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Why Do Republicans Hate Gay People?


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On 4/30/2023 at 2:32 PM, TotalTop said:

Now leftists and trans/Trans rights ackkktivists hate anyone not trans, and really loathe bisexuals, and gay men and women, especially those of us LGB people who refuse to fuck, or date trans people or who are against children, teens, and mentally ill young adults manipulated into taking hormones and having an irreversible sex change surgery.

It's amazing how leftists, who you claim hate gays and bisexuals, ever have sex. And yet it's always the conservatives who turn out to be incels. Such a sad, warped view of the world some people have.

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One thing that is surely a part of it, is that they (perhaps unconsciously, perhaps not) envy our courage in living our lives according to our own needs.  We tend not to honor (or even acknowledge) their assumed right to dominate everything, and we march to our own truth. 

That's gotta stick in the craw of the R's who have devoted their lives to maintaining their philosophy, however depraved it may be.

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On 5/1/2023 at 9:21 AM, topblkmale said:

Collusion among big pharma, big tech, social media and other left leaning institutions. 

True. I did get the vaccines both to protect myself, a friend who is poz, and another friend who at the time was having treatments for cancer. I saw many people: friends, co-workers, neighbors, ex's, and my cousins get sick and two people I know died from it.  I never got infected with COVID. Was it the vaccines and getting boosted, but not getting 4-6 boosters, along with wearing masks indoors, social distancing, staying home when it was extremely bad, and washing my hands after being out around people? 

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23 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

One thing that is surely a part of it, is that they (perhaps unconsciously, perhaps not) envy our courage in living our lives according to our own needs.  We tend not to honor (or even acknowledge) their assumed right to dominate everything, and we march to our own truth. 

That's gotta stick in the craw of the R's who have devoted their lives to maintaining their philosophy, however depraved it may be.

Huh? There is now so much conformity amongst the left and they are now pro-censorship, arguing for racism and racial segregation, and if you are a moderate/Independent or like me do not like either political party, or do not agree 1,000% with them on everything then you are "racist, a bigot, oppressing people, etc." 

Not to mention the conformity amongst gay men, or the so called LGB/LGBTXYZ "community".

I remember when both the left and gay/LGB community were the exact opposite.

There are gay/LGBT conservatives of course some queen brings up some silly and tiresome holocaust reference, says they are oppressed/racist/homophobic, want to "dominate" everything whatever that means, etc.

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20 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

It's amazing how leftists, who you claim hate gays and bisexuals, ever have sex. And yet it's always the conservatives who turn out to be incels. Such a sad, warped view of the world some people have.

Speak for yourself incel. Not everyone who has sex feels the need to brag about it or tell bug chasers and strain chasers online about every single time they have sex, have new sexual partners, etc. but since you asked or assumed...

I have been dating for awhile, having safe sex with multiple men and women, and am neg for HIV and everything.  I am moderate/Independent. Not everyone who is not a leftist or who like myself personally once was, but we left the loony left is Conservative or Republican. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, BlackDude said:

Are we to assume that republicans and gays are two different things?

On this site unless you are 1,000% a loony leftist that agrees with the party line, you are in their delusional minds a Conservative/Republican

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/14/2016 at 12:03 AM, nastybottom said:

You realize there are gay Republicans, right? Ever heard of Log Cabin Republicans? There are also Republican allies like Ted Olson, who is one of the attorneys that got Prop 8 overturned.

Before you give a pass to Democrats, you should review these videos:



Using old youtube videos to try and make your point just make you look stupid. People grow and evolve and change their minds and that's the wonderful thing about liberals and progressives we are always advancing becoming better humans. Whereas conservatives are stuck in the past and wish slavery, witch burnings, concentration camps  and their right to destroy what they fear was still allowed and try to bring back with every hateful bill they pass

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On 4/30/2023 at 11:29 PM, topblkmale said:

I still don't understand this. I guess I'm transphobic since I refuse to date or fuck a trans individual (trans man/woman).


Democrats seem to be into some very weird things involving children at the moment. Sorry. ☑️

You aren't transphobic for not wanting to date or have sex with a trans person. But, you are transphobic if you don't stand up for their right to exist and be treated just as equally as we want to be treated.  Also, democrats are not into anything "weird"  involving children. Parents who decide to take their kids to drag queen story time are making a conscious choice to  educate and entertain their children and expose them to other cultures and  diversity.  there is nothing sexual about drag story time. and while we're at it a parent being supportive of their non-binary or trans child is not perverse or weird either that's being a good parent.  No one can have gender reassignment surgery until age 18 anyway. And before that there are many hoops to jump through o even have surgery.

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On 4/30/2023 at 3:32 PM, TotalTop said:

Now leftists and trans/Trans rights ackkktivists hate anyone not trans, and really loathe bisexuals, and gay men and women, especially those of us LGB people who refuse to fuck, or date trans people or who are against children, teens, and mentally ill young adults manipulated into taking hormones and having an irreversible sex change surgery.

Every time you make a comment you just prove how ignorant you are. THERE IS NO LGB WITHOUT THE T!! NO ONE said you had to date or have sex with a trans person. And claiming that giving trans kids gender affirming care is not irreversible is a debunked falsehood. Hormone/Puberty blockers are completely reversible ALL YOU DO IS STOP TAKING THEM and BAM puberty hits. these have been used for decades and is nothing new. You call yourself an "independent" but all that is is code for republican. And you MADAM are definitely a MAGAt at best. Which is the worst of humanity, there is no place in America or the LGBTQ+ community for your kind

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1 hour ago, PupLucca said:

Using old youtube videos to try and make your point just make you look stupid. People grow and evolve and change their minds and that's the wonderful thing about liberals and progressives we are always advancing becoming better humans. Whereas conservatives are stuck in the past and wish slavery, witch burnings, concentration camps  and their right to destroy what they fear was still allowed and try to bring back with every hateful bill they pass

Not to butt in too rudely (who am I kidding? real Americans [people born and raised in these backwards USA states] will always tell me I'm rude) - you are correct that American "progressives" CAN change their minds and advance, etc.  Also these two videos had comments from people who were seeking to maximize their votes - not to present the truth of their positions (although one did present the truth of where they were at the time the interview was made).   The videos document the positions at the time that they thought were relatively safe that could support their vote maximization.   They document either creeping liberalization (the standard D position since after Dukakis - infinite "progressive" incrementalism) or as we see with Desantis and his ilk a radical revitalization of historic US fascism ("we will dictate what *THOSE PEOPLE* can do and how they can live, if at all").

The problem is that the USA is a truly fascist society culturally.  The standard go-to positions have historically been fully fascist and based directly on a standard nationalist racial and religious dogma that could not be questioned during the lifetime that a person was born into.  This dogma did change historically very slightly by region or was modified somewhat by region although until recently the anti-Queer dogma was totally exempt from that (even then there were some historic differences in the USA).  

True leaders in a true democracy could have presented their actual views (I'm looking at you Madam Secretary, and to a lesser extent former Senator from Illinois since he is credited with being the single greatest orator in recent US history) but the US tends to not produce true leaders, at least to political office because their ideas tend to reflect outsider positions for close to their entire lifetime (there are some exceptions but not many beyond local office - Harvey Milk is an example here).

If US progressives step of of line, they tend to be punished (John Kerry is a good example and his positions were barely progressive - to some extent Hillary Clinton is also an example but this is more complex as she was scrupulous to NOT step out of line in any way and she was still savaged, although she won the 2016 popular vote).

Your point about USA conservatives is fully on point.  Most of them are very solidly in the full-blown Nazi wing of this subtle fascist cultural context that most Americans swim in mentally.  An example here is the fact that only 41% of R's consider LGBTQ marriage to be moral - a decline amongst R's from 56% just one year ago (there was also a decline with D's - overall this stigmatization has resulted in a decline in the view that LGBTQ marriage is "moral" from 71% to 64% - I'm sure some are planning camps as I type). 


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On 4/13/2016 at 10:22 AM, PozSlime said:

Why do conservatives/Republicans hate gay people in America? I've heard conservative Americans actually admit they want to kill all gay people.

Because they are the inheritors of an active fascist culture historically which is based on a particular religious and social interpretation and which was explicitly racist and homophobic, resulting in a social hierarchy that supported those interpretations.  The conservative/R flag-bearers are actually fully Nazi at least on LGBTQ positions.   This active fascist culture *HAS* been changing slowly over time, mostly after the 1950's (wrt racism) and after around 1983 wrt LGBTQ issues.  The active fascist culture is in conflict with the highest ideals of the US and often with it's laws (which was why racism could be legally confronted and to a lesser extent why LGBTQ issues could also be confronted over time) and is in conflict with at least 1/3 of the population which harbors somewhat or actual progressive positions. 

Edited by fuckholedc
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14 hours ago, fuckholedc said:

Not to butt in too rudely (who am I kidding? real Americans [people born and raised in these backwards USA states] will always tell me I'm rude) - you are correct that American "progressives" CAN change their minds and advance, etc.  Also these two videos had comments from people who were seeking to maximize their votes - not to present the truth of their positions (although one did present the truth of where they were at the time the interview was made).   The videos document the positions at the time that they thought were relatively safe that could support their vote maximization.   They document either creeping liberalization (the standard D position since after Dukakis - infinite "progressive" incrementalism) or as we see with Desantis and his ilk a radical revitalization of historic US fascism ("we will dictate what *THOSE PEOPLE* can do and how they can live, if at all").

The problem is that the USA is a truly fascist society culturally.  The standard go-to positions have historically been fully fascist and based directly on a standard nationalist racial and religious dogma that could not be questioned during the lifetime that a person was born into.  This dogma did change historically very slightly by region or was modified somewhat by region although until recently the anti-Queer dogma was totally exempt from that (even then there were some historic differences in the USA).  

True leaders in a true democracy could have presented their actual views (I'm looking at you Madam Secretary, and to a lesser extent former Senator from Illinois since he is credited with being the single greatest orator in recent US history) but the US tends to not produce true leaders, at least to political office because their ideas tend to reflect outsider positions for close to their entire lifetime (there are some exceptions but not many beyond local office - Harvey Milk is an example here).

If US progressives step of of line, they tend to be punished (John Kerry is a good example and his positions were barely progressive - to some extent Hillary Clinton is also an example but this is more complex as she was scrupulous to NOT step out of line in any way and she was still savaged, although she won the 2016 popular vote).

Your point about USA conservatives is fully on point.  Most of them are very solidly in the full-blown Nazi wing of this subtle fascist cultural context that most Americans swim in mentally.  An example here is the fact that only 41% of R's consider LGBTQ marriage to be moral - a decline amongst R's from 56% just one year ago (there was also a decline with D's - overall this stigmatization has resulted in a decline in the view that LGBTQ marriage is "moral" from 71% to 64% - I'm sure some are planning camps as I type). 


I don't think you were rude at all. In fact I kind of agree with you to a point.  The American left is actually center right compared to Europe and YES the republicans have gone full blown Nazi and that started with Nixon, Reagan brought in the religious right nutjobs. But WE have always been here and always will be. I mean hell We are GODS chosen people and were treated as such in the past. But unfortunately most of us have forgotten that. And the younger LGBTQ+ don't seem to know their history 

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20 hours ago, PupLucca said:

You aren't transphobic for not wanting to date or have sex with a trans person. But, you are transphobic if you don't stand up for their right to exist and be treated just as equally as we want to be treated.  Also, democrats are not into anything "weird"  involving children. Parents who decide to take their kids to drag queen story time are making a conscious choice to  educate and entertain their children and expose them to other cultures and  diversity.  there is nothing sexual about drag story time. and while we're at it a parent being supportive of their non-binary or trans child is not perverse or weird either that's being a good parent.  No one can have gender reassignment surgery until age 18 anyway. And before that there are many hoops to jump through o even have surgery.

Seeing six year old's at draq queen shows and other adult-centered gay venues or events is WEIRD TO ME!


I kind of prefer the old days when gay bars, clubs, parties and events were attended by ADULT GAY MEN (w/penises).

I DO NOT feel comfortable in these settings where minors are present. However, I understand that feels normal to some.

These are my PERSONAL reflections and in no way intends to take away rights from any group. I support their right to assemble where and with whom they choose as well everyone's right to exist and self-identify. 

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1 hour ago, topblkmale said:

Seeing six year old's at draq queen shows and other adult-centered gay venues or events is WEIRD TO ME!

It seems to me that you're taking a very narrow view of what drag queens do.

Yes, they can be part of an evening of raunchy entertainment for adults. They can put on shows in gay bars. Young kids don't belong at those sorts of things (and nearly everyone with half a brain pretty much agrees on that).

But drag queens can also do other things. They can read stories to children at libraries. They can host gay Bingo fundraisers (without suggestive content) in fire halls. They can be fabulous in Fourth of July parades.

The intention of the laws being enacted in Florida and other places is an effective ban on ALL of these things. The promoters of the laws say it is "only to protect the children", but it is patently obvious that they are flat-out lying about that.

Case in point, the county council of a county near me in WV just passed such a law about drag shows specifically. How do we know what their intent was? There was only ONE drag show regularly taking place in that county, and it did NOT feature adult content. I heard from a source I trust that in this case, the president of the county council (promoter of the legislation) also had a vendetta against the owner of the venue where the drag show was taking place.

^^^ THIS ^^^

is why we need to stand up to these kinds of things.

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