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Why Do Republicans Hate Gay People?


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To the original question, folks who grow up to become R's have often been subject to indoctrination in various cultural repressions.  Organized Religion, cultural hatreds, on and on, and they tend to resent those who reject those repressive institutions out of hand. 

They caved, and resent those who haven't.  Our freedom to be free is a direct threat to those who have thrown in the cultural towel and surrendered.  

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On BZ, there's room for all kinds of discussions. and this particular thread is entitled LGBT Politics. The comprehensive inclusion of all kinds of subject matter is a big reason a lot of us enjoy it, in that exchanging viewpoints is always a good thing.  

There are plenty of threads I don't follow or read at all, since they don't interest me.  Maybe you could "follow" the threads you enjoy, and "unfollow" those you don't.  Problem solved !!

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1 hour ago, Chris42 said:

This was the one site I was hoping wouldn't get political. Both sides fucking suck.

Its the sad reality of our lives in the US and other western societies. One can no longer be around any family, friends or co-workers without hearing mindless, endless political 'discussions'.

(I just nod in agreement and politely change with subject)

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If you wonder where a political group stands then look at their written agenda. Which can be found on any of their websites. The Republicans as stated on their national website is against anyone or anything relating to LGBTQ etc. So it doesn't matter what anyone says or if there is a "Log Cabin Republican Party." 

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1 hour ago, Justaholeff said:

If you wonder where a political group stands then look at their written agenda. Which can be found on any of their websites. The Republicans as stated on their national website is against anyone or anything relating to LGBTQ etc. So it doesn't matter what anyone says or if there is a "Log Cabin Republican Party." 

The Log Cabin Republicans are selfhating gays!

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11 hours ago, topblkmale said:

Its the sad reality of our lives in the US and other western societies. One can no longer be around any family, friends or co-workers without hearing mindless, endless political 'discussions'.

(I just nod in agreement and politely change with subject)

Honestly I believe this squelching of political conversation is a big part of our social disarray.  While avoiding such conversations are the comfortable path, it isn't one that opens up our critical thinking to other points of view.  

I think we need more healthy conversations about the diverse political (actually social "arbitrated" by political) views.  We've isolated ourselves and become afraid of even angry words (when perhaps bullets might be a wiser fear to hold).  

This whole thread titled "why to Republicans hate gay people?" has to be a social/political discussion by its very title.  If one is reading this "tired of the political debate" then why are you following this thread at all?  Honestly I am glad you are!  

In truth Republicans don't hate gay people.  That is the popular view perhaps, but it would be incorrect.  And certainly when we pay attention to the wing tips like Ted Cruz, MTG, Jim J I can understand why one might think that.  What we're not paying attention to are the quiet Republicans.  I would hope we seek them out more.  

For myself, I am not a member of any party.  Neither of the two noisy ones are a significant cause of our social polarization.  The quiet ones are too quiet.  And it is uncomfortably popular to hold the view "I don't like political discussion".  

Each of us can make a difference just by participating with rational, fact based dialogue about social matters.  

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2 hours ago, JimInWisc said:

Honestly I believe this squelching of political conversation is a big part of our social disarray.  While avoiding such conversations are the comfortable path, it isn't one that opens up our critical thinking to other points of view.  

I think we need more healthy conversations about the diverse political (actually social "arbitrated" by political) views.  We've isolated ourselves and become afraid of even angry words (when perhaps bullets might be a wiser fear to hold).  

This whole thread titled "why to Republicans hate gay people?" has to be a social/political discussion by its very title.  If one is reading this "tired of the political debate" then why are you following this thread at all?  Honestly I am glad you are!  

In truth Republicans don't hate gay people.  That is the popular view perhaps, but it would be incorrect.  And certainly when we pay attention to the wing tips like Ted Cruz, MTG, Jim J I can understand why one might think that.  What we're not paying attention to are the quiet Republicans.  I would hope we seek them out more.  

For myself, I am not a member of any party.  Neither of the two noisy ones are a significant cause of our social polarization.  The quiet ones are too quiet.  And it is uncomfortably popular to hold the view "I don't like political discussion".  

Each of us can make a difference just by participating with rational, fact based dialogue about social matters.  

Quiet Republicans? Apparently you come from a very progressive community. Because where I grew up those "Quiet Republicans" were the first ones to banish their gay kids from their homes the minute they discovered they weren't going to be just like them; all while sitting in the front pews of their Jesus-loving churches extolling the good news. There was no discussion to be had with them. They are right, and you are wrong, and God is on their side. And if you know what is best for you, you keep your mouth shut, or suffer the consequences. Too many of us have lived through that and have no patience for it anymore. We know full well how much Republicans love gays.

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6 hours ago, JimInWisc said:


In truth Republicans don't hate gay people.  That is the popular view perhaps, but it would be incorrect.  And certainly when we pay attention to the wing tips like Ted Cruz, MTG, Jim J I can understand why one might think that.  What we're not paying attention to are the quiet Republicans.  I would hope we seek them out more.  


They do. Gym Jordan, MTG and Cruz are LEADERS of their party, particularly now with Kevin "The Dumbest Man In Congress" McCarthy as Speaker. They want us all dead and they're not shy about saying so. They've been running on anti-gay platforms for decades. In 2004 anti-gay rhetoric helped to get Dubya re-elected President. They are completely captured by the religious right, which has only gotten worse as the decades have gone by.

I've been out for 42 years this May and political winds have swung back and forth. But one thing  has been constant. The Republican Party has always been anti-gay my entire life, no matter what the Quislings like Log Cabin or idiots like Richard Grennell (or worse that douche Peter Thiel) say. 

Never, ever forget that the first time AIDS was asked about in the White House Briefing room (when Reagan was President) EVERYONE IN THE ROOM LAUGHED. You can find the video on YouTube.

They all (reporters and WH employees) thought it was hilarious that gay men were dying gruesome deaths. Some of them (Jesse Helms for example) said so outright, most just were quiet and ignored us, thinking we were all going to die. Some of us did not die. We fought back.

"Quiet" republicans are like "Never Trumpers." Small in number and uninfluential. Liz Cheney? She fucking has a lesbian sister and she still voted anti-gay. She scored a 21 out of 100 from HRC in 2021. That tells you everything you need to know. THEY ARE NOT ON OUR SIDE. The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but it's what we got. And I'd rather have Joe Biden on my side than Gym "Let's just ignore men being raped by the team doctor" Jordan, Marge, Bobo or Cancun Ted.

Edited by Sfmike64
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5 hours ago, SFCumdog said:

Too many of us have lived through that and have no patience for it anymore. We know full well how much Republicans love gays.

Well said.  If some of us hold the belief  (with exceptions here and there, of course), that  people who endorse and uphold repressive behavior against "the other" - which we certainly are - it comes from substantial experience, sometimes beginning before we even knew we were gay. 

I don't "hate" Republicans - I pity them.  They're trapped in a cycle of reaffirming their own personal worth by belittling others unlike them.  These people are cultural cyphers - there's nothing there.  As far as these folks looking down their long, narrow noses at me, I don't think rats have asses tiny enough to measure how much I couldn't care less. 

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Just now, evilqueerpig said:

I could NEVER be aligned with a group who despises my very existence.

You’re generalizing the whole right as anti gay. That is not a fair assumption. Yes the believers in the right do for the most part not like the gay community but this also occurs in the left, albeit at a lesser rate but still a significant number. So it’s not fair to take a group that truly does support us such as the Log Cabin Republicans and label them as self hating gays just because the are on the right.

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