes later, Derek was also just regaining consciousness and mumbling. When both of our eyes focused and he realized it was really happening, he shook his head for a second, then closed his eyes, turned his head away from me, and squeezed my cock with his hole.“More huh?” I asked, my hoarse voice full of lust. His hands reached down and squeezed my ass cheeks then fell to his sides. His will was broken and his ass was mine. I shot another load in him before I ever pulled out, and managed another two loads, one in his throat and one both on his asshole and inside it, before the drugs completely wore off. He came once more, in the shower, while crying, after I dumped him there once I was done. When he was sober enough to get out, he locked himself in his room with his party favors, the plug I left inside him to keep my loads in, and a copy of the video we’d just made. Over the next few hours he smoked the last of the tina and tried not to freak out. Watching via the hidden cams, I saw as he texted Lana, receiving no response, before struggling and finally taking his phone and texting someone else. Hearing a buzz I looked over and saw “Matt’s” phone had a new message. It said: ‘have vid u requested. should b worth 2x what u gave me or more. If u like it enuf I can make sequel.’ Attached was a clip from the video of me sucking Derek’s dick and another clip of me pounding his holeTyping furiously I responded: ‘If ur willing 2 do that, maybe we can work it out so u never have 2 pay. I have friends 4 u 2 meet and service.’Watching the camera, I saw him start to work the plug in his ass. Reading the response, he took a deep breath and typed back: ‘Whatever u want but I need more stuf asap. I want 2 be so hi I dont remember what I did 2day.’My smile widened and I picked up the pipe and a bottle of g off the table before responding: ’ever been 2 rest stop on hwy 85? Its worth 3x as much if I can c u with other guys there.’‘just tell me when n where 2 go. I need 2 get hi now.’The end of part 3 7 28
Frenchpig Posted March 23, 2015 Report Posted March 23, 2015 WOOWWW...... FUCKING AMAZING !!! I had to control myself not to cum too soon an i cumed buckets growling like mad, even if it was the second time of the day ! A fucking great and one of the hottest story i red ! and there are some in here i love really much !
mike43 Posted March 26, 2015 Report Posted March 26, 2015 Good I want to be a. Meth whore like this 2
wroxguy Posted March 27, 2015 Report Posted March 27, 2015 awesome story and like everyone else, I can't wait for more
lvbbcumnhole Posted April 3, 2015 Report Posted April 3, 2015 Looking forward to Part 3. Such a hot story! 1
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